Coming Out Pt 3. [MF, MFF, Inc]

Part 3.

All day, Alan had been slightly left out, behind everyone, his attention on something else. The previous night had a greater impact on him than he had thought it might. Yes, he truly loved Mel, not in the ‘she’s the ONE’ way but in a vastly different way than he had ever loved any woman before. With Minnie he just knew she was for him, she was always going to be his, until he understood how they had grown apart. He hadn’t had many lovers before Minnie, and no real lover since, until now. Alan decided last night he would never push himself onto Mel in any way, but if she invited him again at some time in the future, whether to make another baby or not, he would be there, making love with her.

This realization was just completely different for him. There wasn’t an ounce of possessiveness in him for her. She could, likely would, take other lovers, Andrea for one obviously, but maybe another man, as well. Alan wasn’t upset with that, didn’t bother him at all, but he knew she would always be in his heart. Alan wasn’t sure if that meant he loved her enough to let her go or if he really didn’t love her and couldn’t care about her at all. No, the second wasn’t true, he cared for her, more deeply than he knew before last night. In some ways he felt for her the same way he did for Andrea, but with an added sexual dimension and that was different.

“Well,” said Wanda, a co-worker, “I wonder who got laid last night?”

“Jeez Wanda, just say what’s on your mind. Please!” Alan said.

“You’re right out of it today, Al. Come on, get with it, we gotta finish this by Friday.”

Wanda was not real gorgeous, but not unattractive, a nice body and in her mid forties, divorced, one son, Alan thought, but a little blunt for his sensibilities. “I know, I know. You picking on me because I’m left-handed again?” An old joke between them.

“No, not at all, that would be discrimination and bullying. I’m picking on you ‘coz you got lucky last night and I didn’t!”

“Oh I wonder why that might be? You not getting lucky? I don’t believe it.” They knew each other well, but never outside the office. “No, Andrea told me she and Mel are getting married last night.”

“Oh wow! That’s excellent, good for her and then you make sure you give them my best wishes,” Wanda had known Andrea for years, but had not met Mel. “She nice, this girl Mel?”

“Brilliant, beautiful, and very smart. A lovely person as well.”

“Oh good. So, do I get an invite to the wedding?”

For some reason, Alan’s brain seized up at that moment and he said, “Of course,” he didn’t know if there was an invite for her, “I’d really like it if you were to be my partner for the wedding.”

Just at that moment, Cheryl, another woman in their office had walked through the door and said, “Wedding? You two getting married? Shit, you really kept that quiet!”

Wanda laughed and Alan turned red, “NO!” he stated emphatically, “My daughter is getting married, and Wanda is going to get an invite so I thought we could partner up, that’s all.” He knew it was in vain, Cheryl is a gossip so in the next few minutes it would be all over the office, then the building, that Alan and Wanda were dating and were deciding to get married. He sighed, shook his head and went on with the days work.

Before the end of the day, Wanda came to Alan and said, “I would love to be your partner at Andrea’s wedding.” She looked at Alan like she was going to say something else but then turned away, leaving Alan. He looked at her retreating body and saw she really has a nice ass. They had always been friendly, but when it came to work, they were sometimes quite contentious, not competitive but more looking at the creativity in each other and building on it. That bouncing ideas of each other made their work as a team much better than it likely would have been otherwise. But it took some doing sometimes to keep a calm head and defend an idea when Wanda was in full flight.

Alan again took the lift to the forth floor and the door opened just as he was about to knock on the door. Andrea emerged and quickly giving Alan a hug, “See you Dad, enjoy yourselves.”

Alan was surprised, but noted there was a difference in Andrea, a tightness that wasn’t there last night. Andrea let him go and walked quickly to the lift. “Bye babe.” He shrugged and went in the door. Closing it behind himself, Alan called out, “Mel?”

“Be right there,” he heard Mel reply.

Moments later Mel appeared, naked, a vision of beauty. Her tits stood proud, her appeal just hit Alan as his cock responded. “Wow!” He exclaimed, “You could start a whole new fashion.”

“Mmm maybe, but my temperature spiked today, so I want to get as many of your little wrigglers into me as I can.” She walked to him, wrapped her arms around her and kissed him. Holding him close she pushed her hips into him and when they broke, said, “And by the feel of it, you want to do just that too.”

