Allowances Pt 2 [[FDom, msub, BDSM, toys/whipping]

As Richard obediently crawled to the full-length mirror that sat opposite the chair, Ziru pranced to the dresser that spanned the adjacent wall. She took her time opening drawer after drawer knowing Richard watched her reflection with trepidation. Having had her pleasure already and being in no particular rush to do the same for her kneeling cock-boy, she drew out her teasing, selecting one toy only to set it aside for another. Eventually, Ziru did begin to make legitimate selections but she positioned herself in such a way that Richard couldn’t see the items as she whisked them into a waiting pouch. As she turned and approached, the only device that he could be certain she brought was a short riding crop. Beyond that, her plans were a mystery.


Once again, Ziru crouched in front of Richard, this time removing the fabric from his mouth. She gently guided his head down to her breasts, directing him to kiss one then the other. When he had, she withdrew the first item from her bag- a horse bit-gag.


“Even though your tongue-fuck was adequate, I don’t quite think you’ve earned back free use of your mouth. Do you?”


Remembering the earlier slap, Richard wisely shook his head.


She smiled and held out the gag. “Then it’s best you put this on.”


As the young man positioned the bit, Ziru leaned forward and began to lick at one of Richard’s nipples while she roused the other with her fingers. She continued in this fashion, switching from side to side, until she was certain the gag was firmly tightened, at which point she drew the next item from her bag- a set of matching nipple clamps. Richard’s lips flexed against the bit in a sign of displeasure but Ziru only laughed as she fastened them in place.


After a bit of tweaking to revel in her toy’s winces, Ziru repositioned herself so that she was behind her him, allowing them both to enjoy the mirror’s reflections. While Richard was larger than Ziru, his lack of testicles had left him with a slender, boyish build and she was easily able to drape herself around to have full access to his front. She knelt behind him, working her knees between his so that his legs were spread and his cock bobbed freely with every breath. Like a cat tempted by a toy, Ziru reached around and swatted at his manhood, laughing each time her fingers connected with the sensitive flesh.


“Oh, you horny, *horny* fuck. Look at this-!” She gave a particularly vicious flick of a finger and Richard inhaled sharply in pain. “You’re so hard you’d probably cum even if all I did was beat your dick. Would you like that?”


Horrified by the suggestion, Richard shook his head side to side. “Pfease nwo.”


Feigning ignorance, Ziru gripped his thick cock, working her hand up and down the shaft as she quizzed him on his protests. With every move, her breasts pressed into his back. “What was that? Are you telling me ‘no’?”


Richard paused and then shook his head somewhat less vigorously.


“I’m sorry, you were telling me ‘yes’ then? ‘Yes’ you want me to slap the jizz from your cock?”


There was a longer pause then Richard shook his head and averted his gaze from Ziru’s reflection as he realized the losing situation he’d found himself in.


As if finally understanding, his Mistress broke into a delighted grin. “Oh honey! Are you embarrassed that you might peak before I’ve had my fun?”


Ziru leaned in to nibble on his neck, an act Richard might’ve reassuring had she not reached for her bag. “Don’t worry, don’t worry,” she whispered breathily in his ear. “I have just the thing.”


Her hand emerged from the pouch, a large snap-on cockring in tow. Ziru dangled the leather toy in front of Richard before fastening the band around her wrist. For a moment she held her arm aloft, twisting it side to side as if admiring a new bracelet. Then a displeased frown settled upon her face.


“If it fits me this well then I’ve certainly overestimated your girth, my little love. Perhaps it might just work on the smallest snap?”


The gagged mage offered no response but Ziru hadn’t expected one. She unfastened the band from her wrist and dropped it to the floor in front of Richard. “Put it on.”


