Paying the fare [FM] [episode 1]

***Foreword*** *While this isn’t my first novell written, it’s my first attempt at writing in another language. I normally write in Swedish and publish in a swedish sex community.*

*As a writer I try to put more focus on buidling the mood rather than to just write about the raunchy stuff. In the case of this story, I have a vision for how this could be the first part in a longer series, and as such, it sets a lot of the foundation for future stories. This is a work of fiction. I do hope it can be enjoyable even though it might start of a bit slow*


**Sara pushed herself** through the crowd looking around her. She had gotten separated from Andrew earlier and couldn’t find him at the party anymore. The music was loud and he probably couldn’t hear the phone when she tried to call him. And after all, he probably had a lot of things to do this evening.

Andrew was a third-year student at their university and was part of the Student Orientation Guides and this was the large party held at the end of the student orientation. Although Andrews responsibilities were officially over, Sara knew a lot of the first-year students still wanted his attention for different things, and Andrew was the kind of social person who always had time for people. But it was getting late, and Sara started fearing that the night would slip through her fingers.

They had been flirting for a while, and one night they had kissed in secret. But as long as the Student Orientation was underway the older students were not allowed to have intimate relations with the first-year students, so they had never been allowed to do it openly before. Now they could, and she wanted to. If she could only find him.

After scanning the dancefloor from the balcony above she finally found him. And she froze with horror. He was standing and making out with someone else.

Sara started moving towards the entrance, fighting back the tears. Once outside she sat down on a rock around the corner, crying and cursing herself for being so stupid. How could she have gotten so invested in Andrew in such a short time?

She heard someone approached her. She looked up, her eyes red rimmed and swollen with tears. It was Anthony, another one of the Orientation Guides. Sara had spoken with him once or twice, but he had always seemed very distant, almost cold. And, despite them being completely the opposite, she knew he was a very close friend to Andrew.

– I saw you run out.
– Yeah… I felt… bad.

He sat down next to her.

– I don’t know if it makes it any easier, or harder for you, but you should know he’s always like this.
– Who?
– Andrew.
– … How did you know?
– Well, I’ve seen how you look at him. And you know, he is, despite all his faults, he’s one of my best friends. One of his faults, coincidentally, being that he told me about you, and the others.
– The others?
– Why do you think he joined the Student Orientation Guides? The new students always look up to the guides. They come here all gullible and impressionable. He’s my friend, but if I wouldn’t let him near my sister. His pathological need to sleep with everything that moves is his biggest weakness.
– But we had a connection.
– Yeah, he’s good at making people feel that way.

Sara looked down at the dirt below her. How could she be so gullible?

– I broke up with my boyfriend the first week here, when he started flirting with me. We had been together for three years.
– Yeah, I heard.

They sat silent for a moment.

– You should know though that I don’t think you threw your relationship away for nothing. Andrew rarely gets to people who are in healthy relationships. And you’re not alone in any way. Neither in breaking up thanks to Andrew, nor in breaking up during the first weeks at the University. The same happened to me when me and my ex started studying here. Broke my heart at the time, but with some perspective on it, it was probably for the best after all.
– Did she break up thanks to Andrew?
– No no. But someone like him. There’s always people like him here.
– I feel so… stupid.
– It’s okay. You’re not. In a year you’ll look back at this and know that you did nothing wrong. And you know, I am Andrews friend after all, I know that deep inside he feels like an ass too. I honestly don’t think he wants to mislead girls like you, he just can’t help it. He’s like a dog chasing a stick. As soon as you throw a new stick at him, he forgets about the first stick.

Sara sat in silence contemplating Anthony’s words. And he was kind enough to allow her that silence.

– It’s kind of funny. I always thought of you as cold and distant. And now here you are, while everyone is inside partying, out here in the cold comforting me. My friends probably don’t even know that I’ve left yet.
– Well, I can’t let you sit out here alone?
– It’s just that I always thought of Andrew as the warm hearted of you two. The guy who always listens to people, who is involved in everyone. But it turns out that all of that was just a façade. And here you are, they guy nobody thinks cares, taking care of me when no one else knows anything is wrong.