“Oh yeah. Having trouble controlling it all day, thinking about you.” Alan felt Mel’s hand run down, over his cock then began to open the belt of his trousers. In moment they were down around his ankles as Mel handled his dick. She quickly knelt and wrapping her lips around it, began stoking it with her tongue. He had only just walked in the door and here was this gorgeous woman sucking his tool. He moaned and held her head gently, not impeding her movement, he was really glad he went home and showered first, to be greeted like this. Mel lifted her mouth off him and said, “Bed, now!”

Fast and furious, they were at it, fucking up a storm. Constantly changing, mouth to pussy, to cock, doggie style, then a sixty-niner, missionary and Alan felt Mel was dragging him into making superhuman efforts to force her to cum. And he did, with his tongue, his fingers flicking over her clit with his cock buried deep inside her. Alan concentrated on her pleasure, not concerned with his own. Her entreaties to fuck her kept spurring him on, so he did. When he felt he was getting close, he would withdraw from her and begin fingering her, licking her making her cum again. On and on he drove into her, repeating his actions, fucking her, eating her pussy, fingering her clit, he was really starting to feel his age when she collapsed into a pile of jelly.

“Oh!” she cried as she cum for a forth time. “Cum in me! Fill me with your baby makers!” she demanded, prostrating herself under him. So with all the energy he had left, he mounted her again and drove his cock deep inside her. Pumping her pussy he felt his rising tension, the final release as his semen spurted from him into her waiting pussy.

He groaned his pleasure and she welcomed his precious juice, wrapping herself around him pulling him into her as deep as she could. After a few moments, his cock was exhausted, he fell onto her, collapsing, his full weight lying on top of her. They were both gasping for breath and Alan stirred, rolling off her, onto his back.

“Ooooh fuck!” Mel gasped, gulping air. “Jeezzz… like daughter like father!” Gasp “…Fuck me! You know…,” gasp “… I love Andie…,” gasp “…she does things…,” gasp “…for me…,” gasp “…like no-one else ever has…,” gasp “…but then you…” gasp “…do things for me that no man has ever done before!”

“That’s nice…” Al replied.

“Don’t get me wrong,” Mel said, “Andie is way ahead of anyone else, but you, you are a long way ahead of anyone else, just still way behind Andie.”

Al laughed, “Yep. I think that might be because no-one else loves you like either of us do.”

“Yes, possible.”

“And you still sure Andrea is okay with us doing this?”

“Oh? Why do you ask?”

“Mmm, she seemed a bit tight before she left. Couldn’t look me in the eye.” Al knew that these were signs of Andrea having a problem with something, they hadn’t changed from her childhood.

“Nah, she’s good,” Mel assured him, “She was making sure I wasn’t going to change my mind just before you got here.”

“Ahh,” Al knew there was an issue. “Who was she asking though? You or herself?”

“Why don’t you ask her yourself?” Mel replied.

“Yes, Dad, why not ask me yourself?” came Andrea’s voice from the doorway.

“SHIT!” Al exclaimed, sitting up reaching for sheets that weren’t there. He crossed his legs and put his hands over his crotch. “ANDREA!”

Andrea stepped into the room, “I got to the ground floor and was almost out the lobby when it hit me, I didn’t want to be anywhere else but here, so I came straight back up.” She took another step, “You wouldn’t believe how jealous I got,” she paused, “That’s something I am not sure I have ever felt before.” She took another step, moving to the side where Alan was desperately trying to cover himself.

“How long have you been standing there, babe?” asked Mel.

“A while.”

“You’ve been there the whole time?”

“Almost. You make me so happy, Mel, you really do. That’s why I love you.” She took another step towards Alan. “And Dad, after watching you fucking my girlfriend, I don’t think there is any need for modesty.” Standing alongside him now, she reached down and took hold of his wrist, gently urging his hand up. Alan seemed to lose the will to resist and he allowed her to guide his hand. She leaned over and put his hand on her face, “I love you too Dad, so much.” She guided his hand to her lips and kissed the palm. “And I want to do this.” Andrea leaned over the bed and took Alan’s other hand, moving it away from his sex, “I want you to do to me what you have just done to Mel.” She lowered her head and taking hold of his now flaccid cock and guided it into her mouth.

