A Sapphic’s Guide to Kink, Part 1: Mistress Mira’s Toy Chest (FF Lesdom, Bondage)

A Sapphic’s Guide to Kink

Part 1: Mistress Mira’s Toy Chest

Allison sits at the edge of the brown leather chair that she had always admired. Her girlfriend, Mira, had the most luxurious furniture. She should- She is a professional interior designer, after all. Her fingers nervously drum on her knee caps, as she awaits Mira’s re entrance to the living room. She swallows hard and blinks a few times, before seeing Mira emerge from her room.

Her now scantily clad girlfriend takes her breath away. Her eyes are fixated on a deliciously designed red corset, featuring roses and vines. It half reminded Allison of her grandmother’s couch, but it was glamorous and sexual, instead of ragged and burnt from far too many cigarettes being put out on it.

Allison also spies long, shiny boots, ending in pump heels. The laces go all the way up to Mira’s knees, and a dark layer of fabric covering her thighs up to a teeny, tiny black microskirt.

Allison swallows again. Her hoodie and jeans make her feel underdressed, and she almost covers herself up, ashamed to look at Mira.

Along with Mira comes a trunk, being half dragged, half wheeled through the living room. After Mira shakes her ass in front of Allison, she spins around, pushing the trunk out so that the opening is facing Allison.

“Well,” she says. “This is it! Like what you see?”

Allison doesn’t know exactly what to say. “Well… I mean you do look absolutely intoxicating, but… I’m not sure where we go from here. Do we like… Fuck on the trunk there or…”

Mira cackles. “Good lord, no! I’ve laid on that thing incidentally, and damn, those edges hurt. So no, we won’t be fucking on it, sweetness. I have plans for what’s inside the trunk.”

Allison pauses, then nods. “Gotcha. I mean, when you said, ‘Hey you big gay, I’ve got something super hot to show you,’ I thought you just meant your tits in a really nice bra. Which, by the way, is that off the table completely now? I’m not opposed to it if you still want to show me…”

Mira rolls her eyes, then struts her way to Allison. She shoves her girlfriend’s hands off of her knees, places hers there, and looks Allison right in the eye. She winks, then locks her lips with her girlfriend. She slips her tongue in, tracing along Allison’s gumline.

Allison shivers and starts taking off her sweatshirt. She kisses Kira back, leaning into the kiss. She kisses a few more times, before taking off her shirt, and laughing. She begins to unhook her bra, but Mira stops her.

“Not yet, my dearest sweetness,” Mira says. She puts a finger against Allison’s lips, and begins to fondle her left breast. She squeezes and massages around, watching as Allison closes her eyes and smiles, exhaling quickly. Mira’s unsure if it’s nervous or excited, but Allison knows it’s a little bit of both.

After catching her breath, Allison leans back into the chair. “O-Okay… So what is it you want to show me?”

Mira stands back up, then spins around, waltzing back to the chest, and unlatching it. She motions for Allison to come to her, waiting for her curious girlfriend to join her.

Allison kneels next to Mira. As Mira is opening it, Allison throws her hand on the lid, slamming it down. Mira’s caught off guard, and shoots a concerned look her way.

“Okay, ground rules here,” Allison says. “If you’re about to show me a dead body, I’m gonna run away, I don’t care that my tits are hanging out. On the other hand, if you’re going to show me like a bunch of illegal weapons, I’m also gonna be pretty pissed.”

Mira laughs. “No, no, neither of those things, dear!”

“Illegal drugs?”

Mira rolls her eyes. “Can I just open the damn chest? Or are you going to guess every weird thing you can think of?”

Allison pulls her hand away, then shifts her eyes to the chest. She watches as the lid flips open, and her eyes widen at the content.

Her eyes dart between rope rolled and tied up neatly, a few sets of fuzzy handcuffs, dildos of various colors, sizes, and shapes, paddles and floggers- She leans back against the chair after a few seconds.

“Babe? Are you okay? If this is too much for you, I can just-” Mira begins.

“What is all of that?” Allison asks.

Mira scoots over to her girlfriend, and grips her hand. She lightly traces her thumb over her knuckles, and tilts her face so that they’re looking eye to eye.

“Babe, I love you so much. You know that, right?” she says. Allison nods sheepishly. “Good. I’m showing you this because I want you to know this about me. We’ve been going out for, what… 9 months now? And don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with you, I love the sex we have, but… It’s not quite enough for me.”

“And this is all…” Allison begins. Before she finishes her eyes dart back to the chest.

“This is my collection of fetish gear. Have you heard of BDSM?”

