Dirty Old Man [FF Voy FFM Inc]

Dirty Old Man

There’s not a lot of doubt about it now. Harry was finally official, he was a dirty old man. Can you imagine this? Harry never thought about it until now, but circumstances change and he realized it was him, he really was the dirty old man stereotype.

Harry always thought himself a little unconventional, so taking up the Internet when many of his peers were still struggling with their VCR’s, wasn’t unusual for Harry. As the tech improved, so did Harry’s understanding of how things worked. He saw the introduction of broadband, from dial-up, then the expansion of the Web until it became the giant it is now. All through this, Harry followed the fortunes of those staples of the Internet, porn and Star Trek.

Porn, he decided was a lot more sophisticated now than it was through the first ten years of its discovery by Harry, twenty-five years ago. The younger people, Harry saw, didn’t know that the modern Internet didn’t exist ten years ago. ADSL had been introduced sometime in the early 2000s but it was expensive initially, but it did mean that porn went from collections of images to short, small videos, then to movies. At some point, Harry learned of the existence of cam girls.

Every so often, Harry would find a page full of cam girls, then maybe get a video or two from the same page. He never understood how they would make money from it, but good luck to them, he thought. Usually though, he downloaded from those sites that shouldn’t have existed, but still do. He got lucky and found a VPN service, he still uses it, but keeps an eye out for any changes to its terms of service. He only wants anonymity, doesn’t want any records kept. He’s tried things like Linux-on-a-Stick and Tails, but he has never had the skill to make them work. He really does want to keep his privacy.

Harry was Net surfing one day, he ran across a page of cam girls. There was no reason to stop, but he was always titillated by them. Some are beautiful, some have huge tits, some are willing to do anything. As he scrolled down the page, something caught his eye. He wasn’t sure what is was, but the girl on the site, she was fucking gorgeous. Then he saw it, what caught his eye. In the background there was a poster on her wall, just like the one he had bought for his granddaughter. Then he looked at the girl again, Harry’s jaw hit the desk.

He couldn’t believe it, it was his granddaughter, Sally, being a cam girl from her own bedroom! Jeezzzuuuussss!!!! Hair different, but it was her! Did her father know? Obviously not, she was still being a cam girl. He clicked on the link, wanting to see more. What a fucking pervert, he thought, a voyeur on his own granddaughter. The page loaded and he found that he needed to go through a check, log in, become a member, do all the sorts of things he really didn’t want to do. He needed an email, not easily traceable by her. Gmail, he thought, setting up a brand new email under an assumed name. Although it wasn’t as easy as that, he still had to link his actual email to the account, as well as his cell number. Dammit, he thought.

Okay, that’s settled, now, how does this work? Harry worked through it, realizing that he had to pay for the privilege of watching whatever was happening on her cam. He got it, then registered himself as “DirtyOldMan”. Officially then, that was his title. He paid some money and accessed her cam page. He noted her performer’s name was Yaz. Harry had no idea where that came from.

“Hello DirtyOldMan, that’s a mouthful, what if I call you DOM?” Harry didn’t know what to do, “Mm okay, you never been here before have you?” He did nothing, “Just key in a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’ DOM.” Ahh, he entered a No. “First time with a cam girl then DOM?” Yes, he entered. “Well this is how it works DOM, you ask me to do something, then pay some coin and when I get it, I do what you ask me to do. Simple.” Harry entered, I see. “Yes, you do. If you want me to get naked, that costs you so much, to masturbate, so much more, to use my vibrator, more again.” What about another person? Harry asked. “Ahh, that’s an entirely different thing. You pay for two people.” Okay, he replied.

