[fM/fm/fF] Wild Roses pt. 14: The Storm [prost]

Two wild weeks of wandering and work later, around midday, a light squall washed over the girls as they walked, cool and refreshing at first, but seeming with every step they took to grow more violent and cold, and before long what started as a light drizzled had turned into a torrential downpour. Hardly able to see ten yards through the heavy rain, the sisters dashed desperately through the wall of water, trying to find cover from the raging storm. Taking a wrong but fortunate turn along the road even as it turned into a river of mud, they soon found themselves at the door of a small farmhouse, and knocked loudly, huddled together under the small porch to shield themselves from the weather as best they could.

When the door finally swung open, they found themselves facing a small, sturdy man, his thin black hair going to bald and his hawkish nose turned up to look at them.

“Yes?” he barked, seemingly oblivious to their soaked state and the rain.

“Sorry to be a bother”, Spring got out, her teeth clattering as she shivered against the cold, “my sisters and I had the misfortune of getting caught in the rain.”

“May we come in to wait out the storm?” Autumn picked up where she left off.

“Storm like this lasts for _days_.” the man argued in a fairly unsymapthetic tone.

“We can pay for room and board.” Summer offered experimentally.

“Coin is well and good for town folk”, the man said, moving to close the door, “not much call for it here.”

“Hold on.” Spring said desperately, pushing against the door. “Maybe there’s some work we can do?”

The man paused and looked them over, as if seeing them for the first time. Soaked to the bone and freezing, every line of their bodies stood out starkly against their sodden clothes, and it seemed finally as if he saw something he liked.

“Well”, he said with a lecherous grin, pushing the door open a little wider, “not work _as such_, but if you’re generous with your company, I suppose you could come in.”

“What do you mean by –” Summer began, but Autumn cut her off.

“You know what he means.” she said, barging in past the man, and as he stepped aside, her sisters filed in after her.

Inside, the small front room was blessedly warm, a fire already roaring in the hearth, and Autumn was the first to yank off her muddy boots.

“I don’t suppose you have a bath?” she asked the man, fearing the answer.

Contrary to her worries, the man nodded. “In the cellar. I don’t much care to go into town for that, and I like to keep clean besides.”

Autumn nodded as she started stripping off her leathers.

“You can hang your clothes to warm and dry down there as well.” the man said. “It’s a tad damp, but it’s warm enough. Let me show you down.”

Spring had gotten out of her boots as well, and Summer her low shoes, and in a neat, dripping line they followed him down into the cellar, where a large tub had been hewn from the rock, fed with warm water smelling faintly of sulfur from the depths of the earth.

“I’d offer you something to wear around the house while your clothes get dry”, the man offered as he watched them undress and hang their clothes with great interest, “but I don’t see that you’ll be requiring any, considering.”

“Of course.” Autumn said with a forced smile as she clambered into the tub, getting warm again at last.

“Enjoy yourselves.” the man said with a grin as he stepped out of the baths and walked back upstairs.

Sinking into the water, Summer sidled up to Autumn.

“We could probably have made it into town, you know.” she offered.

“Without freezing to death?” Autumn sallied.

“Maybe?” Summer admitted.

“Does it really matter if we’re sleeping with people for coin to pay at an inn or for straight room and board?” Spring asked Summer, who shrugged weakly.

“I guess not.” she demurred, and slid into Autumn’s lap, turning to her. “You’re sleeping with him first, though.”

“That’d be up to him, wouldn’t it?” Autumn suggested, and Summer shrugged vaguely.

An hour later, the three of them made their way upstairs, steam still rising from their naked skin. In the front room they found the farmer sitting in front of the fire, and at the low table at the front of the room, by shutters closed against the raging storm, they spotted two more people they took to be his children.

“Ah”, the man said with a grin, “there you are.”

“It occurs to me that it is fortunate that there are three of you, no?” he said, gesturing at the table. “Introductions are in order.”

Standing, he walked over to the table. “I am Cary, and this is my wife Tara.”

Summer regarded the blonde woman with considerable interest. Tara was at least ten years Cary’s junior, if not more, and from the shape of her she guessed, correctly, that this was at the least his second wife. Slender and tall, she smiled easily at the three naked girls that had appeared in her front room, appearing more enticed by the prospect than either of the men.

Cary gestured at the bullish young man at the table. “And this is my son, Vance.”

Vance looked like he took after his mother, whoever she might be. Taller than Cary by a head sitting down, he was broad and strong, a fringe of black hair falling into his eyes as he looked the girls over, his eyes lingering mostly on Summer. With a quick reach and a subtle tweak of his mind, she turned his attention firmly to Spring, while she drew Cary to Autumn, and Summer herself gave Tara a shy smile, setting a light blush on the young woman’s face.

