[fF+] Wild Roses pt. 5: Unwise Things [bd] [fdom]

Throught summer and autumn, Summer’s education at the hands (and often lips) of Greenfinger continued, and with every day that passed, her powers became sharper and more focused. Under the witch’s tutelage, she learned to call forth cool fire and warm wind, to shape plants, to call thunder and lightning, rain and snow, and even to banish them, for sun-, moon- and starlight. Finally, soon after snow began to fall, Greenfinger decreed that she was ready for unwise things not of the forest, and led her to the cabin by the pond.

Inside was a wild cacaphony of noise, color and smell, with jars and bottles, scrolls, books and tablets from every corner of the world stacked in the hundreds on the shelves that lined the walls of the laboratory, the room itself much larger than the outside of the little hut would suggest. A strange twinge of recognition ran through Summer as she paced along the shelves, but she could not place the feeling, and soon put it out of her mind.

“There’s so much…” she said, trailing off as a particularly bright bottle caught her eye.

“There are a great many things in this world, and a great many powers.” Greenfinger mused, and wandered off towards a shelf in search of something.

“Even if I had a lifetime, I don’t think I could learn to use all of this.” Summer offered unsteadily.

“This is true.” the witch said, pulling a roll of wooden slats tied together with string from a shelf. “But a few important things you will surely have time for.”

When she unrolled the book on the laboratory table, it reached to near four feet long, all inscribed in jet black ink with strange characters written along each piece of wood, sixteen to a board.

“What is it?” Spring asked, running a hand lightly over the wood.

“A spell.” Greenfinger explained, gesturing to the shelves. “Every one of these books holds some spell or other. The other things are the little things you need to make it work, although this one requires nothing but knowledge.”

Summer nodded, studying the book on the table. “You can read this?”

“I can.” Greenfinger said with a nod. “It is easy enough to learn, but takes quite some time.”

“What does the spell do?” Summer asked, and Greenfinger grinned.

“Such fun things.” she said, studying the characters with a wry smile.

After a while, she rolled the book back up, and looked over at Summer.

“You have had your fun with your sisters, I know, but have you ever been with a man?” she asked, and Summer shook her head.

“Autumn offered to introduce me to one of her hunter friends once, but before she could set it up he got mauled by a bear.” she said. “My father is pretty much the only man I’ve met, really, and he never loved anyone but mother, like that.”

Greenfinger nodded sagely. “But I take it you have seen a cock? At bath with your father, at least?”

Summer nodded.

“That’s a start.” the witch said with a smile.

Closing her eyes in concentration, she put her fingertips to the patch of brown-and-green above her sex. For a moment, nothing happened, but suddenly a dark shadow formed below it, on top of her cunt, solidifying into the shape of man’s cock, if a little simpler; darkish purple and smooth, it was a handspan long and three inches around, its tip rounded. As it grew, so did Summer’s eyes, filled with surprise and some manner of hunger.

“You can touch it, if you’d like.” Greenfinger offered.

Eagerly Summer complied, grasping at it gently at first, but feeling its compelling hardness she was quick to explore it more vigorously. As her fingers ran along it, Greenfinger closed her eyes and sighed softly, biting her lower lip in a way Summer found well familiar.

“You can feel with it?” she asked, and Greenfinger nodded.

“So, um, what do I, you know, do with it?” Summer said in puzzlement.

Gently, Greenfinger took Summer’s hand in her own, first curling her fingers around the shaft, then guiding her into slow, steady stroking motions. Soon, her breath grew heavier, and when she felt Summer understood, she let go of her hand to steady herself against the table. Experimentally, Summer tried upping the pace slowly, and Greenfinger’s moans and pants of growing excitement seemed to suggest that this was working well.

“What else can I do with it?” Summer asked as her arm grew tired.

“Ah~n – you could try with your – mh~mouth…” Greenfinger suggested, and with a solemn nod, Summer dropped to her knees in front of her.

