Three Years a sex slave Pt 2

[Ff] [FFf] [Inc]

The very next day, as soon as I came home from high school, mom had me in the car and we’re off to the doctors. This wasn’t our regular family doctor, this was a specialist, a “good friend of the family”, she told me. My mom got an appointment with a specialist the day after she rang to make the appointment? He must be a really good friend. I soon learned he was one of the members of their group of DOMs, an OBGYN specialist.

She came into the surgery with me. “This is Catherine, my daughter, and this Cate, is Master G-, you may address him as Master or Sir. Do exactly as he orders.”

I knew straightaway that he was involved with mom in some way. “Yes, Mistress”

“How are you Cate?” came this bass rumble.

“Very well thank you, Master.”

“Remove your all clothing and sit there,” he pointed to a chair, “Put your legs in the rests.”

I didn’t hesitate, I undressed, completely, folding my clothes and putting them on a bench against one wall. I turned and walked to the seat, casually stepping up to it and turned again to sit in it. I raised one leg, then the other, placing them in the stirrups provided. I was sitting up, my nether regions exposed to anyone who happened to be looking. Mom and Master G- were having a quiet conversation as I did this, watching me, so I only heard parts of it.

“Yes Diana, she is beautiful. But she will need to be physically able to do the things she is going to be doing.” and mom said something like, “I don’t know how that awful boy…” which Master followed with, “…might be permanent tissue damage…”. I had no idea what they were talking about but I wasn’t fazed by any of it. It was in that office I learned something about myself. The short walk from the bench to the seat with the stirrups, having mom and Master watching, turn me on. Spreading my legs in front of a stranger was really hot. That was when I learned that I love walking around naked, where someone can watch me.

“Very good,” Master said, “Now, just lie back and I will give you an examination.” He sat on a stool that had wheels and put a headlamp on his brow, switching it on in a smooth, practiced manner. He rolled closer to my exposed pussy. “Relax…mmm look Diana, she is seriously aroused.” I knew it, and now they did. Master put a finger on my clit, pressed it, “Well formed and responsive.” I’ll say, just about hit the roof with that thrill. He spread my labia, “Mmm there’s a little tissue damage here, from when you were raped I would think.” I said nothing. “It looks like its repairing itself so is likely not permanent though. I’ll check it again in a couple of months or so.” He inserted this thing into my canal and I felt it spreading my lips, opening me right up. “No there doesn’t seem to be any tearing or scarring there, Diana. Looks like she was a very lucky girl.”

For the next half an hour he poked and prodded looked inside my vaginal canal, made notes in his recorder. He asked when my last period was, how it felt, and problems or difficulties. Week before last, very little cramping and mild flow, so no real problems, just discomfort and awkwardness with pads sometimes. He suggested I use tampons, Mom agreed, done deal, I thought and I have never used pads since. “One more test,” he said and he inserted a finger into my vagina. He rotated it then rotated it back, he curled his finger and sent a shiver of delight through me.

“You’re not supposed to enjoy this,” he said, sternly. “Sorry, Master,” as my pussy just wept fluids. He curled his finger again, and this time I did not react. “Very good.” He extracted his hand and I could see he hadn’t put a glove on. He then put his finger into his mouth. He savored the taste and taking his finger out said to mom, “She looks like she will be able to do what is asked of her. And she passes the taste test. I think she will do nicely.”

“Then we will do everything we can to make her more than adequate. She can be presented when she has graduated high school,” mom said. I had no idea what she meant.

“You could present her now, we are well within the law here, she is sixteen.” Master said.

“Yes, but we must live up to those obligations we have set for ourselves too. Gives everyone time to prepare as well.” Mom said

“Of course,” Master said. “I’ll provide all the documentation and prescriptions you need, there will have to be another appointment in two months, to check her reaction to the Pill, if there is one. I would also suggest that at her 18th birthday, she receives an implant, rather than remain on the Pill. I can do that here.”

“Very good,” mom replied, “Are you done?”

“Well I would like to continue, but after she has been prepared.”

“I’ll have her ready at the next appointment, if you like.” Most of this was above my head, but I get that something else will happen at the next appointment, and I am kind of thinking that it might involve some sex, but I might just be reading too much into that. I was also given instruction about what side effects the Pill might have to watch carefully for them.

