She Said She Was Cool With Anything (Part 2)

“Of course, you can smoke inside too,” said Harold, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a packed of cigarettes. Lucy hurried over.
“Great idea.”
The three of them lit their cigarettes and sat down, Harold and Nancy on the bench and Lucy on the wicker chair that stood next to it. Nancy took a drag, exhaled, and said, “How have you been, Harry?” Harold straightened his back, exhaled smoke and said, “Busy, as ever.”
“He never talks about himself or his life,” said Lucy, a tone of exasperation in her voice. She herself liked to keep things anonymous, although she would be the first to argue that she had nothing to hide in any event.
Harold spoke up again, “Work has been keeping me busy. I’m thinking about adopting a puppy soon, but other than that life has pretty much been on a plateau.”
“Ooh, a puppy! My friend Alice just got the cutest little mix. Have you owned a dog before?”
“I had a collie growing up,” said Harold, staring out into the night. The sky had darkened and the wind was picking up. Living so close to the ocean had its benefits, but the cool breeze tended to grown into howling winds when the sun set.
Harold glanced down at the lightly tanned legs of the girl sitting next to him. Nancy, although being a rather skinny girl by all accounts, had relatively nice legs. Or maybe all legs were nice? He did not know. All that he knew in that moment, was that he could feel the warmth from her body and that was enough.
“How about you, Nancy?”
Nancy beamed, “I’m being promoted!” she said, her voice serrated by a mixture of fear and excitement.
“They decided that they need me more than I need them.”
“Typical,” said Lucy, doing little to hide the contempt in her voice. “They always try to squeeze as much out of a working body as they possibly can. Disgusting.”
“Well, here’s to Friday night and getting shitfaced,” Harold said, bringing his glass up and to the centre of the group.
“Oh, shit, I left our drinks inside!”
As Lucy scurried away to fetch the gin, Nancy put her arm around Harold and gave him a peck on the cheek.
“What was that for?” he asked, in mock surprise.
“For being nice,” came her response. She lifted her arm from around his shoulders and placed it on his leg.
“Here you go,” said Lucy, returning with the drinks. “Ooh, I see you two are getting comfortable,” she said with an evil grin. Nancy massaged Harold’s leg with her one hand, her other twirling an escaped strand of hair. Suddenly Harold was acutely aware of her nipples, standing firmly out against the soft fabric of her top.
“We went underwear shopping to celebrate,” Lucy said, sipping her drink. “We were hoping you would give us some feedback on what we bought.”
“If I have to,” said Harold, feeling himself harden at the idea of the two women naked in his apartment.
Lucy gave Nancy a wicked smile, opening her knees so that her skirt rode up over her thighs, revealing her wet, naked lips where her curving thighs meet. Harold stared. Nancy nudged him with her shoulder, as Lucy closed her legs again and laughed.
“She’s not wearing panties at the moment,” said Nancy, “and I’m not wearing a bra.” Her hands rose to her chest and she absentmindedly rubbed the small, perky mounds, squeezing them and pushing them together into a pleasing cleavage.
“Let’s get comfortable inside,” Nancy said in a half-whisper, leaning in close and looking deep into Harold’s eyes, her hand extending comfortably to his knee in a warm, inviting gesture.
“Aw, we just sat down,” said Lucy with mock concern. She nevertheless got up and followed the other two friends inside.
“Okay, you sit down and get comfortable,” said Nancy. “You too, Lucy. Harry, where can I get changed?”
“The bathroom is the first door on you right,” replied Harold. He didn’t mind her calling him Harry, something about it made him feel like a naughty schoolboy again, and he liked it. Lucy sat down next to him on the couch.
“Let’s get some music playing,” she said. Harold reached for his phone. “Don’t you have anything better to play music off of than your stupid phone?” Harold didn’t reply, but opened his remote app and quickly selected a soundtrack from his YouTube history, which started playing through the two rather nice speakers that stood on either side of the screen. Visualisations began to play, colours and shapes dancing and changing to the beat of the slick, energetic tune he had selected.
“How did you do that?” asked Lucy, clearly delighted.
“Here, I’ll show you.” Harold leaned closer and was about to show her how his app worked when Nancy emerged from the hallway to the bathroom, wearing nothing but a dark red and black pair of panties and a matching bra. Black lacework trimmed the velvety red fabric which simultaneously appeared thin and supportive. Two very small bumps could be seen, barely visible against the dark fabric.
