Coming Out Part 4 [MFF Inc]

Part 4.
Last night, Alan and Wanda shared a coffee after work. Neither had young children to go home to, Wanda’s son was in college, Allan’s daughters were living their own lives. Wanda’s former husband was gone, Alan had no idea where, they were both were living alone. For Alan, it was a pleasant hour and a half, far longer than he would normally spend in a coffee lounge, having a light meal with a colleague. Ostensibly, they were working, going over their latest project and its presentation next week, but Alan found himself liking Wanda’s company. This all passed through his mind as he waited for the lift to go up to the forth floor apartment of his younger daughter, Andrea, and her lover, Mel, who were planning to be married soon.

He thought again about what had happened the last time he was here. His own daughter had watched his fucking of her girlfriend. She had then joined in, telling him of her suppressed desires. Andrea told him about her jealousy, both of her mother and her lover, for doing something she could not. He stood as the doors to the lift opened looking into the empty space. For the first time, he lost certainty. He knew what was going to happen if he was to get into the lift and go up to the forth floor. He was going to fuck his daughter.

What a fucking pervert!

Alan felt something touch his arm, a hand appearing, “Hi Al,” Mel said, “Great timing.” The lift doors were starting to shut, Mel thrust her other hand out to keep the doors opened and almost dragged Alan into the lift. She pushed the button to the forth floor and said, “Going up,sir?” Alan smiled but said nothing, “You certainly will be, that’s for sure.” Mel laughed at her own double entendre Alan just shook his head, his smile getting wider. Mel hugged him and kissed his cheek, “I love that you’re here, really looking forward to this being a great night.” Mel stepped back a little and laughed, “There’s a security camera in here, otherwise I would have your jeans down already.”

“Yeah, okay, wouldn’t want to embarrass anyone then.”

“Nah, the security guy would have some new material to play with himself over.”

“Cruel babe, cruel.” They laughed.

Reaching the forth floor, Mel took Alan by the hand and led him to her apartment. Inside she called, “Here babe, and I have our guest.”

“Good! Good timing! Table is almost ready.” Andrea called. Alan looked at the table and it was set for three, “We got Chinese takeout tonight, I couldn’t be bothered cooking and I didn’t want anything too heavy.”

“Any soup? Like Creme of Sum Yung Gy?” Alan asked.

“Jeez Dad, I tell you, Mike Myers is gonna burn in hell for that one.” Andrea and Alan had watched Wayne’s World together so many times, when Andrea was younger.

“Guess we’ll be watching it a bit later then,” Mel said, “AGAIN!”

“Lovely, great movie! Besides, I’ve been eating off my own cooking for the last few days, need some sustenance now, the soup sounds good.”

Andrea came and hugged Alan, “Glad you came, Dad, I love you.” She kissed him like any lover would. Alan kissed her back.

“You understand that I’m doing this because I’m a perverted old prick!”

“Aren’t we all, perverted, I mean,” Andrea replied, “But we’re consenting adults who don’t give a fuck about what anyone else thinks. What we do in the privacy of our home is no-one else’s business.”

Mel joined the hug and kissed them both, “So what? I just want a baby, your baby, and if we all get to fuck, it’s a bonus,” she stated.

The meal progressed comfortably, small talk, local issues, this new Coronavirus was a little scary, but so far, seems to be holding off. The general consensus was that they would have to be careful and just not worry too much about it. Alan told them what his great-grandfather once told him. His great-grandmother had just died and they were both well into their nineties. He sometimes wandered a bit in his stories, but this one stuck with Alan.

“Great-granddad had just turned twenty years old when he returned from the Great War, one of the first soldiers to be demobilized. The first thing he did when he got home was to propose to his long-term sweetheart, wanting to get on with his life in a peaceful time. They got married almost straightaway, looking forward to a long and much happier life. Moving from Ohio to California, for a better life, they quickly settled into new routines, even with the Spanish Flu around them.

