The prey (I was in the bed for a week continued….) [MDOM} [FSUB]

I figured I would share more about my encounters with Russ since our encounters only escalated after I was left in bed for a week. Read the “I was left in bed for a week” post before diving into this one.

After the last intense encounter we had together, we continued to talk long-distance on and off, here and there for the first whole week I was in bed. Then conversations tapered off, as they do in long-distance hookups. The few times we did speak, I noticed there was a shift in Russ. He was comfortable showing me the real dominant side of him. I understood his personality so much more. How he worked, how he thought etc. I realized all this time he had been grooming me, preparing me for this side of him.

A few weeks roll past, I’m, again super busy with the business and life, and after some time of silence, oh, I say about …2 weeks. I would get 1 message a week. “Hey, how are you doing? You doing alright?” Awe, this little asshole is so sweet, he’s checking in on me and making sure I’m okay! “I’m good, life’s treating me well. How are you?”, after that message, then nothing for the rest of the week. Oooookaayy, that was odd, message me, ask me how I’m doing after all this time, I respond then nothing? okay, whatever. The next week rolls around, and the same thing, a rouge message “Hey, how are you’d doing?” So I’m a smart ass and don’t respond right away cause I have shit going on dude and you ghosted last time. I don’t have time for that shit…. so I texted him an hour later lmao and responded that I was well and again SAME THING. UGHHHHH.

The end of the week rolls around and he messages me and asked if I’d come down to spend the weekend with him again. He was more talkative than he had been the previous weeks. Like we use to chat when his mask wasn’t pulled. with ZEROOO hesitation, I called off work on Friday and drove down earlier in the morning. I made it to Austin early in the afternoon, when I arrived he was waiting there on his lunch break to let me in. He was standing there with that devilish gaze and grin and embraced me as he had never done before. He took me by the hand and led me in. “make yourself comfortable ill order some food for dinner tonight and we can chill and watch the fight.” There is this one thing about Russ, it’s this stare he does. Even when we are just chatting. He gives the most intense stares like he’s trying to read my mind or guess what I’m thinking. He’ll lick his lips when he does it and it drives me wild. So we’re standing there, he’s doing the stare, licking his lips looking at me, and gives me a playful swat on the ass. Wooooowwww, I’m taken back okay, I’m not getting Asshole Russ this weekend, I’m getting romantic Russ, right…?

Nighttime rolls around, Russ is back after work, I’m showered and cute with my hair up in a bun and PJ’s. We wrapped his arms around me, kissing me, and pulled himself back to look at my tummy. He rubbed my belly and asked, “does your stomach still hurt”. I’m shy and bashful as fuck, “No, I’m good now.” He leaves me and headed to the kitchen to grab us both some beers. We make out the rest of the night, watched the fight, talk about business, drama back in Austin, etc. the usual shoot the shit. I had a light toasty buzz going and it was wonderful. He dimmed the lights and played Frigaile by Tech Nine” He asked me to dance lol,…. yeah no, seduce is what it was. Lol, we were grinding and kissing and swaying to the music. I don’t think I have ever experienced a song that intensely. He pushed me up against the wall. Both hands were pushed against the wall on both sides of me. “I expected you to keep in contact with me. Why didn’t you” …I-…..What?? I did!! I responded to him what the hell is he talking about? I didn’t think it was the right time to oppose him but, he’s full of shit! “I’ve been really busy, but I did reach back out to you when you messaged me and you always ghosted me.” “I expected you to check-in, I shouldn’t have to ask you how you are. Just tell me how you’re doing that’s all, I just want to know how you are, okay.” He didn’t give me time to respond, he quickly moved in with a kiss, placing one hand on my throat, pushing his body against mine. He kept mumbling “Just check in alright” in between every kiss. He starts pulling my shirt and bra off and pushed me onto the couch. “Pull your pants off, I want to see it.” He’s standing in front of me pulling his clothes off, slowly jerking himself.

He got on top of me, kissing me slowly and softly, grabbing my neck with a slight squeeze, and pushed himself inside of me as I moaned. “I missed my tight pussy, did you miss me,… huh?” he kept asking as he thrust into me. “mmm, you feel so fucking good, god damn it.” We’re sliding our tounges in and out of each other’s mouths, sucking on each other’s tounges while he pounded my pussy. My tongue slid out of his mouth and he streamed a long string of spit down my tongue and into my throat, followed by a long kiss. He smacked my face and bit my lip. My hips are thrusting against every thrust he gives. I’m whining and whimpering. He was tame but in control. ” I want to cum in you…. tell me you want me to come in you.” ” TELL ME”. I screamed out “Cumm in me Russ” Like a complete dumb ass I know yall omg. Anyway, he stands up, spread my legs then pinned them to the couch while he pounded away. He locks eyes with me and sticks his tongue through his teeth. ” I want to watch you get pregnant” WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?? OMG! Like, the things this did to MY BODY! OMG

“yeah, yeah fucking cum in me” he melted in me and collapsed on top of me, both of us out of breath. “I want you to have my kid, I thought about it. I want you to have a baby for me.” … okay I thought this was like our usual hookups like WTH?!?!? I didn’t even know how to respond. I’m sure I looked as dumb as I felt looking at him. Then it clicked!!! Well, I came up with a psycho girl conclusion lol *Que the X-files music* THIS IS WHY HE WAS RANDOMLY TEXTING ME LIKE THAT?!?! “Is that why you were texting me like that?” For some reason, I FELT like the crazy person here, for even asking this question. “yea” with a snide smirk. “I’m serious, I want you to have a baby for me.” What’s with this “FOR ME” crap ugh….

Going to stop here. Let me know if you want the rest of the story from this weekend with Russ.

Thanks so much for reading guys.


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