“What do you think, Harry, do you like it?” asked Nancy, turning her body to give them a better view from multiple angles. Harold stammered, trying to respond, but his mouth had gone dry and he could think of nothing better to say than a quiet “yes.” Nancy rolled her eyes, lifted her arms and danced around in a circle, moving her hips in rhythmic side to side movements as the music played.
Although she wasn’t wearing any heels, Harold found himself drawn to the curve of her buttocks. She had a nice, albeit narrow pair of back bumps. Between them her straight thighs went more or less down to her knees, no more curved than her thin arms. He did like the gap between her thighs, although he definitely didn’t mind the alternative.
Nancy squeezed her boobs together, shaking them and making them jiggle in the tight bra.
“Okay, Lucy’s turn!” she said before plonking down on the couch between Harold and Lucy. Lucy sprang up excitedly and made for the bathroom. Harold let his gaze drift over Nancy’s body. Her abdomen was toned, but soft, rather than muscular. She had thin legs and arms to complement her features and her personality. She shook her hair out, removing the rubber band she had been using to tie it up.
“Do you like these?” she asked innocently, putting her feet up on the couch and spreading her legs. She started to stroke the material of the panties with her finger, apparently enjoying the sensation of it under her skin.
“They’re very nice, are they comfortable?”
“Very, they’re made from cotton, so they’re quite soft. Here, you feel.” She took his hand and guided it over her pubic region, letting his fingers dance briefly over the softness of her pussy underneath the delicate fabric. Harold felt the subtle shapes of her labia and clitoris under the panties, feeling himself grown engorged within his own underwear.
Nancy noticed immediately, as if she had been expecting this reaction, and placed a had nonchalantly over his bulge, rubbing it in long, slow circular motions.
“Nice,” she said simply. At that moment Lucy reappeared.
“What do ya think?” she said from the doorway. “Hey, you two, don’t get started without me!” She marched into the small living room and stood in front of the couch, her hands on her hips.
She wore a turquoise pair of panties, in a different style from the red affair worn by Nancy, but somehow equally seductive. The somewhat sheer fabric shined in the light of the lamps, exposing her curves and details. Harold found himself captivated by the ensemble. Lucy had large, pink nipples, with wide areolas, which were visible under the confines of the bra. The panties barely hid her pussy, serving more to highlight the region than to cover anything.
“Okay, next!” said Nancy, hopping off the couch and skipping past Lucy toward the bathroom, her slight buttocks bouncing in a pleasing manner as she moved. Lucy sat down next to Harold, her hand on his leg. The music reached a beautiful melodic section. Harold looked at the girl next to him on the couch. Lucy had a fair complexion, contrasted by her naturally thick, dark hair. Her thighs were like soft, white loafs, her stomach and broad hips pleasingly curvy and sensuous. He reached up and stroked the side of her face, his eyes traveling up from her belly button to meet her gaze.
As he leaned in for the kiss Nancy returned from the bathroom. She wore a very scant pink bikini leaving little to the imagination. Harold turned his head to get a good look but Lucy grabbed his chin and forced him back, finding his lips with hers. The kiss was slow, soft and sensational, thought Harold as he sighed and let the joy of the moment wash over him. He was vaguely aware that Nancy had returned to stand by the couch, arms crossed in a show of mock irritation. As their lips disconnected Harold opened his eyes and saw the sparkling in Lucy’s.
With a quick smile Lucy leapt up, turned around and shook her bum at them.
“Be right back!” she sang as she danced towards the bathroom. Harold turned his attention back to Nancy, who was sitting with one foot up on the couch, legs open, arms spread out on the couch back.
“You look lovely,” said Harold, meaning every word. Where Lucy had a soft, sensuous body, Nancy had a petite, pixie-like frame. He lifted his hand to stroke her cheek. Nancy took a giant sip from her gin before placing the glass back down on the side table.
“You like it?” she breathed, seductively
“Like it? I love it!” he replied. How could he possibly convey how much he loved this? Nancy lent in and kissed him, a much harder and more passionate kiss than the one he had just shared with Lucy. It was nice. Harold’s body responded by producing an overabundance of heat and he suddenly felt warm and uncomfortable.