Anthony just sat silent. Yesterday she would have taken his silence as disinterest, but now she wondered if it wasn’t an attempt to give her some time and space. To be present, but not imposing his presence on her. She leaned her head on his shoulder and they sat there for a while silent.

Slowly the sounds from the party faded in the background. It was late, or rather, early in the morning by now. Sara wondered at how long they had been sitting there.

– The party is dying down it seems, she said to Anthony.
– Yeah, the sun is almost about to rise again now.
– Probably should get going back home again.
– Do you live nearby?
– Not really. But I think I can take the morning bus in an hour or so.
– I can drive you.
– Haven’t you been drinking?
– No. When we arrange these parties we always have two people sober in case something happens. You know, if one of the first-year students end up all alone and can’t get home on their own.
– I feel like such a cliché. I went to the university and broke up with my boyfriend, just like everyone else. I fell in love with an older student, just like everyone else, and now I ended up alone and far from home, just like you expected me to.
– Everyone is unique and special. But the circumstances are not. You are who you are, you feel the way you feel and react the way you react, but you’re put in a situation where some things are going to happen regardless of who you are. Your studies are going to eat up a lot of you time and since campus is away from the people you knew before coming here, you will see them a lot less. People come here from all over the world, and most of them don’t know anyone else here when they arrive. And the limited amount of housing forces most students to live far away from the campus.
– So this is what it is like now? Studies, loneliness and commute for the next five years?
– Don’t worry. It gets better. One thing about everyone here being alone is that you’ll get into all kinds of new groups. And there’s so many people here that you can find people doing basically whatever you want to do. You want to play a sport? There’s a team in almost all sports for you to join. You want to play music? There are music societies in all from orchestras, to marching bands, to rock bands. I’ll tell you what. You just tell me what you want to do, and I’ll help you find the people who will be happy to have you join them.
– Are you a part of any of the societies?
– Yeah some. But I’ve been told I’ve got bad taste.
– Come on, I’m sure it’s not that that bad. Tell me.
– Well, I suppose that the football team isn’t that strange. Well, most people don’t think of me as the football kind of person, so I’m sure it defies their expectations, but it’s not that strange. But most people seem to find the Student Union Council to be a real bore, and student representative in the Security and Welfare Council really turns a lot of people off. And you know, a lot of people look at me strange when I tell them that I’m the dungeonmaster in the Swingers Society.
– Wait what?
– Yeah, that last one was kind of a lie. Leather, dungeons and the abbreviation SS didn’t send the right kind of signals…
– Are you trying to fool me?
– A bit. As I said, my friends tell me I’ve got bad taste, and that applies to my jokes as well.
– I don’t know if I find it in bad taste. It’s just that I’m so new to everything here, that for all I know, there really could be a Swingers Society.
– For all I know, there probably is a secret one. This is a university after all. We are all adults. People want to explore themselves and their interests. I mean, it’s no secret that half that party is going home to have sex with each other.
– Yeah… I was kind of expecting to as well.
– Yeah, most people go there expecting to have sex. Half of them do. Some just get a ride home so they can spend their Sunday hung over in their bed. Speaking of which. Should we go?
– Sure.
– I’m parked over there.

The slowly walked towards the car. It was a rather small car, a coupé model, so despite the small size, the front seats were spacious. The back seats however where not. Sara entered the address to her home in the GPS and Anthony drove out of the parking lot.