In a compliant trance, Richard took the toy up with one hand while the other gripped at his shaft. Having had no release in some time, his member was resiliently swollen, straining to return to place regardless of how he maneuvered it. Compelled to hold his dick at a workable angle, Richard fumbled single-handedly with the cockring for several long moments, all the while being watched in the mirror. Though the ring was indeed impractically large on the widest snap, the smallest likewise proved impossibly tight so it was the middle of three snaps that he finally settled, much to Ziru’s smirking amusement.


“You’re not as small as I remember! I guess it has been a while though… Two weeks? Three? Tell me, how long has it been since you came, Richard?”


“Phife weefs.”


“Five? Hm, I guess you would be keeping count, wouldn’t you?” Ziru rolled her shoulders in a bored shrug as she reached for the riding crop’s handle. She slid the popper across the floor and up Richard’s knee, slowly tracing the soft curves of his muscles as she worked up from his thigh, across his abs and chest to his neck. “Is that how you’ve been spending your free time? I’m out fucking random soldiers and you sit at home, counting how long it’s been since you came?”


Richard’s cheeks flushed at the mention of other men. “N-wo, ifs nwot!” He protested around the gag.


“Oh..? That’s really too bad,” Ziru giggled as she moved the crop’s popper back down to brush it against his cockhead. “I like the thought of you desperately fixated on the calendar, counting out days… In fact, it makes me quite sad you deny that’s what you do!”


“Imm forry M–“


“Shhh, shhh. I don’t give a fuck about your apologies,” she smiled dazzlingly at him in the mirror as she tickled the crop up and down, teasing his engorged dick. “You’re going to count the days out for me… So that’s five weeks… Can you count 35 lashes for me, Richard?”


It wasn’t a particularly high number but Richard had learned early on that the fewer lashes he received, the more eruptive they’d be. Despite this, he could not deny the yearning for pain that stirred in his loins and it was with a measure of excitement that he nodded his head.


Being able to read her fuck-toy like a book, the reserved eagerness was not lost on Ziru. His morbid excitment drew forth a smile as she rose to move into position.


“Hands on your knees,” she directed, readying the crop. Without further build-up, she brought the tool down to strike across Richard’s back.


“Ohn!” He grunted, swaying forward from the blow. As soon as he straightened, the crop cracked again. “Thwo!”


Again and again, the taut leather lashed against the young man’s back leaving red welts in its wake. After the first dozen slashes, it seemed as if the couple had found a comfortable rhythm but Ziru deviated with a sudden slap against the sole of his right foot. Richard’s hands dug into his thighs, leaving deep indents as he struggled to overcome the pain and continue counting. With each stroke he gasped the number, and with each gasped number, drool drivelled from around the gag.


Ziru spread another six slaps between his feet, each worse than the last. Upon noticing how her toy seemed to anticipate the next strike, though, she flicked the switch up between his legs. The leather popper struck the base of Richard’s ball-less cock and he toppled forward, his hands cupping his crotch protectively.


“Oh did that hurt you?” Ziru mocked in a sing-song voice as she eyed the new position. “I wasn’t aware you were such a pussy.”


With his Mistress’ scorn grounding him, Richard began the struggle to sit back up, only to be stopped by Ziru pressing her foot to the small of his back to pin him to the ground.


“Honestly, I quite like this. It lets me….” Ziru trailed off in favour of cracking the crop against his prostrate ass three times in rapid sucession. She smirked down at Richard’s squirming form before prodding at his trembling thighs with the tool. “What number was that, you snivelling cunt-licker?”


“Fwenfy-fwee,” came Richard’s gritted reply.


Pleased by his ability to work through the pain, Ziru knelt behind Richard. He flinched as she ran her hand over his stinging ass but she soothed him by leaning forward to softly kiss each welt.


“You have twelve more to go,” she murmured, her lips lightly dancing across the broken skin. “Beg me to go easy on you.”




(Thank you for reading. If you have any feedback or constructive criticism, I would appreciate you posting it or messaging me directly! This is a secret account so I might not reply straight away but I love your input and appreciate your time!)
