Summer Dream

The girls squealed as they jogged down the hotel balcony, sand and surf finally in view. Flip flops echoed against the stucco as they ran. Only Madison hung back, tightening her top in the reflection of one of the hotel’s many windows. Eyes hidden behind large dark shades, it wasn’t clear if she knew it was Izzy’s room, or just a happy accident. Izzy didn’t have time to care, her wide eyes frozen on the recently upgraded view. Barely outside her bathroom, she didn’t dare move in case the show would end. 
Madison’s new suit, a fiery red number, gripped her tight about the chest. She cupped each breast, smiling as she did so. With a tug she teased her right nipple, again, and again. An older couple walked by, staring. She laughed, but to Izzy  the outside world remained muffled by the window and the din of vacationers. Madison flirted with her reflection ike an old silent movie. Izzy didn’t want the movie to end.
Madison turned to go, but stopped. She looked her shades and slowed, mouth open. Izzy’s stomach dropped, unsure if she was shivering from fear of being caught, or arousal, or both. Madison let out a deep breath, fogging the glass as her adjusted suit dragged her tits up and down the window. She planted a kiss on her impromptu canvas and left. 
Izzy looked down and caught her fingers having their way with a very red clit. She didn’t remember starting, but she remembered finishing. The jolts caved in her hips and she landed on the tile on both knees with a crack. It hurt but didn’t. It was real, but somehow it wasn’t. 
Enthusiastic knocks rattled her door. “Let’s goooo, babe!” A pause. “Oh shit, is there someone else there??” Anna giggled.
“God, shut up!” Izzy replied with a wavering laugh, convulsions from the base of her sex betraying her balance. scrambling to find matching bottoms to her strappy patterned two-piece. 
* * * 
The afternoon was as bright and fun as advertised. Six girls made the trip, somehow all at Madison’s arrangement. After a while they stopped asking questions, the view and opportunity so intoxicating it drowned out everything else. 

The girls carved out their own slice of heaven away from the entrances up to sun bathe. Madison immediately spread her blanket and released both strings of her top and bottoms, sunning her ass with a contented sigh face down on a towel that read “little devil”. Her thighs were pinned closely together. 
Izzy couldn’t avoid a double-take, but she did manage to walk out of Madison’s view, toward the foot of the bombshell’s towel. An old boyfriend used to pretend to play with his phone while side-eying other girls. Izzy made the most of his stupid memory and copied the trick.
Without picking her head up, Madison said, “You should probaby blink more often if you’re going to stare like that.”
“What? No, my phone…”
Madison wiggled her ass back and forth. Grains of sand fell away in little expeditions down either side of her already tanned thighs.
“It’s ok, Iz. I know what you want. I’ve known for a long time.” The hip thrusts grew larger, slower. Two perfectly shaved lips peeked out, just for a moment.
“W-what?” Nothing else came out. Thoughts were a struggle, as if she was drunk.
“You want to whore me out online, right? Well, I want 60%. No debate about that.” The lowest of her low back arched, bringing her hips upward and down again, as if she was giving some lucky cock a ride of its life. 
Or maybe a face….
Izzy dropped her phone, but laughed hard to cover it up.
Madison turned her head away. “But later, ok? I want a little nap.” Her contented sigh was a flutter of sensuality that made Izzy clamp down on her bottom lip and slap a hand across her mouth. She dropped her towel as close to Madison as she dared, eagerness buzzing through every limb. 
Though the resort felt crowded at the hotel, the beach stretched and slowed everything about the experience. The sun hung out and above the waves for what felt like days. Everyone got an ab workout from laughing or running through the escaping tide. Selfies were used and abused; every single phone was dead by evening.
Izzy stashed her things in her bag and stretched, skin sizzling and taut thanks to the long luxurious kisses from the sun. Someone traced a delicate line along her neck and behind her ear with a finger. Izzy flinched up and saw Madison bending down in front of her, cleavage on full display. 
Some friends and I are going to play a little game. You in?
“Well, what kind?” she asked.
“The fun kind, duh,” Madison’s smile erased every thought from Izzy’s mind. She wasn’t sure whether she grabbed her bag…or how she got off the beach…or whose room she was knocking on a half hour later.
The hallway was empty, sane for a brisk salt breeze. She looked down while she waited. Even her clothes were different. Her top was black, sheer, and tight to her bust. A white pleated skirt rested high and short on her hips. Strappy heels put her nearly at eye level to the handsome man opening the door.
Wait, she thought. Do I have panties o-
And then she was inside, music thrumming through multiple speakers.
In the center of the hotel room the bed had been moved, with a chair placed in the middle. A handful of strangers milled about in small groups, but smiled as Izzy entered. Madison looked back and waved, before sitting in the chair with a blindfold over her eyes.
“Ready to play?” Madison licked her red lips, fingers resting on the chair arms. Her skirt was brushed pink and tied at her left hip. Her top was loose and open, her breasts swaying gently with each breath. Without a bra, her nipples showed their excitement,
“I don’t know what this game is.”
“Eddie or Holly, would you show her?” She giggled and bit her lip, anticipating something.
Eddie, the tall man at the door, ran a finger along one of Madison’s thighs. Goosebumps followed like ripples in a pond. Izzy crossed her legs, watching.
“Hmm. Eddie, your hands are too rough. Try your tongue next time.” She whipped the blindfold off as Eddie grumbled and drank. Two girls took the bottles and poured more shots. “Hey, I’m Gina and this is Jordan. Starter shot!” The curvaceous pair of brunettes knocked back their drinks as Izzy took hers. She wasn’t sure she needed it, the room started spinning every time she looked back at her crush.
Madison slipped behind Izzy as she winced at the alcohol, tugging the blindfold tight over her without a word. The girls giggled as they walked Izzy to the chair and sat her down. 
Madison’s breath tickled Izzy’s ear. “You guess right, you win. You guess wrong, take a shot and we start over. Anyone can do whatever they like, so enjoy yourself babe!”
    Without her eyes, she felt fingers even before someone touched her. Every sensation maxed out. Gina’s voice broke the jittery silence.
    “Haha, she’s like a little puppy that can’t sit still, aww.”
    A finger followed the cut of her top, sliding around the sweeping neckline. Fingers pinched her nipple with gente deftness.
    “M-madi…” she stopped herself. If it was Madison, why say her name and stop it? The thought moistened her now definitely panty-less thighs, but she was dying to know.
    “Madison,” she said strongly.
    “Drink!” the group yelled in unison. Vodka slid hot down her throat and on her neck. A bristled chin holding a tooth tongue cleaned it up in long passes as someone yelled “round two!”
It was obviously Eddie. But if she answered…
She’d miss her chance.
“I don’t have a beard, you bitch!” she laughed. Izzy took a double shot for her trouble, but it was worth it. 
Fingers slid her hair over her left shoulder. Plump lips skidded over her neck, her collar bone. It was decadent. But when the fingers slid under her skirt, she crumpled and whimpered. 
“Did you guess me yet?” Madison’s voice was honey- smooth. As she worked her voluntary captive deeper into pleasure, Izzy’s mind evaporated into pure bliss. 


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