“The Spanish Flu had broken out the year before and was passed it’s peak, the highest death toll was in November, 1918, they thought they were safe. In October of 1919, great-granddad’s wife had the ‘flu and died just three days after it was detected. Great-granddad was devastated, he said, he too had some symptoms but got over it. He was angry about her death, no-one had said anything about wearing masks in Bakersfield. Great-granddad knew that during the War, mask wearing that had been a “patriotic act”, but it became an “infringement on civil liberties” after, with a whole raging debate around it. Far fewer people were wearing them, wearing masks meant you couldn’t enter some stores, local ordinances were ignored, but by the end of 1919, over 600,000 people had died. It was only later that they heard of how the Spanish Flu had attacked the world. It was officially estimated that twice as many people had died of the Spanish Flu than were killed during the War.

“A year later, great-grandad met his future bride, a widow who’s husband had also died during the pandemic, her son had survived with her. There was a lot of family history he spoke of, losses, gains, but the horror of the pandemic took first place against the battlefronts of the First War. He told me that he actually felt safer at Chateau-Thierry and the Argonne than he did in Bakersfield. At least, he could see the enemy, knew where the threat was coming from.

“Great-grandad took the boy on and raised him as his own, plus their four other children two boys and two girls. The eldest lost his life at Guadalcanal, the second son was wounded on Iwo Jima, repatriated home and died in the 1960s. The third son, my grandfather, was classified as 4F on being drafted, he survived childhood tuberculosis, but was unfit for service. The family thought he was more lucky than anything else, but he always regretted not being a part of the Second War. Great-granddad was afraid of another pandemic, he said, as the troops were coming home from Europe and the Pacific, like he had, from Europe . He didn’t want troops bringing another one. In the end, he told me that we should be lucky, we have the medicine now to fight it, make it less dangerous. He did tell me to make sure to wear a mask, none-the-less.”

“Well, hopefully it will pass us by, but when I get pregnant, I am damned sure I won’t be taking any risks,” Mel said emphatically.

“Yeah, but wearing a mask? Would it really be necessary?”

The conversation went on about “ifs ands and buts”, there was no reason to think that the China thing was going to spread here. Then Alan made the comment, “Well, if it does, we’ll have a lot of people from the President on down telling us to wear masks. Likely we’ll just get it and find it’s not that serious, unless you already have a compromised health issue like, heart or cancer. Or as this is a ‘flu, if you’re susceptible to a cold, then you’ll be at risk. Anyway, I’m not going to worry about it now, I got more important things on my mind.” He smiled.

Mel looked at Andrea, “Yep, I’ve got three holes Dad, and I want your cum in every one of them before Sunday evening.”

“And there is my desert,” Mel said, “Al’s Cream Pie, yu-u-ummy!”

“Oh jeez, you guys are gonna wear me out.” He felt the stirrings of his desire, “In the ass too?”

“Yeah, but it’ll be fun,” Andrea said, “A DP, twice in one weekend, I can be the lamb, I’m gonna love it all.”

“A DP? But- Oh,” Alan stopped when he saw Mel’s smile.

“You’ll see, it’s gonna be fun!” She said. The meal progressed, talk dwindled away from sex to other things. Alan didn’t feel like dessert, dishes were cleared and discussion went back to the sex, threesomes, lesbianism, babies.

There was nothing subtle in this, but Alan was aroused by the sheer audaciousness of it. It was ‘Here we are, playing house, then we’re gonna fuck! A lot!’ No pretense, no bullshit.

“Guys! Please, I’ve never done anything like this before! Just simple one on one, hetro-, you know, mundane, unexciting, traditional guy and girl thing.”

“Well, isn’t it about time that you did something seriously perverted then?”asked Mel.

“Well, isn’t sex with your daughter something different?” asked Andrea.

Alan said nothing, still trying to get over the fact he was even here, let alone contemplating what was going to happen.

“See,” Andrea said of Mel. “Yep,” Mel replied.

“Dad,” Andrea said quietly, “I know this might come as a bit of a shock, what happened the other night, what I told you, but really, I have wanted to have sex with you for as long as I can remember. I’ve buried it before this, but I don’t have to any more.”

“But,” Alan said, not looking up “I’m sure this is not right, legally, ethically, morally.”

