The Heal Slut: Chapter Two [MF] [Fantasy]

# Part Four: A Decision Made

**Marcia Tumbleheart**

Marcia felt his energy rolling around them the entire walk towards her home. It was intoxicating and distracting, as if she could feel the lust that boiled underneath his skin. It was an intense compliment and sounded like a voice in the back of her head that urged her to give into him.

The basket was safe as she approached, though the flowers and potential benefit seemed almost unimportant now. Marcia’s mind was racing as she struggled to keep moving forward, ignoring the lovely feeling coming from her new companion, and thinking about how to solve the spell that gripped his mind.

As they approached the wards, Marcia reached up and gripped his wrist, making sure the wards knew he was safe and could pass freely through them again. The feeling of his pulse under her fingers nearly made her hesitate, but her determination forced her feet forward and she let go of him as the magic of her wards passed them.

“Is it as hard for you as it is me?” Marcia asked, smiling slightly as she glanced at him. His quick pulse under her touch before was her main clue.

“Quite. I can still feel the pink mist in the back of my head and it tries to grip me whenever.. Whenever my thoughts stray.” He growled and it brought a faint warmth to her cheeks. She smiled over her shoulder at him.

“I have a book about lust magic. I hope the solution is there. If not..” She began, but stopped when a deep threatening rumble came from behind her. Marcia let her feet carry her faster, leaving him behind in the garden as she went inside and found the book easily on her bookshelf closest to the kitchen.

Marcia sat heavily at the kitchen table, setting the tome on the table as she flipped through the pages, trying to seek the spell through the pages. She felt him enter in the next few moments, his intense energy filling the house and distracting her senses.

“Tirron, please go into the bedroom. I can not focus with your lust so close.” Marcia told her quietly as she looked up at him. She felt her cheek’s warmth and the other growing warmth inside her.

As he moved from the room with an understanding gaze, though it seemed to linger upon her, Marcia turned back to the pages and focused on her task. The task that may fail before one of them succumbed to the spell’s power. The lust that boiled within them both was quickly becoming overwhelming.

Regardless, Marcia was sure she made the right choice in keeping him away from the village. She flipped another page and there it was. The spell that the priestess cast upon him.

The Undying Desire Spell was hard to cast, generally used by those that followed the God Eros, as she knew Sybil did. It was relatively simple to dispel, but requires a set of circumstances that weren’t likely by those that succumbed to the spell, certainly not the one it was cast upon.

The spell itself preyed on the lust that was deep within one’s soul, building it and multiplying it even after it was sated. The side effect of the spell was increasing the victim’s power, but most users deemed it acceptable because the victim would usually be killed by others, usually a spouse or family member that the victim took advantage of.

Those with magical power were particularly vulnerable to giving into the victim’s magic that called to their own lust. The caster was usually an exception, being warned to cast a ward that prevented the effect from reaching them.

To get rid of the spell, both the victim of the spell and the one that the victim mated with would have to use their energy at the moment of climax to push through the spell and break it from both sides. Afterward, it would linger in a diminished state for several hours, then fade away.

Marcia closed the book with a sigh and leaned against the table as she determined the hard choice she would have to make. Her fertility was in question, if she came with him now, she would probably end up with a child. But no one else could possibly help Tirron now. Even Sybil couldn’t remove the spell unless she mated with him again.

Her choice was made when she stood up and removed her robe, putting it over the chair, smoothing out the wrinkles before she went to the fabric door of her bedroom. She could feel his lust boiling over inside and made her choice one last time.

“Gods..” came his deep, rough voice from within. Marcia stepped inside and tilted her head as she observed him. He was handsome, even though she knew of his scars. He was hard as well, his bulge painfully trapped within his pants under his armor.

“Tirron..” Marcia murmured, feeling her desire grow exponentially as she gave into it. Her body felt hot and she knew it responded to the lust that gripped her. Her thighs were getting wetter, her nipples hardening, her blood pounding faster.

“Marcia.. I didn’t mean to let the spell..” Tirron’s growl was intoxicating, though she lifted her hand and stopped him as she smiled.

