Three Years a sex slave Pt 7. [FF][Inc]

I wasn’t in my bed. Light was coming in to the room at a strange angle. I wasn’t alone. M- was sitting in a chair, reading. I moved, she looked up and smiled. “You awake now? Or are you going to go back to sleep?”

“Bathroom,” I croaked. She stood and helped me out of bed, then into the adjoining bathroom. I relieved myself, then flushed it down. I didn’t care she hadn’t left me.

“Would you like a shower or to go back to bed?” M- asked.

“Bed,” I whispered, “Water!”

M- poured a glass for me as I lay back. I tipped the glass so much some of it went over the rim and down my cheeks. I didn’t care as I quaffed it. “More, please!” I gave her the glass. Another was poured and given me. I took my time, was more careful, the chill of the spill had perked me up a little. “Are you okay,” M- asked me. Apart from a dehydration headache, a sore pussy, an aching jaw, a burning ass hole, really sore inner thigh muscles, and what felt like a cut on the bottom webbing of my tongue, I was right chipper. “Fuck!” I breathed, “I feel like I had a really good night.”

“You did, Priestess,” M-replied. “I can tell you, Gail never performed as well as you did last night. You were brilliant.”

“I hope everyone enjoyed me,” I said.

“Yes we did, everyone did, and some of the Masters and subs, more than once.” M- was paying me a compliment, I knew. “I know the one of the Mistresses too had you three times, you made her cum twice. How do you do that? Really, what’s your secret?”

“Be eighteen, I think.” I smiled. “And love having sex, I guess I really am a cum slut now.”

She smiled. “Do you think you could have a shower or a bath?” she asked. I ran my hand through my hair, it was not the silken smoothness I usually feel, instead it was all crusted with a mixture of fluids, I would guess. “I must smell like a brothel, covered in dried semen and cum.”

“No, Priestess, Ke- and I washed your body off last night, but not your hair.”

“Ahh, thank you,” I said, adding, “And Ke- too.”

“He should be here in a moment or two, Priestess.”

“Ahh good. Would you join me in a bath? Both of you?” I asked.

“If you wanted us to, Priestess.”

“I do, I want you to wash me, thoroughly, then you must make me cum, both of you.”

M- smiled, “It would be my greatest pleasure to make you cum, as many times as you like, Priestess.” The door opened and Ke- walked in. He smiled, it was a relieved smile, you know, the smile you get when someone’s been worried and then they see something is okay, that smile.

“We have been invited to share a bath with the Priestess, Ke-, and to make her cum.” Ke-‘s eyebrows climbed to his hair line. “Of course, Priestess, if that is your wish.”

“It is,” I said, “Look, I am sore and stiff, so a little exercise should loosen me up.”

“After last night, I thought you would be loose enough, Priestess,” Ke- said with a smile.

“Don’t get too cheeky, or I might order you not to cum for a month!”

“Oh no! Please Priestess, not that!” He half mocked. Even if I did order it, I wouldn’t know if he obeyed. Probably would but then I would have to fuck him at the end of it to relieve his balls. His Mistress would certainly not be happy.

Bathing with two people in a claw foot bath is an experience, especially when they are doing their best to make you cum. I learned Ke- gives the best massages, both inside and out. It was amazing actually, neither of them demanded anything for themselves, they just gave to me. I also asked M- about what she had dabbed on my arm last night. She tried to avoid the question but I got it out of her.

“You ever hear of a spider called the Sydney Funnelweb, Priestess.” No not at all, I told her. “Well, it is a mixture of different chemicals and the venom of the spider, Priestess.”

“A spider venom?” Why give me venom?

“You know my Master is a biologist, chemist and virologist, plus a number of other ‘-ists in biological and virological studies?” I nodded, “Well, he makes some stuff for the military, the CIA and other things. Like cures for poisons and viruses and other germs. The Sydney spider is perhaps the most deadly spider in the world, but an anti-venine was developed years ago so it doesn’t have the risk it used to. The venom though, it works to accelerate the nerves, the heart and systems until the system is so overloaded it shuts down. The difference between pleasure and pain is not much at all, so Master worked out that an incredibly small amount of venom can enhance sexual responses.”