“No, legally, it’s not,” Andrea stated, gently, “Ethically, there is no issue because no-one is forcing themselves onto anyone else, willing cooperation is the basis of a physical relationship between us Dad. I love you, always have, and I want to do again what we did the other night. Morally, well, the argument around incest is morally absurd anyway. There is no possibility of offspring, so the real limitation doesn’t exist, and that has always been the basis of the anti-incest argument. In the wild, many animals often have sex with their offspring, their siblings, no taboo there, the alpha male will impregnate any female, related or not.”

“But we don’t live in the wild!” Alan retorted.

“Don’t we?” Mel asked, “We call it civilization, but really, we live in caves, inside steel and concrete towers. They may be nicely appointed and have some handy attributes, power, water, furniture, privacy but they are still caves. Even if the cage is of gold, it’s still a cage. We can ascribe to society’s morals or make up our own. We agree we don’t go around killing people, not because we can’t but because we find it socially and morally repugnant. That’s all civilization is, an agreed set of rules so we can all live together in large numbers. That’s why when societies are under great stress, like Depressions or war, normal social rules break down, morality goes out the window. It’s every man or woman for themselves.”

“And Mel can give you all the intellectual argument, she’s good like that,” Andrea continued, “But for me it’s the emotional argument that really counts.”

“What emotional argument?”

Andrea took him by the hand, easing him from his chair, led him to the lounge. She sat him onto the sofa and then sat in his lap. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his lips, softly.

“You have always loved me, I know. What you don’t realize is that every time you touch me, you have made me feel safe, loved, cared for. When I was a kid it meant everything to me that you would hug me, pick me up and hold me. When I got older you hugged me, but not often and I really missed that. What I didn’t realize was that when you did hug me, my nipples would get hard and my stomach would churn little butterflies were indications of arousal. For me, that was normal, I didn’t make too much of it. The first time I had sex with a boy, I was left cold, it wasn’t working. But when you hugged me, I still felt aroused. Later, when I began my relationship with Jeri, I started to understand what it was that you were making me feel. She made me feel the same way as when I hugged you, only not as intense.”

Mel sat alongside Alan and Andrea lifted her legs over Mel’s lap. Mel ran her hand up Andrea’s leg, caressing the soft skin of her inner thigh. Andrea gasped at the gentle touch. She leaned in and kissed Alan again, taking his hand, she placed it on her blouse covered breast, “My nipples are hard, have been for a while now.” She gasped again as the combination of Alan’s hand on her breast and Mel’s fingers caressing her causing her excitement to grow. Alan felt the rush of blood as he felt Andrea’s soft bra-less breast.

“My darling Mel is the only person I have had in my life that eclipse’s you and your touch. Even then, there has been a small gap, an emptiness that until now, I haven’t understood. I was completely fulfilled the other night when you were deep inside me. I had Mel holding me and you fucking me, and I knew I was right to have you there, inside me.” She leaned down and kissed Alan again, feeling his growing erection on the cheeks of her ass.

“I want to feel that again, Dad, I want to feel loved, safe, secure, whole.” Andrea gently pulled Mel’s hand toward herself and then kissed Mel, “I love you so much, my darling.”

“And I love you, and Al, and I want you to love him any way you want.”

“I want you on my face, with Al behind you, but I want him to cum in my mouth.”

“Real porno then, that’s good.” Mel leaned in and kissed Alan, “I want to feel your cock inside me, while I am eating your daughter’s pussy. When you cum, it’s in her mouth.”

“Giving orders now?”

“Game playing, you’re the toy for this round, me next, then Andie,” she replied. Andrea nodded.

“You work this out beforehand?”

“No, but I am dom now, Andie next and you can be dom last.” Mel said, “The dom makes the rules.”

“That’s how it is Dad.”

“I’ve never played these types of games before. Never been interested, never bothered.”

“Time to learn then,” Andrea said in that tone that would brook no argument.

“Take Andie’s top and bra off and suck her tits. She loves it when you’re sucking her tits.”

Alan slid Andrea’s blouse off her shoulder, undoing the buttons. He knew she wasn’t wearing a bra, having already felt her breasts through her blouse. This wasn’t the first time he saw her bare breasts, but it was the first time they were in light. Alan noticed every curve, every crinkle in her aereola, its mid pinkish color, lighter than her mother’s, the nipple standing proud of her breast. He wrapped his lips around her already swollen nipple, suckling on it, wiping his tongue on it. He felt more than heard Andrea’s gasp as he touched her with his mouth. He felt Andrea shifting her body slightly, opening her legs. Again, he felt her passion as he could feel Mel’s hand caressing Andrea’s mons, fingering her clit.

