Advent Kinkendar: December 4th

I still had a faceful of cum when I woke up this morning; but thankfully we weren’t required to sleep plugged. Those didn’t go back in until after we were bathed together by Miss. Honestly, going to the bathroom in front of other people is not easy; but I’m getting used to it in the mornings at least.

Miss gave us our boxes while she was eating breakfast today, each contained a big purple permanent marker pen. Both of us were quite confused until she explained. “Body writing day, sluts. You’re first going to label yourselves with something that you’ll keep all month. Then you’re going to write something on each other, and then I’ll write something on you both. So boy, climb up on the table so I can see what you write”.

I was very glad she went to him first because I really had no clue what to write. I mean, he obviously didn’t either, and climbed up onto the table and sat there confused. I was too distracted thinking to watch, but when my turn came I got a look as he climbed down; “Miss’ toy” scrawled messily on one thigh. I must admit to feeling a bit superior as I climbed up, certain my idea was better. But that was soon overtaken by the sheer feeling of exposure I felt sitting there in front of Miss with my legs spread. It was as though I was going to be her dessert.

Writing upside down is not easy, and doing it on your own body is harder still. But after some careful strokes I eventually finished my label. One word under the other right on my venus hill: “Use Me”. Her smile as she watched me actually filled me with a warm feeling of pride.

“Boy, come add yours to her lovely body, then let her loose on yours”.

He seemed better prepared this time, and quickly added “Cum Dump” to my chest across the tops of my breasts. I leaned across and wrote “Desperate Puppy” across his lower belly, grinning at his cock now back straining against his cage. Miss then took the marker from me and turned him around, adding “Insert here” with an arrow above his ass, grinning widely at me. She then lifted one of my feet and wrote on the sole “SARAH” in messy capitals. I kinda melted, I’m not gonna lie.

All morning I didn’t want to walk on that foot; it feels disrespectful; but there have still been chores to do, and Miss’ body to worship. I’ve also been able to keep the plug in longer between needing breaks; though the boy has yet to graduate from the smallest one yet; poor him hahaha. Actually this medium one is feeling pretty comfortable most of the time, so maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to have a go at the largest one. Maybe. It still looks kinda scary.

At lunch Miss said she thought she ought to take notice of my label, and had me sit back up on the table and play with myself as she ate. She watched a bit, and toyed with her phone a bit as I came and came, making a puddle on the table under my ass. After the boy cleared away her dishes she helped me down, telling him to lick the table clean; “Hannah and I need to go and prepare for this afternoon’s entertainment.”

Back through in the living room she fiddled on her phone before turning to me. “I have a surprise; he should be arriving soon. I’d like you to welcome him in the hall with your beautiful labels. He’ll know what to do”. She grinned again, that beautiful, evil smile which was beginning to drive me crazy. “But first we need to get something from the back room, come!”. She led me off the other side of the hall to a room I hadn’t seen yet. It was like an Aladdin’s Cave, or rather Dungeon, of kinky equipment. I didn’t have much time to stare, but I saw many, many more things that I didn’t recognise than I saw things which I did. Miss beckoned me over to help her carry a whipping bench back through to the living room and position it with its back facing the door.

“Now to add a few more” Miss approached me with the marker pen. I stood still as she added extra labels all over me. “Slut” on my right bicep, “soaked” on my left thigh, “good girl” on my ass. She even wrote something across my cheeks that I didn’t find out until much later said “WH-RE”, using my mouth as the O.

As soon as the boy came in from the kitchen she led him over to it and strapped him down. Anyone walking in through the door would get an immediate view of his plugged ass and leaking cock. She also removed his cage, sending me to the kitchen to get a bowl this time. “TIme to get ready, Hannah. Just like when the boy arrived, kneel on the table, put your hands on your thighs; oh, and wear this” she tossed me a blindfold.

Fuck I was nervous as I got into position and put on the blindfold. Yet again waiting for someone I had never met to walk in, and this time more than likely “use me” as their “cum dump”. I suppose that’s sort of what happened the first time too, but this was definitely different.

Time passed in silence except for my thumping heartbeat until the door opened. Almost immediately I heard a man’s voice “Fuck, wow!” he said, closing the door. I heard rustling and the noises of a belt and clothes landing on the floor then suddenly his hands on me. He explored my body softly, but powerfully, and intimately, though so casually. From my hair down my shoulders, fondling my breasts and fingering my wet pussy. Apparently satisfied, I felt one hand on the back of my head, and his cock dance against my lips. Obediently I opened and he pushed in deep, straight away beginning to fuck my face.

Clearly the labels on my body are not only symbolic, and he was most definitely treating them as instructions. He didn’t take long to deposit a really massive load in my mouth, and to my surprise moved straight on and repositioned me with my ass up so he could start fucking my pussy. With cum dribbling from my lips I moaned and groaned, feeling his cock swelling and throbbing inside me. He lasted a lot longer then, and after pumping the first of his load inside me, pulled out to shoot more across my ass cheeks and back. Still not done, he pulled me up to sitting again, ripped off the blindfold, and jerked himself one more time; shooting all over my face and breasts.

Despite the feel, taste, and smell, my pussy was aching with excitement and lust, frustrated at being fucked and not being allowed to finish. Even now I can look down and see the words “cum dump” on my chest covered in dried cum. Very appropriate.

Miss appeared in the doorway welcoming the guy. He walked over and they embraced, kissing. “I have another surprise for you” she grinned widely, stepping aside and pointing to the boy’s figure strapped to the bench. I looked over too and see she had already removed his plug, and lubed him up. This guy clearly enjoys following written instructions as he strode right over and started pushing his cock in.

“Fuck he’s tight”, the guy groaned, the boy whimpering and whining in protest.

“You’re his first” Miss replied, beckoning me to follow them into the room.

“Shiiiiiit” the guy moaned, pushing firmly until he was all the way inside.

Despite his noises, the boy’s cock was still rock hard and leaking even more than last time.

Mistress, meanwhile, got me on all fours on the coffee table beside him and carefully removed my plug telling me, “I’m going to help you with the next size too”. My empty hole she quickly filled again with two, then three of her fingers, working them in and out with only a little resistance. Soon she was quite easily jamming all three fingers into me past the second knuckle, and beginning on a fourth. I could feel myself stretching, gaping, trying to relax as she abused my not-so-tight-anymore hole. How far was she going to go?

She slowed down, working all four fingers in deeper and deeper. Tears pricked my eyes from the pain; and yet wetness was also dribbling down my thighs from serving her like this. Eventually she stopped the fucking and began to simply push slowly and firmly, inching deeper and deeper. It wasn’t until she slid in all the way that I realised her whole fist was now inside me, with my hole clenching around her slender wrist.

It was such a rollercoaster of emotions at that moment, pain, pleasure, lust, pride, fear; but fuck was excitement and elation the overriding feelings of it all. I could feel every movement of her hand as she clenched her fist, twisted around, and wriggled her fingers. It was just incredible.

Once again I just got lost to all tracking of time as Miss also took to heart the label I had chosen for myself and thoroughly used me. With her fist still writhing inside me she brought me to climax after climax, the exquisite pain from my ass clenching around her dulling further and further yet enhancing every orgasm.

And so here I am, the largest plug easily seated between my cheeks, though it’s currently not all that comfortable to sit down lol.