_Take her._ Summer whispered into Vance’s mind. _She wants you to._

At once, Vance was on his feet, and snared Spring by the wrist, leading her towards the back of the house.

“What…” Cary began, before looking back over at Autumn, and suddenly decided he didn’t care. “No matter.”

“Why don’t we go upstairs.” he told Autumn, his lecherous grin returned. “To get better acquainted.”

As Cary led her from the room, Autumn shot Summer a dangerous look over her shoulder, greeted by a small, satisfied, three-fingered wave and a grin from her sister.

“It’s a bit cold up here.” Summer said to Tara when they were gone. “I’d be happy to stay in the baths a bit longer, if you’d like.”

“That sounds wonderful.” Tara offered with a smile, unlacing the front of her dress as she made towards the cellar door.


Upstairs, Autumn found the farmer’s bedroom more lavish than she had expected, or indeed feared. The tall four-poster bed had a feather mattress covered in several layers of heavy blankets, and rather than simple shutters, the window into the torrential rain was glass and lead. On one wall he had a large oak armoire, and across from it, even a painting.

“This is pretty nice.” she said with a smile as she sat down on the edge of the bed, looking around the room.

“Thank you.” Cary said with a smile, as he began unlacing his breeches.

Only now did it really dawn on Autumn how short he actually was; sitting on the edge of the bed she was almost of a height with him, and deciding to lean into it, she beckoned him over.

“Come here, let me help you with that.” she offered, and he quickly took her up on the offer.

After stripping off his shirt, she resumed the unlacing, and as his clothes fell to the floor, Autumn saw where his height had all gone. Hanging between his squat legs was a cock that was about the largest she had ever seen; even half-erect as it was.

“Oh my.” she said, trying to hide her surprise. “You certainly are eager.”

With a light stroke underneath it from balls to tip she quickly brought his cock to full attention, and returning stroked it a few time to get a feel for it.

“Doesn’t your wife mind when you give girls use of the house for these kinds of favours, though?” she asked, but he only shrugged.

“You’re here for company.” he said. “Not for conversation. So put that sweet mouth of yours to better use.”

With a quiet nod, Autumn stood up and turned him around, urging him onto the edge of the bed, before dropping to her knees in front of him. Stroking his shaft, she proceeded to kiss and lightly bite his balls, working to get him as hard as she was able, before moving on to pepper light kisses up and down his cock. Finally, when she felt she had a good read on the size of it, she wrapped her lips around it and began fellating him in earnest, a hand stroking the slicked shaft while the other squeezed and kneaded his balls.

The size of it didn’t give her much play, but stroke by stroke she managed to get a little deeper, but halfway down the length of it she bottomed out, and turned her focus instead to the head, her head twirling and dancing over it between gulps of cock. On her tongue and lips she could feel his pulse rapidly quickening, but as she could feel him dangling on the precipice she squeezed his balls tight and pulled back with a grin.

“Wha–” he protested, but seeing the eager gleam in her eye, he fell silent as she pushed him lightly backwards into bed and clambered up after him.

Positioning herself carefully above him, Autumn teased gently at him with her cunt, letting him feel her blooming wetness on the tip, before she slowly sank down onto it, until she could feel his hips against hers, a long, sighing gasp escaping from her as she did. Burying her fingertips into his chest, she took a few moments to steady herself, before beginning to slowly, deliberately ride him, getting only halfway up his length before clenching tight and sinking back down.

With each thrust, his breathing quickened, and as their hips met for the third time he spilled himself inside her, groaning bodily. After pulling up and off for the last time, Autumn flopped into bed next to him, and when he rolled over and began to snore she finished herself off with a quick hand dance, before going to sleep herself.


Moving roughly and hurriedly, Vance led Spring through the back room and into a small room, half nestled behind the kitchen and half nestled under the stairs. Without a word, he pushed her down on a narrow featherbed, before stopping to strip of his jerkin and breeches, freeing his already-erect cock from its confines. Spring was already excited as well, and as he deposited her into the bed, she took care to fall face first, leaving her behind sticking up enticingly.

The roughness with which he grabbed her hips was enough to make Spring give up a half-stifled moan, and as he paused, she could feel him staring down at her naked, eager form, lust raging inside him as heavily as the storm raged against the wooden shutters above the bed. With his first thrust he missed, sending his cock through her easily parting lips, slipping over her bud, and tapping against her belly, that alone nearly enough to bring her to orgasm.