Venom? “Yes, venom, that’s part of what the test you had two weeks ago was designed for. The blood was tested with the mixture and determined if it would be dangerous for you. It wasn’t, so I dabbed the amount on your arm, it was absorbed through the skin. Worked really well, but my Master knows this cannot be done again, a one time thing. You could do it again, but he doesn’t recommend it. Too much of a good thing could become very addictive he says.”

I understood the idea, but I wasn’t sure I liked that it was done to me without me knowing, so complain to mom later. By this time I was feeling almost human again. A bath, an orgasm or two, a bottle of water and a brand new wardrobe is enough to perk any girl up. Hungry now. M- laid out some clothes for me for breakfast, the outfit was gorgeous. It seems though I missed breakfast, and as it was now after noon, I could pick from a lunch menu.

M- and Ke- led me to this dining room, where there were at least a dozen people sitting, talking, standing. When I walked in, they all stopped and looked at me. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but the hostess, Mistress Cl- came to me, hugged me and thanked me for such a wonderful evening. She was followed by all the Doms and all the subs stood back, smiling. “Believe me, the pleasure really was all mine,” I said. I saw M-‘s Master, T-, and cocked my eye brow, “Even without an accelerator it would have been.”

Later that day, I signed a number of documents, which, as an 18 year old with legal advice, made this all legitimate. It was done. I was fucking rich! Well, I was going to be. A massive assist to my future fortune. Nothing was going to stop me now. Thinking about it a bit, I would stay at home, use the apartment for fucking for a couple of years. I just have to get a bit older and smarter, then I could move into it, say my 21st birthday. Yep, that works.

Emma. Fucking Emma. I told mom she was too fucking bright, that she’s going to work it out for herself. She did! What is going to happen now? I can’t very well knock her on the head and bury her in the back yard. I would really love to, mind you, but it would bound to get me talked about by the neighbors.

It started like this.

“Cate,” I heard this quiet voice call me one afternoon, after school. “Yeah, what do you want Emma?”

“Just a talk.” Okay, we haven’t had a chat in a while, I’ve been a little busy and she’s had a raft of things happening at school, sports, her studies and inevitably, boys. Emma is a real beauty, nice and svelte, smooth and a nice person to go with it. She is a track and field athlete, wanting to compete in Heptathlon in the Olympics, Good luck with that one. She’s been a real help to me too, helping me develop my fitness program. Okay, hers is for track and field and mine is for fucking, but fitness is fitness, right?

I went into her room, and sat on the chair she has at her desk. Dad built desks for us both when we started Middle School, for homework, really, he did. I never knew he was also good with his hands at craft stuff. Normally, he’s a marketing manager for a very large company. He’s brilliant at work, equally so with his hands, his tongue, his dick, perhaps that’s where Emma gets her all rounder type abilities from. Mom’s in real estate but what she does, I don’t know, she doesn’t sell houses, industrial and office buildings I think. Sells a building and we eat for a couple of years.

“What’s it like?” Emma asks, “Sex I mean?”

“What, you and Brandon?” I raised an eyebrow, just as mom does when asking a question we may be a little reluctant to answer honestly. Brandon was also on the school athletics program, so they would be spending time together. Bound to happen, sooner or later.

“Well…, not really. Apart from some touching and kissing and hugging.”

“What? Is he gay?”

“NO! Why would you say that?” she responded.

“Emma, you’re beautiful, any guy would love to have you on his arm and sucking his dick.”

She shuddered a little. “I’ve been fending off guys since I was 12. I keep telling them I’ve got school and athletics, so no time for a boyfriend. Some have been really persistent and I’ve had to tell them there was no way would they be getting into my panties so fuck off. I think most of them think I’m Lez.”

Wow! I thought, “Only immature dickheads think there’s something wrong with being a lesbian, Emma. Don’t let’em worry you.”

“That’s the problem,” she said, quietly, my ears cocked up, “They-” she stopped.

“Emma, you’re not sixteen yet, don’t worry about it. Look some guy is gonna come along and just rock your boat. Next thing you know you’re gonna be enjoying some good sex. What’s wrong with that?”

