Opening (short) writing commisions for low prices

Hello! I have plenty of experience in writing, albeit this is the first time that I have opened myself to commissioned work.

Therefore, I will start relatively small at 1-2k pieces at $3.50-5.50, respectively. If this proves to be successful, I will become more open to longer commissions (for higher prices, of course).

For previous writing works, please see my profile on AO3, TotalAwesomeness. My latest work was posted on this subreddit.

**Commission Info**

Commissions can be either original works or fanfictions (i.e. based on existing works). If I am unfamiliar with material, I will do research, to the best of my ability. In terms of the former, I will require as much info as possible as to what you would like.

Things I will NOT write, non-negotiable:
• M/M (i.e. Slash)
• Pegging
• Guro
• Futa

For more info, please contact me via DM.
