[M4F] Persuasion, Control, Repressed Desires – Test Subjects Wanted – Consultation

Looking for new Subjects. Read below. Feel free to message me, starting from the response to “Tell me what you were thinking about the last time you masturbated.”

This will change the first trial of the story to be one that suits your desires, and we’ll go from there.

Hello, my name is Kent, and I’m the CEO and lead scientist at Sexbot TM… I’m sure you’ve heard of us by now.

I just want to say thank you again for enrolling to be a test subject for our phase 3 clinical trials of the infamous Sexbot TM product that will be launching in the next few months. By testing a neural link device between the newest models with their paired owners, we will be able to provide a world-class experience that is going to revolutionize the industry.

As you are aware, this position is paid very well, however for the duration of the contract you will be ‘technically’ owned by the corporation. But not to worry, your will be under my care the entire time, and everything we do here has been approved by the government and the applicable oversight agencies.

Now, before you sign, I am required to warn you that our revolutionary nano-technology software may have temporary effects on your body and your mind, however please note that these will wear off over time, or upon completion of a ‘trial’.

Now, to complete a ‘trial’, or ‘experience’, if you will, the test will be completed when you utter the phrase “Trial complete, thank you professor.”

Do you accept these conditions?

// “Yes.” //

Perfect, thank you Subject. Now please place this nano-chip on your tongue, and the contract will begin.

// You look at the small wafer-sized chip in the palm of the professor’s hands. This is it. The whole world would be locked down for a few more months anyway, so what was the harm? And it didn’t hurt that the Professor was handsome… and a young tech billionaire… what could go wrong? //

Subject… I apologize, I should clarify that all of our trial candidates are called ‘Subject’ for legal purposes… there is no pressure at all. And please be aware that everything that will happen is based on your personal desires. The software being tested is designed to connect with your mind, and help stimulate the centers of emotion and imagination. This test data will allow our newest line of Sexbots TM to be as lifelike, and be able to experience the same desires, albeit enhanced, that our human test subjects have naturally.

You would be amazed what the mind can do.

And, our test data is strictly confidential. You, of course, will be allowed to keep any video, audio, or software data that you desire.

// Heart pounding, your mind begins to race at the possibilities. The professor’s smile is tantalizing, the hands holding the nano-chip strong… knowing…

With a nervous move, you grab the nano-chip and place it on your tongue.

In an instant it dissolves. //

Thank you Subject. I grin devilishly. I look forward to working with you.

Now, I should warn you that in a few seconds your brain will be mapped, and the link between us will be established.

You will not be able to lie.

Do you understand me?

// “Yes Professor.” //

Good. Now, tell me what you were thinking about the last time you masturbated.

// From your tongue, a warm rush, like a strong shot of medicine, moves to the top of your head. Like fingertips drifting down your scalp, you can feel what must be the nano-machines embedding themselves into your neural cortex.

Soon, the feeling drifts to your nose, then your lips… like a feather being traced… it reaches your neck, then pauses… almost languishing… on your collar bone.

“I was thinking about a hot guy in my class at University. Someone I’ve never had the guts to talk to. I fantasized about wearing a mini-skirt into the auditorium… sitting down right next to him… and then mid-lecture I would place my hand on his leg without saying a word… then let my pinky finger drift onto his cock… rubbing it ever so slightly… until he came in his jeans.” //

Good, good. Thank you Subject.

So, costume play, light domination, and semi-public exposure.

Very good. This will work perfectly as a first trial.

// “First… f-first… t-t-trial?”

You had never done anything like this before. First trial? What could he possibly mean?


Yes, there is no time to waste. It’s what… 1pm now? Classes will almost be over.

// A sense of dread overcomes you. Now? So soon? //

Oh, I apologize Subject — I should clarify to avoid any future confusion, I now have the ability to read your thoughts — now, hesitation is perfectly normal.

What I’m going to do is, snap my fingers, and put you into a state of auto-movement. Think of it like a dream-state. You will be walking, talking, appearing to be completely normal to outside observers, however time will pass for you very quickly.

/ “Um, wha – ?” //

You know what. [SNAP], this is easier. You will figure it out.

Now come Subject, this is the University district after all, so there are several sex stores and retail outlets nearby. Please lead the way and let your subconscious take over while you are in Auto-mode. All purchases are covered by Sexbot TM of course.

When you wake up, you will be entering an auditorium wearing an outfit from your latest masturbation fantasy, and I will choose the subject that you will be recreating the scene with.

The nano-machines will be fully enabled at that time, and your desire, lust, and anti-inhibition centers will be set to double the normal levels.

Note, I can’t guarantee what scenario will play out. As you may find yourself at an elevated state of arousal that you, and any human, has never experienced before. And you may find yourself at the limits of your pre-conceived notions of kink and erotica.

So, Subject, think of what you are going to do in a few short minutes. Think of what I am going to make you do. Think of a smooth hand drifting across your lower abdomen, the fingers slipping under your panties for just a moment… the tingling sensation… your nipples taught in the cool air, shirt pulled up… the classmates in the row behind you watching… touching themselves as you give in and involuntarily arch your pelvis to force the hand downwards.


Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/jwby4z/m4f_persuasion_control_repressed_desires_test