Breeding Material [Ff][bst]

Submitted as a response to a prompt on r/DirtyWritingPrompts. See my account for the original.

Dr. Mira and her assistant stared at the panting husky, both pairs of eyes focused on the animal’s massive erection poking out between its legs. The experiment had clearly been a success, yet the dosage had been far too high. The poor dog had been like this for an hour now, with no sign of stopping, pacing back and forth, pulling at the leash that kept him attached to the wall.

The lucrative world of dog breeding had driven their company’s research, kennel owners ever eager to shell out for any supplement or additive that could assist their alphas in rutting. Nothing was more disappointing to them than arranging a breeding session, only for the male dog to lose interest half way through. Dr. Mira, a trained chemist, had spent the last few years developing such a drug, studying the chemical impact of Viagra on humans and translating those substances to canines. Today had been their big breakthrough.

“Poor boy,” her assistant, Chelsea, murmured.

Dr. Mira turned to her young counterpart, noting the compassionate look in the girl’s eyes. Clearly something needed to be done.

Mira was in her mid 30s, still single. She still went on dates occasionally, though all of the men her friends matched her with turned out to be stuffy science-types (much like herself), cold calculating little men that focused too much on trying to impress her. Her relationships never lasted more than a few weeks with each one.

For her own part, she kept busy with her work, sticking to a focused regimen of early morning exercise, long hours in the lab and simple dinners at home, an otherwise healthy lifestyle despite the lack of social interaction, which kept her in excellent shape. She was tall and slender, with brunette hair she kept short and often pinned up. There was no use for fancy clothes or shoes in a facility such as this, though she often wore a blouse and skirt.

Chelsea was in her mid 20s, a blonde sun-ray of a girl who smiled anytime she was talked to, friendly with all visitors to their working area. She had worked as a veterinarian previously, hired by Mira to handle the animals as they were needed and consult on their physiology. On most days her assistant was the only other person Mira saw. She had been a good choice, especially now.

“How can we counteract his… condition?” Mira asked, turning back to eye the red pole that swung between the animal’s legs.

“Well, I do have one idea,” Chelsea responded, picking her way through the lab equipment towards the husky. “But it’s going to require both of us.”

She stopped just beyond the reach of the dog’s leash, looking into the eyes of the large beast, larger even than her petite frame.

“There was a trick I used to use when I was a vet with especially rowdy male dogs if I needed to calm them down, one I could only use when alone. Like men, a quick handjob or blowjob is enough to put them at peace for awhile.”

Dr. Mira stood in stunned silence, staring at the back of the girl. Was this some kind of joke?

“In fact,” Chelsea continued, “after awhile, I even started to enjoy it.”

This was too much for Mira to handle, the thought of sweet Chelsea jacking off dogs seemed unthinkable. *And enjoying it?*

“So what, you want to give him a handy?” Mira laughed back, hoping Chelsea would reciprocate, revealing the whole thing to be an elaborate prank. She was mistaken.

“The problem is,” the assistant added, kneeling down until she was face to face with the dog, arms outstretched to pet his ears as it pulled wildly at its leash. “He’s too agitated, too aggressive. I won’t be able to calm him down enough to even get at it.”

Mira nodded, mouth dry.

“And it’s not like we can just sedate him,” the doctor replied, seeing now the necessity of the plan. “We need him to be alert. Plus, we don’t know how the medication would interact with any of the tranquilizing compounds we have here.”

There was a brief quiet, save for the panting of the dog as it tried to pull towards Chelsea, who was rubbing the dog’s ears and neck.

“What is my role to be then?”

“Bait,” Chelsea answered, craning her neck to look back at the doctor, a devilish smile spreading across her otherwise innocent looking face, green emerald eyes sparkling playfully. *Was she enjoying this now as well?*

The girl patted the ground next to her, indicating the doctor should join her.

“Give him something to lick at.”

At once the scheme became clear. Every awkward moment of a dog sticking its snout between her legs flew through her head in embarrassing waves. Yet every time before she had been quick to push the prying nose aside, laughing the incident off or even scolding the snooper. Now she would simply have to endure it.

Now at Chelsea’s side, the doctor sat on the floor, pencil skirt riding up her thighs slightly.

“You’re going to have to slip out of that,” Chelsea said, nodding towards the rumpled skirt. “We need him to have easy access the entire time. This might take awhile.”

Mira said nothing, but obeyed, reaching behind her to unlatch the waistline, slipping the black fabric down her legs, tossing it aside.

“Panties as well,” Chelsea added.

