Buck seduces me (M/M) (humiliation) (watersports)

I worriedly paced back and forth in front of the Burger joint. Deciding whether or not to enter. My erection already knew what would happen, so I let it lead the way in.

He had said on the phone that he would be wearing a red hat. I thought to myself, what the hell does he think he is, a pimp? The red hat stood out amongst the common, run-of-the mill heads of hair in my sight line. He was sitting alone in a corner booth sipping on a soda, facing me. He saw me probably even before I had seen him. He leered at me hungrily, licked his lips and gestured for me to join him.

My knees felt weak and my heart hammered in my chest. This is it, I went and joined him. He shook my hand and introduced himself as Buck, I shook back introducing myself as Matt. Buck looked me in the eyes and said forcefully, if you decide to come with me, your name will become “Maggie” Then he got up saying he had to take a leak.

When he returned, he set the soda cup, which I noticed he had carried with him from the restroom, onto the table and slid it toward me. He said take a drink, I made this for you. I reached out and was struck by how warm it felt I had expected an iced drink, this was at body temperature. As I pulled the heavy 20 ounce cup towards me, I caught a whiff of the heady aroma. It was piss, his fresh piss, frothy and steamy. Buck grinned as I came to the realization. He saw right through me, and knew how turned on I was. Then he said “drink it to show me that you are worthy of my attention”.

My mouth started towards the straw of its own volition. I took a tentative sip, and it felt like an electrical volt went though me, this was thrilling! It tasted salty, masculine, dank and somehow vulgar. I fucking loved it! It was from him and by drinking it, my place under him as a servant was being cemented. My boner was trying to force its way through my pants. I took a look around the crowded restaurant and noone seemed to have even noticed us.

Buck smiled and told me that I was a good girl. I’m not sure why but being called a good girl made my boner even harder. He then told me that good girls like to please thier men and how would I like it to come to his place for some private pleasure? I nodded wordlessly, mouth agape. He told me if I could finish the drink he made me, I could come with him, then he took the cup from me, lifted the lid and hocked up a huge loogie into it, resealed it and slid it back my way. I peeked around, seeing noone looking my way, unsealed the cup, and drank down a big swish with the loogie included. I had it down, feeling proud, but then started coughing. It had gone down the wrong tube, and so I just kept coughing and coughing, so Buck slid over a handkerchief and I grabbed it and covered my mouth. I noticed that the hankie was moist before covering my mouth, and now I could smell that it reeked of sperm. The smell of his spooge in my nose mixed with the taste if his pee in my mouth was a potent mixture. This guy really knew how to turn my crank, I was in heaven and we hadn’t even left our meeting place.

Since the coughing had subsided i started to drink in earnest, trying to earn my reward, guzzling down the masculinity of the man that sat across from me as I continued to smell his semen made me so hard, I felt like I could cut glass. His dank drink just kept getting more and more flavorful as I drank as if his essence had intensified and had sank to the bottom of the cup. By the final drink, it was very pungent and getting hard to tolerate, but I persisted until the straw started noisily slurping at the bottom of the cup, signaling the next phase of our adventure. I had just drank so much piss, I felt full and sated.

Buck grinned from ear to ear and asked if I would do something for him. When I asked what, he slid over a butt plug wrapped in a napkin. He asked if I would go into the restroom, and slip it up my pussy. I had never done this, but it seemed to not be too big. So I got up and carried it into the bathroom, stepped into a stall and unwrapped my present. It was pink, and had “his butt” engraved on the end in blue sparky lettering. I spit on it, and started sliding it up into my butt. It was a challenge and the last part took some real force of will, but up it went and my ass lips closed around it tight.

I got my pants back on and went to wash up. Then my butt started tingling and I started moaning. I think that damned butt plug was vibrating. It stopped, so I went about washing my hands. When BOOM, it started vibrating again much stronger! I felt a feeling that I never knew could be so wonderful. My eyes started rolling up into my head as my knees started to buckle. All at once it stopped and I realized, I was moaning out loud. What a slut I was, and I felt totally owned by Buck already.

I walked back to his table and he motioned for me to sit on his side of the table. There wasn’t much room so he put his arm around me as I squeezed in beside him. It was then that I noticed an enticing aroma emanating from him. He had promised not to shower. I caught a whiff of a bit of BO, but not unpleasant. There was also another odor mixed in that I couldn’t quite place. The arm that was around me gave me a big squeeze, and he said “you make me happy Maggie, I hope you like me”. Then he showed me a button on a fob with a dial and he pushed it briefly sending the vibrations into my butt. They started in my ass and sent Shockwaves throughout my body. He stopped and I realized I was moaning again. I stopped and saw to my horror that many people in the restaurant were staring at me. It reminded me of the scene from “When Harry met Sally”.

Then he bent over and started kissing my mouth, with wet sloppy lips and a needy, probing tongue. I submitted to his kiss and just tried to keep breathing through my nose Then he broke off and said, “let’s go to my place shall we”? I nodded my agreement. When I got up I realized my dick was so wet that I was leaking through my cargo shorts and I had a big wet stain at the head of my tented shorts. My obedient cock and wet pants followed Buck out the door as people looked at me like like with disgust.

[Let me know your thoughts and if I should continue this story to another chapter]

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/jvqwsp/buck_seduces_me_mm_humiliation_watersports