A Dinner and a Dance (F/F, Wrestling, domination, knockout, humiliation)

Chapter 1

“You’ve never won a fight? Are you serious?” Rebecca’s mouth hung open in shock. My wife stared back at her, her mouth tight with anger. An awkward silence permeated the dinner table.

“No,” my wife admitted. I could tell that she was pissed, and so could Rebecca and Mark. Elena had never been one to hide her emotions to spare the feelings of others.

“I’m just surprised,” Rebecca said, brushing a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. “I haven’t been fighting that long, but I have three wins at this point. You’ve been doing jiu-jitsu for a year and a half and striking classes for six months, and you still haven’t won?”

Elena’s eyes shot daggers. “The competition’s a little stiffer in MMA than in your slutty soccer mom fight club,” she snapped.

Rebecca laughed loudly. I looked over at Mark, Rebecca’s husband and grimaced. This wasn’t going well.

“Slutty soccer mom fight club? So that’s all there is to it?” Rebecca said, eyebrows raised.

“Are you serious? Topless fighting? No holds barred? That shit only exists for guys to get off. An average blue belt would crush every woman in that league without breaking a sweat.” Elena gulped down a significant amount of wine, then set the glass down a little too firmly.

Rebecca giggled again. Elena rolled her eyes.

“Aren’t you a blue belt?” Rebecca asked innocently.

Elena stared for a second, then nodded.

“Then why don’t we find out?” Rebecca asked, her face deadly serious.

Elena’s mouth dropped open for a second. “You want to fight me?”

“I want to kick your ass,” Rebecca retorted. “I saw the ring in the garage. Let’s do it, right here, right now.”

Elena glared back.

“Unless, that is, you’re afraid of getting your ass kicked by a slutty soccer mom.”

Elena’s grip tightened on her wine glass. Her knuckles started to turn white. She laughed and relaxed her grip.

“You know what? I would love to kick your ass,” she said.

“Are you sure?” I asked. When we had invited Mark and Rebecca over from dinner, a fight was the last thing I had expected to happen.

Elena glanced over at me. “Dan, don’t get involved in this. This is between me and Rebecca.” I looked over at Mark. “It’s fine by me,” he shrugged.

Rebecca smiled and stood up. Her long, low-cut red dress hugged Rebecca’s athletic, yet curvy figure. “Let’s make this interesting – if I win, you have to fight in the NHBFL until you win a match. If you win, I’ll fight an amateur MMA bout.”

Elena laughed. “Deal – I can’t wait to see them carry your body out of the octagon.”

“Since you think NHBFL is such a joke, let’s fight under NHBFL rules. Let’s see if that jiu-jitsu really works when I can scratch those titties to hell.”

Elena blushed, her tan skin turning red with embarrassment. “Topless?” she managed to stammer.

Rebecca nodded. “Topless, no eye gouges, no biting, no insertion. Everything else is legal. Winner is first to three knockouts – the loser has to be motionless for a ten count. Besides, I’m sure the guys would love it.”

Elena was hesitant. I could sense the internal battle waging within – she really wanted to fight, but this was extreme.

“But, I understand if you’re afraid. It’s too much for a lot of women,” Rebecca said, her lips curled slightly upward in a smile.

Elena never could back down from a challenge.

I adjusted my seat in the foldable metal chair. I couldn’t believe this was really happening. Elena stood in one corner of the boxing ring in our garage, rolling her shoulders to warm up for her fight. Elena’s curly black hair was tied in a ponytail that fell down her bare back. She wore black spandex running shorts. Besides that, the only other clothing she wore was handwraps to prevent breaking her hand from a strike. She was nervous – this was way out of her comfort zone.

In the opposite corner, Rebecca was the picture of poise and calm. Rebecca faced her corner. She bent down and touched her toes. Rebecca only wore a red thong – she hadn’t come prepared to fight. I had offered to lend her handwraps – she had picked red ones as well. Her long, straight, blonde hair was tied in a single braid that reached the middle of her shoulder blades. Rebecca stood back up and turned to face Elena.

“Ready?” she asked pleasantly. Elena responded with a taut nod. “Then let’s begin,” Rebecca smiled.

The two women approached each other in the center of the ring. Elena held out her fist – Rebecca tapped it with her own. Both women settled into a kickboxer’s stance. Elena was a ball of nervous energy, bouncing up and down rapidly on her feet. Rebecca didn’t bounce – she flowed from side to side, reminiscent of a snake luring its prey to its doom.

