Boss of Me Part 2

(Part 1:

I’ve barely caught my breath after you finish cumming inside me when your hands wrap around my neck and squeeze with firm pressure. Not yet hurting; just holding in place. “That was One,” you say in a conversational tone.

Breathing is possible but difficult in my current position. I stare into your face with wide-eyed innocence. Or at least a close facsimile, given the harsh fucking I just begged for—and received. Your unflinching eyes meet my gaze, and your expression signals that you’re not buying my angelic act.

Still, a Brat’s gotta try.

“One what, S—Sir? You just called me a good girl!”

My voice trembles with indignation, but you merely quirk a brow. “You were a good girl just now, which is why I let you cum. But that One and ass-beating were for your first day of constant Bratting this week. Leaving you with six more to atone for. Now we’ll move on to Two.”

My mouth drops open as I think about my sassy behavior over the last seven days. The first tremors of fear flutter in my stomach, given the fact my ass is still stinging from the spanking you just delivered. I may have enjoyed the hell out of it, but the thought of enduring six more like it in a single day has me yelping and trying to squirm out from under you.

You laugh darkly, pinning me down even more firmly with your hands upon my throat and your inexorable body pressed against mine. Your cock starts to harden the more I squirm, and my pussy clenches. I’m torn between wanting to fight harder to get away or submit to whatever punishment you have planned. The sinister sound of your laughter has me going with Door Number One. Not that it does a damned bit of good.

“By all means, Brat, keep struggling. Your attempts to escape are adorable.”

That has the more violent half of my fight or flight instinct kicking in. I begin to buck my body more wildly, working to dislodge yours so I can run like hell. Only problem is you’re well over a foot taller and much stronger. And all I’m doing is turning you on even more. Both a blessing and a curse since I’m not yet sure what you have planned for Punishment Two. Somehow, I doubt it will be as much fun as One.

Something you confirm by twisting my arms and cuffing them before flipping me onto my back. The shift in position allows me to begin kicking you more effectively, but your eyes glint as you ruthlessly grab my ankles and cuff them as well. I mumble curses, which makes you smile as you effortlessly pick me up and march toward the bedroom.

“Keep up the foul language and we’ll add an eighth day to the count, minx.”

The jab of my favorite pet name mixed with the threat of extended punishment hits like a physical blow. I bite my tongue and glare as you cart me into the bedroom before depositing me atop your king-size bed like a sack of potatoes. A wild-eyed look around the room reveals you’ve had this planned all along, obvious from the sex toys and implements spread atop both nightstands and the straps resting at each corner of the bed. The fear in my stomach increases at the same time lust stabs straight to my core.

And your knowing laugh when I try to scurry off the bed indicates you recognize I’m feeling both. You are prepared for my obvious move, however, and once more use a knee to pin me down while strapping my ankles to the bed. You briefly uncuff my hands from each other before connecting them to straps at the other two corners of the bed. Leaving me naked and spreadeagled—and shooting you daggers with my eyes.

“What a lovely sight to see, Brat. You spread out and at my mercy. But you’ll get none this time; just like you gave me no peace this week.”

I swallow at the promise in your voice. My hands and feet test the strength of their bonds, but there’s no give in them, and I’m indeed left to your untender mercies. Something that has my pussy growing even wetter.

You notice yet again, damn it all, and you don’t miss the chance to taunt me. “I made you cum five minutes ago and your pussy is already begging for more. Let’s see just how many times I can make you beg to cum without actually taking you over the edge. I’m willing to bet it’s at least seven.”

The Brat is now back in full force, which your words and actions indicate you want, especially given that you’ve promised to show no mercy. You thrill at the verbal fencing as much as I do. And I know I have nothing to lose since I’m already in so deep.

“You think a little edging’s going to break me? Give it your best shot, so-called Sir.”

“Oh Brat, I’m really going to enjoy making you beg. And then watching you squirm as I edge you again and again.” You crack your knuckles since you know it annoys me.

I roll my eyes. “Oh, I’m just sooo scared of you and your weak little fingers.”

“Never said I was going to use my fingers.”