“Yeah, maybe but I’m not like you. You can fuck mom and dad without any problem, but I can’t!” I went completely chilled at that comment. I swear, time stopped, my heart stopped, I went completely numb. “You haven’t been as discrete as you might think you have been. I’ve heard you going at it for the last two years.”

“Em-,” I stopped then I heard, ‘last two years’. “You’ve known? All along?”

“Yeah. I have,” she answered, “‘Ooohhh, l love your dick’, ‘suck it’, ‘cum in my pussy, sub’, ‘eat my cream pie’. I had to look that one up. I was shocked at first. It was obvious mom was calling the shots and you were letting her. I though it best to stay out of it, but I’m not…” she stopped. “And dad, fucking his wife and his daughter, at both your requests.”

“He’s a sexy guy.” I replied glibly.

“Yeah, he is, but really? He’s our dad!” She asked. “And this Club it’s a sex club. What do you do, all get together and fuck?”

“Well, pretty much, but there are rules.”

“Rules, what rules are okay with a dad fucking his daughter?”

“Or how about a daughter fucking her dad. Can’t I make a decision here? Can’t I do what I fucking want?” I turned the chair, stood and walked out the room with Emma protesting. I’d better tell mom as soon as she got in.

“Cate! CATE!” Emma insisted, following me out of her room. “FUCK!”

Dead in the water! Found out! Caught and it’s all fucking up. Emma is just too fucking smart for her own good sometimes. There’s a big fucking hammer in the garage! Maybe, if I can get to it and dig a hole before mom and dad get home!


That stopped me, Emma saying ‘please’. Sheeeet, when was the last time I heard that from her? “I’m not interested in you judging our behavior.”

“It’s not you, mom and dad fucking! It’s you’re not fucking ME! How can you sleep with them and not with me?”


“I think I am a lesbian! Brandon- he’s a nice guy but he’s just not ‘rocking my boat’ as you put it. I listen to you going at it and I’m so jealous!” I turned and looked at her, there were tears, genuine tears, rolling down her face. My heart just melted, my blood pressure went up, dramatically, I stepped closer to her, she didn’t move. I stepped close and wrapped my arms around her. “Oh Emma! I’m so sorry. I didn’t know!” Her shoulders heaved with a sob. “This is not working out like I planned it!” she cried.

“Oh babe, it never does!” I told her, calmly, trying to make her feel safe, loved without putting any pressure on her at all. I could have kissed her then, but I didn’t, she’s not sixteen yet. I wiped the tears off her face, and said, “Come on.” And I took her downstairs, sat her at the dining table and made her favorite drink, a black coffee with a large scoop of vanilla ice cream. I thought it safer there than a bedroom, I’m telling you. She’s beautiful and I would love to have sex with her, but her birthday is not for a few weeks yet. She was saying nothing, so I started talking.

“I was being set up by my then boyfriend. Mom and dad got wind of it. They pulled me out before anything happened,” I said, “It wasn’t until later I understood how much I really owed them for that. It gave me something different, a whole new, more mature outlook.”

“And now you’re a fuck doll for this club?”

“Okay, stop right there. First, I am not a fuck doll for anyone.” I was but I’m not telling her that. “I get a lot of sex through the club, yes. But, I am happy to do that, I am glad I can do that, and I really over the moon that I can freely express my sexuality, openly, without judgement, without fear and a lot of love from a lot of people. What’s wrong with that?” Emma said nothing, sipped her coffee.

“I was somewhat ambivalent about sex at first. The sex with Charlie was- well, simply, it was awful, fucking awful, or awful fucking. Any way you like. He was such an asshole. Plug in, pump it, cum and ‘aren’t I great at fucking?’. He wanted me to fuck all his team mates, his friends. I would have too if mom and dad hadn’t stepped in. What they gave me was courage and love. Courage to be a sexual person and the love that supported me while I grew into it. I love men and women, individually or together. I love sucking dick, licking clit, being fucked with a dick or a dildo, a vibrator or a tongue. I like being double teamed, one fucking my pussy, one fucking my ass at the same time and it’s even better if I have a dick to suck or a clit to lick too. All these things have happened to me and a lot more and I love it.”

“But not me.”

“No, your birthday is three weeks away. You’re legal then, not now. If you still feel like it, then we can talk some more.”

“I don’t know, I’m your sister, will it ever be legal?”