Allison’s eyes shift upwards, shifting from side to side, as she did a mental search of the four letters just thrown at her. “Wasn’t there, like, a CSI episode on it once?”

Mira raises her eyebrow. “Is that your only experience with it? Like… Not even 50 Shades of Grey?”

Allison blushes and shakes her head. “I’ll be honest, Mira… I don’t know anything about it.”

“Hmm…” Mira says. She leans against the chair with Allison, working through exactly how to explain the topic with her clueless girlfriend. She rubs Allison’s knuckles as she pieces together her thoughts. “Okay, so… You know how on our second date, you let me decide what you got for dinner?”

Allison nods. “Yeah… You said you knew the place better than I did so, I figured, hell, why not?”
“Mhmm, and then when you invited me up to your place, I pushed you into the couch and made out with you for a really, really long time?” Mira watches as Allison nods, her eyes still locked on the chest. “So, that’s not the best example, but you realize how I took control, right? For you, it was just that I knew what I wanted, it was that I was confident, I was sure that I would make you happy. For me… I was getting off on the power you gave to me.”

Allison finally looks away from the chest. “Power?” she asks.

“Right, you let me take control over you. That’s what BDSM is about, it’s about the exchange of power from one person to another. In BDSM, there are dominants, and submissives. I consider myself a dominant, so for me, I love it when I get to take power away from my partners.”

“Take power away? So is that what the rope is for?”

Mira smiles and kisses Allison. She reaches into the trunk and grabs a soft, silvery rope. She unwinds it a bit, and presses it against Allison’s arm. “You’re smarter than you think, darling. Yes, the rope is for taking away power. Bondage, it’s called. It can be used on a number of body parts, from your arms, to your legs… Or your gorgeous tits… Or that delicious pussy of yours…”

Allison swallows again. She feels the hair on her arm stand at attention. The tone Mira uses makes her heart quicken, even if she’s unsure of the words she’s saying. She knew Mira was using her words delicately, picking out the sweetest words that had the most sting.

“So what if I say yes?” Allison asks. She’s almost caught off guard herself, as if she wasn’t expecting to say that. “Do you have a plan for me? How long does this last?”

Mira smirks. “Yes, dear. I have a lovely plan in mind for you. And I don’t know how long it will last. It all depends. I know that you and I have trouble keeping our hands off of each other, so it could be anywhere from… Oh… 45 minutes to maybe two and a half hours. Assuming you don’t safeword out, which is totally okay!”

“Safeword?” Allison asks. “Like how when we went to your family reunion you made me say ‘dragon fruit smoothie’ if I wanted to leave?”

“Exactly!” Mira says. “See, I’ve been peppering kink into our life without you even noticing it!!”

Allison lets out a breath she didn’t even really know she had been holding. Mira has started tracing her fingers up and down her forearm. Allison lays back into her girlfriend, relaxing, allowing her breath to slow down.

“So, sweetie?” Mira asks. “Will you let me play with you?”

Allison looks at Mira. Her eyes are narrowed into a devilish, sexually charged gaze. She catches her tongue flicking across her lips, which sends waves up Allison’s back. Before she even realizes what she’s doing, Allison has nodded, and feels Mira leap on top of her. She squeals in excitement, then lays a few quick pecks across Allison’s forehead.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!!”

Faster than Allison has realized, Mira has unwound the silvery rope, and is explaining the basics of rope play. The words fly over Allison’s head, but she nods, so as not to make Mira think she’s lost interest.

However, Mira notices that Allison seems overwhelmed, and chuckles.

“Maybe you’d learn better from experience?”

Allison nods, and before she knows it, Mira has her stand up, takes off her bra, and pulls her arms behind her back. She feels the rope wrap around her wrists, before it travels up her arms, and is finally tied just below her shoulders.

Mira walks in front of Allison, an enormous grin on her face. “Soooo… How do you feel?!”

Allison fidgets a little bit. “Um… I mean, exposed, that’s for sure…”

Mira laughs. “Good! That’s the point… Slut.”

Allison feels her pussy clench at the last word. Being restrained and teased made her feel something, but she wasn’t able to put her finger on what it was. It did, however, feel *really* fucking good.

“Sorry, is that too much for you? I don’t have to do degradation, it’s a bit-”

“No, it’s good!” Allison cuts in. She feels her face flush with embarrassment, but an evil grin quickly spreads across Mira’s face.