Elena threw a sharp leg kick. Rebecca slid backwards, avoiding the blow. Elena jerked back into her position. The two women circled each other, looking for an opening. Elena stepped forward and threw a 1-2 combo at Rebecca’s head. She leaned back, avoiding both strikes. Rebecca was a few inches taller than Elena. Elena would have to be close to make sure her strikes landed.

Elena backed off for a moment, then closed the distance again quickly and threw the same combination. Rebecca dodged it again, but Elena threw a leg kick at the end that landed with a loud crack. Rebecca winced and threw a punch of her own. Elena dodged underneath it and landed a hard hook to Rebecca’s ribs. A small grunt escaped Rebecca’s lips. Elena backed away, careful not to overextend herself. I could see the nerves melting away as she focused on the task at hand. While Elena hadn’t won an MMA match yet, she had sparred enough to be comfortable with hitting and getting hit. Fighting was much more in her wheelhouse than dressed up dinners.

Rebecca threw a lead hook straight punch combo that Elena parried and dodged respectively. Elena immediately threw a hard kick into Rebecca’s ribs. A loud slap followed by a grunt of pain echoed across the room. Elena got a little grin on her face.

“That hurt, didn’t it?” she teased, crinkling her nose. Rebecca smirked and threw a punch with everything she had with it. Elena easily avoided the telegraphed punch and connected with a vicious uppercut that sent Rebecca stumbling backwards. Elena, seeing her opportunity, quickly pursued Rebecca towards the corner. Rebecca covered up as Elena showered her with punches and kicks. Rebecca’s back hit the turnbuckle. Elena was all over her, but Rebecca’s head movement and guard managed to avoid or deflect Elena’s rapid shots. Rebecca lunged forward and wrapped Elena in a hug, her left arm over Elena’s right, and Rebecca’s right arm under Elena’s left. Rebecca pushed Elena backwards, back to the center of the ring.

Rebecca held Elena tight with her left hand, and threw a few punches to Elena’s ribs with her right. Elena threw a few hammerfists to the back of Rebecca’s head. Rebecca shifted to Elena’s side, still holding her tight with her left. Her right hand darted to Elena’s breast, digging her nails into the soft flesh. Elena let out an anguished shriek. I winced. I knew it had to be extremely painful – Elena never wanted to let her opponents know something had hurt her.

Elena desperately tried to pry Rebecca’s hand away, but her grip remained strong. Elena started thrashing from side to side, trying desperately to loosen her tormentor’s claw from her breast. With a violent twist, she managed to turn completely around, freeing her breast. Rebecca now hugged Elena from the back. Rebecca wasted no time. Rebecca jumped onto Elena’s back, wrapping her legs around Elena’s waist. Her right arm snaked across Elena’s throat – a rear naked choke. Elena managed to keep her balance and methodically tried to pry Rebecca’s arm from her throat. I knew Elena recognized the danger she was in; she was trying to keep her head rather than panicking.

Elena’s face started turning a little redder, yet her movements remained calm. The choke must not have been locked in all the way. Rebecca held her position. Elena’s attempts to escape quickened. I knew she didn’t want to tap. Jiu-jitsu was Elena’s specialty – to be tapped by Rebecca would be a tremendous embarrassment. She started jerking from side to side, trying to shake Rebecca off her back. Rebecca’s grip remained strong. I could see the desperation creeping across my wife’s face.

Elena jumped in the air, trying to squash Rebecca between herself and the mat. They both landed with a crash. I saw Rebecca grimace in pain, but she held on. Elizabeth rolled to her left side, facing me. I could see the desperation clearly now. She clawed and scratched at Rebecca’s arms, trying anything she could to free herself. Her movements were frenzied now, her face scrunched in exertion and pain. She raised her hand and tapped Rebecca’s arm, signaling her submission.

Rebecca giggled. “Oh, honey. There’s no tapping in NHBFL. We fight to a finish.” Elizabeth’s eyes widened in fear. She looked right at me. She couldn’t speak, but her eyes sent the message – save me. I started to stand up. Rebecca looked at me. “No, no, no. What was it you said earlier? ‘Stay out of this Dan?’ This is between you and me. You agreed to this.” I hesitated. Elena would be angry with me whichever way I chose – if I broke up the fight, she would tell me later that I should have let her go out on her shield. Besides – it was only the first of three. She could still come from behind. I could also see her being angry with me for abandoning her to her fate.

I decided –Elena had made this choice herself. She would live with the consequences. Elena’s movements had started to slow. Her eyes, locked on mine just a moment before, started to defocus. Rebecca’s face started to show exertion as she squeezed with everything she had. Elena’s arms, which had been scratching and clawing at Rebecca’s arms just a moment before, fell to the ground. Her eyes rolled back into her head and her mouth hung open, searching for a breath that didn’t come. Rebecca continued to squeeze.