For a moment, she considered the shape of it and how best to proceed, before trying a lick of its underside, from base to tip. Greenfinger gave a light shudder, and Summer reflected on the taste as she sat looking up at her.

“Like so?” she asked, a hand idly exploring the area around the base of it.

Greenfinger nodded. “Or you could – mh~n – suck on it…” she suggested, panting heavily by now.

At the base of the cock, Summer found that while Greenfinger’s clit was covered, the rest of her was not, so as she wrapped her lips around the tip of the cock, she slipped two slender fingers up into her, her other hand still moving up and down the slick shaft. Quickly finding a rythm, she bobbed up and down on the cock while stroking it, all in time with her fingers moving in and out of Greenfinger’s cunt.

Soon the witch was quivering, and as she worked, Summer slipped in a third finger, and then a fourth. Finally, as Greenfinger’s passions were reaching their apex, she slipped her whole hand in to the wrist, before tighening it to a fist, and with syncopated timing sucking, stroking and thrusting her to completion. When Greenfinger finally came, her scream of passion reverberated off of the walls, seeming nearly to topple a particularly precarious bottle from its perch.

Carefully, Summer withdrew her hand, while still slowly sucking and stroking, bringing Greenfinger down easily, and when her tremors finally subsided, she stood up with a grin.

“That was fun.” she said, giving the panting woman a light kiss. “What else can I do?”

“You can – ah –”, Greenfinger started, “– give me a moment to collect myself.”

Summer giggled, and gave her another light kiss.

When the witch had gathered her wits about her, she reached gently down and felt Summer’s wetness. “Fun indeed, looks like.”

Summer nodded.

“The next thing should go easy, then.” Greenfinger said with a sly grin and a quick step around Summer, bringing her between the table and herself.

With a light tap, she pushed her forwards, leaving her with her palms planted on the table.

“You’ll want to lie all the way down.” Greenfinger suggested, lightly taking Summer by the hips.

Summer did as she was bid, and the witch tightened her grip on her hips, lifting her up a little and pushing her forwards.

“This is the real deal.” she said, pushing the tip against Summer’s rose lips. From where she was lying, it felt as if Greenfinger was standing further away than she should.

“Is it, um, –” she began, but the witch cut her off.

“A little bigger?” she suggested, and Summer nodded. “Bigger, yes. A little, no.”

“Oh, Iee~hn~” Summer suggested, interrupted by the cock plunging into her, at least half again as big as it had been a moment ago, sending her sprawling on the table with a squeal.

“It doesn’t hurt, does it?” Greenfinger asked, concern creeping into her normally steady voice.

Summer shook her head vigorously, and with a grin the witch drew back for another thrust. With her hands firmly planted on Summer’s hips, she plunged inside once more, then again, and again, the pounding rythm sending them both into fits of moaning and panting, with Summer squealing often and joyously, and Greenfinger gasping each time her hips hit Summer’s ass.

With every deep stroke the next came sooner, and soon the pace was feverish and wild, until suddenly, with a long, throaty moan, Summer shuddered in orgasm, the sound of her voice and twitching clenching of her cunt sending Greenfinger over the edge as well. Cock still inside, the woman buckled and failed, spilling forwards, her nipples points of steel against the soft skin on Summer’s back.

“That was the best one yet…” Summer panted, still clenching eratically and occasionally around the shadowy facsimile.

Greenfinger kissed her gently on the neck, before pushing herself off and withdrawing, letting Summer get to her feet.

“Now”, she said, “let me show you how to do it.”

As Greenfinger taught her the spell, Summer realized that its use was more general, able to sprout all manner of ghostly extra appendages both large and small, attached either to herself or to others, or even to nothing at all.

After a few hours of study, the sun outside hung low, and they retired for the evening to the glade where Summer had first slept where she arrived, untouched by winter as it was, and entwined in an embrace, the two of them fell asleep in the grass.