“‘Okay’, you want to see me with another person? Now? For a first timer DOM, you’re getting right into this.” No, I meant okay I understand. “Oh right,” she smiled, “I’m here for you DOM, ask me to do something, contribute some coin and I do it.” Take your top off, Harry keyed in, wondering how far she would really go. He paid over the right amount of coin and, rather seductively, Sally opened her blouse, then dropped it off her shoulders, letting it fall away. She shimmied around in front of the camera and, with her back to the camera, opened her bra. Sally kept the bra covering her breasts, but then slipped a shoulder strap off, then the other as she was moving. She turned and dropped a bra cup, showing a boob, briefly, then covered it again, then the other, same thing. Deliberately, winding me up, trying to be seductive so I will want to go to the next step. Sally dropped the bra, showing her breasts to Harry. No, not Harry, to DOM, he reminded himself.

What about your shorts? Harry saw an amount appear in the charges dialog box so set about paying it. When done and confirmed, Sally danced, he could see her opening buttons, then flap the short sides showing the zip was right down. Sally again turned away from the camera, presenting her ass, bent over double and had her shorts down to her ankles. Fuck me! Thought Harry.

It wasn’t long before he had her naked, writhing on the bed, touching herself, rubbing her hands all over her body. He told her to masturbate and in moments she was spreading her legs, masturbating. While she was doing that she kept up a commentary, asking him to describe his dick. Was it hard? Oh yeah! How big? Six and a half inches. Oh no, could he send a pic? Not tonight but he might be able to arrange something. Was he playing with it? Erm, yeah. So it went. It became a real moment for Harry when he crossed the line. His cock was out, he was playing with it, he imagined it siding inside her shaven pussy.

He then realized, he actually was a dirty old man.

Over the next couple of weeks, Harry deliberately limited himself to one night session a week with Sally, or Yaz. He nearly slipped once, but luckily caught it before he hit the enter key. Each time it got more intense and Harry wanted more. Once, there was another guy and they both asked her to do things like lay on the bed, lift your ass over your shoulders and spread you legs while you have the dildo inside you. He then asked if she would do a full sex scene with someone else on camera? She didn’t even raise an eyebrow, but asked “Guy or Girl?” Harry was floored, you’d do a girl on camera? “Yes, I would if you want me to. But it is a private session, just you.” It was at that session that he started making screen grabs. He told her to make the arrangements with a girl and he would check his emails for when she was ready.

Sally negotiated a deposit, saying that he had to show good faith, and when was he thinking this could happen. A week? “Sure, next Thursday it is, if she’s available. Oh and by the way, I’m still waiting for your dick pic.” Oh, okay, I’ll email it to you. Over the next two days he took a number of dick pics, he even had one with a ruler showing his actual size, a bit more than six and a half inches. He Photoshopped a montage but that didn’t work, so he sent her two images from different angles of his raging hard on. He had taken the pics while looking at the screen grabs he had made of their latest session. He also asked her, in the email, if she would find some older guy and fuck him on camera?

He soon received an email back letting him know that her friend was quite willing, but it had to be on her cam and gave him the girl’s address. She also asked how old a guy? By the look of you, he wrote, I would be around a grandfather’s age. There was no immediate response. Harry checked he fake email later that evening and he had a reply. Sally had written “If he had a cock like yours, I think I would.” Harry’s conscience ping him and he wondered what kind of conversations was this he was having with his granddaughter. He had plenty of pics of her in various stages of undress, nude, of her masturbating, even with a dildo inside her pussy. Harry knew that it wasn’t enough, he wanted more so his conscience would have to take a back seat.

On the Thursday evening, Harry logged on to the address given, went to the room he wanted, and there, sitting on a bed was Sally and another girl. She was a little taller than Sally, bigger breasted, but where Sally was dark, this girl was light, blonde hair, fair skin. Sally introduced her as Roxy, and after introductions, Harry said that he would only make a request if he wanted to see something in particular. Otherwise, he would pay up front, and they could make out, then undress each other and fuck to their hearts content. Kiss her, he wrote, make out, show me everything. They kissed, they touched, breasts, faces, legs and their moans began. Clothing began to disappear, and soon they were naked. Harry could see breasts being sucked, fingers disappearing into vaginas, tongues lapping at each other’s mons.