The day after my next period ended, I was taking my first Pill. Mom made sure I got into the habit of taking the Pill, every morning. For the next month, mom and I talked about sex, a lot. She also told me that I was to perform all orders given by anyone who was a Master or Mistress, quickly and without fuss. We even repeated what happened earlier, only this time, I was ordered to masturbate in front of mom. She then strapped me to the bed and pulled out a plastic machine, a vibrating plastic machine and wiped it over my breasts, over my pussy and then inserted it into me. One Saturday, dad took Emma to the movies. I didn’t go because I was still grounded from the earlier incident. Mom didn’t go because she had invited a friend over. A few minutes after dad and Emma left for the movies, someone rang the doorbell. I opened the door and it was a woman I didn’t know.

She asked if my mother was home and I said “Yes, please come in, mom is expecting you.” She said nothing, nodded and entered. I took her to the parlor and asked if she would like a coffee or a tea. She looked at me, said nothing and mom came in to the parlor. “Cate, this is Mistress V-, you are to undress and bring us coffee.” I was ordered from the room. I went and set up coffee stripping off my clothes as quickly as I could. I set up the good cups on the fancy service tray with the silver coffee pot and spoons, sugar, tongs and napkins. By the time I returned to the parlor, I was really aroused. I was naked in front of a complete stranger, what an exciting thing to happen!

I carefully set the tray down and asked, “Mistress, should I pour?” Mom nodded and so I poured two cups. I put the coffee pot down and added a lump of sugar to mom’s coffee. I looked at Mistress V- and asked if she would like sugar. She replied quite harshly, “Look at the floor when addressing me, and use my title.”

I looked at the floor, and said, “I am sorry, Mistress V-, would you like sugar with your coffee?”

“No.” I put the cups on the rests next to their chairs and stepped back. “Turn around, slowly.” Mistress V- ordered. So I did. “Yes, G- was quite fulsome in his praise of her, Diana. Said she was beautiful and quite responsive.”

“She is, and I think it is time to begin the next part of her training.”

“Very well, does she know what is going to happen?”

“No, I haven’t said anything.”

Mistress V- stood and came to stand in front of me. “Stand still, don’t move, no matter what.” she ordered. She reached out and caressed my breast. I didn’t move. She ran her hand up over my breast and squeezed my nipple, not really hard but hard enough to hurt. I didn’t move, didn’t squeal, didn’t flinch. She reached out with the other hand and did the same to the other breast, again I didn’t move, didn’t squeal, didn’t flinch. One hand dropped and she ran her hand over my stomach, then lower. Mistress V- then touched my pussy. I couldn’t believe it! Right in front of mom, a woman was touching me. I mean, mom has masturbated me a couple of times, and stuck the whip handle and a vibrator in me, she watches as Master G- fingered me, but not a woman! Not one I didn’t know, let alone anyone I knew. I didn’t move, I didn’t flinch.

Mistress V- looked at mom and asked, “Have you…” Mom shook her head, “Not yet, I thought I would leave that privilege to you.” “I appreciate your courtesy, Diana,” she replied, “I’m sure I can find a way to repay your kindness.” Mistress V- looked me up and down, eyeing me, assessing me, all while fingering me, “Much experience?” “No, none actually,” said mom, “Apart from one boy. She needs a brilliant teacher.” Mistress V- smiled at the inherent compliment, “Yes, I know the story, appalling. Taking someone this beautiful and trying to warp her with pain and fear, deserved everything he got.” Mistress V- looked me over, clinically. “She has control,” she said, “I can work with control.” She took her hands off my body and said, “Your mother’s bedroom, now!”

I turned and headed straight to mom’s room. As I left I heard Mistress V- say, “Give me a few minutes then come and join us.” I had known what was about to happen from the moment I was ordered to undress, I just knew it was going to be sex. Now the moment was on me, I was really shaking inside. I made it to mom’s room and stood at the side of the bed. Mistress V-came in behind me and said, “I know you’ve watched lesbian porn, so you should know what to do. Have you ever fucked a girl before?”

I was startled a bit by the question yet replied, “No, Mistress.”