“Oh? Did it feel good when I called you a slut? What if I called you a whore? A bitch? Hmm?” Mira asks. She slowly approaches Allison, carefully strutting forward on her heels. She dips her hand into Allison’s jeans, rubbing her clit over her panties. She travels further down, letting out a sarcastic gasp. “My my my, you’re just so wet down there, my darling. Are you sure you’ve never heard of kink before? Never had fleeting fantasies of a pretty lady tying you down, having her way with you? Or maybe all this excitement with the rope has really gotten to you already…”
Allison lets out her own gasp, and starts grinding her pussy into Mira’s fingers. She realizes how good it feels, to be out of control, and the way those fingers feel against her pussy…

But Mira pulls her fingers out of Allison’s pants, leaving Allison grinding into nothing. The newbie lets out a disappointed sigh, which Mira catches. She trails her fingers up Allison’s naked stomach, in between her perky breasts, and up to Allison’s chin.

“There, there, my little submissive slut. You’ll get more of that, if you behave. You’re going to have to learn to live by my rules now.”

Allison steps forward, pushing her body into her girlfriend’s. She’s not sure why she does this, but it feels safe, it feels warm. “R-Rules?” she asks sheepishly.

Mira nods, pulling her hand away from Allison’s chin and gripping her long hair, tugging gently. “Now, I know this part will be hard for you… But you’re going to have to learn a bit about delayed gratification, bitch. I’ve seen the way you act in bed… You’re so greedy, the way you grind your pussy into my fingers, or my leg. It’s pathetic, honestly. Cute, but pathetic. But now that I’ve got you right where I want you, I’m going to teach you all about those magical words, ‘delayed gratification.’ And you’re going to learn to love them.”

Allison looks at Mira with concern. “What do you mean by that? Like I cum later?”

Mira rolls her eyes. “Goodness gracious, that’s such a submissive question. ‘When do I get to cum?’ ‘Can I cum now?’ ‘Oh please Mistress Mira, may I pretty please with sugar on top cum?’” she taunts. “Babe, I know you really really love cumming, but when we’re playing like this, I might not always let you cum. You have to learn that my pleasure, and your service to me, is what’s most important. Your sexual satisfaction is not the focus. It’s all… about… me…”

As Mira lets the last words fall off her tongue, she traces light circles around Allison’s hard nipples. Allison’s breathing speeds up a little bit, and she winces as Mira flicks her left nipple all of a sudden. She giggles lightly, then starts massaging Allison’s breast.

“Oh, I’m sorry, darling, did I catch you off guard with that?” she asks. Allison nods lightly. “I’m so sorry, love. I won’t do it again, I promise. But now is a great time to establish a safeword, okay?”

Allison blinks a few times, as if waking up from a dream. “Oh, uh, yeah, okay. Dragon Fruit Smoothie?”

“Well, let’s just try something easy at first. Let’s use the traffic light system, okay? Green is for, ‘Everything’s great, let’s keep going,’ yellow is for ‘Ehh, getting a little less cool with this, pull back please,’ and red is for ‘Nope, that’s it, no more, stop, let’s talk.’ Does that all make sense?” Mira explains.

Allison nods very quickly. “Yeah, that sounds great.”

“So… where are we at?” Mira asks.


A devilish smile spreads across Mira’s face. Her gentle massaging stops, and she lets go of Allison’s breast. She puts her hand inside of Allison’s jeans, and pulls her in close. “Good slut. Now, get on your fucking knees.”

Allison’s eyes widen, and she feels Mira’s other hand on her shoulder, starting to push her down. Without much of a fight, Allison collapses to her knees, finding herself staring directly at Mira’s crotch. She attempts to pull down the rubbery skirt, but finds herself struggling against the ropes. She looks down, hoping to hide the fact that she had begun blushing.

It’s too late, however. Mira laughs. “Oh, did you get so excited to be down on your knees ready to service me, that you forgot I had tied your hands behind your back?”

Allison grumbles out a response, but Mira doesn’t hear all of it. “Excuse me, slut? What did you say?”

Allison swallows and looks up. “N-Nothing, Mira.”

A hand grips Allison’s chin. “Speak up, bitch. You said something, and you’re going to repeat it.”

Allison’s eyes once again widen. “Erm, well… All I said was, ‘I don’t know how I’m supposed to get your pants off, then.’ That’s all…”

“See? That wasn’t so hard, now was it?” Mira asks.

“No,” Allison says.

“No, what?” Mira asks. She taps Allison’s chin, waiting for a response. “Aren’t you forgetting something, my darling submissive?”

“No… Mira?” Allison says, though it’s more of a question than a statement.

The tapping stops. Mira sighs. “Hmm. I had hoped you would have been more observant. I say it once, and you didn’t pick up on it. You’re brighter than that, bitch.”