Harry knew Sally had done this before with this girl, their actions were too smooth, like they were practiced. He typed in Sixty-Niner! He saw Roxy look directly at the screen and smile. “DOM really is a dirty old man,, babe. He wants a sixty-niner.” Sally replied, “Well, I’m a filthy female and I really love sixty-niners with you. Hope you enjoy this DOM!” The went into a sixty-niner, with Sally on top. Harry was really turned on to this now, but he only had one camera angle, he would loved to have gotten more. He would love to have been there, in person. Then he had a wicked thought.

While he was stroking his own cock, watching his cam girls, he thought of a plan. Never going to work, he told himself. The girls then got out some toys and took turns to pleasure each other with a vibrator. He wouldn’t have thought it, but Sally reached down and lifted a strap-on cock, she put it on, tightened it and as smooth as silk, she proceeded to fuck Roxy. Wow! Harry thought, he didn’t realize Sally was a dom but then everything he saw, it was Sally leading that most intimate of dances. Roxy came in a rush, and after a few moments rest, she took the strap-on off Sally and then fingered and licked Sally to an orgasm. They both collapsed on the bed, gasping for air. Harry noted that lying flat, Sally’s pudenda was pushed up by her pelvis. From that angle, he could also see her pussy lips were still looking swollen, and he would have loved to get between her legs and licked her pussy himself.

After a few moments, Roxy said, “How was that, DOM? Was that good for you?” Excellent, he keyed in, then thought, nothing ventured, so he wrote Pity there is only one camera angle, would love to have a couple of views to chose from. “No, not possible I’m afraid. PC won’t take multiple cameras.” Mmm, not so actually, CCTV cameras, all you need is software. Harry replied. “What do you mean DOM,” Sally asked. 4 cameras, one on each corner of the bed fed to a screen, hard part would be to send to the client. “How would the bed have 4 camera stands?” Or posts at the bottom, large bed head so cameras can be screwed on. “What about clients viewing the cameras?” Something like OBS will accept live streaming from multiple cameras.

The conversation continued for a while and there was certainly some interest from the girls. Sally did say, “It’s something different, could boost viewer numbers.” “Yeah, and pay for itself too, I imagine,” Roxy added. Harry didn’t interrupt that rain of conversation until Roxy asked “I’ve never seen a bed like that, where would I get one?” Know anyone who could make it for you? “I do,” Sally replied, my gr-,” she stopped. “How could we pay for it, I mean a bed, cameras, all that is not going to come cheap!” Time to spring the trap, Harry thought. You may have to contribute some funding, but the balance could be paid for in kind. “In kind?” Sally asked. “We perform for him.” Roxy replied.

“Eeuuwww, not for my -” she topped again. Next bit, Harry thought. Obviously you mean your grandfather, so if he is over 60, then he is likely to be a DOM, like me! He certainly is, Harry thought. Ask him, on behalf of a friend, of course. Never know. “How did you know who I meant?” Sally asked. You mentioned him twice, first time you said gr- so not your dad. “Never met your grandfather,” Roxy commented, “Nice is he?” “Even at his age, he is still a sexy guy,” Sally replied, “Doing a show for him would be okay, if he wasn’t my grandfather.” ‘You just did, babe,’ Harry thought, ‘but nice to know you think I’m still sexy’. If Roxy were to make an offer of payment, you could test the system, then you Yaz could have a film of your grandfather doing something naughty :):), Harry wrote. Roxy nodded, laughed and Sally said, “Okay, I’ll talk to him.”

Part 2.

Saturday came and the doorbell went. Harry opened the door, “Sally! And Sally’s friend!” Surprise, surprise! “How are you? Come in, come in.” He hugged Sally, feeling those precious tits on his chest and nodded to the friend, Roxy, but he didn’t know that.

“Hi Granddad, I’m good, how are you?”