“Oh yeah babe, we’re gonna make you cum like you’ve never cum before.” Mel said. Alan hoped he could live up to that boast. “What you haven’t seen Al, is Andie in full frenzy. She is a beautiful and willing lover.” Alan could feel Mel’s hand continuing to pump Andrea’s pussy. “She only joined me when I was fucking a guy because I asked her, and wanted to please me. Then she started to enjoy it a little. The other night though, she came with you. For the first time ever, a guy made her cum.” Mel’s hand pumped in and out of Andrea’s pussy and Alan was suckling on her nipples. “That was such a big thing, and she has been so excited, knowing you were coming here to fuck her again.” Andrea shuddered at the double stimulii. “Who would have figured? The only man to make her cum is her dad.”

Alan continued to suckle on Andrea’s breasts, fondling the one not in his mouth. Andrea spread her knees a little when Mel’s hand reached up to her pussy. Alan realized that Andrea wasn’t wearing panties when her skirt was folded back, out the way. “Open his jeans, touch his dick,” Mel ordered. It was a little awkward for Andrea as she undid his belt, then opened his jeans. She took his tool in hand, caressing it, feeling the hardness of the silken skin. Mel’s fingers disappeared into Andrea, then appeared again, in a rhythm with Andrea’s gentle stroking of Alan’s cock.

“Suck him,” Mel commanded, “Open your legs so I can eat your pussy.”

Andrea stood, then stood in front of Alan, lowering her face to his dick. He felt the warmth of her mouth envelop him, then the softer ministrations of her lips and tongue sucking him. He could see Andrea’s ass in the air, her legs spread and Mel slurped on her exposed pussy. He then saw something else. There was a black belt, no, a harness wrapped around Mel’s lower waist, in front there was a large pink plastic dick. To Alan, it was fucking huge! She’s planning to fuck Andrea with that? he thought.

Mel lapped Andrea’s pussy then deeming it sufficiently wet, she stood, to just the right height, moving the prong of the dildo to touch on Andrea’s cunt. “I’m gunna fuck you, you’re gunna enjoy it too!” Mel stated.

Alan felt Andrea’s mouth stop and squeal as the plastic dick entered her. He saw Andrea’s back arch, and a real grunt as it filled her pussy. Alan could feel Andrea’s mouth moving up and down on his cock, but also nodding, every time that Mel pushed that huge tool into her. After a few minutes, Mel said, “Swap!” Alan didn’t know what to do, but Andrea lifted off his dick, turned around and stood, bent over, her legs spread wide, right in front of him. Alan stood quickly and rammed his dick hard into Andrea’s gaping hole. He got the moan as his shaft pierced her pussy, but he didn’t get the hump back that Mel had caused a few minutes ago. Well, thought Alan, his cock is nowhere as big as that thing, but he wasn’t going to be put off by it.

Alan pumped in and out of Andrea, thrusting hard, his fingers reaching around playing with her clit. While it might have been good sex, it certainly wasn’t comfortable for Alan, stretching himself like that while trying to maintain his cock inside Andrea. Leaning forward, he lost his rhythm, falling out at the start of an in-stroke. Alan felt his cock slide up a little then push its head into Andrea’s ass as he thrust forward. A really muffled “FUCK!” came from Andrea as he pulled out, “Oooh! Sorry, it slipped!” “PUT IT BACK!” he heard Andrea call, so he took a more careful aim and engaged his tool in her pussy, pushing in again. “NO! IN MY ASS! HARD!” Alan was startled by such a demand, “Yes, in her ass!” came the command from Mel.

Alan thought for just a moment, then did as ordered. He never thought about it before, the very idea of ass gravy wasn’t appealing to him, but he had agreed to do as asked. The very fact he was there was an agreement. As he pushed his prong into Andrea’s ass, she grunted, hunched herself again, “HARD!” she demanded. Alan pushed, no further ceremony, no warning, just a prong in his daughter’s ass, buried to the hilt. “FUCK ME!” she cried, so he did. Hard.