“Maybe I should get into something more comfortable,” he suggested idly.
“Like what? Guys can’t pull off sexy lingerie.” Nancy seemed adamant in her opinion. Nevertheless, Harold had had enough of simply spectating. He wanted to play. Lucy returned at that moment, and he stared, feeling his mouth drop open. She wore a black one-piece, somehow the more erotic for hiding more of her body. Harold took a moment to appreciate the glimpse of cleavage with the wonderful upper thighs and, as she spun around for their enjoyment, the beautiful, strong buttocks bouncing around under the sleek black material.
“Okay, ladies-” Harold began before being cut off by Lucy, on finger raised.
“We’re not ladies, sir.”
“Fine. Women, it is time I joined in the fun.”
“Hah!” Lucy snorted. “This isn’t fun for you?”
“It is, but I’m getting ever so warm in these clothes, and y’all look nice and comfortable. May I please get changed too?”
“Fine,” Lucy said in overly exasperated tones, “But don’t take too long, while you’re busy we’re going to see if we can find your porn collection.”
Harold found himself laughing aloud at the thought. His porn collection? He had a few scattered folders here and there with the odd collection of pictures and videos, maybe even a game of two that he had never played, but the majority of his filth was online, as God intended. And, while he frequently browsed the online fare, he had no history to search, no bookmarked links to follow – nothing.
“If you find something interesting I would be very impressed,” he said, doing little to hide the smugness in his voice.
Harold got up from the couch as Lucy grabbed the wireless keyboard and mouse from the coffee table and started browsing around on the computer. He looked back at the girls, sitting, giggling excitedly on his couch. How beautiful they were. They were so different, yet similar, and he loved them the same. With a spring in his step he rushed down the hallway, flicking lights on as he went, ducking into the small bedroom and straight toward the closet. Three minutes later he returned, wearing his best search result for “sexy male lingerie.”
As he entered the living room Lucy looked up and almost choked on her drink. Nancy followed her gaze and burst out laughing. Lucy hurriedly placed her glass down before losing her mind, rolling back onto the couch in a fit of laughter that had tears appear at the corners of her eyes.
“What are you wearing?” Nancy asked, gasping for breath.
“They’re called skants,” said Harold, feigning hurt in his voice.
“Honey, you should stick to shirt and tie. You don’t have the body for that.”
“Nonsense, Nancy!” Lucy weighed in, her eyes still glimmering with joy. “He has the perfect body for wearing man panties.” With that the girls lost it completely, rolling over each other and onto the floor, laughing and pointing.
“Nice banana-hammock!” Nancy chirped.
“Very nice sausage-cradle!” Lucy agreed.
“Excellent twinkie smuggler!” Nancy added.
“You could probably fit a penis in there, if you had one!” Lucy shouted, losing herself in the moment.
“Hey, I’m a grower, not a shower!” Harold shot back, starting to feel a little bit the outlet for pent-up frustrations. He turned and walked back to his room, defeated. Maybe underwear wasn’t something he could successfully use to seduce women. Whatever. They were having fun, and he had already been treated to such a marvellous display! He would draw from this experience for a while to fuel his dreams.
When he returned, Harold had donned his work clothes again, pants, shirt and tie, but no shoes. He walked into the living room, half-expecting more penis jokes. In stead he found the two girls, their attention focussed on the screen, mouths hanging open.
“Ew!” exclaimed Nancy. Harold turned to look and felt the icy finger of horror slowly tracing down his back. One of the women on the screen was just beginning to feed the octopus into the waiting vagina of the other. Harold felt his mouth dry up. This could be a very bad end to his night.
While Nancy was making a face like somebody watching a gruesome murder unfold, Lucy looked thoughtful. She licked her lips, her eyes following every motion of the sliming tentacles as they writhed and stuck to different parts of the lady’s anatomy.
“Harold, explain,” she demanded. “What is this?”
“I have no idea, I’ve never seen anything like this in my entire life!” he blurted out, his face suddenly very hot.

“It was already open, just minimised,” said Nancy, giving him a sidelong glance with one raised eyebrow. “Just admit you were watching it already.”
“Fine,” said Harold, defeated. “I heard about it online and was curious. I’m not a pervert!”
“Yeah you are,” Lucy said, her face split by a giant smile, “I know you are. I could tell that immediately about you. That’s why we’re friends.”