“Then you are going to today. We are going to go through the basic moves and you will learn them before I leave today. Next time I come, you will have practiced them and be prepared for the next steps. Understand?

“Yes, Mistress.” I said. I hadn’t thought that through then but it was only later that evening I realized the only person I could practice with would have to be my mom.

“Kiss me.”

Without hesitation, I stepped forward and kissed her. When we broke apart she said, “Kissing someone is an art form, what you’re doing is just mouthing me, now, this is how you should kiss a woman.” She took me and kissed me. I have never been kissed like that before. It was sensual, it was exciting, it was indescribable. “When kissing a woman, you’re not kissing a man. The rules are different. Most of the time it’s really the pleasure of being so intimately close to someone that guides the kiss. Concentrate on the kiss, be together with her, your full attention is on the kiss.” Again,” she ordered, I obeyed. “That’s much better, now be patient and try again.” I did and this time, it wasn’t the same as how she kissed me, but I could feel it being more like that. “Much better again. I hope you are a quick study.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Sometimes a woman wants to be seduced, for you to gently coerce her into your bed, to be highly aroused before she is undressed. Sometimes she wants her clothes ripped off her and fucked hard. The kiss will usually let you know which it is. If she kisses slowly then seduction is required, but if it is more urgent, then she wants to be fucked.”

I stayed silent so she said, “If you have a question to ask, ask it.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Do you have a question here?”

“No, Mistress. What you have said makes sense and I have already felt those changes in myself.”

“So you pay attention to your body, and your needs. Good. But, and I emphasize the ‘but’, as a sub, you will always have to defer your feelings to benefit your Master or Mistress.”

“That goes without saying, Mistress,” I replied, Mom had already drilled that into me.

“Good, we’ve started,” she said, “Now I want you to undress me. But first, a kiss.”

This kiss was not like the first kisses, this was harsh, almost brutal. I responded in kind then just tore at her clothes. Fortunately there was no buttons to rip off, or frilly blouses, but I had a breast out of the bra before it was undone. I suckled that breast, hard. I squeezed the other, much the same as she had squeezed my tits downstairs. “Aaaahh you do learn quickly,” she murmured in my ear as I rammed my hand under her skirt and panties, “That is very good.” She gasped as my fingers ran over her clit, then back again.

I knew I could do this, I knew she was going to order me to lick her pussy and I knew I would. I had never done that before, but I think I’ve always had an attraction to my female friends, just never let on. After being fucked by a boy for the first time I kind of let it go, but now it was back again. “Stop,” Mistress V- ordered, I did, “Step back,” I did. “Kiss me!” I did, but again, I let her lead and this time it was a soft, sensuous kiss. This was another clue, this time she wanted me to be gentle and more seductive. I heard a movement behind me, felt the door open but ignored it. It was mom, I knew, she was the only other person in the house. She had set this up so I wasn’t going to be interrupted. Here my heart did jump a few beats and my pussy swelled, I could feel it.

Concentrating on the kiss, I ran my hands over Mistress V-s back, softly, across her neck, down her sides. I touched the hem of her skirt and found the button to undo it. I pushed the zip down a little then eased the skirt off her. I reached up and one handedly, I opened the clasp of her bra and eased the straps off her shoulders. I leaned back a little to give me some room to take the bra away and bent my head to suckle her nipples. At this point, I guided her backwards to the bed and was going to ease her onto it. “Very good,” Mistress V- said, but stopped cooperating, she leaned back and slapped my tits, hard. I winced a little. “I am in control!” she declared, “Don’t overstep your role.”

“I’m Sorry Mistress.” I replied, “You are in control.”

“On the bed, all fours.” I scrambled to get on the bed, positioning myself as ordered. I could hear her fumbling with one of the under bed drawers, then felt the familiar sting of mom’s whip on my ass! How the fuck did she fucking know it was there? Oh! Duh! She’s been here before. The tingling in my pussy grew, rapidly. I felt the handle pushing into my vaginal canal filling me with that familiar knob. “She follows orders well, Diana. And you’ve barely begun. She’s a fucking natural, a real treasure.” I heard as Mistress V- pumped the handle in and out of my pussy.

“Yes, there has been a little bondage, some whipping, I’ve masturbated her a couple of times, but that’s as far as it has gone.”