“She’s out,” I called out, hoping to spare my wife from serious harm. Rebecca breathed a sigh of relief, and shoved my wife’s motionless body to the side. Rebecca rolled Elena onto her back, then straddled her. She counted to ten. Elena didn’t budge. Mark starting clapping. “There you go, babe!” he hooted. I stood up and slid into the ring. I checked Elena’s breathing and vitals. Her vitals were within acceptable limits, but she was still unconscious. I rubbed my knuckles across her sternum to wake her up, a trick I’d learned in EMT school. Elena let out a moan and tried to slap my hand away. Groggily, she opened her eyes. When she saw me, she glared. “The fuck is your problem?” she spat.

“Aww, don’t be mad at him.” I heard Rebecca over my shoulder. “I’m the one who choked you out. Does this mean you want to quit? Are NHBFL rules a little too tough for you?”

If Elena had looked angry before, this was another level. “Get out of my way,” she growled, shoving me back as she stood up.

“Does this mean you’re ready for round two?” Rebecca smiled, clapping her hands in mocking excitement. “I was so afraid you were going to quit on me.”

Elena growled. “Out of the ring,” she barked at me. I complied.

“Round two, begin!” Mark called out. Elena rushed right for Rebecca, throwing everything she had into a flurry of punches. Rebecca backed up and circled away from Elena’s furious onslaught. Elena’s punches were wild, emotional. Elena wasn’t using technique anymore; she fought only with passion. Rebecca dodged and weaved, gracefully evading Elena’s berserk rush. Elena’s furious charged lasted about a minute. She started to slow, breathing heavily. Rebecca had caught a few glancing blows, but was undamaged. Elena growled in frustration and planted her feet, swinging a wild rear hook with all her strength.

Rebecca leaned back, easily avoiding the strike. She lunged forward, grabbing Elena’s head, interlacing her fingers on top of her head and trapping Elena’s head with her forearms. I recognized the technique – a Muay Thai clinch. Elena had worked on these in MMA classes – she would know what to do. Then Rebecca drew her leg back like a soccer player and punted Elena right between her legs. Elena let out guttural scream, doubled over, and dropped her hands to clutch her battered pussy. My mouth dropped in shock. Rebecca threw back her head and slammed her forehead into the top of Elena’s skull. Elena, dazed, stumbled backwards until her back hit the ropes.

Rebecca strolled towards her victim at a leisurely pace. Elena clutched the ropes, holding herself up. Rebecca blasted Elena’s chin with an uppercut as she approached. I saw some of Elena’s spit land on the ground behind her. Rebecca dug a hard punch into Elena’s exposed stomach. Elena’s arms slipped off the ropes as she doubled over, her face meeting Rebecca’s shoulder before sliding down to her chest. Rebecca pushed Elena back to a standing position and threw three short punches to her breast. Elena moaned in agony. Rebecca kneed Elena in the pussy, doubling her over only for an elbow to her forehead to stand her up again. Elena bounced off the ropes and started to fall forward, but Rebecca caught her in a hug. Elena wrapped her arms around her tormentor, trying anything to stay on her feet. Elena’s training was kicking in – stay on your feet, clinch, survive. Rebecca’s hands found their way to my wife’s breasts, and she squeezed. Rebecca’s face strained with the exertion. Elena howled, but she still held onto Rebecca.

“No . . . no, no, no!” my wife wailed.

“No what?” Rebecca cooed, driving her fist into Elena’s ribs.

“Please,” Elena begged.

“Please what? You have to tell me what you want, baby,” Rebecca said in a silky sweet tone, twisting a nipple, her face just millimeters from Elena’s.

My wife groaned and shook her head. Rebecca clawed her tits again. Elena let go of Rebecca and tried to pull her hands off her tits. Rebecca shoved my wife into the ropes like a schoolyard bully. Elena bounced off the ropes, right into the path of Rebecca’s knee in her gut. Elena let out a tremendous “oof,” as the wind was driven from her lungs. Rebecca hit Elena with a left hook, then a right hook. Elena swayed on her feet, looking uncomprehendingly at the uppercut that crashed into her jaw, sending a plume of spit and sweat into the air. Elena fell backwards into the ropes, which bent backwards and then catapulted her limp body onto the mat at Rebecca’s feet. Rebecca knelt down, and rolled my wife over. Slowly, with an almost concerned look on her face, Rebecca stroked my wife’s face and began counting. Elena never moved.

I got up and slipped through the ropes into the ring. Elena was hurt. Getting knocked out by a punch was categorically different than being choked out. I checked her vitals. Rebecca hovered nearby.

