Rose of Two Thorn’s: Scott part 21-25 RVS & Dream Master (FF MM MF MFF MFM Bondage Solo Toys)

“Buddy you’re awake thank God I can calm down and call Mom and Dad again in about three hours.” I have a massive headache and I know my brother is being kind, but I do not want to talk yet anyway, I just squeeze his hand and ask for some water. After getting another check from the Doctor I did find out it was a dog tranquilizer and Casey was after me not Brian, “I still don’t understand why some women don’t believe I am gay.” He looks at me and tells me all the news that happened while I was out. “it seems that she knew you were working with the police to find drugs on this island and she was trying to get rid of you, She is under arrest and not talking at the moment, you were collateral damage my little squirt brother.”
I sit back and ponder why and how she figured me out, but I ask, “what about King where is he and is he being cared for?” He tells me “yes he is at another kennel and being spoiled as we speak, I go in front of the program people tomorrow I hope you will be out and able to see us.” The Doctor will tell me in a bit Brian has to get going and he will see me this evening, call if I need anything. I do fall asleep again for a while when I hear the door open and in walks Denton, mm that is a sexy man but must control myself I don’t even know his first name, “hello Scott I am glad you are awake and hopefully feeling better” he takes my hand and dude the shivers(again I really need to get laid). I take his hand and we stare at each other for a moment, dam those eyes are hazel and sexy. Scott we need to talk about what happened we can do this another time, but yes its nice I like your blue eyes.” I tell him what I remember “after our kiss at the bar I get back to the table and drain Brian’s beer but after I chug mine I see the clouds at the bottom, I read your note and then you and I are outside and I am feeling woozy, I remember Brian yelling and you next to me.” He tells me he did drag me outside and set me down before running inside and grabbing the beer from Casey before the other officers came in, got you here to the hospital and her to jail.
The doctor comes in and tells me “you are lucky Mr. Thorn the drugs only took a slight effect she must have put a half or a quarter but the drug is out of you system and you can go back to your hotel room, take it easy for the night.” I thank the doctor and realize I have no clothes, but I ask “what is your first name and could you get me some clothes” he smiles and pulls up my bag “its Robbie and I took your wallet and room key so here you go get dressed I will call your brother.” I smile Robbie is a sexy name and I get dressed and sign all papers so I can get going he has a bike too; it is a 2010 Honda not bad I like it.
He walks me in the room, and I call the front desk I will need a few extra days and they give it to me. After I hang up, I kiss him for real this time and dame I am in lust. We do a nice steady make out and yes groping was involved. He tells me he must get back to the precinct, but he wants to connect tomorrow night a pre-holiday dinner at his place. I give him my cell and kiss him some more and full ass grab I wants this guy, nothing like a fling on an island. I am still a bit fatigued, so I go to the vending machine to get a sandwich and take a nap.
Brian comes by after his work is done and surprises me with King, he is such a good boy “ohh look at you are looking all spiffy for your test tomorrow” I get the puppy cuddles and Mom and Dad chime in on Facetime and I give them the highlights I remember. “honey are you sure you are ok” I tell her I am and getting some rest, “tomorrow I get to see brain and King pass their obedience test.” We chat some more before they must get to a bridge game at the Vons’s house, so we all say goodbye and the dog has fallen asleep on my lap. I could not wake him, so I tell Brian about Robbie and how he asked me to dinner tomorrow. I do get on the phone to the airline I get another flight out for Sunday so that will be close but its ok. “are you bummed about Casey I am sorry I pushed that on you.” He looks at me and says, “yes I am bummed but why did you not tell me about the whole cop thing dude really keep me in the loop ok.”
I tell him all about the drug trade coming from here and all the way over to my new home, I mention Ricky and all that has happened “now you are in the loop but don’t go babbling just in case she is working for someone else.” He promises and king wakes up and heads to the door, Brian takes him out and he does his business, right at that moment Detective Rob calls and I get the details of Casey’s arrest. She is working for someone else, but she still is not talking and lawyered up, so strike one there. They ask about me and when I am heading home, “Sunday I will be home Sunday night I get to spend the holiday with my brother, but if anything else comes up I can help were I can.” I watch Brian and King he is getting better at the heal and I am impressed with Brian as well, I get a text from Robbie and my loins fire up again, he tells me tomorrow’s dinner will be lobster tails and risotto(dam hot and can cook too). We chat for a bit and then King and Brain must leave, I pet the puppy for a bit and think about Gus our old lab, he was a chocolate as well. I get a tear in my eye and say goodbye to Brian, and he says he will pick me up at 7am. I get back in and have a nice shower and yes, I shave everywhere I do have a date tomorrow too. I put some Cher on my music app and Robbie, and I text some dirty stuff, I am going to get luck tomorrow for sure.