Allison looks away from Mira for a moment. She scans through the last few minutes of their conversation as best as she can. *Servicing Mira… Safe words… Submission and cumming…*

Allison quickly looks back at Mira, her head tilting like a curious puppy.


Mira nods with a smile. “Yes. While we’re playing, you’re to call me, ‘Mistress’ or ‘Mistress Mira.’ Not M. Not Mira. You’re going to show me respect as your dominant. Make sense?”

Allison’s chest warms up a bit. She nods with a grin on her face, and feels Mira gently pat her head.

“Good girl,” Mira says.

Allison’s heart skips a beat. Once again, her pussy clenches, and this time, she can feel her panties get wet. She feels some sort of comfort that she hadn’t felt before, and the warmth from before spreads out to her entire torso. It even extends to her throat and her head, making her feel a little bit dizzy. She can’t quite explain what that feeling was exactly, but she knew she needed more.

“T-Thank you, Mistress Mira,” she says. The words feel so good coming off her lips, and she feels her heart start to beat faster. Her breathing speeds up as well, and once again, she finds herself fighting against the rope. More than ever before, she needs to touch her pussy, she needs to run circles across her slit. Each time she fights against the rope, however, she feels a mix of excitement and disappointment. Her pussy aches for her touch, but the more she can’t touch it, the more she needs to.

Mira moves her hand back down to Allison’s chin, and traces her lips with her thumb. Without thinking, Allison kisses her thumb, then starts sucking on it, and closes her eyes to focus only on that. She makes a few satisfied moans, before the thumb is pulled from her mouth, and her attention is broken.

Mira chuckles. “I think you know more than you’re letting onto, slut.”

Allison tilts her head again. “What? Why?”

“You’re just so immediately submissive. It takes some beginners a while to get into the role, but… You’re just down there, enjoying yourself, like this is something you’ve been aching for me to do to you.”

Allison blushes and looks down. “I mean… I dunno… Like I’ve kind of known you to take the lead before in sex but like… This makes my brain feel foggy and kind of dizzy and… I dunno, it just feels really fucking good…”

Mira laughs and runs her fingers through Allison’s hair. “This feels even better than I thought it would, darling! You’re just acting so sweet and submissive for me tonight… I should have done this months ago!”

Allison keeps blushing, but she smiles and nuzzles against Mira’s thigh.

“Now, dearest… Are you ready to make me very happy?” Mira asks. Allison looks up at her with pleading eyes. Mira pushes Allison’s face off of her thigh, and holds her steady in front of her skin tight skirt.

“You’re going to make me cum, slut.”

Allison looks up at Mira, and nods. “Thank you, Mistress Mira,” she says. She feels her heart flutter a bit as she says it.

However, she’s unsure how she’ll actually get to Mira’s pussy. The skin tight skirt creates a bit of a barrier, and without her hands to help, she seems to be stuck, unless Mira decides to help her.

“What are you waiting for, slut?” Mira asks. “We don’t have all day here. And as much as I love seeing you on your knees, I really would like to feel that precious tongue of yours sliding up and down my slit.”

“Um… Mistress Mira, are you going to pull down your skirt?” Allison asks.

Mira sighs and shakes her head. “No. You’re going to pull them off with your teeth. If you want to service me, you have to work for it.”

Allison nervously looks around, feeling a little embarrassed at her question. She swallows again, and then looks at Mira’s crotch once more. She approaches it with her teeth, and starts to tug at the waistband. It provides a fair amount of resistance, and she feels her blush form again. Just as she’s pulling, she feels the waistband slip out from her grasp, and snap against her partner’s stomach.

“Ouch!” Mira lets out.

Allison shivers and starts to panic. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Mira- I mean, Mistress Mira, I just-”

Mira puts her hand on Allison’s head, and tilts it back so that she can see her eyes. She sighs, and shakes her head. “Come on now, darling. Don’t play dumb. Do better, or I’ll just have to get off on my own. I could make you watch, but I don’t think you want to do that, now do you?”

Allison quickly shakes her head. “No, no, please Mir-”

Mira covers Allison’s mouth. “Now, now. I let the first one slide. You’re a bit flustered, and you’re new at this. But if you call me Mira one more time, there will be consequences, understood?”

Allison nods.

Mira’s face softens. “Good. Are we still green, sweetheart?”

Allison nods again. She feels the hand lift from her lips. “Yes, Mistress Mira. I’m still okay.”

“Good. Now, let’s take a few deep breaths together, okay?” Mira says.