“And you’ve brought me in now, very early. Let’s see how far she will go.” The handle of the whip was withdrawn from me, and I moaned. “Get off the bed and undress your mother.” Without hesitation, I scrambled off the bed, went to mom and without preliminaries, started stripping her. In moments she was naked. “On you knees and kiss her feet.” I dropped to my knees and kissed her feet, “Now her legs.”” ran my lips up mom’s legs, lapping and kissing her shins and knees. “Lay her on the bed and kiss her thighs.”

I led mom to the bed and lay her back and parted her legs. I could see mom’s pussy! I could see it up close! Never seen one up close, in the flesh, as it were. I looked and felt the sting of a lash on my ass. “I didn’t say look, I said kiss!” Under that sting, I could feel the juices from my love tunnel seeping down the inside of my thighs, I was so wet! I kissed the outside of mom’s thighs, starting at the knees, I worked my way up one thigh, then skipping over her pussy, I kissed down to the knee again. “Next time, don’t stop, lick your mom’s labia, her clit!” I was ordered.

I kissed my way back up her thigh, then at the juncture, I could smell mom’s arousal, see the glistening lips, beckoning me to taste them. I didn’t wait, I plunged my face onto her pussy and again felt the sting of the whip. My pussy spasmed at the joy I was feeling at both ends! “I said lick them! Not eat them!” “Yes, Mistress.” My tongue wiped from the bottom of the labia all the way to the top and back again. I stopped, and again felt the lash, “I didn’t say stop!” I must have been gushing a river by this time, licking my mom’s pussy and having my ass whipped! I was in seventh heaven!

I’ve never licked a cunt before, and the fact this was my mom’s was totally over the top, beyond what I had thought I would do. Well, okay, not entirely. After she had masturbated me, fucked me with the whip and later the vibrator, I thought ‘Maybe she’ll want me to lick her’, but that was as far as it got. I wanted to, but until now, it didn’t happen. I was loving it! I kept it up and heard Mistress V- say, “That’s it, just like that, now we are going to get serious on it. Nod if you understand.” I nodded. “Good.” I kept licking for a few more laps and then she said, “At the top of the labia, there is the clitoris, the clit,” Yeah, tell me about it, I thought, “It can be a source of great pleasure for a woman.” For fucks sake, I didn’t know this already? “It’s true name is ‘penis minora’.” Fuck me, I don’t need a fucking anatomy lesson, just get on with it! “On the upstroke with your tongue, run over it, and then down again, concentrate lapping on the clit for a count of twenty. Then slide your tongue down into the vagina.” I did that, counting to twenty and slid my tongue down mom’s labia til I got to the love canal. I could feel the opening under my mouth. “Okay, good, now lap the top of the tunnel then the bottom, back to the top, back to the bottom, for twenty laps each and back up to the clit.” I did that and I could feel mom squirming in the pleasure I was giving her.

“Keep that same pattern going, keep it up and soon, you will make her cum. She will cum all over your face. Promise. Nod if you’re okay with that.” I nodded several times. “Oh, she is a real treasure this one, better than Gail.” Gail? Gail who used to baby sit us some nights? Gail, who seemed to be leaving when we got home from school? Gail who sometimes appeared in the middle of the night? That Gail? “Oh yeah,” said mom, “A much better talent with her tongue, that’s for sure. And I can’t believe this is her first time with a woman. This is skill and she is going to make me cum! HER first time!” I felt mom’s breaths coming in shorter, more intense gasps, her moans getting louder and louder as I kept up that same pattern. Then she came, all over my face, just as I was promised.

Mom’s thighs grabbed my head and squeezed, her moans became cries of pleasure, her hips thrust up into my mouth. I made her cum! “Fuck ME!” mom cried between gasps, “That was fucking brilliant!” Mistress V- leaned down and kissed mom, and said, “My turn.” She pulled her panties down, revealing a smooth pussy. I’ve never seen a fully shaven pussy before, it looked like a little girls peepee. Mom, like me, has a neatly trimmed bush, that makes it a little wiry, but that’s okay, I can handle that but a bare cunt? Wow. “Eat me! Properly, just like I told you!” I did. I made her cum after a few minutes. Her moans were my badges, her squeals of delight were my entree into a new world, a new adventure.