“Probably not, but if no-one knows, who cares? This Club is likely to be illegal anyway. I’ve been fucking members since I was sixteen and loving it. The rewards have been unbelievable. I’m loved by a lot of people. I’m protected medically, I have a bevy of lawyers if there’s a problem and I walked into them, they didn’t lure me. I can pull out any time I like, I’ll lose some things,” like the apartment, “But I keep the car, the clothes, the education I’m getting but I will likely have to pay for that from then on. As far as the sex is concerned, I can say no any time, to anything I am seriously uncomfortable with. Nothing as yet, but the things that I don’t really like they’ve never put to me so all good so far.” I didn’t mention my initiation that might be a step too far, but there was no look of horror or disgust on her face, so I kept going.

“You asked about what having sex is like. I can’t answer that, I know what it’s like for me and that’s all. What it will be for you is likely something different. I just really hope that when you do have sex, it gives you the same pleasure I get.” I hesitated here, then thought, fuck it! “Emma, you are beautiful, any guy or girl would love to be in the same bed as you, naked and having some really sexy fun.” I took her cup away from her, put it on the table, leaned in and kissed her. I kissed her lips, with care, with love, and she responded. She’s not a great kisser, but then again, I wouldn’t expect her to be. She tasted nice and I’m glad I brought her downstairs, the way my nipples went rock hard and my pussy dampened up, if we were still in her room, anything could’ve happened. Well okay, I would have had her there and then. Rules are rules though and sometimes they would be so damned easy to break.

We talked for quite a while, covering a range of sexual practices, ideas and topics. I talked about orally satisfying a woman, the real feeling, from being licked to being the licker. We decided that mom and dad didn’t need to know the content of our discussions for a little while. I will need to talk to mom before Emma and I actually do anything. I really don’t want to do anything that would jeopardize my position as Priestess to the Club.

The night before her birthday I told mom about Emma knowing what’s happening. I also told her about our discussions and what Emma was thinking. Mom’s response was, “Well, you’re bi, I’m bi, your father’s not a keen cocksucker but will do it.” I know mom, I thought, just to please you. “If Emma is a lesbian, then it’s in keeping with the kink in the family.”

“What do I do about it? Fuck her and find out?”

“Yes, please, do. There’s a reason you were given the title of Priestess,” mom said, “You naturally shift between sub and Dom, you don’t even realize you’re doing it, but the Masters and Mistresses they see it, so to the Subs. With a Dom, you’re a sub, with a sub, you’re a Dom. They love you for it, because each can identify with you. It’s not just because of your sunny disposition, it’s because you are genuine about them, about them all.” Oh.

“You reach these people at a level that can heal them when they need it. You did it with Sub R- when Mistress L- died suddenly. You got to his grief, helped him, we thought he may suicide, such was his relationship to L-, so dependent, but you made him whole. Don’t underestimate how important that is.” All I did was hold him, listen to him, fuck him for a couple of weeks. That was healing him? I was sorry to see him go, I admit. “He wouldn’t have had the courage to live on, without you being there for him. That was last year and what seventeen year old does that? You do. That’s why you’re the perfect choice for Priestess. If Emma wants to, then be with her but you might think how you can encourage her to at least try a man.”

Emma’s birthday came, she turned sixteen. We went out with a few of her friends and Brandon. He is such a handsome jock, but the reason he hasn’t made a move on Emma is simple, he’s gay. It’s so fucking obvious, to me, at least. Like a lot of young guys, he is afraid of his sexuality, so is going through the forms and what better way to project the “real sportsman” image is to have someone as gorgeous as Emma to date? Everyone thinks they’d be fucking but it’s an illusion. He’s a nice guy, he just needs someone to lead him into adulthood. I might know just the guy. Emma and Brandon made out a bit but didn’t go any further. We got home, mom and dad were out and I knew they weren’t going to be back until well after midnight. I had organized for the Saturday night off from the Club, just so I could be with Emma.

Emma got a little nervous when she realized mom and dad were still out. I didn’t say anything, just made a nightcap of warm chocolate drink for her. I’m not a drinker, a little wine with a meal occasionally, on formal occasions and that’s about it. I find it takes away from my enjoyment of the sex that accompanies a good night out. We sat at the table, talking about the possibility of a double date. The guy I would bring would be for Brandon, not for me, but I didn’t tell Emma that.