“I think I know the solution.” Marcia told him confidently. She made this choice freely and it would affect their efforts to fix this. She stepped forward and found his arms around her, touching her sides and her back as she pressed her lips to his for the first time.

The magic twirled and shifted around them, gripping them as one. Marcia let her hands come up and touch his neck, then higher into his hair as they deepened the kiss. She tasted his tongue, the lingering traces of his lust with Sybil. Marcia pulled away from some difficulty, pushing at his chest.

“Strip, please.” Marcia told him in a quiet murmur as she shifted back and fell back against the bed, watching him with lidded eyes. The magic felt the intent and he nodded, smirking slightly as he unstrapped his armor easily, it wasn’t fully strapped in the first place. His underclothes came off next and he was naked as he stood before her bed.

“And you?” Tirron asked with a leering glare, his eyes traveling from her green eyes down her body to her legs, where the skin of her thighs were exposed as the dress rode up.

“Strip me, too.” Marcia licked her lips as she eyed him, his hard cock was aching once more, pulsing with need as it stuck out in front of him. It was the palest part of him, except for the blood rushing in and making the head a deep pink-red.

“As you wish, lover.” Tirron growled and leaned forward over her. His lips graced hers once more, then kissed across her cheek and to her neck. The other side, he gripped with his hand and she gave into his touch easily.

“Goddess..” Marcia moaned as his lips peeled down her neck and his teeth came into play, nibbling at her shoulder. Tirron chuckled to himself and she felt his knee descend on the bed between her legs. spreading them further.

Tirron’s kisses ended and his hands went down her body, feeling her curves as the dress melded to her form. Sweat formed on her skin and need rose between her legs. His hands went down her hips and down her thighs, peeling under the dress.

“Lift.” Tirron growled into her ear and she gave in, lifting her hips as he pulled and exposed her skin to him for the first time. Her skin was pale and her panties were completely soaked and melded to her cleft. As the dress rose, Tirron’s eyes traveled over her skin as if memorizing each and every inch.

It affected Marcia deeply, even with the magic that kept them on this path, she felt his true desire in every movement, in every action, every way that his eyes and hands and lips graced her.

The dress came up and she leaned forward, lifting her arms as he lifted it off completely and threw it to the side. His eyes fell upon her chest and Marcia wanted to lift her arms and cover it, but resisted as she leaned back against the bed once more, leaning against her arms.

“Perfect..” Tirron muttered as his kisses continued where they left off, her shoulders and moving toward her chest. It was hard to focus for Marcia now, when his lips traveled down her collarbone. His hands touched her bare sides and roamed her curves, slowly rising up to meet his lips.

Both met in the middle at her breasts, his hands sliding up beneath them and lifted them ever so slightly as his lips kissed in idly circles onto the soft flesh of her left breast. His hand came up and cupped her other breast, rough fingers against her nipple that made her gasp in pleasure, doubly so when his lips came down and circled around her other nipple.

“Tirron, please.. I can’t take it much longer.” Marcia cried out as his tongue batted at her hardened nipple, his fingers lightly pinching the other. Tirron chuckled into her skin, scattering the sensation of his breath over her flesh.

“Then you might want to explain how to.. fix the spell before I’m inside you.” Tirron growled at her as his kisses began to trail lower and his hand pushed at her chest, making her lay back on the bed at his mercy.

“Goddess..” Marcia struggled to recall the thoughts, the very reason this way happening now. She was so deep into the lust and the need that he rose into her. Distracting her further was the way his hands eased her panties down and off, his eyes traveling from her soaked sex up to her eyes.

“The spell can be broken at the moment of climax. It will lose its grip on you for a moment and both of us must use our magic to push through it at that moment, wrapping it from all sides and breaking it. You understand?” Marcia rushed through the words as his kisses swept down her ribs and onto her stomach, where his touch and kisses roamed as separate entities, showering affection on her body that was so rarely given such attention.

“I see. And you are sure you want to do this?” Tirron asked, looking up at her as he pondered her consent. She nodded, reaching down to touch his cheek. She smiled, a bright look that sent confidence into him.