When she awoke, Greenfinger found herself hanging in midair, suspended from a tree by thick vines coiled around her body. Looking up at Summer, she found herself hanging horizontally at crotch height, her legs bent and bound to keep her feet off the ground, other vines coiled around her chest above her breasts and below, into which her arms were tied as well, yet other vines binding her wrists to her side and lashed around her waist. With every little breeze she turned slighty, swaying a little with the motions of the living branch from which she was hanging, as well.

“You know”, Summer said, grinning wickedly, “suddenly growing the cock on me was something of a mean trick.”

“You liked it, didn’t you?” Greenfinger suggested, quickly realizing where this was going.

“I did, but you had no way of knowing that.” Summer mused. “Besides, it was still a mean trick.”

Greenfinger hung her head, but Summer snapped her fingers in front of her face.

“Hey, pay attention.” she commanded, and obediently Greenfinger looked back up at her.

“So”, Summer continued, “I concocted something of a mean trick myself.”

She slowly turned Greenfinger around, and put her own shadowy cock against her sex. “But don’t worry. You’ll like it.”

Feeling the heat and wetness on the tip of the magical manhood, Spring vigorously and unconcernedly thrust into Greenfinger, her hands tightly gripping her hips for purchase. Without delay, she withdrew and repeated, using the swaying of the vines to give her deep and sure pounding an extra kick on the downstroke, drawing forth an incoherent litany of moans, squeals and joyous shouts. After a short while she stopped, swinging Greenfinger around again to face her, and knelt down to look into her half-open eyes.

“You are _much_ too loud.” she said, grinning.

“Ah~n…” Greenfire suggested. “Like you’re one to talk.”

Summer smiled wryly, and Greenfire was confused to feel a pair of hands on her hips. Craning her neck around, she could see that behind her was the shadowy form of a man, of a size with Summer, his cock already probing against her cunt, and with wide eyes she looked back at her student.

“You really – m~hn – are powerful.” she managed to get out, and Summer nodded solemnly.

“The forest is powerful.” she corrected her, and stood up. “And you are too loud.”

“A~hgnmf…” Greenfinger protested as the ghostly figure thrusting into her drew a moan, and Summer used the opportunity to shove her own ghostly cock down her throat.

In tandem, the ghostly figure and Summer set about fucking Greenfinger, ghostly hands grasping her hips, Summer’s tightly gripping her hair, and their strokes falling in perfect unison. For the size of them, Greenfinger could have believed the tips of their cocks touched deep inside her on every heavy-handed thrust. Soon, she could feel disembodied hands crawling over her body, first a pair fondling her breasts, teasing and tweaking at her nipples, then a third curled around the curve of her butt, two outstretched fingers toying with her ass. Finally, when the fourth one slid over her belly and began lightly rubbing her clit in small, tight circles, she convulsed in orgasm.

She could feel Summer noticing, but she did not appear to care; if anything her vigour only intensified, sending her into orgasm after agonising orgasm for near half an hour, until Summer finally withdrew. Coughing and sputtering, she managed to look up at her with a weak smile, but Summer only grinned and shook her head, spinning her around to come face to face with the ghostly figure’s cock instead. Putting its tip against her lip, the figure let Summer’s next thrust drive Greenfinger onto it, her extatic moan easily parting her lips for the insertion.

By now, the ghostly hand on her ass had two fingers in her as well, and for another half hour Summer had her merry way with her, sending her hurtling headlong through another half-dozen orgasms before she finally withdrew and dismissed the shades. Spent, panting and slowly revolving, Greenfinger hung in the air, suspended by the strong vines, every fiber of her body sweetly aching. When she came back around to face Summer, the girl knelt down and gave her a soft, light kiss.

“No more mean tricks?” she asked with a friendly smile.

“No more mean tricks.” Greenfinger agreed.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5mlq72/ff_wild_roses_pt_5_unwise_things_bd_fdom


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