The more we talked, the more nervous Emma seemed to be getting. I couldn’t stand it any longer, really, I just had to get her to make the first move.

“Brandon’s a really lucky guy you know.”


“Yeah, he is so good looking, really fit and he’s a really nice guy. You got a much better guy for your first time than I did.”

“Oh, that’s what you meant,” she replied.

“Yeah, you’re so fucking beautiful, I really can’t understand why you haven’t had sex with him yet.”

“Oh, you know why!”

“No, I know what you’re telling me, but there has been no follow up.” Emma looked at me and stood up from her chair. She took two steps towards me and leaned over and kissed me, like she meant it, a real kiss. Better, but still not right yet. “You mean like this?” she said. “You’re on the right track,” I whispered somewhat hoarsely. She kissed me again and reached out, caressed my breast, feeling my hardened nipple. “Ca-” she started, “Can you take me upstairs and help me.”

“Help you to do what, exactly?” I wasn’t making it easier for her.

“Help me become a woman?”

“I would love to,” I replied, kissing her seriously.

I took her hands and stood, leading her up the stairs, not to her room or mine, to mom and dad’s room. “What are we doing here?” she asked. I left the lights on, the door open, I mean, we had the place to ourselves, so who was there to watch, right?

“Same thing as we would be doing in your room, only there’s a bigger bed,” I kissed her again, pushing her back onto the bed. “What if they come home?”

“They won’t be back until the morning. Believe me, it will be alright.” I kissed her again, with her response becoming more urgent. “I want you to fuck me! Fuck me properly!” she cried.

I undressed her, one piece of clothing at a time. I kissed her face, while removing her blouse. I kissed her neck while removing her bra, I kissed her breasts, removing her skirt. I love her tits, they are not so big but a 34B and that makes then the right size for kissing. I kissed her nipples, taking them in my mouth, suckling on them. My hands ran over her stomach, her ribs, she shook with the feelings this was giving her. I ran my hand down over her panties and then up a bit. I ran my hand down again, only this time under the panties. I caressed her fur covered mons, felt the swelling of her clit and the wet of her labia and vagina. I gently stroked the clit in a circular motion, with two fingers, kissing her as she enjoyed the dual stimulations. A wet pussy being stroked and a lovely lipped kiss go together really well. I dropped my head down and ran my lips over her neck, she shuddered with delight at the sensuous touch.

I kissed her nipples, again suckling on them bringing them into full hardness as I continued caressing her clit. Her moans and squeals and groans came closer and closer, so I backed off a little. I didn’t want her to be cumming too soon. I got her to lift her hips so I could pull her panties right off her. To do that, I got on my knees and slipped them over her feet. I get her up on her knees and asked her to undress me. As she did, I told her where to touch me, where to plant a kiss, hard or soft, caress a breast, ease my panties over my ass, exposing my sex. “Touch it,” I told her, she did, “Feel for the swelling of my clit. Now, easy, rub it like you would your own.” Emma put a finger either side of my clit and made a circular motion. For fuck’s sake, I thought, that’s how I fucking do it. What, this shit ruins in families? Genetically programmed into us?

I reached over and kissed Emma, then ran my hand across her torso, down to feel for her clit. If she can masturbate me, I can diddle her. I reached over her clit, pressed the palm of my hand over it, then slid my finger down along her labia. I was looking for her love hole, ah, found it. I slowly inserted a finger into her canal, but was blocked by the fleshy barrier of her hymen. Fuck me! I’ve never touched a hymen before. All of the women I’ve fucked have hymens as long lost memories. This I just gotta get a closer look at. In a moment, I thought, she’s actually pretty good at this.

“You ever do this to anyone else?” I asked. “No, why?” “‘Coz you’re getting it right for me! Fuck you’re good!” “I’ve had a lot of practice over the last two years, listening to you and mom and dad. Also, there’s the Internet.” Well, I suppose. It wasn’t long and she stopped, stated kissing my breasts and began heading south. “Whoa, there,” I said, “Wait a moment or three. Take your time, relax, build it up.”