“I want to do this. Both fuck you, and to break this spell.. And whatever may come afterward. You know our fertility is increased because of this..” Marcia admitted to him, allowing the words to come before either of them tried to resist.

“You mean you will get pregnant.” Tirron closed his eyes for a moment, then nodded as he kissed back up her body swiftly, ending at her lips.

“Yes.. Probably. I don’t have any spells to counteract what this spell causes. Even Sybil may end up pregnant..” Marcia told him as he broke the kiss. His eyes were deep and thoughtful, even though the haze of need and the throbbing that she felt on her thigh.

“Well, if it’s a choice you made, then it’s a choice I must make as well. You will save me from a fate worse than any other.” Tirron told her and gathered her in his arms, pressing forward with his hips intently as her legs spread to allow him.

“Tirron..” Marcia moaned as she felt his cock against her slick sex. She was ready and he was too. It didn’t take much work as he pressed to her entrance with a shared look, his dark brown eyes looking into her bright green ones. He pushed forward and his cock pierced her, an intense feeling that made her moan loudly.

It was almost painful as she stretched around him. He was large, but he knew how to make it easier for her. His hips shifted, slowly. Slightly in and then almost out. Then again, a little more into her, then almost out. It was almost torture but Marcia found herself falling for him every second. A deep appreciation, a deep admiration finding its way into her at his treatment of her.

In his lust, he could have simply fucked her as he had the Ork. But where he knew the ork deserved the harsh treatment and his lust was more urgent, here he took his time and made his affection and care for her known.

“Gods, Marcia.” Tirron groaned as he pushed deeper and deeper within her, sheathing himself with her. The pleasure burned at her nerves and spread throughout her body. It coiled within her and she found herself on the edge before he even began to properly fuck her.

“I’m gonna..” Marcia gasped out as she felt him push completely into her finally, his fat balls pushing against her nethers. The pleasure found its way deep into her and spread through every bit of her body and gripped her mind at once.

“Good girl..” Tirron murmured in her ear as he gripped her, one hand on her hip and the other behind her back as he pressed himself hard against her. His hips began to shift as her orgasm began and it overwhelmed her completely.

Their fucking began in earnest, his hips gaining speed as he pushed into her over and over, her orgasm gripping her pussy down around him and working his pleasure upward. Marcia couldn’t think, could hardly breathe through the pleasure, the small moans that escaped her lips reassured her lover that she wasn’t dying in some way in the throes.

“Marcia, keep that up and we might have to start over again to go at the same time.” Tirron chuckled breathlessly as he fucked her, his own pleasure and impending orgasm clearly approaching. Marcia nodded and gripped his shoulders.

“I’m gonna cum with you again, just fuck me!” Marcia demanded, her words filtering through her ebbing orgasm even as another built under the relentless assault of his cock inside of her. He didn’t respond to her words in any way except to let go of her with the hand under her back, sliding it to her thigh as he spread it further and fucked her harder.

Their combined pleasure was quickly approaching and Marcia focused as she felt the spell responding to their impending orgasm. She pictured it, urging his mind forward as well. She saw them both on either side of a chasm, the pink mist occupying the center of it, hovering over the mass of their orgasm that waited only moments away.

“Ready?” Tirron groaned as his cock swelled inside of her.

“Yes!” Marcia screamed as she fell over the edge first, her orgasm wrapping around her and he fell with a growl in the next moment, his cock beginning its last assault inside of her, spewing his seed into her even as he thrust completely into her over and over.

In her mental landscape, she saw herself fall through the mist and her power lifted up from under it, lifting it up as Tirron’s magic fell on top of it and pierced it from within. With a push of both of their willpower’s, the pink mist shivered and scattered into many pieces as she knew it would.

And they met in the middle, power pushing against each other and mingling together as their bodies came together. Their energy was completely in sync, feeling each other in the endless abyss that gripped them for many seconds.

And then the abyss slowly evened out and their orgasms ebbed away, leaving them in a sweaty, gasping mess in the middle of her bed. She felt his hot seed inside of her and he stared at her with such affection that she wanted to shy away and hide, but couldn’t as she felt the same towards him.

