Taking a Chance

Chance was beautiful and not just your usual beautiful but that rare kind; the kind of beauty that made you stop and stare and forget your own damn name. I’m sure she had to know she had that effect on people, but somehow she never let it seem to go to her head. Of course, I may have been biased, but I didn’t care. Chance was beautiful, and she was here, alone with me – trapped in this tiny snowbound ski lodge in the valley between the mountains.

Abruptly I realised I was staring at her sweet, succulent form again. She was sitting at an angle with her back facing me and her feet out towards the fire. I was painfully aware that all she had on now were the thin, skin-tight thermals we’d both been wearing under our clothes. We’d taken our heavy ski gear off not long after the fire had filled the single rustic room of the lodge with so much heat that there’d been no question of keeping them on.

Her hair was a rich, soft brown, and it cascaded over her shoulders like gentle rain on a summer morning. Where the light of the fire caught it, her hair turned to bronze and gold. She had wide, hazel eyes; her mouth was soft, full and almost always smiling. Her skin was tanned from days out on the slopes, and her body was lush and ripe, and her breasts strained against the tight fabric of her thermals. She was practically perfect and the Fates, in their infinite kindness, had conspired with the snowstorm that trapped us here to give me this night with her. I was determined to take my chance.

The wind howled outside, and despite the heat of the fire, I think we both shivered. Chance pulled her legs up against her chest and wrapped her arms around them before finally looking over towards me. “It’s not letting up, is it?”

“No, it’s not, but I wouldn’t worry,” I pushed myself to my feet and moved down to sit next to her by the fire. “We’ve got more than enough supplies to last a few days, and I’m sure we’ll be out of here in a day or two.” I touched her shoulder gently then pointed at the bubbling pot balanced precariously on the edge of the fire. “Talking of supplies, I think supper’s ready.”

She smiled, and I could hear the blood pounding in my ears. “I think you’re right – I’ll get it.” Chance unfolded herself gracefully and carefully lifted the pot of boiling soup from the fire then poured some of its contents into a large metal mug. Very slowly, she turned back towards me with that same smile on her face.

She reached out as though for me to hand her the mug but, when I continued to hold it in my lap, her lips pressed together slightly, and her smile suddenly took on a brattish little twist. Carefully she leaned forward and began to pour.

There they were again! Not that they’d ever gone away of course and I’d certainly never stopped being aware of them. Her breasts fought against the tight material, and I could see the clear outline of her nipples embossed there in front of me. For a fraction of a second, I felt like I should look away, but that passed quickly to leave a hot hard determination in its wake. I stared openly, I stared hungrily, and she noticed.

Chance laughed, a deep, rich contralto, and to my intense excitement, her breasts danced in time with her laughter as though they were alive. She took a step back and spun around slowly in front of me – her body squirmed delightfully. “You like what you see,” she said, as much a challenge as it was a statement.

“You look delicious,” I set my mug to one side and pushed myself to my feet. Chance danced back a step – keeping herself just out of reach.

“Come on, Jack, you can do better than that. I’ve seen you looking at me.” She struck a pose, one foot in front of the other, her hands on her hips and took a deep breath. Her ripe breasts were forced out against the already tight fabric covering them. She knew exactly where my eyes would go, but I wasn’t going to play this game. I wasn’t some shy little boy seeing a pair of tits for the first time.

“Yeah, I’ve been watching you, and you’ve loved it.” I leapt forward and caught her about her waist. She squealed and choked back her laughter the moment she caught sight of the determined look in my eyes.

“Jack, I…” She started to protest.

“You’ve been a teasing and throwing those tits around all weekend.” I pushed forward, walking her towards the heat of the fire. The light of the fire flickered lustily against her curves, and I stepped back slightly as I let her go. “No more teasing Chance. It’s your choice… your chance… Stop the teasing and do something about it or shut up and take your soup.”


“No, Chance. No more talking. Show me – make your choice and show me.”

Her eyes flashed angrily, and I thought for a second that I’d pushed her too hard, but then she looked away. With a soft, frustrated grunt, she spun around, pulled her top off over her head and stepped out of her pants. I growled at the sight of her naked buttocks. They were sensuous, full, round and flowed smoothly up to the gentle arch at the small of her back.