*Was that really necessary?* Mira wondered, but before she could reply Chelsea was tugging them off for her. How quickly she had become the assistant here!

Mira looked at the dog, whose attention had now shifted from Chelsea to herself, eyes locked intently on her exposed pussy. She saw the hunger, the animalistic drive to dominate, to fuck. Looking down its belly, she could see his massive cock, larger than any man’s she had seen, pulsating, tip wet with pre-cum. At least she wouldn’t be the one dealing with that.

She inched forward, little by little, offering her pussy to this sex-crazed animal, panting and growling more wildly as she neared. Finally, he was upon her, tongue flailing wildly. A small yelp escaped her lips at the sensation, as she leaned back, closing her eyes. She did not want to watch, at least for now.

The husky’s long tongue probed her asshole, her pussy, her thighs, hot breath and wet nose sending shivers up her spine. She shouldn’t be feeling this good… and yet, she did. Before she knew it she had inched even closer, allowing the dog to penetrate her, rough tongue pushing deeper and deeper into her, drawing louder moans from her with every thrust.

The white blouse she had been wearing suddenly felt very tight and restrictive, and without thinking she began to unbutton the first few, before stopping herself. *I’m just required to lay here, not get turned on! The sooner this is over with the better. Hopefully, Chelsea is quick! Though maybe… not too quick.*

She pushed herself up by her elbows, peering down the length of her body and the dog, who was excitedly digging into her. Between the large beasts legs she saw Chelsea, half naked with her top and bra removed, lips wrapped around the red cock, bobbing along its shaft, taking in as much of it as she could. The juxtaposition of the cute, innocent looking girl and the dog cock was electrifying, and Mira couldn’t take her eyes off of her, growing further turned on than she had been before.

A first orgasm overcame her, throwing her head back to the floor, followed some minutes later by a second. This was heaven, spread eagle on the floor of her lab, receiving the greatest tonguefucking she had ever experienced. No man she had been with had ever been this effective, or long lasting.

Her own moans were soon joined by Chelsea’s, and she once again lifted her head, surprised to find that the girl had undone the button of her jeans, one hand working away at the still hidden pussy while the other cupped the long shaft of the husky, drool and dog fluids running down her chin. This hadn’t been part of the plan, but at that point Mira didn’t care, allowing wave after wave of ecstasy to wash away any rational thought. All that mattered was this tongue.

“I think I’m ready,” Chelsea announced, now slipping entirely out of her soaked panties and jeans. “He needs something to fuck. My mouth can only do so much.”

The girl crawled beneath the beast, shuffling under him until her ass poked at the enlarged cock. This interrupted the dogs lapping, though only briefly, as Chelsea pressed up into the soft fur. He needed no further encouragement.

It took only a few tries before the beast hit its mark, and Chelsea cried out when he did, collapsing forward as the aggressive thrusts overcame her, flushed cheek resting against Mira’s thigh, rocking back and forth. The dog was unrelenting in pace and ferocity, pressing deeper into the lithe girl who cried out in ecstasy, practically shrieking as she was made his bitch.

Fortunately for Mira, the dog soon resumed licking her pussy, now at a fevered pitch. His primal lust crept into her as well, and she found herself stroking the furry beast’s neck. *Good boy. Make her yours. Dominate her.*

She threw her head back, enjoying the whimpering of her assistant. Who knew dominance could sound so sweet?

They must have been a quarter of an hour like this, Chelsea subdued to a quivering mess below the thrusts of the dog, while Mira closed her eyes and rode the sensation of his snout, until something interrupted her. Something softer, and smaller, working away at her alongside the dog.

Looking down she found her answer: Chelsea had joined the dog, faces side by side, tongues running over one another. The sight of it excited her past what she thought humanly possible, and she arched her back, rocking her hips into both of them, outstretched arms reaching now to pet both the dog and her assistant. The dog’s bitch and now her bitch as well.

Finally, the dog stopped, head pointed up as if to howl, one final thrust driving home his full girth and knot into Chelsea, joining them.

“Oh my god, he’s cumming.” Chelsea moaned, eye’s closed and nose pressed into Mira’s pussy.

Mira caressed the young face, tracing the girl’s soft features, stroking her hair. It was finally finished.

After the initial shock of the dog’s ejaculation subsided, Chelsea opened her eyes, looking up into Mira’s, smiling weakly.

“Well, I guess I better get dressed then,” Mira decided, moving as if to stand.

“No,” Chelsea whispered, planting a kiss on the doctor’s pussy and nuzzling her thigh. “This cock is going to be stuck in me for at least another 15 minutes. I’d like to have something to play with in the meantime.”



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