What it’s like having sex with a Nympho, Latin_Luver

Nymphomanics have been given a bad name since the movie came out. They’re described as women who want multiple cocks, in every orifice of their body. The fact is a Nympho wants to find one cock, attached to the one person, they want filling every orifice of their body, everyday, for the rest of their lives.

A nympho is hard to find because they follow the Pareto Principle. 80% of women only have sex to find a suitable mate, one that will give her a child suitable for this life. They don’t realize that they do it, but instinctually their bodies know who they want to get pregnant by.

The 20% however, get shunned as sluts, whore’s. Their sexuality frowned upon and told they have to live like the 80%. Those 80% of women find a good man, never say no, marry him, have kids, then stop caring about sex. They’ve accomplished their initial goal and they’re ready to advance their career.

The 20% however are not like that, they are seen as unrealistic. They are the women that want to be respected at work, taken seriously, promoted, then come home to a long spanking and enough clit stimulation to make it go numb.

For some reason, unknown to me, these opposites get together, marry, and have kids. They live unhappy lives and present this facad of happiness, when they really feel empty inside.

Very rare these two meet and marry, but when they do they’re the couple to praise in public and envy in private.

How do you tell which is which?

The answer is your nose will know. I met one nympho in my life and when I was within 5 feet of her, I could smell her. Her pheromones naturally poured out her pores and radiated about 5 feet around her.

If you were one of the sad victims, unlucky enough not to be chosen by her, but lucky enough to breath her in, I’m sorry. To smell a nympho is to chemically alter the very makeup of your brain chemistry, you thought was normal, but suddenly changed.

If you were lucky enough to come across one, found her attractive, and she chose you to be her release, then give her what she needs, anytime she needs it. She will crave you, and only want you, and everything about you.

She will want to taste your sweat, because it came out your pores. She will tell you your cum tingles in her mouth, which is another way of saying her body wants it. She will gladly take your cum, in her mouth or deep inside of her, everytime you want to give it.

No is not a vocabulary word she knows with you. A Nympho was given a bad name from women who could not provide the same service. She doesn’t want multiple partners, she’s just trying to find the one that satisfies her hunger.

If she found you, you would know, if you think you can keep up with her, keep her, if you can’t, don’t waste her time.


Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/jw4jdd/what_its_like_having_sex_with_a_nympho_latin_luver