“You’ve gone very quiet.” She gave a haughty laugh and turned slowly on the spot. With nothing to constrain them, her breasts stood out proud and firm. Two large conical aureoles capped her tits, and they were of the smoothest, moist pink flesh and her two apple red nipples were erect and obviously very happy to see me. Her hands found her hips, and she stared boldly back at me with her composure, fully restored. “I’ve made my choice.”

True to my word, there was no more talking. I reached out for Chance, her firm body glimmering in the glow of the fire, and she stepped forward into my arms. I wanted her immediately and ground that physical manifestation of my need against her. She stiffened for a moment when she felt it as though she needed to push me away. In response, my fingers wound themselves through her long and drew her head back. As her lips tilted up towards me, I kissed her for a long, heart-bursting and skin tingling moment until I felt her body soften against me.

“Jack please, I…”

“I thought I’d said no more talking.” The vigorous slap I gave her bare ass drew a startled squeal from her lips but not a word was said. I pulled my fingers back along her ass and let the silence stretch out between us. She never looked away, never once broke contact with my eyes, and her only movement was when her tongue flickered out to wet her beautiful lips. “That’s better Chance, that’s so much better. Now sit down, here in front of the fire.”

For a moment, it looked as though she wanted to say something, and I brought my finger to my lips and shook my head. “Sit.”

Chance lowered herself onto the rug in front of the fire and leaned back, pressing her hands onto the floor behind her to prop herself up whilst, almost casually, letting her legs spread open at the knee. Her body shimmered in the firelight, and my breath caught in my throat the moment my eyes settled on her glorious cunt. It was trimmed to perfection with tight soft brown curls lightly anointing the pale pink and glistening folds beneath.

“Oh fuck….” I almost growled the words and a giggle burst from her lips. “Yes?”

“I can talk now?” She laughed before carrying on. “It’s you, the look on your face, the sound of your voice. I’ve had men chasing me all my life and never once has any of them looked at me the way you’re looking now….” Her voice trailed off into silence then she carried on. “And I like it. It makes me nervous, it makes me feel vulnerable – especially spread out like… like a piece of meat on the butcher’s block… but I like it and fuck you’re making me lose my mind. Whatever we’re going to do…” She swallowed and tilted her head to one side. “Whatever you’re going to do to me… do it. Don’t stop, don’t hesitate, just do it. I need it.”

I looked down at her. She was laid out entirely before me, and I felt power ringing out throw me. Along with that feeling there came a rush of such intense tenderness that it was almost more than I could comprehend. I wanted her, and there was nothing on Earth that I would let stop me from having her, but I knew as well the I could never, would never, allow anything to hurt her. At that moment, she was mine, and I’d have fought the world for her.

She sat there without moving for a good while and then raised a challenging eyebrow. “Well? Are you going to just stand there or…” Her voice trailed off into silence as she saw the hungry look in my eyes.

I stripped off my clothes and threw them impatiently into a corner of the little cabin. If there’d been any doubt before about what I wanted there could be none now. My cock stood proud and stiff and pulsed to the beat of my racing heart as I grabbed it firmly in one hand. I smiled then when I saw Chance staring fixed at what I held in my hand.

I moved down to the floor to sit beside her. I touched her shoulder, and she let out a low soft moan that was almost lost beneath the crackle of the fire beside us. “Don’t move!” I told her. I slid my hand down her body to her thigh, brushing the side of her breast along the way. “You’re not going to do anything now without being told first. I want you to relax. I want you to stop hiding, ducking, twisting and smart mouthing.” I moved my hand up to caress her cheek and turned her head towards me for a kiss. As our lips parted, I stared into her eyes and asked, “will you do that for me, Chance?”

Her tongue flicked back out to moisten her lips, and she nodded before quickly looking away.

“Good” For a second I found it hard to believe that a beauty such as this was mine to possess – that Chance had opened herself so wholly to me for me to do with as I pleased. My hand moved down to cup and then squeeze her plump left breast. “Let it all go,” I whispered to her while I circled her nipple with my finger. “No need to be nervous, no need to be scared, no need to worry, wonder or think. Just let it all go, and I’ll do the rest.”

“Lie down,” I told her, and she moved instantly to comply until she lay there with her eyes closed and her head resting on her hands clasped. As she settled into place I slid my hand down to brush through the tight curls over her pussy and began to stroke her. Chance began to moan almost immediately without hose moans become louder and more insistent the moment I slid my finger achingly slowly into her slit.