Alan felt the ring of muscle around his dick, grabbing him, allowing movement. He was surprised at the amount of lubrication he had, he had always thought there would be nothing except dry skin, why was there so much lube? Andrea’s sphincter tightened on his cock, then loosened, like she was controlling it, then he felt her moving. Mel had grabbed her shoulders and was lifting her up, changing the angle that Alan was penetrating Andrea. “Lift her, Al. Keep inside her.”

Alan reached down and pulled Andrea’s thighs upward, lifting her feet off the ground. Andrea was never a big girl, athletic as she was, but she was still no feather. Alan struggled a little as Mel moved in, holding Andrea’s knees up, helping Alan hold Andrea off the floor, her legs spread, inviting Mel to insert that large strapon into her. Andrea moaned as Mel pushed the plastic cock into her, kissing Mel, in her sensual ecstasy. Moving in unison while standing is not easy, but Alan found he didn’t have to move much, Mel was pumping Andrea’s pussy, Alan was taking most of Andrea’s weight, so Andrea was sliding up and down Alan’s pole as Mel forced Andrea up and down while thrusting into her with the strapon. Alan had never had a threesome before, but it looked to him that his daughter and her lover knew what they were doing.

After a few minutes, Andrea began to weigh heavy on Alan, he felt his strength declining. Andrea’s moaning grew louder, her squeals grew more desperate, breathing Mel called, “Oh babe, cum for me, cum for me!” Mel kissed Andrea, hard, passionately and Andrea responded by gasping her cum, squealing around Mel’s kiss.

Andrea hugged Mel, holding her, kissing her again and again. “That was amazing!” she cried as she regained her breath. Everyone had stopped moving and Alan lifted Andrea slightly to disengage his cock from her ass. Andrea gasped, as his tool eased out of her and sighed again when Mel pulled out of Andrea’s pussy. “Time for a break,” Mel said. Alan let go of one of Andrea’s legs, letting her get her footing before releasing the other leg. She leaned over Andrea’s shoulder and pulled Alan’s face to hers, kissing him. “Your first threesome then?” Alan nodded. Mel smiled, “You’ll learn lots then.”

Mel disengaged from the hug and walked away, that huge dildo protruding in front producing an almost comical effect. “Water time!” she declared. Andrea had turned around and hugged her dad, kissing him taking his shirt off him, “Mel like to take in lots of water when she is seriously fucking. Says if she stays hydrated, then she lasts longer. Makes me pee a lot, but when she gets going, she is a real demon, and apart from breathers like this, she can keep going a lot longer than I can.”

“I hope I can last then,” Alan replied, “I really don’t know if I am up to this.”

“You’ll be fine. I want you first load in my mouth, after that, it doesn’t really matter. As long as you keep it up, then it’ll be good.”

“I’m not twenty any more, recovery is a lot slower than it used to be.”

“Well, your fingers, your tongue still work? And you can always sit back, catch your breath, watch us. That gets guys going a lot.”

“Didn’t know you’re an exhibitionist!”

“I’m not, but Mel likes to show off a bit, but never in public.” Andrea smiled.

At that moment, Mel reappeared, completely undressed, carrying a tray with a jug of water, three glasses and a bowl. “You guys not naked yet? Come on, you’re letting the team down!” she laughed. “Drink up!” She said, offering the glasses and water to Andrea and Alan. “I’m not really an exhibitionist, but it is an additional thrill to have someone watching me making love with your beautiful daughter. I imagine they are getting so jealous that I am eating her pussy, not them.”

“Envy would be a better description,” Andrea said, “After all, they do it too when we have a threesome.”

“Speaking of which,” Mel said, “A little warm water and a quick wash. Then I suggest we retire to the bedroom, makes it a bit more comfortable.” Mel took the wet wash towel and wiped all over Alan’s cock, balls and pubes, “Makes for a cleaner sucking experience, but I’m not having a cock in me that has been up an ass without a wash.”

“Which reminds me, you were pretty easy to get into,” Alan said to Andrea, “I was afraid I was hurting you.”

“Nah, had to practice with the new strapon before you got here, so plenty of lube.” Mel laughed at Alan’s expression putting the washer into the bowl, wiping dry his junk.