My breath hitches as you select several toys from your collection. You lube and insert the first—the largest butt plug we’ve played with—into my anus with just enough force to intimidate but not hurt. Still, I can’t help but let out a little mewl when you twist it once before moving on to the second toy. This time you place a large vibrator inside my pussy before holding the third—a wand—to my clit. You wait several long, tense seconds before powering on the vibrator and wand. I exhale and try to steel myself against the sensations, but to no avail. Within minutes you have me squirming and moaning like the slut you call me, but I manage not to give you what you’re looking for—me begging to cum.

This amuses you at first, but eventually it just makes you more determined. You crank up the speed on the vibrating toys. The first round goes to you seconds later when I start to cum—but you swiftly remove both toys before I can actually get there.

Something that has me start to curse, until you wag a finger in the air. “I can still add Number Eight.”

I let out a wordless sound and bite down hard on my lip. You wait until certain I’ve backed away from the edge of orgasm and start the vibrators once more. Somehow, I manage to keep silent other than moaning and gasping for both rounds two and three, but that begins to change with round four. You get me so wound up that I start to beg just seconds in, something that has me inwardly cursing us both—and you appearing outwardly smug.

You remain silent as you continue edging me for rounds five through seven, just smiling with intense satisfaction as you deny me mine. The only times you speak are to count out each time you edge me. And I can’t even call you the bastard you’re being because no way can I stand an eighth round.

I’m a quivering, panting mess by the time you triumphantly call out, “Seven!” Instead of pulling the toys away from my pussy and clit, however, you merely smirk down at me. “I’m tempted to tack on that eighth day for all the cursing you just did.”

My mouth drops open and outrage flashes in my eye. “You s…” Son of a bitch is what I intend to say, but I manage to change it just in time to, “You, S—Sir, don’t want to do that.”

You quirk a brow. “Oh, I don’t?”

I shake my head adamantly. “No. Because if you do that, then I won’t let you fuck me now. Which we both know you desperately want to do.”

You laugh loudly. “Let me, Brat? You’re in no position to let me do anything right now. I can take whatever I want, and there’s not a damned thing you can do about it. You’re my captive little fucktoy.”

My mouth grows dry because you have me backed against the figurative wall. But after seven rounds of edging, I’m desperate to avoid another. “If you promise not to edge me any more today, I’ll be a really good girl and suck your dick. I know how much you love that. I’ll even swallow this time.”

Something I’ve been reluctant to do, but a Brat’s gotta do what a Brat’s gotta do when her mouth keeps writing bad checks.

A wicked smile spreads across your face as you reach down and stroke a finger around my lips, undoubtedly still swollen from all the biting I’ve done. “I’ve got a better idea. I’m going to face-fuck the hell out of you and then cum all over your Bratty mouth. And then you’ll lick my dick clean and swallow every last drop. And then we’ll call it even for Day Two.”

You’re uncuffing my hands to bind them behind my back before I can react. My eyes widen when I feel you shoving the vibrator deeper into my pussy and the wand tightly against my clit. You then uncuff my ankles from the bed and bind them tightly together, forcing the wand to remain in position as you drag me to the edge of the bed. My head hangs off the side, and I stare up helplessly as you position yourself behind me and make good your threat. You fuck my throat until I choke and gag around your cock, slapping my tits around while the toys force me to cum again and again. I can’t even scream with my face stuffed so full. All I can do is make guttural mewling sounds and moan, body twitching from both pleasure and pain. But mostly pleasure.

I lose track of how many times I cum before you do, only realizing you’re orgasming when thick wetness begins to spill out of my mouth and all over my face.

“Naughty Brat. Sir told you to swallow. Now do it!”

My mouth begins to reflexively obey before my brain catches up. But seeing the precarious predicament I’m still in, my brain wisely decides to continue swallowing your sticky cum. Then I lick every inch of your dick as instructed. You use your fingers to scoop up the bits that spilled out and thrust them into my mouth. I obediently suck and swallow every ounce, earning a growled, “Good girl” as the last drop slides down my sore throat.

Only when I look up at you in a swollen haze do you smile your smuggest smile yet. “And that makes Two, Brat. Five more to go.”

Butterflies stampede through my stomach at the realization I’m already a shaking, begging, red-cheeked mess and you have every intention of continuing to make me pay. I don’t know how much more I can take, but I do know this. You excel at reminding me just why you are the boss of me…


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