Allison nods, and listens as Mira breathes in. She does the same, following at the same time and pace as her lover. She closes her eyes, and feels Mira’s hand caress the side of her face.

“Okay. Ready to go back into the scene?” Mira asks.

“Scene? Oh you mean-”


“Yes, Mistress Mira.”

The sexual look returns to Mira’s eyes. She stands straight up again, and taps her finger against the side of her skirt.

Allison looks at where her finger is tapping, and notices something that she didn’t see before. It was a zipper.

“O-Oh,” Mira says plainly. She grabs at the zipper with her teeth, pulling it down with ease, and feeling like an idiot for her previous attempt.

“There you go,” Mira says. “That’s my good girl. I knew you were smart.”

That fluttery, warm feeling returns to Allison’s chest, and her head fills only with the need to please Mira. She watches as the skirt falls to the floor, and eagerly gazes at Mira’s pussy.

Her eyes are enchanted by a beautiful, green, lacy g-string covering her slit. It glistens with excitement. She sees the fabric struggle to cover Mira’s clit piercing, the two shining studs trying to break out from their containment. The scent excites Allison further. She can barely contain herself, and nearly shoves her face into Mira’s crotch.

Before she can get anywhere, she’s stopped. She opens her eyes to find Mira’s finger on her nose.

“I know you want to dive right in, dearest. But I want to feel good. Take your time, love,” Mira says. Allison nods, and once she’s let go, she proceeds slightly forward, and sticks her tongue out.

She delicately licks up Mira’s slit, relishing in the chance to lick the gorgeous pussy. Even though she can’t feel it in hers, she imagines the same movements going across her own pussy. She reaches the top of Mira’s pussy, and swirls her tongue around her clit. As she pulls her tongue away, she sweetly kisses the clit, gently sucking on it as she gets the chance.

Mira is thrilled. Her thighs shiver, and she starts running her fingers through Allison’s hair. “Fuck, that feels good… You’ve always been good with your tongue, but fuck… It just feels better with you like this.”

Allison pulls away, and laughs softly. “Thank you, Mistress Mira.”

She shifts on the ground, and only then realizes how drenched her underwear is. The tingling feeling has only gotten stronger, and she desperately craves someone’s touch against her pussy. She doesn’t even need to cum, she just wants to feel it.

She begins to fidget, but feels Mira grab the back of her head. “Get back to work, slut.”

Allison nods and moves forward, and begins tracing her tongue up and down Mira’s pussy lips again. She slips her tongue under the fabric of the g-string, and pushes it aside, then starts to tongue the beautiful pink pussy in front of her.

Her tongue lingers in Mira’s pussy, before working around inside of it, and then sliding up and down the inside lips. Her breath comes hot on Mira’s pussy, and Allison relishes every second she’s allowed to taste her lover’s pussy.

Unfortunately, she’s unable to take the tingling sensation in her own pussy for much longer, and slowly pulls back. Her breath is short and desperate, and she tries to push her thighs together hard enough that just maybe she’ll get some relief.

“Allison? Why did you stop, dearest?” Mira asks.

“Sorry Mistress, but I can’t focus… My pussy is throbbing. Please, can I touch myself? Just with one hand?”

Mira sighs. She steps back, shaking her head and clicking her tongue. She takes her middle finger, and drags it along her wet, slippery slit, collecting a mixture of her own juices and Allison’s saliva. She circles around her clit, making a mocking moan, before putting her finger in her mouth, and sucking on it, moving it back and forth in her mouth.

Allison’s heart races, watching her lover enjoy herself without her. She continues this show for several minutes. Several long, agonizing minutes of showing off her calculated, sensual, taunting movements, as if she’s bragging to Allison.

Finally, she opens her mouth, and utters one word. “Delicious.”

Allison whimpers weakly. She looks down at her crotch, wishing that she could psychically stimulate herself.

Finally, Mira makes her way over to Allison. She sinks town to Allison’s eye level, and tilts her head upwards. The pair lock eyes.

“Honestly, slut… You can’t stop thinking about yourself for ten minutes? And you were doing such a nice job, too. ‘I can’t focus, please let me pleasure myself!’” Mira taunts. She traces the back of her finger against Allison’s jeans, circling where her clit would be. Allison can just barely feel it, but of course, it’s not enough. She does her best to push against the finger, but Mira quickly pulls away.

“Oh so desperate… So pathetic… So easy to taunt, to manipulate, and so fun to do it to,” Mira says. Allison hasn’t stopped looking into her eyes, but Mira watches the slow, dull circles she draws on the denim. “You’d do anything for me to push a little harder, wouldn’t you? Or better yet, to reach in and start rubbing that aching pussy of yours. I bet you’d cum in a matter of seconds, wouldn’t you? I bet if I just started flicking away at that clit of yours, you’d be in a puddle before you even realized it.”