I slept like a log that first night after getting out of the hospital, it was great but now I have nervous energy from waiting on Brian and going on my dinner date tonight. I get dressed in my jeans, sweater, and boots and just in time here is Brian. “Now are you and king prepared for the obedience show I have faith in both of you.” He looks nervous as we drive to the kennel and I see he is dressed in his cammo outfit he dose not say much till we get King. “I am a wreck Scott I have a bad feeling about this, but I can’t give up now.” We walk King around and Brian does one last work with him before its show time. The Coast Guard people line up and call the dogs and handlers one at a time. Finally Brian Marten and King, they are doing well until King howls in pain again, he is rushed inside and its his kidneys again, Dr Bronson says “I’m sorry Brian this is a chronic condition he won’t be able to sniff out drugs because he needs medicine and care.” I give King some love while Brian talk to his commanders and comes back in “ I knew my feelings were spot on, it will be another year before I can get back in the program again, as he sinks in the chair.
I tell him that these things happen dogs get issues just like us humans and he will still be a good dog for someone, somewhere and I wish it were me. Brian looks at me and says, “yes lab whisperer you need a dog, but didn’t you say no pets.” I look at him crushed and say, “yes its true but it would be nice though hard to hide a chocolate lab after a while.” We do wait until the doctor says we can go see him and we go get the puppy snuggles, Brian is despondent and says he needs to go and have fun on my date tonight he will call me later. “I know King he is depressed you two were supposed to be drug sniffing people, well you the sniffer and him the handler.” I scratch his ears and he dives me a lick, I wish I could keep him I really do. “Hello Scott, where is your brother” Dr Bronson says. I tell him he had to go but I say, “I know he won’t be a drug dog but what happens to him now?” he looks at King and he has a look on his face I do not like but I steal myself. “let me make a phone call I have an idea and it will work I promise Scott he will find a good home and even a job.” I get on the phone to Brian and tell him the doctor has an idea about how King could be a therapy dog or emotional support animal. Brian sounds pleased so he works on it on that end and we talk later.
I say my goodbyes and just as I am leaving in walks Robbie “I am here for King I work for the Fido Society they train animals to be emotional support dogs, we visit hospitals, old folks homes, court houses, natural disasters and anywhere anyone needs a helping paw.” I am amazed and I hug him but a man to man hug cause we are in public, “Dr Bronson I am Robbie Denton from the Blonde island Police Department and I am here on behalf of the Fido Society is King alright and ready to be released.” Dr. Bronson says, “not yet he needs to be monitored and he should be ready tomorrow but will have to take it easy.” He and I walk out to the parking lot and he offers to take me back to my room and from there we really get to know each other and man does he look great in that uniform I want to rip it off him. We just take off the clothes gently and I get a deep throat like I have never had before its down to the balls and he plays with those too. I get my load swallowed and I return the favor for him and oh man does his cum taste sweet and I think I am in love. He lay in bed making out and he see’s my tats “Ok lay flat I have to see this bike, what is it” I laugh and say “it’s my bike a 75 triumph’ he looks at me and pinches my ass. Dam you have a sweet bike and nice flag too, and Thorn I thought you and Brian were brothers.” I tell him the story about how I took my mom’s maiden name when my dad said I was no son of his cause I am gay. He kisses me slowly and sweetly dam why does he have to live here and be Bi, but it happens. He tells me he must get back to work and I help him put the uniform back on, dam that ass is fabulous and tonight I want to fuck it so bad. He tells me he will see me at 8 and take me to his place and I say goodbye with a deep passionate kiss before he opens the door.
I take another nap before I get dressed and meet him in the parking lot at 6 and he brought his bike again boy I get to bump my dick against his ass while we ride to his place. I get all the feelings as we pull into the garage and he turns around wraps his legs around my back and we make out hard, I don’t think we will make it into the house as clothes fly off and I get my ass chewed, in the sexy way this time. He grabs some rubbers and I put it on him before I kiss him and he sinks into my ass, dam what a hot lover he fucks good. I hold my orgasm, but it is getting hard, so I scream, and he nibbles my shoulder as he dose his in my ass. I get the rubber put on me and I eat his ass before I take him and show him a true gay boy has some wild motorcycle sex. I have him leaning over the tank and I get deep and blow my load in him as his orgasm takes him and he gets the shivers. We both take some breathes and I kiss him and fondle that ass, it is a sexy ass, I am taking advantage tonight. I don’t think we ate dinner till later and after more sex and a shower he takes me back to my room because tomorrow he has an early day but I pull him into my room and take him anyway, I wake up in the morning with a note “dam I had a great time and you are very good, do me again before Sunday cause I want that ass and cock again, Robbie.” I smile and say to myself I guess I have not lost my touch and I could do him again and again, fuck I am hard again wish he were here.