“Oh, you’re doing it again, aren’t you, winding me up!” Mel and Andrea both burst into laughter.

“Come on, bedroom, I want that dick in me,” Mel said, “And licking your pussy.” She leaned over and kissed Andrea, running her hand over Andrea’s mons.

“Slut,” Andrea said, “I love it!”

Andrea almost dived onto the bed rolling onto her back, her head on the edge of the bed, beckoning Mel to climb over her. “Give me a moment to get all nice and wet,” Mel said to Alan, “Then fuck me as hard as you like.”

“Just remember, to cum in my mouth Dad.” said Andrea as she started tonguing Mel’s pussy. Their combined moans and slurps were such a turn on for Alan. His cock jumped to attention. Mel straddled Andrea’s face, her thighs forming an a-frame over Andrea’s fallen back dark hair. Alan watched Andrea’s tongue lapping over the soft folds of skin of Mel’s vagina, now glistening and protruding with excitement. Andrea waved him closer as she licked her lover’s clit. Alan stepped closer, then felt Andrea’s hand take his tool and aim it for Mel’s love canal. Alan pushed forward, feeling the lips of Mel’s cunt slide open, welcome him into her.

Standing with is legs spread, Alan pushed all the way inside Mel, as far as he could go. He felt a hand grab his ass cheek, holding him still. Without seeing what was happening, he felt his cock wrapped by a really damp fuck tunnel, he felt a head between his thighs, then it moved as he felt a tongue wipe over the base of his hardened tool, then onto the soft tissue of his ball sack. The restraining hand moved and allowed Alan to pump in and pout for a few strokes. He felt his push stroke stopped, then push back, his cock fell out of Mel’s cunt and then a warm mouth wrapped around the knob of his dick. Alan pushed slowly, gently fucking his daughter’s face.

This pattern was repeated over and over, Alan, fucking Mel’s pussy, then Andrea’s face. Time was lost to Alan, he had no idea how long they were at it. He heard Mel moaning and gasping like she had cum, then Andrea, several times but they didn’t stop, even for a breather. Every time he felt like he was about to blow his bolt, Andrea took his cock out of whichever hole it was in and blew on it, cooling him rapidly, then put it in the other hole. How the fuck was she doing that? Alan wondered. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. His train of thought was interrupted by a call from below him, “In my mouth, anytime now!” He felt the warmth of a pussy wrapped around his dick change rapidly to the soft lapping of a tongue, the gentle scrape of hard teeth, lips holding his cock and he pumped Andrea’s mouth. He felt the rise of his impending ejaculation, the tightening of his balls, the sweet tingling in his cock head, the the rush of his cum up, out of his dick, into Andrea’s eagerly awaiting mouth. He shot a second then a third time, pumping a lot of semen into Andrea’s mouth, groaning his cum as he did so.

He continued for a few more pumps in and out of Andrea’s mouth, then disengaged, weak at the knees, gasping for air, tingling all over in that post release looseness in his muscles. Looking down he saw Andrea’s mouth covering Mel’s entire sex. He watched her cheeks swell and recede as her tongue seemed to lick- No, he thought, not lick, put to push, then he got it. Andrea had his semen in her mouth and was now pumping it into Mel’s pussy. Mel accepted the gift by pushing down on Andrea’s mouth. Their moans testament to the pleasure that this was giving them both.

After a short while, Andrea’s head fell back and she took a breath. “The baby’s mine now!” she said softly. Then she looked up at Alan, Thank you, she mouthed. Alan knelt down and gently took Andrea’s face in his hands and kissed her forehead, “You’re welcome,” he whispered as Mel rolled off Andrea. Even though he had just poured his load into Andrea’s mouth, he moved forward, kissed her lips, tasting the mixture of Mel and himself on them, then her neck, he tongued both her nipples and slid over her, planting kiss on her mons.

He felt Mel’s hand grasp his arm, tugging him as she said, “Come and lie down, greedy. You need to rest and recuperate. More fucking later.”

Alan felt a little peeved at that moment. Mel had distracted him from doing something he really liked doing, making love with his own daughter. What a sick fuck I am, he thought, but then, he didn’t care, he loved her, and her wife to be, and their, likely, just conceived child. If that was sick, then he would really enjoy it.
