[M4F] There’s Only An Hour Left

This was inspired by a post asking something like “What would you do if you had the one time power to talk to your 15 year old self, with the caveat that you get a minute”. I thought it’s powerful, and the creative part in me, connected it with an erotic version. Here it is!

You see a person who interests you, maybe you are curious about him, or maybe you like him, it doesn’t matter if your affinity towards him is positive or negative, you just have some sort of affinity. When we have an affinity towards something, sometimes it’s b/c we have this innate urge to understand it, not just mentally, but often more than just that.

And you realize that you only have one hour left with this person, that’s it, you’ll never get a chance to see this person again. And isn’t this what makes being human, mortality something beautiful? Maybe we don’t have one hour, maybe we have 80 years, but at the end of the day, isn’t it that we are limited? Technology, has only created the illusion of unlimited possibility, you add me to your insta and now we have the illusion that we have unlimited possibilities? No that’s bull-shit. There’s no insta, there’s no facebook, there’s no internet, or a way to be in touch. We can imagine that we’ve time-travelled to 1600s Europe and I’m taking this voyage to discover the Americas… The chances are, we’ll never see each other again, and the bitter-sweet thing is that you only have 60 minutes, only 60 minutes… You can choose to do nothing, or you can choose to do anything you want to, whatever you do or you don’t do, well that’s it…

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/kh0log/m4f_theres_only_an_hour_left