I got a run in this morning! It was great and after getting a shower I checked my messages. The first one from Brian reminding me he will get me about 4 and to dress nice and behave myself. The next one from Robbie he missed me, and he was craving me all of me and we need to get together again. I did want him too. Man that was some hot passionate sex he is fantastic, man to bad he lives and works here, and I am in La Mierda, but things could work out. I get on my message app and tell him how much I miss him too and yes maybe tomorrow we can have a good time again before I must leave.
He texts me back and says, “dam I want all that all over again, your dick down my throat and my dick deep in that sexy ass.” I do blush a bit and tell him his deep throat skills are out of this world. Yes, I could do his sexy ass again and yes, the kisses are great too. For now I need to start getting ready to go see Brian and his Coast Guard ship for Turkey Day Dinner, this will be a better dinner than last year when I got the parent lecture about my love life and choices. Now I get my nice black jeans, my long sleeved green and black shirt, and my good boots. I did shave my face and put the good cologne on. The door was knocked on and I opened it for Brian he looked good in his dress blues and shiny shoes. “If you weren’t my brother, I would hit on you.” He slugs me and we both have a laugh. He dose tell me “what is all the details on this Fido Society I want to know King will have a good home and not be abused or anything” I tell him all that Robbie told me. I call Robbie and have him tell Brian. He can’t talk long but says “Yes I will be taking King and he will live with me and start his new training as an emotional support animal, and he gives us the website for the Fido Society. We look at it and Brian seems settled but is still wondering what could have been with King and him as a partnership.
We head to the Coast Guard base and Brian gets a salute as we pull in and after we park I salute him with a bit of snark, I can’t help it I love to make fun of my brother but I am really proud of him. He shows me some pictures of the other service dogs and their handlers and we get to see some of the other Coast Guard vehicles and boats too. I get introduced to some of his shipmates and we all chat over some drinks, non-alcoholic of course, but I had a beer back at my room, so I am fine for now. The smells from the dinning room are starting to make me hungry and its almost chow time as one guy said. We find our seats and the salad course is served and then the main course its Turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, sweet potatoes, and cranberry sauce. The food is wonderful, but the green beans were a bit floppy, but I eat it anyway. The conversation was about Coast Guard stuff so I excuse myself to get to the men’s room and I get a message from Detective Robb, if I were around could I please call him. After I get to the restroom, I call the detective and he just wants to know what happened to me because he was out of town. “Well I am glad you are feeling better, Casey has not given us much but did say the supplier only goes through Blonde island after she leaves it with an airport guy it gets to La Merida and some lady takes it from there.” He does ask of I could help them out on that end and see this thing through to the end. “I can help all I can Ricky did not deserve to go like that he was a good kid.”
I get back inside after agreeing to meet the detectives on Tuesday after I get back and just as I am getting there the pie try comes around and boy its full and I get a nice slice of Pecan Pie and I get myself and Brian a water bottle, because yes I am sill a bit paranoid. Brain and I get a chance to speak a bit and I tell him what Detective Robb told me minus the helping part because my brother in a blabber mouth, so he gets the cliff notes. “Man, someone really is running drugs through here and off to were you live, and you knew Ricky didn’t you.” I tell him he was not one of the kids I counseled but he worked in the office and after I moved there and started working he did make me feel welcome and we went to that coffee shop and met Barry and got the books. We all talk some more and then Brian takes me back to my hotel and we say our goodbyes because his ship will be leaving in the morning. He will be gone for three weeks, though he is looking forward to seeing me in Hawaii for Christmas and I am looking forward to seeing Joe and the parents too. We hug it out and I tell him to call or facetime when he can, I will miss him. After he takes off, I get my comfy clothes on and I get a text from Robbie he is on his way to my room and looking to get lucky. Dam baby is horny I got a dick pic with that message and I check my regions and give myself a trim I do want to look my best while he swallows my cock.
When he arrives I pull him into the room and get a sexy kiss and an ass grab, but he has his hands full, a bottle of wine and a bag with some rubbers and a box of chocolate covered almonds, he remembered that was sweet. We drink wine and eat some of the almonds, I let him in on what Brain was concerned about. “I can understand your brothers concerns, King will have a great home and while I am at work, we have a doggy day care where he can interact with other dogs and the training is fairly easy. We need to see how he is around kids, people in wheelchairs and scooters, other dogs of course and he will need to learn a gentle command.” After we are done with that we get down to the sexy part of the evening and I attack that cock first his cock is so hard he takes me and puts the rubber on my ass got a good solid workout I let me catch his breath before I get some of that deep throat action and I put him against the wall and give him a bang that he will never forget, we don’t blow are load yet I want to swallow him so we get cleaned up and get into one hot 69 and we both swallow at once, dam he tastes so good. “Move to La Mierda we can get a place together and I can steal King whenever I want” he does smile at me and says “its an idea but I like it here and I am still in divorce process” we do talk about future plans. He tell me “the ferry runs during the summer the water is not as choppy in the summer as it is in the fall and winter, we don’t get a lot of snow but the winds from the east are to strong for the ferry, but it only takes an hour much like the flight. I kiss him again and try to convince him to move he dose say he will think about it before he starts to get his dick hard again and we are in the mood again for round two.
I awake in the morning to him by my side this time he get me in the shower and I get take again dam this guy is good my sex drive is up and I take him after he gets don with me. We got for a ride later and I get to see the Fido Society headquarters and I take some pictures for Brain and we got to pick up King, he is happy to see me and he gets to bond with Robbie as well. We spend the rest of the day working on some of his skills the wheelchairs do not bother him, the scooters got barked at but after a bit of time he is good. The kid test will wait but he shows promise. We get back to his place and get King acclimated to his new surroundings. His dog area all set we settle in as well for another sex round before I have to get back to my room my flight leaves at 9 and I have a check in at 8, after he drops me off I get a deep passionate kiss, man I will miss him but I decide to give him my number at the office and my email, he laughs at the web address ,”yes the whole place is sex obsessed” but he tells me he will take me to the airport and we kiss goodnight.