“All the better for seeing you. So, to what do I owe this pleasure?” has asked, “Who’s your friend?” then added, “And what’s it going to cost me?” He laughed. “Coffee?” Harry didn’t drink, hadn’t for years. Besides, it was too early.

“Yes please. This is Amy, what makes you think I am after something from you?” she smiled.

Harry held his hand out and smile, “Hi Amy, Harry.” Amy took his hand and said “Hi.”

“Because you’re your father’s daughter. He only calls when he wants something,” Harry said without rancor or any bitterness. “Besides, your mom, I don’t think she likes me, ever since your grandmother passed, she’s avoided me.”

“Don’t know, never noticed, but I don’t think so.” Sally observed.

“Okay, enough of that,” Harry said as he poured the coffee. “Standard or unleaded?”

“Standard please, you know Dad says that too.”

Amy said, “Milk and sugar?” Harry nodded.

“Probably got it from me, and I got it from your granduncle Bill. A truly inter-generational line that one.” Harry dropped a spoon of sugar and a little milk into the coffee and handed it to Sally. He preferred his unleaded, no sugar, no milk. they passed the next fifteen minutes in small talk and family stories, latest comings and goings. Boyfriends, and everything else. Amy said very little unless Harry dragged her into the conversation. “Okay, what is it that you want to ask?” Harry asked.

“It’s Amy, she wants a new bed but the ones she seen are either cheap and really trashy or really expensive.”

“So how can I help?”

“Do you think you could build one for her?”

“Yeah, I could, wouldn’t take long. I got a lot of the materials already,” having bought them in he thought, “Left overs from other jobs.” he said when Sally’s eyebrows lifted. “Still have to buy some stuff, but got most of it, I think. How big a bed?”

“King sized.” Any said.

“Ahh, that’s why it is really trashy or really expensive then. You have mattress and linen already.” Amy nodded.

“Well so cost is the issue?” Amy nodded again, “You want quality, something that will last, but there’s an affordable limit.” Amy nodded. “No guarantees, but king sized is going to cost. If I do it, and I can do it to a price you might not be able to afford or I’m sure we can work something out.” Harry saw a look pass across between them, but said nothing.

“You sure? I mean, is there a lot of work in a bed? How long would it take?” Amy asked.

“Just puttering around like I do, maybe a week, maybe 10 days, depending on the finish you want, it could be up to a month.”

“The finish? A month?”

“For a project this bit it’s either shellac or polyester,” he said. “Shellac is faster, dries with minimum smell. Poly needs up to a month to cure properly otherwise you’re sleeping in an awful smell. Shellac though can be easily damaged, whereas poly is much harder wearing. A good finish is critical to how a project looks and wears.”

“And the cost?”

“Have to work it out, but could be anywhere between five and fifteen hundred, depending on design and materials.”

“I was hoping it wouldn’t cost that much,” Amy remarked.

“It may be lower, but you know it’s something that will last.” Harry said. “What kind of design were you thinking about?”

She described the sort of bed she wanted, exactly what he has suggested two days ago. Harry remarked it was unusual, but quite doable. He didn’t pursue any question as to why she wanted that particular style, but then asked a key question. “You want drawers under the bed?”

“Drawers?” Amy asked.

“Yes, pull out drawers. A king sized bed has so much unused space under it, so it can be filled with trundle drawers. I made them for the bed in the guest room. Come on, I’ll show you.”

Harry led them to the guest room and pointed to a drawer and asked Sally to pull it out. She did so and suddenly stopped. Amy immediately laughed and Sally said, “GRANDDAD!”

“What?” he asked, looking at the direction Amy was pointing. Then he saw some sex toys. There was a couple of dildos, three vibrators and various other implements of pleasure. There was also some fleece covered straps and, neatly folded, some sort of leather and rubber dominatrix outfit. “Ah!” he gasped, “Um, sorry,- no, I’m not sorry. There were your grandmother’s toys, Sally. Yes, old people actually discovered sex long before you were born you know.” Without any embarrassment at all, he went on, “I’m assuming you’re both healthy young women, with sex lives, so may already have something like these. You can take them if you want, I don’t use them. You look the same size as her Sally, the outfit should fit you like a glove.”