His second thrust was surer, and Spring squealed with ecstacy as he thrust into her to the hilt, clenching tightly around him as he withdrew, and letting go as he thrust again, and again, and again, taking his pleasure from her as he liked, pressing her face into the featherbed each time, rocking her entire body. Her first orgasm came on the sixth thrust, when a subtle shift of their bodies brought him in even deeper and even harder; the second came on the next, when the hard thrust hit the wake of her first orgasm; the third orgasm came soon after, when she felt him fill her up with a grunt.

Panting he collapsed into bed on top of her, and after a while he managed to shift himself off of her and rightways into the bed. Unsure of what else to do, Spring moved for the door, but Vance snared her wrist again with his strong, broad hand, and pulled her into bed, where she obediently snuggled up with him, the two of them falling asleep together.


Through the mist rising from the water, Summer regarded Tara with curiosity. Between her full breasts, her soft pink lips and her thick blonde hair, she seemed much to pretty, much too friendly, and much too smart to stay with such an unpleasant man.

“Doesn’t it bother you that your husband takes in strays like this?” Summer asked with an easy smile, and Tara shook her head.

“It gives me a chance to spend some time with other women.” she explained. “We don’t get many visitors, and we don’t go into town often.”

“So you don’t have anyone to talk to?” Summer inquired, swishing the water about idly with her fingertips.

“I can talk to my husband.” Tara said with a pleasant smile. “But he doesn’t have a sweet little cunt for me to play with.”

Summer coughed with surprise.

“Don’t get me wrong.” Tara said as she stood up and waded across the tub, before settling into Summer’s lap. “I like my husband’s cock better than anything, and his son is always good for a bit of fun if he’s tired or busy, but variety truly is the spice of life, no?”

Summer gave a flustered nod.

“And it was good of you to send your sisters off with the two of them.” Tara continued. “Your big sister seems like too meek of a thing for my tastes, and I’m sure your little sister will appreciate my husbands cock most of any of you.”

Summer arched an eyebrow.

“It’s massive, you see.” Tara said with a grin. “Enormous, even.”

She leaned down and gave Summer a deep, lingering kiss, pressing her body against her for their nipples to touch, sending a shiver down Summer’s spine. As she drew away, a glittering strand of their tastes hung in the air between them, which Tara quickly followed back, burying her hands in Summer’s hair and grasping it tight as she kissed her passionately.

Finally she drew back again, all smiles.

“Why do you think I sent my sisters off with –” Summer began, but a soft voice carried in on some errant wind cut her off.

_Magic is rare, but not unique._ it whispered, and looking into Tara’s eyes she found the source.

Again Tara was on her, her lips finding her neck this time, biting, licking, kissing her as their breasts rubbed together, and one of Tara’s hands flew south to find Summer’s cunt. As soon as her fingertip met her rose bud, a fire shot through her body, and all of a sudden it felt as if the only thing in the world was the woman in her lap.

Even as Tara’s kisses and love bites lingered on the side of her neck, another mouth found Summer’s lips, locking passionately with them and drawing the breath out of her with their passion and eagerness. Another mouth was on the other side of her neck, even as nimble tongue twirled itself around her nipple, and yet another planted itself on her cunt, kissing, licking, biting, teasing; one tongue feathering her love bud while another slid across her lips and a third probed into the depths of her.

Aside from all of it, she felt Tara’s right hand on her other breast, kneading it gently, tweaking at her nipple and toying with her. Her other hand roughly grabbed her thigh, grasping it tight, and her third, fourth and fifth hands buried themselves in her hair and held on tight against the storm of sensation, keeping them as close together as they could be. Summer’s own hands fumbled out into the darkness, wrapping themselves around Tara’s waist, as yet another hand slipped three fingers deep into Summer’s cunt, gently rocking in and out.

When Summer came, she couldn’t tell if it was a single orgasm that lasted for an eternity, or an endless series of them, each leading into the next. When she screamed in pleasure, there was no noise, no room for the noise to exist in, only Tara.

_You’ll have to teach me this._ she reached out with in a whisper.

_No I don’t._ came the answer, along with twice again as many hands, tongues and lips there had been a moment before.


Unsteadily, Summer made her way up the cellar stairs, looking for a bed to stumble into, but when she arrived at the top, she found Spring and Autumn, already in their tunics and travel leathers.

“There you are.” Autumn said with a grin. “Ready to go?”

“Wha–” Summer mumbled. “Did the rain ease up already?”

“Already?” Spring asked, incredulously.

“Yes –” Summer started, before seeing the damp sunlight that framed her sisters in the open doorway.

“I don’t know if I would call ‘after four and a half days’ ‘already’.” Autumn said with a shrug. “Get dressed, and lets go.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5pcr73/fmfmff_wild_roses_pt_14_the_storm_prost