“Please Mistress…” Allison pleads.

“Please what? Please let you cum? Please just forget about my pleasure and focus entirely on making you cum? That’s just a little bit selfish of you, don’t you think?” Mira says. She stops moving against Allison’s jeans. She pulls her hand away, and starts to slowly finger herself. She makes a series of exaggerated sexual faces, loudly, obnoxiously moaning like a woman in a porn video.

Allison looks away and grumbles something, which Mira doesn’t hear. She pulls her fingers out and starts laughing, before putting her wet fingers into Allison’s mouth.

She shifts Allison’s face so that they’re face to face once more.

“Look, sweetie. I know you really, really, really want to cum right now. But the whole point of the ropes, and you not being fully naked… It’s about you having to put aside your pleasure for mine. When you’re on your knees, I want only thoughts of servicing me to fill that cute little brain of yours. I know it’s frustrating, not to get what you want, but I promise you, it’s so much better for your Mistress to cum all over your face, and for you to take pleasure in knowing that you did that!”

Allison nods, sucking on Mira’s fingers. They taste so good.

“So, I’ll make you a deal, alright?” Mira asks.

Allison nods quickly, and her grip on Mira’s fingers tightens.

Mira smiles. “Good slut. Now, because this is your first time, I’m willing to… cheat with you a little bit. I’m going to play with myself a little bit, make you watch. You’ll watch, and you’ll beg, and you’ll realize just what you’re missing out on. If you can convince me that you deserve to get back to my pussy, I’ll let you go back to it. And then, if you can make me cum… I’ll let you cum. One night only kind of deal, okay?”

Mira pulls her fingers out of Allison’s mouth, and Allison nods enthusiastically. “Yes, yes please, Mistress Mira!”

Mira smiles. “That’s my good bitch.”

Mira kisses Allison, leans back. She sits on the floor, legs spread wide open, showing off her glistening pussy like a badge of pride.

“Please, can I go back to it?” Allison asks.

Mira laughs. “That was a very poor attempt at begging! And I haven’t even started yet. Don’t break the rules, or I might reconsider our deal. Understood?”

Allison opens her mouth, then closes it again. If she wanted to cum, she’d still have to play Mira’s games.

Which, despite previously knowing nothing about it, Allison was *very* into.

Mira looks at Allison with a smile, then takes the two fingers that she just had in Allison’s mouth, gives them a good, long lick, and drops them down to her pussy.

Allison watches as she gently massages her clit in small circles, taking deep, meaningful breaths along the way. She moves her third finger right on top of it, moving it back and forth carefully, slowly, sexually, before slipping her middle finger into her pussy.

Allison’s mouth runs dry. Her eyes are glued to the sight like being pulled magnetically. She watches as Mira slips another finger in. She starts fucking herself lightly, and starts to moan for real. Allison watches as the two polished fingernails slip in and out, shining more and more each time they come up for air. Allison sees Mira’s knees shake softly.

“P… Please Miss…” Allison begins.

Mira continues to finger fuck herself. She takes her pinky and stars rubbing up and down the area between her pussy studs. Her eyes roll back in pleasure, and her mouth opens wide. She moans more, breathing heavily.

“Please Mistress Mira… Please let me lick your pussy… I want it so badly…” Allison whimpers.

“Is that… the best… you can do?” Mira mocks, in between shallow, sexual breaths. She pauses to breathe, and Allison is hypnotized by the in and out of her stomach.

“Please Mistress Mira, may I please please *please* lick your pussy? I’ll be such a good girl, I promise,” Allison says.

Mira pulls her fingers out of her pussy, licking them off, before making small circles around her clit, and stopping. She bites her lip and closes her eyes, before letting out one deep moan. She moves her hand away from her pussy completely. Allison recognizes this movement, as Mira’s done it to her a few times: Mira had just edged.

“I love that feeling… Where you’re just balancing on that tightrope between masturbation and orgasm… It’s such a fucking good feeling,” Mira says. “You just wanna go back for round two, but you have to wait… It’s one of my favorite fucking parts of masturbation.”

Allison nods. “Mistress Mira, may I please lick your clit instead of watching you masturbate? Please?”

Mira drops her hand to her pussy, stroking up and down. She stares at Allison’s naked tits, thinking about squeezing them, slapping them, pinching her nipples, gently licking up and down…

Mira lifts her hand again. She has to fight the temptation to orgasm then and there, knowing that Allison would feel crushed. The thought of Allison’s defeated look is almost enough to push Mira over the edge alone.