“Do you want to call the fight?” Rebecca asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

I paused. “We’ll ask her when she wakes up.” Rebecca gave a faint smile. “I think we both know what she’s going to say.” She looked down at her fallen opponent. “I’ll enjoy making sure the lesson she’s learning tonight sticks.” She turned on her heel and walked back to her corner.

Ten minutes later, Elena was back on her feet, circling her opponent cautiously. She had been disoriented when she woke up. It all came back to her when she saw Rebecca, and she had demanded to fight on, despite my warnings. Elena had never been one to learn by example – she needed to experience something for it to stick. At the end of the day, it was her life, and her decision.

Rebecca smiled at Elizabeth, inching closer to her opponent. “Have a good nap?” she asked, bouncing her eyebrows mischievously. Elena set her jaw. She was determined to turn the fight around. Rebecca had other plans.

Rebecca dropped her leg back and feinted a kick towards Elena’s pussy. Instinctively, Elena dropped her hands and closed her legs to protect her battered vagina. Instead, the kick passed her womanhood and connected cleanly with Elena’s jaw. Elena dropped like a sack of potatoes, slamming into the mat on her back. Elena groaned, her hands holding her throbbing head.

Rebecca slinked towards her fallen victim, like a lioness approaching a wounded gazelle. She straddled Elena and pushed her arms down to her sides. She ran her left arm under Elena’s right armpit and grabbed Elena’s left, trapping Elena’s right hand with her body and restraining Elena’s left with her own hand. Rebecca’s right hand was completely free.

Rebecca ran a finger up Elena’s stomach. Elena looked down, fearful. Rebecca’s hand came to rest on Elena’s large breast.

“Oh shit,” Elena whimpered.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Rebecca murmured.

Elena glared up at her. Rebecca dug her nails into her tit, drawing an agonized moan from my wife.

“Let’s try that again. What’s wrong, baby?” Rebecca asked, a little louder this time.

“Fuck you,” Elena spat back.

“Wrong answer,” Rebecca giggled. Rebecca slapped Elena’s breast four times in quick succession, each strike earning an increasingly plaintive cry from her victim. She twisted her nipple and yanked it in the air, before balling her hand into a fist and punching it. She ground her knuckles into her breast. Elena squirmed and thrashed, but there was no escape.

“Ok, ok!” Elena screamed.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Rebecca whispered, a sneer on her face. She was fixated on her victim’s suffering.

“You’re fucking me up,” Elena whined.

“Aww, that’s too bad,” Rebecca cooed. Rebecca slammed her fist into Elena’s breast, rubbing her knuckles into her soft flesh, relishing Elena’s agonized moans. “Do you want this to end?” she asked.

Elena hesitated for a moment. Rebecca put her hand over Elena’s mouth and nose, cutting off her breathing. Elena’s eyes widened in fear. She tried twisting and turning her head, but Rebecca’s grip was too strong. Her legs kicked and Elena’s muffled screams filled the air. Her movements started to slow and she arched her back. Elena’s eyes started to roll back into her head and Rebecca pulled her hand back. Elena desperately sucked in air, only for Rebecca’s fist to slam into her solar plexus, knocking the wind out of her. The weird moans caused by Elena’s lung spasms made me shift uncomfortably in my seat. Elena was really suffering now.

Rebecca smiled serenely down at her opponent as Elena’s spasms slowed and she began breathing more normally. She stroked Elena’s face, then ran her fingers down Elena’s chest until they took a nipple. She pinched it softly, then started twisting it while squeezing tighter and tighter. Elena let out a soft whimper that grew until she was wailing in pain.

“Do you want this to end?” Rebecca asked again. Elena was panting, moaning even though Rebecca wasn’t doing anything to her.

“Yes,” she squeaked, her voice barely audible.

Rebecca frowned and slapped Elena’s reddened tit again. “I couldn’t hear you. Do you want this to end?”

“YES!” Elena screamed, desperate.

“Then you’ll need to tell me who your mommy is,” Rebecca grinned wickedly. Elena spat in her face. Rebecca took a deep breath in and started methodically punching Elena’s breast, each blow impacting with enough force to shake the ropes of the boxing ring. Elena screamed. Rebecca paused.

“Who’s your mommy?” Rebecca cooed. Elena hesitated again and Rebecca’s hand found its way to Elena’s breast.

“No, don’t do it, please don’t do it!” Elena begged. Rebecca shook her head, mock sadness on her face and dug her nails into her tortured flesh. Elena jerked feebly from side to side, but her attempts to escape were slowing. She was exhausted. Rebecca balled her fist up and delivered two more strong punches to her tit. I couldn’t believe this was the way the night was going. Only thirty minutes before we had been sitting around the dinner table, eating food, drinking wine, laughing, and talking. Now my friend’s wife was torturing mine.