“It’s gone?” Marcia asked in a quiet gasp, trying to find her bearings even with his cock still embedded within her. He closed his eyes and slowly nodded.

“It’s not the same gripping power it was before. Broken into hundreds of pieces and scattering in each breath I take. My energy will take care of it easily. Are you okay?” He asked as he leaned forward, their lips inches apart.

Marcia broke the distance and pushed up to kiss him. It was passion and happiness and affection and contentment.

“More than okay.” she responded as she fell back on the bed again and looked up at the colors above the bed, her eyes closing in several moments as she felt relaxation fill her as his cock had.

He laid his head on her shoulder, still catching his breath even as his cock began its slow return to normal size, still fit slightly into her but eased out in the next moment. Marcia felt the seed ooze from her and wondered if she hoped it took effect or not. She couldn’t decide and vowed not to decide until she knew for sure.

He rolled off of her and collapsed on the bed next to her, slipping his strong arm under her once more and rolling her close, her head on his shoulder. It was such a comfort to her worries that she relaxed against him.

“Whatever may come..” Tirron murmured in her ear and kissed the side of her head before he leaned back and slipped into sleep without hesitation. Marcia lingered only a moment behind him, awed by the attitude that she didn’t expect. Marcia cuddled closer to him and fell asleep a few moments later.

Their energy purred together, still mostly linked in the aftermath and utterly satisfied.


# Part Five: The Night

**Tirron Maldrek**

Tirron felt a strange pull on his magic, bringing his eyes open as he tried to place the feeling. He felt different in the wake of the breaking of the spell and his coupling with Marcia. His energy and her’s were still twisted around each other and Tirron didn’t know how to separate them in the moment as he woke up and sat up in bed, carefully sliding his arm around her soft body.

The pull came on their combined energy once more and made his senses go on alert. It felt like an alarm that was set outside and he understood in the next moment. Briefly, he wondered why her ward would alert him and she still slept peacefully.

Instead of dwelling on the thought, he slid out of bed and put on his underclothes and grabbed his sword, heading outside with soft steps. It was dark, well past midnight now and Tirron didn’t know who would be heading out here this late.

Tirron was surprised to see Harvey standing just beyond the wards, looking through them as if he couldn’t see Tirron approaching. Tirron quickened his step and pushed through the wards, appearing in front of his boss.

“Harvey. You shouldn’t be out here so late.” Tirron growled as Harvey’s worried look turned into surprise.

“I was worried about you. I couldn’t sleep at all. We lost enough of our fellows tonight without you joining them. I’d ask if you were okay, but..” Harvey’s scowl turned into a smirk as he observed Tirron’s lack of armor and general relaxed energy.

“Marcia and I managed to break the priestess’s spell and well.. we formed a bond that won’t be broken easily. Who did we lose?” Tirron asked as he stilled his feelings.

“Sorry to say, Pitrin was foremost among the dead. Most of those close to the beginning of the battle say he saw the enemy before they took him down and rallied the other soldiers.” Harvey explained, laying a hand on Tirron’s shoulder. It was little comfort, even though he saw the dead body and knew him as the first dead.

“Erik, Mival, and Vincent were killed outright by the Orks, and Taran Aldmin died from blood loss before we arrived at the village. Thankfully, we recovered Thodek on the way, he was wounded but your healer helped him.” Harvey seemed relieved by that news at least.

“Marcia is very talented. I owe her my life as it is.” Tirron nodded and the two men shared a brief smile.

“Just so. Most of us owe our lives to you and her as well then. We’ll be staying in the village for a few days, then head deeper inland towards Topin and Reklet. I will leave the decision on you if you plan to join us. Think it over, talk with your healer. Perhaps you have a place here now.” Harvey told Tirron, as if he could sense the magic energy that intertwined the two and knew of the circumstances that gripped Tirron’s heart.

“Harvey..” The quarter demon frowned and glanced back at the house. Harvey nudged him playfully.