Allison whimpers, and pushes against the ropes. “*Please*, Mistress! I want to be your good girl, I want to make you cum, please let me please you!”

After one long, deep breath, Mira smiles. Her heart pounds, and she knows that Allison won’t have to do much, but she’s played along very nicely. She can have this one.

Mira weakly stands up, and trots over to Allison. “Stand up for a second, slut,” she commands.

Allison nods, and awkwardly pulls her body up. She wobbles a little bit, struggling to hold her weight up, but Mira grabs her by the shoulders. Mira hears Allison inhale quickly.

“You’re a natural gay sub, aren’t you?” Mira laughs. She moves in for a kiss, grabbing Allison’s chin, and slipping her tongue in. She presses it against Allison’s tongue, before grabbing the back off Allison’s head and taking further control. Allison moans weakly, letting Mira circle the inside of her mouth with her tongue. Before long, Mira’s sucking on Allison’s tongue, and Allison has nearly collapsed into Mira’s commanding grip over her body.

Finally, Mira stops kissing Allison, before pulling both of her hands down to Allison’s jeans. She unbuttons them, wiggling them down just a little bit. Enough that she can see Allison’s pink panties, and the massive wet spot spreading across her crotch. She smiles, then guides Allison back down to her knees.

“Okay, slut,” she begins. “I’m going to cum all over your face. And, because I’m merciful and you’ve been such a good fuck toy for your first time, I’ll let you cum, like we agreed.”

Mira shifts her leg forward. She sticks it in between Allison’s legs, stepping on the front of her pants, pushing them down further. “I’ll let you grind and hump and rub that subby little mind of yours away on my boot. The only rule is that I get to cum first. And after that, you have to hump nonstop while I count down to zero. Does that all make sense?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Allison says. She eagerly mounts the shiny boot.

“Still green?” Mira asks, gently petting Allison’s hair.

“Yes, Mistress, still green,” Allison says with a smile.

“Good slut,” Mira says. She grips the back of Allison’s head, then pushes it forward into her crotch.

Allison immediately gets to work, sucking on Mira’s clit almost immediately. She finds it slightly harder to focus this time, since she’s also working on humping Mira’s leg.

“Remember your goal here, slut,” Mira reminds her. Allison nods, slowing down with her humping, and licking up and down Mira’s slit more urgently.

*I can focus like this, I can focus like this…* Allison tells herself. Her brain feels so foggy, her heart racing, and her mind flooded with thoughts of Mira commanding her.

Allison slips her tongue in between Mira’s pussy lips, licking all the way up to her clit, where she makes meticulous circles, before sucking once again.

Mira’s heart pounds again, her breathing out of control. She does her best to keep her grip on Allison’s head from getting too tight, but she can barely control that, too. Allison makes another long, deep lick between Mira’s pussy lips, before wiggling her tongue back and forth between her studs, and finally, sucking softly and sweetly on Mira’s clit.

Mira can’t hold on anymore. She moans loudly, and sucks in quickly. She feels her pussy clench, then loosening, then clenching again. Her legs shake, she hunches over, closing her eyes and starting to rub back against Allison’s pussy on her legs. She bites her lip, letting wave after wave after wave of pleasure hit her. Her muscles can barely hold her up anymore.

“Okay… fuck… okay, good… good girl, Allison…” she lets out. She breathes a few times, trying to collect her own thoughts, as Allison continues to eagerly hump her leg.

“Alright, bitch… You can only cum… When I reach zero, got it?” Mira says. Her mind is clearing, and her dominance is returning.

Allison nods. “Yes please, Mistress.”
“10…” Mira begins. She pulls Allison’s head up so that their eyes meet. The look of desperation in her eyes fills Mira with evil thoughts that she’ll have to remember for next time.

Allison closes her eyes as she rides Mira’s boot. Her sole focus is that boot, but she’s doing her best to avoid orgasming too early. She’s slightly afraid of what would happen if she did.

“9… 8…” Mira counts. Her fingers dance in Allison’s hair, tickling her scalp. She feels Allison’s breath on her thigh, hot and rushed. She watches as her boot glistens from Allison’s pussy juice spreading across it. “7…”

Allison’s heart feels like it could explode out of her chest at any moment. The numbers barely part fog clouds in her brain, and even with her eyes closed she still sees Mira’s wet pussy, almost pulsating against the back of her eyes.