Alan was stunned by this change in his daughter. Shocked into inaction, his reaction was just not what he thought it should be. Mel reached over then leaned in and kissed him. “Yes,” she said, “Love Andie like she wants to be loved.”

Alan felt his cock hardening rapidly, Andrea’s soft lips and moist mouth pleasuring him. Having Mel kissing him, and Andrea sucking his dick, Alan was lost in a surreal set of circumstances and he knew it. His view was blocked as Mel was kissing him, telling him how much they both loved him. At one point Mel moved and slid her amble breast into his mouth, allowing him to suckle, first one breast, then the other. He could see Andrea’s head bobbing up and down on his cock, her eyes fixed firmly on his. He saw the bare skin of her shoulders, then his view was again blocked by Mel.

Alan felt the cool evening air contrasting the moist warmth of Andrea’s mouth on his cock, then felt Andrea moving, only to have his dick held upright, then feel it sliding into a hot, really wet pussy. Andrea lowered herself onto his prong, and pumped up and down. Mel moved out the way and Alan saw Andrea’s tits bouncing in alternate rhythm to her pounding of his pelvis. Andrea’s face came closer, her eyes getting larger, she kissed her father, deeply, and Alan reacted, kissing her back. He held her firmly and pumped his dick into his daughter. Alan heard Mel urging him on to keep fucking Andrea, give her the dick she always wanted. Pounding on Andrea’s pelvis, crushing her clit with every thrust Andrea moaned and then shrieked her orgasm.

He kept pounding away at her, thrusting into her until he felt the rising urge to pump her with his juices. He didn’t think of his impending ejaculation, just pumped his release into her. He held Andrea, gently, on top of himself, and heard her whisper, “I love you Dad, so much.” She lifted her head and kissed him, not the kiss of a daughter, but the kiss of a lover, deeply, passionately. “And I love you too,” he relied when their kiss ended, “forever and always.”

Andrea moved off of her father and kissed Mel, holding her, kissing her face, her lips. “I love you too, so much more,” she said.

“And I love you, babe.” Mel replied. “I’m glad you came back, so now you know for sure.”

“Yes, I’m glad you let me,” Andrea replied, “I will never doubt me again.” They kissed and held each other.

Again, Alan tried to make sense of this exchange, but it just didn’t register. What did hit him was that he had just fucked his daughter, his gorgeous, lesbian daughter! What the fuck?!!!! What’s more, she barged in and sucked his cock, then jumped on it, she was fucking him! WHAT THE FUCK????? How did that happen?

Mel spun Andrea under her and kissed her again, then rolled to put Andrea between herself and Alan. Andrea was on her back, Mel on her side, took hold of Andrea’s breast and gently caressed it, kissing her cheek. “Think you better fill him in, he’s looking a little lost,” she said, nodding he head in Alan’s direction.

“Dad,” Andrea said, trying to attract his attention, “Dad!”

“Mmm?” Alan replied, still not quite focusing.

“You paying attention?” Andrea asked.

“Oh yeah, sorry, was just away for bit, well – what are we doing?”

“We were fucking Dad, well, I was fucking you anyway.”

“Okay, but you think we should be doing that?”

“Yeah,” Andrea replied, “I do. Not all the time, but sometimes, yes.”

Alan stopped at that. The realization that she was asking for me was hitting home. “Why babe? Why?”

“Well, simple. Last night I went to June’s, to let her know we had finally decided to get married. While we were talking, I realized that Mom and I used to be okay, until I got to puberty. I think everyone dismissed it as typical queen-bee rivalry, with me being so competitive and mom being a little controlling. When I came out, mom freaked, our relationship deteriorated and has never recovered. But then I realized that it was not like that with you. I always wanted to be closer to you when June pointed out that I was very much Daddy’s girl. That got me thinking of all the times I really just wanted to be with you. On the way home, I was thinking about it and started winding myself up over you were fucking Mel. I finally understood what the problem between Mom and me has been, always was.” She paused.

“Oh babe, I’m sorry, I didn’t think this was an issue for you,” Alan said quietly, “We can stop now, I’ll leave.”

“No, don’t you dare! Dad, don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t you fucking Mel that was upsetting me, it was Mel who was fucking you. I wanted it to be me!”