“Like I said, think about it. You are welcome with us, of course. Even Miss Tumbleheart would be welcome, a healer would never be turned away.” He joked, smiling as he tried to cut the tension in Tirron’s shoulders.

“I couldn’t bear to tear her away from her home. There may be.. complications regarding my relationship with the ork woman as well.” Tirron leaned against a tree, sighing.

“I see. I imagine there was some fertility magic inherent to a spell like that.” Harvey skirted around the issue. “Regardless, I hope you are well. If you need me, I’ll be in the village at the Packen and Rush Inn.”

“Let me know if there is anything I can do for you in the meantime. I’ll consider my options and tell you. Goodnight, Harvey. Be careful heading back.” Tirron bowed slightly to the older man and turned back towards the house, stepping through the wards once more.

Tirron felt Marcia stir as he entered the building, discarding his clothes and sword once more. Marcia was sitting up as he came into the bedroom, looking at him with her bright green eyes that made his heart quiver.

“Everything okay?” She asked in a sleepy voice, though her eyes were alert. He nodded and eyed her for a moment. She was still nude and looked gorgeous in the faint moonlight that filtered through the window.

“Yes. Harvey was searching for me, but he is headed back now.” Tirron replied to her as he stepped closer to the bed and closer to the girl. She smiled at him softly and turned faintly red under his gaze. She shifted and pulled the soft fur blanket over her body.

“Come lay down?” Marcia asked as she held the corner nearest him open. He gave in and slid under the blanket and pressed close to her, wrapping his arms around her as she laid her head on his shoulder once more.

“You were able to feel the wards?” Marcia asked as she made herself comfortable against him. He nodded and ran his hand along her spine, slowly relaxing her.

“Yes. It was foreign to me, but I think because our magic is still mixed together, it recognized me as someone that should be alerted.” Tirron’s words and his hand seemed to lull the girl back into a light sleep, her light breathing was lovely to his ears, though Tirron himself far too awake now with thoughts swarming through his brain.

He was connected to this girl now, far more intimately than he expected even as she took him back to her home to research the spell. He expected they would fuck eventually, he would repay her for the work of ending the spell, then he would return to his job and eventually leave town.

But he didn’t just fuck her, her made love to her and together their souls and their magic bonded in the effort to destroy the spell. Even now, he could only find the faintest wisps of the mist within his mind in the darkest corners, but it found no refuge to reproduce and grip him once more.

The other consequence was one that was still settling, the potential for children. Tirron hadn’t thought about children before, had never settled down with a woman long enough to care. Neither did he know how to be a father. His own was strict, controlling, and contrasted utterly with his careful mother.

But both of them were dead and offered little comfort for him now, on another continent, in another place. Tirron frowned to himself as he considered briefly that he wouldn’t be a good father.

Tirron’s gaze turned to the girl in his arms and the rolling magic he felt within her. She would be a woman worth settling down for and learning how to be a parent. She equaled him in her magical might and the urge to help people.

She knew the risks when they joined to break the spell. She accepted that she may end up being a mother, being a parent to his child. Even with his demonic blood, she accepted him. Tirron wasn’t sure what influenced her to make the decision. He would have to ask her and figure out the best choice to make for both of them.. in the morning.

For now, his mind seemed to slow and he finally began to relax. Nothing would be solved by staying awake with his unending thoughts. He pressed closer to Marcia, kissing the top of her hair softly before laying back once more and letting sleep grip him finally.


**Sybil of Zibush**

Sybil smirked at her husband, eyes watching as he raged. They were secluded, now, inside their shack outside the cave that held some of their goblin brethren. Letam was angry, the entire raid today went wrong and even worse, his pride was damaged.

Sybil didn’t feel guilty, nor responsible, about the death of their warriors nor the man that fucked her and almost certainly planted the seed of a child within her. Already, she could feel his energy swirling around inside of her, building and firming as it found an egg willing.

Instead, she felt victorious. Her love for Letam had not diminished in the years since they were married and took command of the clan together, instead it had only grown and pushed her towards making a child to take over for them someday, if he were powerful enough.