I get up at 7am and jump in the shower, its time to leave this island, get back home to my other life. I do a double check making sure I have everything when Robbie texts me that he is on the way. I tell him to pick me up by the office, I get there to check out. “I hope you had a nice trip to Blonde island Scott, are you feeling better?” I smile “yes I am its been nice to see my brother when he comes back this way I shall be here again, thank you.” I get outside just as Robbie pulls up, when I get in the truck king barks a hello, “ahh hi buddy who’s the good boy, you are, yes yes, I am going to miss you.” Robbie clears his throat I tell him “I will miss you too, I did not think I would meet someone, this has been a pleasurable trip.” He holds my hand for a bit then we get to the airport, Robbie clips kings training vest on as we head into the main area.
‘Can I get you a coffee” I ask Robbie “sure I will take a medium two sugars one cream.” I head over and get the coffee also some of that good-looking pecan coffee cake (pecans and almonds are my weakness). We sit at a table and eat our cakes and drink our coffee, check in is not for another 45 minutes. “It was nice to get to know you Scott I do hope we can spend some time together, you brought out a new side of me” as he strokes my hand, but in public I can tell he is hesitant. “I am very thankful to you for saving my bacon at the Garage, I would not be here without you.” I stroke his hand quickly and he smiles back. “I am not trying to hide my feelings but the officer in me has to be careful I hope you understand.” I look at him “yes I do I am not one of those out their dudes I know what discretion is, I will honor it.” He looks back at me and I can see him relax more, there is nothing I would love more than to make out with him right here but that is not possible, sometimes we still need to hide in the closet. King want my attention so I reach down and pet him while Robbie takes a phone call. “you be a good boy and pass all the tests so you can have a new adventure, I think Robbie will take good care of you” as I stroke that soft fur thinking about Gus my tears are coming so I put King down. Robbie asks me “are you ok man, I tell him “I am fine I had a lab growing up, his name was Gus he followed me everywhere, and funny even to school. When Brian was 18 I was 16 so I knew he didn’t have long left, so Mom and dad were out of town so Brian and I went to the vet and he signed the papers I went in there with Brian and I was there at the end.” He puts an arm around me, and we sit there talking about labs until the flight groups are announced. “I am group three but I need to check my bag be right back” As last time I get my one remaining joint out and put it in my coat pocket just as group three is announced. Robbie bring me my carry on, and we hug he lingers a bit, so do I. “text me when you get home, he and I are off to training but I will see it later. I reach down to pet King one more time “I will text you take care Robbie: one more hug then I get on the plane.
The flight is a bit bumpy and my coffee and cake are bumping around as well. “Excuse me is there any Whiskey I know its early, but I could use something to settle my nerves.” She smiles at me and says, “I can take care of you sugar, just a moment.” In a few minutes I have a small bottle and I feel so much better, I sure hope the ferry is a smooth trip if Brian comes back in the Spring like he said but that is still far off. We finally land and I get my bag and head outside, to call Miss Grant I sent her a text before taking off and she picks me up out front. “thank you Miss Grant for picking me up” she smiles and says “its no problem and please call me Vivian the Miss grant is only for work” I promise and say “Vivian did you get my other text about a place for rent that can allow me a dog. I am talking a lab.” We drive for a few miles and she pulls off into a road off the main street“ see that house there the Victorian one,” I nod and she says “that is mine and my husband Jack’s house and down the road here is a house we were turning into an in law house but then my parent moved to Mexico instead” we stop and get out. I let her unlock the door and we look around inside, “the floors need work the kitchen is almost done and the place needs some paint and both bathrooms worked on. I hope you are handy, and you can have this place for 400 sextons, no deposit and if you need any help Jack and I can work on what we can.” I look around some more the master bed and bath do need work; the guest room and hall bath are doable for now but what I want to see is the back yard. “you can fence this in its about three acres back here so plenty of room for a lab to run around.” I smile imagining the possibilities of King here or having my own puppy again. “it’s perfect though I am not that handy I can do some things; I will take it Vivian.” We go sign some papers and I meet her husband Jack he is a strapping huge dude. We sing off and I tell them I will start moving in after I do some of the painting and I text Robbie: I found a place to live that will let me have a dog, I will send pics, miss you pet King for me.
She drops me at the now place and I get unpacked, put on my comfy clothes, and send out emails to the parents, Brian, and Joe. I get a text back with another dick pic, this dude is teasing me. Cannot wait to see the new place King is great with kids, I miss you too suck my dick again soon. I light my joint throw on some Cher and make plans for moving my stuff.