“Granddad, please!!”

“Oh, I don’t know Sally, you’d look pretty fetching in that outfit!” Amy laughed.

That conversation went on for a few more minutes, and Harry then said, “Please help yourselves.” He reached in and pulled a dildo out and sniffed it. “Nothing.”

“Awww GROSS!” Sally cried and Amy just laughed.

“This was your grandmother’s favorite, I’m sure she would have wanted you to have it.” He held it out to her, “Go on, take it, I know you want to,” he teased.

“Do you think, Granddad, that is okay? Appropriate even? This conversation?”

“Why not? For all you know I could be some dirty old man who gets his jollies by ogling young, beautiful women,” Harry said, “And giving them sex toys.”

Amy laughed and said, “Oh come on, Sally, guess we have to accept he is just another DOM. As we were told!”

“DOM?” Harry played dumb here, “Oh dirty old man, I get it. Well no, I’m the original, the one and only DOM!” He announced with a flourish, as Sally went a real bright red. “Which is why I offer you all these toys!”

“Sally, all these toys and a king size bed as well! Guess he is the real deal!” she laughed. “Chill babe, take what you want and I’ll take the rest. Your wife knew her toys, Harry, look at these, Sally. All high end quality.”

“Yeah, and I really hope you have as much fun with them as we did,” Harry said as he looked right at Sally.

“I’m shocked granddad -”

“No, don’t follow in your father’s priggish footsteps. He is still in denial that his mother and I had sex, even though he is the living proof. Unfortunately, like a lot of older guys, sex for us has been usurped by you young people, and you never consider that older people still enjoy it.”

“That’s not true granddad,” retorted Sally, “We really do understand older guys like sex too.”

“Oh, is that why you’re cam girls? Providing a public service.” Dammit, that wasn’t fucking cool dumbo, Harry thought.

“What? What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Sorry, that slipped out, forget I said anything.”

“Sorry Harry,” Amy said, “Can’t be unsaid. What do you mean?”

“I know, okay. And I’m not going to tell anyone, if you’re asking. That’s your business.”

“What the fuck are you doing looking for cam girls, granddad?”

“Same reason as anyone does, a thrill, a bit of titillation. a-”

“I bet if we check our phones and compare the image of DOM with Harry here, we’d get a match!” Amy commented.

So they shared my images, well, well. “Okay, you got me. I really am DOM.”

Sally went a dead white. “Jeez, Sally, you better sit down before you fall down.” Harry suggested.

“That mean- but that means-”

“Yeah, it does.” Harry said.

Sally collapsed on the bed, sitting, slumping, with her head down, shaking her head, “Fuck, fuck fuck-” she repeated over and over.

“Sally, enough!” Harry demanded. “I’m not interested in the whys and wherefores, I’m only interested in moving forward. Okay, I am a dirty old man, but I love it. I loved watching you, solo and with a lesbian lover. My dick gets so fucking hard watching you, I beat my meat so much, I fell into wanting to take it further. I saw you after you had sex, naked, your pussy was aimed directly at the camera and I could see the folds of your labia, swollen, I just wanted to be there, between your legs and licking it, kissing it, giving it all the loving I could.” He stopped for a moment, “If that makes me a sick old bastard well, that’s what I am.”

Amy then asked, “The idea of the multiple cameras then? The 4 posted bed? This was what that was about?”

“In part, I think. I never intended to say anything, but the drawer thing, the toys, that was a little staged, I’m afraid. the idea was to introduce you to the fact that even us oldies have sex lives in a more tangible way that what DOM was doing. It just slipped out, sorry about that.”