Now, she was sure the demon spawn would be more than powerful enough to lead the clan and even powerful enough to kill Letam should the current chief survive until then. The warriors they lost in the raid were a sacrifice that would only work in her favor.

The clan could reduce its aggression while some of the younger orks learned more and became ready for battle. Letam would certainly pull back and focus on the still living, but right now he was focused on one particular fact.

“Sybil, why must you carry the child of a human? I’m not infertile, no matter what your magic says.” Letam raged, throwing an axe against the wall, embedding it firmly in the wood.

“You know why our child must not be of your blood. It has nothing to do with your fertility. Believe me, we could have a child easily. You wish to break the clan with a future leader of your own blood, just as Yabit tried to do. Remember, you are the one that killed him for the good of the clan.” Sybil explained in the patient tone that usually brought Letam out of his rage.

Instead, it only made it worse as he growled and gripped her around the waist, throwing her roughly on the large bed that occupied the north end of the room. Sybil bit her lip as she glared up at her mate and lover, Letam.

His skin was dark green and tall. His arms were large from wielding a great-axe for many years and he was built perfectly for an Ork. From his bottom lips, two tusks pointed up and to each side, sharp points that turned her on. His hair was long, black, and braided into many loops that ended around his waist.

Letam reached forward and tore her clothes away, luckily she was only wearing a thin shirt since she removed her priestess robes that were already soiled by the ground. His rough hands pushed at her shoulders and she laid back, watching him as he took out his anger.

“Of all the men you have fucked.. a god’s damn human.” He scowled fiercely, nude in a second as he forced his clothes off. His cock was long and thick, bigger than the human’s at least, but colored a light green and the head was closer to purple than not.

“And we shall have a powerful child that can take over for you one day. He shall have horns, as well as tusks.” Sybil purred as she felt him come up between her thighs and roughly push into her. She moaned as he pushed into her.

She thought of telling him how similar it was to Tirron’s lust fueled aggression, but knew he was already so far gone that it might end up more violent than she wanted so close to the conception of her child.

Their coupling didn’t last long, Letam was so far gone into his anger and taking it out on her through lust that his point was reached far more quickly than normal. Sybil closed her eyes, focusing on her own building pleasure and the lovely thoughts that filtered through her mind.

Perhaps an hour or so after she returned to the clan’s grounds, Sybil felt her connection to Tirron burst. The spell collapsed and the woman knew the only way it would end was through Tirron mating with a magical, most likely Marcia. The rivalry between the two only continued, but now connected them far more deeply than before. If they were both to be mothers to the child of the demon descended, they would have to learn to be more than enemies.

Sybil admitted to herself, if no one else, that the thought of Marcia and Tirron brought her closer to the edge now than her thrusting mate. And the feeling of Marcia’s orgasm earlier brought her thoughts far closer to attraction for the human than the ork thought possible.

“Fuck!” Letam growled suddenly and Sybil felt his hot seed inside of her, pushing deeply into her stretched cunt and bringing her to her own brink. One last thought pushed her over the edge, Tirron’s cock bursting inside of her once more.

Sybil’s orgasm spread throughout her entire body, squeezing around Letam and echoing from her lips in delightful moans. Her lover finally calmed as her magic spread around them and bared down on him. They were as one for the brief moment and pressed hard together, arms wrapped around and keeping them close.

“I love you, Letam.” Sybil gasped, gripping him as her orgasm slowly ebbed away, her energy still wrapped around them firmly.

“I know.” Letam sighed as he pressed his lips to hers briefly, then rolled off of her and sat at the edge of the bed. “I can’t stop these feelings, but I will love you until I die.” Letam dressed in silence, took one last glance at her still nude form on the bed, then fled into the growing darkness.

Sybil smiled to herself and shifted her hips, feeling her lover’s cum still mingling inside of her with the other cum that was deep into her. She made no effort to cleanse herself of either seed and hoped in some way that it influenced the child to be both a powerful demon descendant, ork, and magic user.

Sybil chanted a spell to herself, whispering words that would at least guarantee her child’s safety for the night and that love would bear them forward. Sybil fell asleep with a smile on her lips.