Alan was surprised, “Yes, Dad! Me! I always wanted to be near you as a kid. Then at puberty, I wanted to be closer. The first time I masturbated I was thinking about you. I sometimes creeped out of my bed and listen to you and Mom having sex. I would go back to my room and masturbate wishing it was me in bed with you. I dismissed this as a normal adolescent Freudian fantasy later, but my strongest orgasms then were fantasies about being with you. I buried it, just hiding it away. Sometimes it would come out,” she looked at Mel, “Especially when were having a guy, I wanted it to be you there in bed with us Dad, but just continually burying it again and again. Finally, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to come back.”

Mel kissed her, “I love that you did.” She held Andrea, “And I love that Al is here with us.” She kissed Andrea again, holding her “I really do want to have Al’s baby, but even more so now, if that’s possible.” Mel turned to Alan and leaning over Andrea, kissed him, “And I love that you can share our bed now, completely.”

As she kissed Alan, Andrea opened her mouth and took Mel’s nipple into her. Alan could feel hands on him, and reached for the nearest bare skin. They gently touched each other, kissing and caressing whatever part came into range. At one point Alan heard Mel say, “You really gotta try his tongue, it is fucking amazing.” Alan felt Andrea shift and saw her neatly trimmed bush come into view, inviting attention from his mouth. Alan obliged and ran his tongue up and down her slit, then began to mouth her pussy with his complete attention. All he wanted to do now was to make Andrea cum on his mouth.

He had never done his daughter before and didn’t know her responses. He took his time, feeling as much of her pussy as he could, lapping there, prodding here slurping her lips or sucking her clit. Mel, in the mean time, swooped onto Alan’s cock, sucking it with relish. There was no way he was going to cum again, the only thing holding his erection wasn’t Mel’s mouth, although it was brilliant, it was licking Andrea’s pussy that was really exciting for him. He never thought of himself as a pervert, but fucking his daughter, eating her pussy, that was outside of his experience, his expectations, his wildest imaginings. He was loving eating her pussy, loved that she sucked his dick, so he was a daughter fucking pervert, who fucking cares?

He felt Andrea’s movements change, tense, become more intense. She pushed down on his mouth, then let out a moan and a another, she pushed herself onto his mouth, gasping and spasming all over his face. Her cum ripped out of her gasping squeals, filling his ears with delight as she held her pussy on his mouth. He felt a slight expulsion of fluids out of her pussy into his mouth as she screamed in the ecstasy of her sexual release. Andrea collapsed onto her side, narrowly missing Mel’s knees.

After a few moments, she cried, “That was fucking unbelievable!”

“See, I told you.” Mel said, smugly. “Isn’t he the absolute best man we’ve ever had?”

“Oh yeah,” Andrea said, “You think we can have him back again?”

“You bet, if he wants to.” Mel smiled.

Alan was amazed at this exchange. He never thought of himself as a Don Juan type at all and while he was interested in sex, he put some effort into it in developing his techniques, he never considered himself anything special.

“I can’t say anything to that,” Alan said. “But my ego is being bolstered here so keep going!” he laughed.

“Mmm no,” Mel responded, “We don’t want the wrong head getting swelled!”

“That would be really stiff,” Andrea replied.

This was an old game Andrea and Alan played, pun-upsmanship, so he said, “Would it mean I would stop cumming here?”

“There would be no entry, that’s for sure,” came back Mel.

“No fertile ground to play in,” Andrea added.

“Really hard times then.” Mel suggested.

“Oh damn, it’s too late, been exhausted and I am just unable to cum up with another load,” Alan said, “I conceive of defeat here.”

“Arwwww,” Mel and Andrea groaned. “Was that an entendre or a pun?” Andrea asked. “Or just an awful Dad joke?”

“Doesn’t matter,” Alan asked, “I’m working in the morning and if I don’t go now, then I am to be scheduled for a heart attack before dawn. And I’m not even O.D’ing on Viagra!”

It still took him almost forty-five minutes to get out of their apartment, but only after a promise of a “sleep-over” on Saturday night. Still, Alan went to his own one bedroom apartment, vowing that he was going to be a good boy and 1) not spank the monkey, 2) get plenty of rest in preparation for Saturday and 3)spend time cleaning his dump up.
On Saturday morning the thought came, unbidden, one out of three wasn’t bad, was it?


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