“Okay, then that dick pic, that’s real is it?”

“Oh yeah, all me.”

“Wow. You hear that Sally, it’s real.” Sally was still not moving anything other than her head. “For shit’s sake! Sally, come on, get with us.”

“He knows- I’m so fucking dead! He’s gunna tell dad!”

“No, he won’t,” Amy and Harry said at the same time. They looked at each other, and at the same time asked, “Why not?” “Ladies first,” Harry offered.

“Okay, Sally, do you really think Harry wants your mom and dad to know he visits cam girls?”

“Yes, that’s a good question, Sally,” Harry suggested. “My thought is that you’re an adult, you can make up your own mind. The other thing for me is that you’re fucking beautiful, you both are,” he added, looking at Amy, “You are lovers anyway, and watching you together was a beautiful thing too. I don’t want to wreck that. Also, I would add that I’ve never been interested in cam girls, it’s you that I’m interested in.”

Amy looked surprised, “Interested? How interested?”

“Very.” But didn’t elaborate.

“Then I bet you really want to do us both then?” Amy asked.

“Pay for the bed in kind, for sure!” Harry stated clearly, “Other than that, purely professional.”

“Yeah, I bet.”

“No seriously,” Harry assured her, “I build you the bed to the specs you ask for. For that, you can pay in kind if you like. You want me to buy you cameras, cabling and a switch, then the same deal. I watch as part of the testing period to make sure it works, after that, I pay as required as any other client.” Harry waited, realizing that Amy was thinking about it. “I’m assuming you need the money, so I don’t want to infringe on that. I really do think that multicams will help improve your audience and clientele.”

Amy went to Sally, wrapping her arms around her, reassuring her. Amy then kissed Sally, “It’ll be good. We’re going to pay a deposit today, then we work out a time table based on how much it all costs.” Amy looked up at Harry, “If you like.”

“Very much.”

“Then come and fuck us both, I really want to feel that dick inside me.”

“Amy!” Sally cried, “He’s my granddad!”

“So? He’s a man and you said yourself you’d fuck an old guy with a dick like his.” Amy beckoned Harry over, when he was in front of her, she reached out and opened the belt on his slacks. Amy opened the slacks and pulled them down, his boxers quickly followed. She reached under his already tented shirt and fondled his balls with one hand while running her fingers along the hardened shaft. “Oh my, it’s big!” Amy lifted the shirt off his cock and gasped, “You gotta see this babe.”

Amy pulled Harry closer, then leaned forward, sliding her mouth over his tool. She hummed, and slurped her way along the shaft until her nose was buried in his abundant pubic hair. She then pulled out, and lapped the knob as she did so. She repeated the movement, over and over. Amy was great at sucking, Harry thought. He looked at Sally, who was looking at him with a shocked expression. Amy lifted off him and said, “Come on babe, you really want to suck and fuck this. He tastes like you, lovely.” Sally didn’t move, so Amy went back to sucking on Harry’s prong.

Harry kept his eye on Sally, without saying anything, but willing her to join in. He saw her expression change as Amy was obviously relishing her mouthful of hardened man meat. Sally hadn’t taken her eyes off Harry, then she moved, forward, still looking at him. She slid down, over the edge of the bed and said, “I’ll have what you’re having,” as she slid onto her knees. She turned Harry who’s dick was pulled out of Amy’s mouth and, reaching up to take hold of it, aimed it at her mouth, inserting it, slowly. Her tongue lapped the underside as she took it in and she too pressed her nose into Harry’s forest. Fuck! She can suck cock too! Harry was delighted his granddaughter was as good at sucking as her grandmother. He was loving it, still not believing that this was actually happening!