That alarm went off at 7am and it bugged, but I promised Devon we would run today so I get up stretch and get my sweats, long shirt, beanie, running shoes on heading down to the park. He texts me and says “I’m running a bit late LOL be there soon” so I get a bit of cardio in by doing some push ups and jumping jacks. When I get done with that here he comes, we hug hello and get to jogging we round the curve and I point to the Victorian house “I know who lives there, its Miss grant and her husband Jack, she works at the University with me, and she has another house on the property that will be mine.” He whistles “fancy dude buying a house and you haven’t lived here for what 6 months,” I laugh “I’ll be renting but the place needs work, so how handy are you” he looks at me with his funny side eye. “Not very but I did do tile in my kitchen and bath from watching videos online.” We jog to the lake and catch our breath by the stretch bars, I catch him up on my trip. “Baby be careful with those Bi boys they tend to not make up their minds, trust me been there.”
“Yes, I am on my guard he is also a cop so he can’t really be out there but dam the lust is on fire, yes I am thinking with my cock.” He gets the giggles, and we continue the path back to the parking lot. “it sounds like you are in lust make sure you don’t get hurt and a show is coming up next weekend I am hosting again do you want me to get you a table.” I tell him sure then I head back to my place, and text Robbie to see if maybe he can get down here next weekend, I don’t hear back right away but it’s time to get to work. A shower and my nice slacks and maroon sweater, I fire up my Triumph and she purrs to life. I pull out of the garage and realize I did not see one at Vivian’s property I will need a garage for the bike and my cart, so I will ask her about it when I get to the school. “Good morning Miss Grant do you have a minute I want to ask you something.” She looks up smiles “good morning Scott I have to see the Dean right now, but we could chat after Hailey and before Benny.” I tell her of course and head into my office. I see my staff email is full, so I go through that and I also see the flyer for Ricky’s memorial service, I was still on the island, but I did sign the virtual condolence card. I still think that was so wrong he was a sweet kid who did not deserve that. “Now let’s get you set up in the lesbian club and your classes are all set for your future erotic writing career, welcome to WDU Hailey.” She smiles as she gets up to shake my hand and Miss grant brings her a welcome bag with sweatshirt, WDU pride flag and other goodies. She heads out and Miss grant takes a seat “well Vivian, I was wondering if there is a garage by the house, I will need one for my cart and the bike.” She looks at me “We were going to build one but when Mom and Dad did not come here we stopped construction, but we now need to wait for a permit so you won’t be moving in anytime soon.” I tell her “that is ok I understand the permit process, let me know if I can help.”
Getting down to the cafeteria for lunch I say “Hi Marie how have things been” she looks up from her book and gets up to hug me “Scott nice to see you are you feeling better, you texted us and said you are sick.” I hug her back and tell her most of what went on minus the helping the cop’s part. “Oh man I hope she gets a long sentence but here let me get you some lunch” so we go over to the Buffett and I pick chicken and dumplings with carrots and an apple, grab a water and we sit back down and she tells me about her and Gemma’s holiday and the visitor is at Pink Sands but she pops in from time to time “she’s more Gemma’s friend then mine but she makes things spicy so I don’t mind.” I tell her all about Robbie and I show her a picture of King, she ahh’s and even says Robbie is cute and they would love to meet him sometime. “I hope next weekend he can come down and we can all go to the show, Devon is hosting again, and he will get us a table.” We set up that and I get back to work, after my last student Dean Kane comes in and tells me his do not do drugs plan. We bounce around some ideas before I head out. Going to the Chinese food place I have been craving my wonton and chicken fried rice. I also grab some beer and use the last of my sextons, I run down to the bank and use the atm to make a withdrawal.