Her legs parted, and her hips began to rotate, thrusting themselves up towards my fingers. “Stop it!” I commanded, the certainty of her obedience clear to hear in my voice. I pulled my hand back and slapped her cunt sharply. “What I say, when I say it!”

“I’m… I’m sorry.” The words fell quietly out of her mouth, barely more than a whisper. “Don’t stop… do anything but please don’t stop.”

I slowly trailed my finger back up her thighs and onto her cunt. The smell of her arousal was evident and intoxicating and fuck I wanted inside of her but not yet. I was enjoying this too much to stop. I pushed my finger in until I felt it the tip slip into her hole. It was a pool! I stroke back and forth along the edges of her cunt, only occasionally letting the tip of my finger dip inside of her.

Despite what I’d told her Chance’s body kept training up towards me. I glanced at her face and knew there was nothing she could do to stop it. Her eyes were open now, but there was nothing behind them but need – a raw, deep and all-consuming need to be entered and claimed. More than once I pretended I was finally going to push my finger deep inside of her but always stopped t the last second to stroke the entrance and around her clit. Her moans stopped, and she began to beg. “Please. Don’t. I want it. Please put your finger in. I’ll do anything..anything.”

I made her wait another aching minute then thrust my finger deep into her soaking wet hole. She let out a long deep sigh then gasped as I worked a second and a third finger into her and began to move them slowly in and out of her body.

“Yes.” She ground her hips against my fingers, and this time I didn’t try to stop her. “Fuck, Jack. I’m going to cum. Fuck, I’m going to cum!”

“Then do it” I growled back at her and brought my free hand down in heavy slap across her breast. Her whole body shook, and I grabbed her tit while my fingers fucked her hole. “Cum for me, Chance. Cum… NOW!” I thrust my fingers in deep and pressed in tight on her clit with my thumb. “Now!”

She screamed suddenly, and her whole body shook. Her cunt fluttered around my fingers, and her hands flew down to grip my wrist, pressing my hand even tighter against her sex. Finally, she sank back, breathing heavily and mewling softly as the echoes of her climax kept reverberating back through her body.

Seeing her cum sent let loose the savagery in me. She was mine, and I needed her. While she lay there dazed from her orgasm, I pushed her ankles further apart and swung myself into place above her. I reached down between us and fed myself into her cunt. When I felt the wetness and warmth of her suckle around the head of my cock I couldn’t take it any longer and thrust madly into her.

I looked down into her eyes and saw her staring back up at me as she silently mouthed the words “Fuck me. Use me. Fuck me” over and over again to herself. I started to fuck her, moving my cock in and out of her with an ever-increasing rhythm. It was delicious beyond words, and she was delicious beyond description.

I watched Chance lift her breasts towards me, offering them up for whatever I wished. I looked down at them then took her nipples into my mouth, one after the other, sucking licking, kissing and nipping at them with my teeth. As my teeth bit down onto her nipple, she bucked under me and started humming again. She pushed her head back and opened her mouth to let out another scream while her body shook and thundered beneath me.

I picked up the pace even as the last ripples of her orgasm washed through her. I fucked her faster and faster. Driving my hips forward and slamming myself into her with each thrust. I pressed one hand down around her throat, pinning her to the floor while my other held me up over her naked, glistening body.

“Fuck me. Use me. Fuck me” Chance kept repeating those words over and over and over again. I knew what it meant. She was lost inside her own world, lost inside the sensation I was unleashing on her body. She was exactly where I needed her to be.

“I’m going to cum” I growled into her ear. Her eyes were alive with wanton desire as I pressed our bodies together and kissed her. I felt her hands grip my ass tightly then, and she pulled me desperately towards her.

“Give it to me! Please give it to me. Please” She stared up at me, trying to chase the kiss as I pulled my head back slightly but my grip around her throat was too strong. “Cum in me. I need it. Please!”

That was it. That was all it took. I thrust down into Chance one more time, during myself to my balls inside the hottest, wettest cunt I’d ever felt, and with the roaring of my own ecstasy roaring in my ears, I came and pumped every drop of my essence as far inside of her as I could.

We woke up together later that night still naked by the flickering fire. There was nothing but joy in my heart, and from the smile on Chance’s face, I knew she felt the same. I pulled her towards me and kissed her passionately on the lips.

“Don’t let go” She whispered.

“I won’t.” I pulled her tightly in against my chest. “I’m never letting go.”


Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/k1m8j1/taking_a_chance

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