“Come on, Rebecca, please!” Elena whined. “Please no more, please!”

“You know what you have to say,” Rebecca said softly. She traced Elena’s nipple with her finger. Elena looked down at the finger in terror.

“No, Rebecca . . . please!” she whispered.

“I’m sorry,” Rebecca whispered back. “I have to.” She slapped, punched, and clawed her tit. She didn’t let up or pause. At first, Elena struggled against the pain and moaned, but as the abuse continued, her struggles slowed and her moans became soft whimpers.

“Ok . . . Ok!” Elena cried out.

“Who’s your mommy?” Rebecca asked.

“You are,” Elena moaned. She couldn’t even look Rebecca in the eye.

“I know. I know I am,” Rebecca murmured back. “Let’s finish you off.”

“Oh God,” Elena said, her voice fearful.

“It’ll be ok. Come here,” Rebecca cooed. Rebecca crawled on top of Elena and lowered her tits over my wife’s face. They completely enveloped her head. Rebecca released her grip on Elena’s arms and wrapped her own around Elena’s head, pulling it into her breasts. Elena’s hands feebly tried to push Rebecca away, but there was no use. Elena dug her nails into Rebecca’s side and scratched. Rebecca grimaced.

“Oh no, baby, that was a mistake. That’s going to cost you,” she said, but her grip held firm. Elena’s hands fell limply from Rebecca’s side to the mat. Rebecca continued to squeeze for ten seconds, twenty, forty, a full minute. Elena hadn’t stirred. I started to get up and Rebecca released her grip and sat up. Elena’s eyes were closed. Rebecca started to count. When she reached eight, she slapped Elena across the face. Elena moaned and her eyes blinked open.

“This is for scratching me,” Rebecca said, standing up. She grabbed Elena by the hair and pulled her to her feet. Elena immediately dropped to her knees, her arms hanging limply by her sides. Rebecca jammed Elena’s head between her legs, then wrapped her arms around Elena’s torso. Rebecca grunted and lifted Elena in the air so her head pointed straight towards the ground, her feet pointing straight up. Rebecca jumped in the air and wrapped her legs around Elena’s body, driving her head-first into the ground. The ring shuddered with the impact. Elena’s motionless body flopped to the mat, facedown. Rebecca rolled Elena to her back and straddled her. She counted slowly to ten, then knelt down and tenderly kissed Elena’s lips.

She stood up and smiled. Mark clapped fiercely. Rebecca laughed. “I guess slutty soccer moms are a bit tougher than we look,” she said, flexing her bicep. I rushed to Elena’s side.

Three hours later, Mark and Rebecca stood by the front door of the house. She had showered and changed back into her red dress. Elena was still in the ring, in the garage. She hadn’t moved since receiving Rebecca’s piledriver. After I had confirmed that Elena’s vitals were stable, there wasn’t much to do but wait for her to wake up. We had played a few hands of poker in the garage. Mark showed me some pictures of their newly renovated bathroom. Rebecca periodically walked to the ring to check on Elena. She would run her fingers through my wife’s hair, gently slap her cheeks, twist a nipple. After the fourth such trip, it became clear Elena wasn’t going to be waking up any time soon. Mark and Rebecca decided to head home.

“We had a lovely time,” Rebecca said smiling. “You’re going to have to send me that recipe for the steak.”

“Definitely,” I replied. “I got it from this old cook-book I found at Goodwill’s. Best recipe I’ve ever found.”

“We’ll have to do this again sometime,” Mark said, shaking my hand. “Tell Elena that she did a great job – it’s tough getting used to a different ruleset when you’re used to a different one.” Rebecca nodded in agreement.

“She’s really tough and feisty – I like her a lot. Tell her that if she wants to train, she’s free to come by,” Rebecca said, tying her hair up in a ponytail.

“I’ll be sure to tell her,” I said. “I hope she didn’t offend you.”

“No offense taken. I think we buried the hatchet tonight,” Rebecca laughed.

“Again, I apologize that Elena couldn’t see you off,” I said, opening the front door.

“Text us when she wakes up so we know she’s fine,” Rebecca said, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

“I will. Give me a call when you guys get home so I know you all made it home safe.”

“We will,” Mark replied. I watched as the couple got into their car and pulled out of the driveway. I waved goodbye and turned around and walked into the house. Elena and I needed to have a long talk.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/juc3rh/a_dinner_and_a_dance_ff_wrestling_domination