“But I want to get a taste of you. I’ve been watching lot of lesbian porn, and-”

“That’s fantasy crap, we’re real life here. Porn stars seem to cum on demand, we’re not porn stars so we gotta take our time,” I informed her, “Come here.” I lifted her shoulders and brought her lips to mine. I caressed her body, touching lightly, then kissed her neck, and back to her lips. I squeezed her soft breasts, caught the nipple between my thumb and forefinger, tweaking it softly. With each new touch, she gasped a little, moaned a little, sighed a little. I lapped her breast, suckling one nipple and tweaking the other. Swapping nipples, i ran my hand slowly down her torso, feeling the softness of the skin and with the clearly defined underlying muscle. She doesn’t have a six-pack, but I could feel her abs stretched taut as I touched her.

When I got to her labia, she was positively leaking juices. I could feel her tense when my fingers made contact with her clit and then as I stroked her labia she pushed her hips up onto my hand. I was concerned that if she pushed at the wrong moment, my fingers would break her hymen, I didn’t want that happening. “Now, I am going to go down on you,” I whispered, continuing to caress and kiss her body. My face wiped over her pelvis, and I could feel the hunger in her, demanding more. My tongue rolled over her mons, seeking, then finding the hardened ball that was her clit. I touched it, gently and her back arched with a huge moan escaping her lips. “Ooohhh yeah, yeah!” she cried.

My tongue employed every trick it had learned over the last two years and kept her in a heightened state of pleasure. I did it all, I lapped and licked, I tongue fucked her. At one point, I lifted off, spread her labia as wide as I could and looked at the little piece of flesh blocking entry to the deeper parts of her vaginal canal. There was a little hole in the middle of it, I was amazed that it looked like it did, a swollen ring. Never seen anything like it before and not likely to again I suspect. I plunged my tongue into her, to try and feel for it, I don’t think I reached it, might have, just don’t know. It didn’t look that deep in, yet I don’t know if my tongue has that sort of reach. Doesn’t matter, she tastes nice, so I kept my licking going until I felt her trembles turn into a seizure. Her thighs squeezed my head, her moans became cries of pure pleasure.

Emma fell back onto the bed as the spasms passed, gulping for air. After a few gasps she cried, “Wow! That was an orgasm.” She flopped on the bed, “Does that happen every time?” “Mmm, no,” I replied, “Unfortunately.” “No wonder you’ve been fucking mom and dad if you get that!” “And others, I am a slut after all,” I laughed. “I think I want to be a lesbian slut.” she vowed.

“Well, that’s still to be seen,” I said, “Until you’ve had a dick, you really can’t say.”

“I am pretty sure a guy won’t do that to me, or for me, not like you.” She reached out and kissed me. “My turn to do it to you.” In that moment, the enormity of what she was going to do next hit her. A look of uncertainty, of something else, came over her. I kissed her and stroked her face. “If you don’t want to, that’s okay.” I assured her. “It can take a while to get used to the idea of licking a woman.”

“No, I should, I have to,” she said with a real tremor of uncertainty in her voice. “I have to learn.” She paused, “Was it hard for you, the first time?”

“Yes and no. By the time I licked mom for the first time, I’d already had a couple of dicks in my mouth so it really didn’t seem like that big a deal,” I replied, “Which is why I’m thinking we really should have had a guy here, too.”

“What, like Brandon? No, I think he’s history now.”

“Any guy’d do actually. As long as they have a dick,” I laughed. “Look, my point is you really liked me doing you. For me, giving someone else pleasure, male or female, is just fucking brilliant. I love to be pleasured by a man or a woman, either one, or both at once, or more of them, all at the same time, it’s just so sexy, so much fun. That’s something you may or may not like yourself.”

“What, you mean as threesomes, or a gang bang?”

“Yes, I do mean exactly that,” I replied, “For me, I had to most wonderful experience of my life last month with exactly that, a gang bang. It was fucking brilliant.”

“What?” You fucked a lot of guys?”

“And their wives,” I said. “What I just did to you, they all did to me. I just cum and cum and cum. I was covered in semen and cum juice. I had cocks in my pussy, in my mouth and up my ass. I sucked so many dicks, licked so many pussies, I just loved it. All in the space of a couple of hours and I fucking loved it.”