Allison fights against the rope binding her arms. It feels so good to be trapped this way. The only thing she can do is hump away. It makes her feel small and weak, and she realizes how much she likes it.

“5… 4… 3…”

Mira starts to rub her clit again. She could nearly cum again from this. Her empty pussy throbs thinking about it. She sticks two fingers in, sliding them in and out at nearly the same speed as Allison grinds against her boot.

“2… 1…” Mira smiles. “Are you a good enough girl to cum, Allison? Have you been a good girl?”
The grinding has become agonizing. Allison looks up at Mira, opening her eyes. She tries her best not to look desperate, but fails miserably.

Mira’s heart skips a beat, seeing a glassy, doe eyed Allison, with a look that says, “If you let me cum, I’ll do everything you ask of me forever.” She pulls her fingers out of her pussy, and extends them towards Allison. Almost instinctively, she starts sucking on them, the look in her eyes becoming more subservient by the second.

“0… Good girl, Allison, you may cum, now.”

Allison finally lets go of the tension she had been holding in her stomach. She releases, cumming instantly. Her pussy spasms against the boot, and she nearly faints against Mira’s leg. Mira’s fingers slide out of her mouth, and as her head rests against Mira’s thigh, she feels drool roll from her mouth. Her heart keeps racing, and the fog in her head is thicker than ever before. She can’t focus, she can’t think. All she feels is pleasure. All she can think of is how good she feels. Her mind is flooded with this pleasure.

Mira quickly starts stroking Allison’s hair. She leans down, untying Allison’s arms. As she frees them, she wraps her arms around her girlfriend.

Allison’s panting slows down, and she hugs Mira tightly. “T-Thank you… M-M-Mistress,”

“Shhhh,” Mira says. “It’s alright, you’re okay.”

Mira stands Allison up with her, then sits down on the brown chair with her, her arms still wrapped tightly around her girlfriend.

Allison can barely put together words. Her heart is still racing, and the fog in her mind is still too thick to think properly. All she knows is that she feels good, and being held by Mira makes her feel even better.

“There’s one more very important part about BDSM, my sweetness,” Mira says. “It’s this, it’s called ‘Aftercare.’”

Allison nods softly. “What… What is it?” she asks weakly.

“Well, as a submissive, you’re going to be put through a lot, sweetie. Spankings, degradation, bondage, being a fuck toy…” Mira says. She takes a deep breath, having to calm herself down a little bit from all of that. “Aftercare is the part where I make sure you’re okay after everything that happened. So I’ll hold you… I’ll kiss your forehead… Tell you how much of a good girl you are…”
Mira kisses Allison’s forehead a few times, pulling her in closer. Allison’s chest warms up, and her breathing slows down. Her heart rate starts to slow down as well, and she sinks into Mira and the chair.

As Mira continues to kiss her and hold her, she continues to reassure her that everything is okay, and that it’s okay to be calm and feel safe now. This practice continues for longer than Allison can keep track of. Time feels like it stretched out, and she feels like her brain is still trying to reboot after the mind breaking orgasm she just had.

Without realizing it, she had closed her eyes. She opens them abruptly when she feels the chair recline, and the foot come up, leaving her laying down in Mira’s arms. She’s also surprised to find a blanket wrapped around the two of them. She might have fallen to sleep, but she’s unsure.

Finally, she feels mentally capable of speaking again. “Mira? Er… Mistress?”

Mira kisses her on the lips. “Mira is fine now, we’re out of scene, lovely.”
Allison nods. “Thanks, Mira… This was… amazing. I had no idea I could feel this way…”

Mira nods with a smile. “I’m so glad you liked it, sweetness,” she says warmly. “I’ve really been wanting to try it with you for quite a while… I’m so glad you enjoyed yourself, and I hope we can do this more often.”

Allison nods. “I’d like that too… But I wanna know more about it before we do other things…”

Mira nods. “Of course. We can talk about limits, toys, kinks, terminology… all of that tomorrow, okay?”

Allison nods, and closes her eyes. She fights to stay awake. “That sounds lovely, Mira,” she says. “Can I ask a favor though?”

Mira nods, and holds Allison’s hand. “Yes, anything darling, what’s up?”

“Can we sleep right here? I don’t know that I can muster up the strength to move to your bed, even if it is comfortable as all hell.”

Mira laughs, and hugs her girlfriend tightly. “Yes, my darling Allison. We can sleep right here. We’ll clean up in a few hours, okay?”

Allison nods, and feels her girlfriend kiss her nose one last time, before consciousness slowly slips away from her.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/kl7d0k/a_sapphics_guide_to_kink_part_1_mistress_miras