Getting back home I get my comfy clothes on and turn the heater on because it is getting chilly now so t-shirt it is usually, I am shirtless. I here the doorbell and Marie gives me my bag of mail and tells me “Gemma will be out of town that weekend but I will go maybe Nya and her friend will go as well, we will see good night.” I tell her thank you and goodnight, going through the mail as I eat and listen to some Chicago I get a text from Brian: Miss you brother hope you are feeling better, text you soon. I text him back and tell him: I am much better; back home miss you too see you in Hawaii.
My mail is the usual bills and junk but there is an offer for one of those DNA family tree things so I read the fine pronto and decide to wait on that, I get the GQ out and get some reading done. After watching my detective show I look in the fridge and decide to make a grocery list when I finally get a text from Robbie: I will see if I can get out there will need to find a place for King will let you know soon. I text him back: no problem you have place to stay and my bed is big enough. Now that my list is done I got out to the garage and realize the cart needs a charge so I put it on the charge and leave it for the night, it will be done by the morning. I throw my clothes in the washer and I get a call from Vivian “hello Scott is this to late to call”, I tell her no, she tells me “great the permit process has started we will see what they say by the end of the week, if you remember the front of the house the garage will be around back, so the driveway will need to be extended butt it will all work out.” We chat some more, and I tell her “that will be fine the bike and cart don’t take up much space so just a two car garage will do, and what about a washer and dryer hook up.” Vivian tells me that is on the back porch so if you put the garage back there you will enter through the back right past that.” We chat some more, and I tell her “I will stop by after I get done with my shopping tomorrow and we can work on design things then.”
Just as I am getting in bed about to turn off the light Robbie is coming through on Facetime, “hey man oh look who’s getting on the camera, hey King you grew in a few days look who’s all paws now. We both get a giggle out of that and he settles down with a chew stick. “I miss you Scott its been a bit lonely without you, I felt that passion I have been missing for a while.” I look at him “yes I miss you too we do have some wild chemistry and the passion is on fire, you give fantastic head.” I can see him smile and he tell me how great I was as well; we chat about sex for a bit longer, but he must get to sleep and so do I. We flash each other with our dicks and he tells me mine belongs down his through at I tell him mine belongs there and fucking that cute ass. We say good night and boy am I horny but I am also tired so I drift off with memories of our sex.

To be continued…


1 comment

  1. /u/lordfox76, I have found some errors in your post:

    > “inside and ~~its~~ [**it’s**] his kidneys”

    > “never had before ~~its~~ [**it’s**] down to the”

    I declare the comment of lordfox76 unacceptable; it should be “inside and ~~its~~ [**it’s**] his kidneys” and “never had before ~~its~~ [**it’s**] down to the” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it’s’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’.

    ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)

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