I think she was genuinely shocked, “How could you? How could you let them use you like that?”

“That’s the key,” I answered, “One, I did let them, I could’ve walked away any time, but I didn’t because I wanted them to use me. Two, I was pleasured in ways I had never thought possible, it reached right into me and shook my insides, knowing that I was being pleasured in the most basic manner possible. Third, and likely the more important aspect, I was able to bring pleasure to them. I know I had far more than the twelve cocks that were there, several came back a second time and two came back a third time, I found out. Then when the women took me, I was just this ball of nerve endings that was being strummed like a pussy guitar. I licked everyone’s pussy, at least once. I fingered any number of women, had so many tongues inside me, a couple of vibrators and a dildo or two. And it was fucking brilliant. I’ll do it again at some point, too. Whenever I am asked to, I think.” I stopped, looking at the sheer horror on Emma’s face. I must admit, it prickled a bit, “Don’t judge me, I am what I am, and I love sex, in any of it’s forms.”

“What else do they do to you?”

“Well, I’ve been tied up, I’ve tied up a couple, I was spread our over a large cross, naked and then fucked by three women. Then this guy, one of their subs who has this enormous cock was told to fuck me. He did and I loved it. One of the other subs came and licked me out, cleaned me up properly.”

“A guy, eating another guy’s cream pie? Fuck me!”

“I would if you didn’t have a hymen,” I retorted, “It’s not humiliating, or hurtful, it’s loving. Yes, it is a power game in many ways, their power, but it’s also mine too. I give them power by letting them do what they want, pretty much, but I can take it from them too. They know that and finding someone else like me, that is not going to happen easily, they know it. They love me for it, for what I can do for them and they can do for me.”

“I dunno, sounds like you’ve been drugged up.”

“Oh god no! No drugs, ever. You know I don’t drink much at all. Club rules demand no drugs as well. Some members work in jobs that have random testing, and they do not want to lose their jobs. Besides, for me, drugs and too much alcohol dull the sex and I’m in it for the sex, nothing else, just the sex and I am loving it.”

“What about disease? HIV?”

“Everyone is tested regularly, again, Club rules, no test, no fucking. The woman who does the testing, she’s a member, a Dom, so she knows who’s in and who’s not. I get tested regularly and while it’s not always comfortable, it is necessary. There is also a rule of no fucking outside the Club members.”

“Well, what about me? I’m not a club member.”

“No, but you’re my sister and you’re a virgin. No chance of you having an STD.” I didn’t say that I was really hoping at this point that she wouldn’t be fucking outside the family anyway, but it’s her choice. “And I am clean, with a lot of experience I may not have otherwise have.”

“Is fucking a guy really different?”

“Oh yeah, everything is different. The end result can be the same, a great orgasm, but the route taken is very different. I love those differences, really makes having sex with either gender so pleasurable.”

“Just the idea of having a dick inside me, well-” She didn’t shudder but she didn’t look happy at the prospect.

“You don’t know. Look, I’ve been fucked by a woman with a large strap on cock, it was fun. If you’re really lez, then that will happen to you and just as likely, you’ll do it to another woman. Either way, it’s fun, hard work being the fucker, I can tell you, much easier being the fuckee.” We both laughed. “But if the cock is permanently attached to a warm body, that is, in some ways, even more pleasurable, even without the tits. Don’t reject it before you try it, never know. It opened a whole lot of doors for me, going the other way, a dick first then a woman.”

“But I haven’t eaten your pussy yet, so what you did for me-” she hesitated, “I want not to back out at the last moment. I want to do this, but-”

“It’s okay,” I understood her squeamishness, “Masturbate me. Finger me!”

She kissed me, expressing a thank you without actually saying it. She did diddle me, using her fingers on my clit, I urged her to poke them inside me. One finger, then two. I told her to rub her fingers on the upper part of the canal and use her thumb to tickle my clit. I thought with a bit of oil, maybe she could have fisted me, but I’ll leave that to later. I had her kissing and sucking the nipple on the side she was lying on, while I tweaked the other myself. She really did as I instructed and it wasn’t long before I came. Well, okay, it took a while but I wasn’t holding back, extending the pleasure. After I cum, I grabbed her hand to stop her pulling her fingers out. I rotated her fingers a little, making sure she had a good cover of my juices. I pulled her hand out then brought it to my face.