After she lay back and started to breath again properly, still in the afterglow of a cum. “Yes, that deserves a reward, I think.” She reached into the drawer under the bed and pulled out this little dildo. It wasn’t as big as mom’s vibrator, but it was still a plastic dick. “Use this, make yourself cum.”

I was dripping and without prompting, I said, “Thank you, Mistress V-.”

I saw a single eyebrow raise as she looked at mom, “She is a very fast learner, Diana, oh, she is going to fit in nicely.”

I took the dildo and used it on myself. I was putting a show on for mom and Mistress V-, I really thought that I would cement in their minds the really slutty nature I have. I licked the dildo, made it moist, wiped it on my tits and ultimately, pointed it at my slit. I spread my legs, opening me to allow it easy entry to my fuck chute. I was incredibly wet, it just slid right in. I hadn’t had anything in me for weeks, not masturbating, not a hairbrush, nothing, I was told not to by mom. I thought I might have tightened up a bit, but I hadn’t and this plastic fantastic slid right into me. With one hand, I poked the dildo in and out, as fast as I could, with the other hand, I tapped my clit in the same rhythm. It wasn’t easy, as holding the dildo in one hand was getting to cover my clit. I changed tactics a bit and used the hand holding the dildo to crush my clit. That worked better but was a little uncomfortable and wouldn’t, ultimately be successful. I then turned my hand around. Instead of holding the plastic dick with my thumb and forefinger, I used my palm and last two fingers, essentially just moving my wrist.

That put my hand under the dildo and allowed me free access with my other hand to my clit. I was in fairyland! I was putting on a show! I was naked in front of two women, who were just as naked. I looked and I saw mom’s head buried in Mistress V-s lap and Mistress V watching me. I could also see mom’s excitement, her distended labia and inner lips exposed. I kept going, nt taking my eyes off Mistress V and soon I felt the stirrings of an acute orgasm. “STOP!” I was ordered. I stopped, instantly. “How close are you to cumming,” Mistress V asked. “Very close, Mistress.” I’m thirsty, go down to the kitchen and bring us a drink of water.” “Yes Mistress.” I took the dildo out, and immediately felt the sting of the lash, “I didn’t tell you to to take the dildo out. It is to stay in place and still be there when you return.

Fuck, I thought “Yes Mistress.” I slid it back into me and thought for a moment. I hoped I would get it right and hold it in with the muscles I clench when I am nowhere near a bathroom to have a pee. I held it in place, well it stayed there, but it was sliding out by the time I got to the head of the stairs. That wasn’t going to work. I realized that it wasn’t that long, not that thick, I wondered, I just pushed the whole thing into my pussy tunnel. It wasn’t real comfortable, but it held. I must admit, I was a little pissed at not being allowed to finish, but I was told that I must obey all orders given me by a Mistress or a Master. I got to the kitchen without any more drama, clenching it in like holding a pee worked fine. I got the glasses and brought them back up to the bedroom. When I walked through the door, I put the glasses down on the bedside table and Mistress V- asked in an annoyed tone, “Where’s the dildo, I told you not to lose it!”

“Deep inside my pussy, Mistress,” I replied. “Show me!” She demanded.

I stood alongside the bed and relaxed those clenched muscles and felt the dildo give, I also felt a dribble or two of pee escape too. “Well done, Cate!” Mom said. “Very logical, well thought out solution,” commented Mistress V-, “Why did you do that?”

“You ordered me not to let it fall out, Mistress.”

“Yes, I did,” she said. “And for that you shall be rewarded. She patted the space alongside her and told me to sit. “Diana, I give you the honor of licking her to her first orgasm from a woman.”

“Thank you V-,” mom said. In moments I had my legs spread and mom was happily eating my pussy. Then Mistress V- did something really unexpected. She whipped my mom on the ass. Mom squealed and I just about cum right then. “That is for not letting us know what an asset your daughter will be to our club.” Mom didn’t say a word. Mistress V- then kissed mom’s ass and spread her ass cheeks diving into it. I think she was licking mom’s ass hole.

This is serious fucking shit. What the fuck am I getting into? I can’t fucking wait to find out, I thought. Then I came, hard,


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