Amy stood up and quickly undressed, then reached over to Harry and undid the buttons on his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders. He might be old, but he was still in good condition. There wasn’t a lot of spare skin anywhere on him, Amy viewed. Muscles were hard, man muscles, the skin not as elastic as it used to be but still, it was not covered in brown spots like her grandmother’s arms were. Stomach flat, well almost, but not a six pack in sight. Amy ran her hands over Harry’s body, his back, his ass, firm and strong, thighs, tight, up the inside to tickle his balls. She stood on tip toes and kissed the back of his neck, Harry shivered in delight. Amy began to open Sally’s blouse, but it was awkward.

“Come and eat my pussy,” Amy said. Sally lifted off Harry and asked “Which one of us?” “Harry, on his back me on his face and you can keep sucking.”

“Okay, works for me,” Sally replied. “Me too” Harry echoed.

“Then we swap, babe, but you’re overdressed now. Come on, get naked babe!”

Clothes flew across the bed and Harry was maneuvered onto his back. Amy crawled alongside him then threw a knee over him, straddling his face. She lowered herself onto his mouth and felt his tongue looking for those really sensitive places that would give her maximum pleasure. Within minutes, he had managed to hit her buttons and worked himself into a rhythm, clit, labia, vaginal canal, he was hitting them all. Amy felt a growing excitement, which she knew was going to make her cum. He knew what he was doing, she told him, and left him to it.

Sally was now naked, and went back to sucking this tool. Harry was big, she thought, the biggest she had ever had in her mouth. She was going to have that inside her pussy soon and the thought thrilled her. She couldn’t think of him as ‘granddad’ now, it had to be Harry. He was rock hard and she couldn’t wait any longer. She lifted her face off him and straddled him, lowering herself onto the shaft she was holding. Sally felt him stretching her lips as he entered her, filling her up. His girth and length was a real experience for her, never having a dick of such size before. She raised and lowered herself as he tried to push upward to meet her. She slammed his pelvis into her clit stimulating it as it was now swollen tighter than it had ever been she thought. She grabbed her tits, squeezing the nipples between thumbs and forefingers, the pain pushing her to further heights of delight.

Amy started it. Her excitement spilled over and she writhed in the pleasure Harry was giving her, she couldn’t hold it, she just wanted to cum. Her insides knotted and the rest of her body spasmed as she cried her orgasm. It didn’t stop Harry from tonguing her as waves of pleasure swept out from her core. As she came, Sally’s clit pounding left her nowhere to go except upward, like a rocket. She exploded in pleasure, cumming all over Harry’s cock. Harry felt the expulsion of a small amount of fluid as Amy came under his tongue, then Sally’s cunt gripped his dick, hard. As she lifted again to plunge down, the contraction of her pussy demanded he release his sperm into her. He couldn’t resist that siren call any longer and he felt the surge of cum shooting up his shaft and into the hot, damp receptacle of Sally’s pussy. He moaned his release, gasping, grunting, moaning, all at the same time.

The women collapsed into each other, on top of Harry. Sally reached up and grabbed Amy’s tits, just to keep herself upright. Harry was still hilt deep inside her, and Sally loved that warm, wet feeling of cum in her. Amy was the first to move and she eased around, taking Sally off that now detumescing prong. While it was shrinking, it wasn’t down yet, Amy thought. She bent down and took it into her mouth and sucked all the juice off it, from inside it. She swallowed the mix of cum and semen. Harry’s dick continued its fall, but Amy didn’t mind.

Sally was lying on her side and Amy pushed her onto her back. In moments, she had Sally’s legs spread and she began licking her cream pie. “Yummm yummmmm,” she hummed as she licked and swallowed the combined juices from Sally’s twat. Getting enough from Sally’s pussy, and with no more from Harry’s dick, for the moment, Amy slid up Sally’s body, stopping to kiss her nipples along the way. She then kissed Sally, deeply. “I’m really glad you talked me into coming to meet DOM.”

Sally kissed her back and said, “I didn’t know it was possible to live up to such a name.”

Yep, that’s me, Harry thought, A Dirty Old Man!

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/kc0gj8/dirty_old_man_ff_voy_ffm_inc


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