I ran my tongue over her fingers, lightly, just to get a taste of me. I told her to lick her fingers, like an ice cream. She did, hesitantly at the first touch. You could see she quizzed her tongue, her taste buds then truly sucked her fingers. She licked them clean. She kissed my breasts again and began to work her way down my body. I wasn’t going to stop her this time. She still hesitated a little at the mons, but her tongue ran over my clit, giving me a little shiver of pleasure. A few more tentative licks and she lowered her head, getting to taste my labia lips.

Emma was still on my right side, but when she got her fist real taste of me, she moved. I was expecting her to get between my legs, but she didn’t. She moved her legs the other way, then straddling me. She lowered her pussy onto my face, while she had barely lost contact with mine. A sixty-niner! I thought, yuuuummmm!. In this was we were pleasuring each other, and a voice came out, “We go out for a short evening and you guys want to fuck on my bed?” It was mom.

Emma just about flew over the other side of the bed, ducking down with just her eyes showing about the side. I looked up and said, “And I was having so much fun then, mom. Why didn’t you knock?”

“Because the door was open, my dear,” she said, “We could hear you downstairs. Sounded like fun.”

“It is mom, so either leave us alone or join us, one of the two.”

“Can I come in too?” Dad asked.

“Well, that’s up to Emma.” I looked at Emma and said, “Come on, no point in hiding there. Look, there’s a warm prick there if you want it.”

You could see Emma’s eyes widened with the shock of me telling her to fuck her father. “You set me up?”

“No,” mom said, “We came home early. We weren’t planning to be home before lunch, but something came up. Our host and a few guests had to go to work. No point in staying on after they had to leave.” Shit, I thought, something awful has happened if a senior cop and a couple of doctors have to leave a Saturday night party. I’ll see it on the news in the morning I expect. “Certainly didn’t expect to come home and be entertained by my beautiful daughters in a very passionate sixty-niner, that’s for sure.”

Mom came forward and kissed me. She looked at Emma and said, “Well, you can’t stay there all night.” She stood up and said, “I was intending on having some great sex tonight, so instead, I get to have my daughters eat my pussy.” I didn’t miss the plural, daughters. “And maybe, my younger daughter might just get her virginity taken by the most wonderful lover I’ve ever had.” She kept her eyes on Emma, “What do you think Stan, want a hymen?”

Dad looked at me, then at an Emma, still cowering on the other side of the bed, “I would be honored, my love. If she wants to.”

I sat up, then moved to the edge of the bed, forcing Emma to move back a little. “Dad is the most gentle, loving and kind man, with a dick you’ll never forget. You couldn’t do any better for your first time than him. I wish he had been my first, don’t pass up this opportunity.” I dropped my legs over the side of the bed, spreading my knees.

I heard mom say, “Undress me, Stan,” she ordered, “Think you can fuck all three of us?”

“I would certainly try my hardest, Diana.” As he started disrobing mom. A few moments later, Emma’s eyes nearly popped out of her head when a naked mom cuddled me from behind and squeezed my breasts, tweaking my nipples. One hand dropped down and felt my pussy. “Ahhhh, I love that you’re ever ready, Cate.” She then said to Emma, “Come on, you best finish what you were doing before we rudely interrupted you.”

“When you think about it, Emma, there’s not a lot of difference between fucking me and fucking mom and dad.” I beckoned her to plant a kiss on my pussy. She finally moved, and for a moment, I thought she was going to duck out. She looked over my shoulder to mom, and I felt mom nodding, “Yes baby, a family that fucks together… well, you know, its a family that fucks together.”

I saw her take a look around mom and me, where I knew dad was undressing too. “Show Emma what she can have, if she want’s to, Dad,” I said.

Without looking I knew that dad wad stroking his dick and it would be growing. Emma’s eyes widened even further, “F-f-f-u-u-u-k-k-k-,” she said, somewhat awestruck. “That’s not gonna fit in me!” She was close enough now for me to take her shoulders. I lifted her up and kissed her, “Want to bet?”