– So, how come you’re not with Andrew and the rest of the third-year students getting laid tonight?
– I’m not really into that… attitude so to speak.
– How do you mean? You spoke so openly about exploring sex before that I just assumed you were active yourself.
– Well yeah. But I’m not really that outgoing person. Andrew just throws flirts around him to see what sticks, and that doesn’t feel right to me. I don’t know, I don’t really feel comfortable hitting on people. And specially when I’m a third-year student hitting on first-year students.
– So you’d prefer if the first-year girls hit on you instead?
– Well, I mean, I do flirt as well from time to time, but sure, it would have been nice if I got hit on occasionally.
– So if I were to make a move now, you’d not turn me down?
– Well. Considering where we were earlier this night, I would feel like I’m taking advantage of you, and I really don’t want to do that.
– Didn’t you say that we were all adults, who wanted to explore ourselves and our interests?
– Well yes I did, but…
– And I mean, you’re an attractive guy, and the fact that you took the time to comfort me and take care of me just adds to that.
– I didn’t do it to impress you or anything.
– I’m not saying that you did. I’m just saying that I feel comfortable with you. It feels like I can be open and honest when with you.
– Well, you can. I won’t judge you or say anything to anyone.
– So then…

Sara nervously move her hand over to Anthony’s lap, caressing his thigh. Slowly her hand moved closer to his crotch where she could feel him growing beneath her touch. She looked at Anthony.

– Well. I do find you very attractive, he told her, as if to excuse the erection that was now a clearly visible bulge in his pants.

She unbuttoned his pants and let her hands slip in under his underwear. Her fingers running along his hard cock. She closed them around it and lifted his underwear away from it to expose it to the open. Slowly and gently she stroked it up and down.

She tried to make eye contact with him, and once it was established, she smiled and bent over. She let her tongue slide up the shaft before kissing the tip of his cock, as she had done so many times before with her ex. A part of her felt confident. She had done this before. Another part was nervous. Anthony was bigger than her ex. And what would he think of her now that she was blowing him in his car. But most of her felt excited. The right kind of dirty. She felt naughty in a way she hadn’t in a long time. And she realized that the lack of just this type of exhilaration was the reason her relationship had been doomed a long time ago.

She took him deeper in her mouth and heard him moan slightly. She looked up a him, his cock covering her smile.

– I’ve got to pay for my ride, haven’t I?

She almost expected him protest her claim, but to her surprise he just smiled as if he knew exactly what she wanted. With one hand on the steering-wheel he used his other to push her down on his cock.

She could see the light of dawn flicker by in the corner of her eye while she was focusing on pleasuring Anthony. She could hear his moans get louder and louder before he grabbed her hair and started moving her head up and down his cock. She gladly submitted to his will.

Finally he pushed her down, while at the same time pushing himself towards her. She could feel his cock deeper in her than she had ever experienced one before, and to the sound a Anthony’s moans she felt him empty himself in her throat. He held her there. She could almost feel herself choking on his cock before he let go. With a gasp for air she looked up at him. A mixture of spit and cum dripping from her mouth and her makeup further ruined by new tears. His hand caressed her cheek. Their gazes met and he gently told her ‘Good Girl’.

She turned her head down again and moved her head back to his now limpening cock. She kept licking and sucking it as it turned flaccid until Anthony tucked it back inside is pants.

They had arrived outside her flat and sat silently looking at each other for a while.
Finally she broke the silence.

– I really did enjoy that.
– Are you sure?
– I might be naïve, but it feels like I can be open and honest with you. That felt dirty, cheap and naughty. In just the right way. I don’t know. Maybe I’m still drunk and I’ll feel super ashamed of it tomorrow, but it felt exhilarating. I’ll probably masturbate once I get into my bed and think about how you forced your cock inside my mouth when you came. Like you owned me. And for some reason, I feel like I can tell you that and you’ll still respect me.
– I’m glad you feel that way. I want you to feel that way. I wish everyone could feel like that with people in their lives.
– So yeah… I suppose we’ll see each other around?
– We could make sure that we see each again.

Sara grinned at that.

– How do you suppose we do that?
– We could always say that you still owe me.
– That sounds… enticing.
– Call me next week and maybe we can work out a payment plan?
– A payment plan? How much do I owe you really?
– Well, with interest and additional feed, I suppose I’ll basically own you for quite some time.
– I like the sound of that.


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