Mf – Ship Control Part 4 – [huml][dubcon][Mind Control]

Forward – This was written on commission for “Yuna”, who wanted me to post it and tell the world that she paid for it with her dignity and by doing things on cam that would shame her parents for a man she has never, and will never, meet.

It’s not my normal thing but I had fun writing it and I think maybe it could be part of a larger series. It’s heavy on the mind control and dub con themes, so reader be wary.

Yuna had been told to have fun and it really wasn’t that hard. Mary had brought them drinks. She was with her friends, lounging in the sunning deck portion of the pool. Enjoying the sun but staying only pleasantly warm due to the water. She was almost able to forget her nude breasts. Almost, but the quick peeks her friends and friends boyfriends, along with some of the people around the pool served a constant embarrassing, and slightly arousing reminder.

A few others around the pool, perhaps emboldened by Yuna’s breasts being on display, removed tops and in some cases bottoms as well. The ample nude, largely attractive, flesh on display led to giggling conversations and comparisons.

Lee asking her boyfriend, teasing him, about which girls they could bring back to their cabin. Though, it was the same sort of joking tone that Yuna had remembered her using when asking her to do it. That ‘I’m joking unless you say yes’ tone.

Kim kept staring at a white guy, who had removed his suit, to reveal an enormous cock. It didn’t even look fully erect yet and it already looked as big as ones Yuna had seen in porn. He was acting relaxed, just lieing on his back, but he kept looking over at their group and each time it seemed like his cock got slightly better. Soon, Yuna thought, it would act like a sundial on his well muscled stomach. It was interesting how she noticed it, as if she was more aware of her friends subtleties than normal. Yuna wasn’t sure if she would have noticed it without Henry’s command.

She was to watch her friends, watch how his orders effected them. She was to have fun. He said he hadn’t altered them, just made them less concerned about social constraints around nudity and sex.

And she saw it, here was Kim, openly staring at the strangers cock, her hand slowly started sliding up her boyfriends bathing suit. They were sitting in a corner, him facing her left side, her sitting between his legs, just around his knees, her back against a chair back in the water. A perfect angle to slide her hand up his thigh. Kim was just a few hairs away from stroking her boyfriends cock, while staring at some strangers cock and . . . yes Yuna was sure that he knew. She could see that Kim’s boyfriend was aware of exactly where Kim was looking and he didn’t seem upset, in fact, as her hand slowly slid closer and closer to his groin on each slide, he was starting to become erect, tenting his suit.

Yuna found herself wondering suddenly. Did Kim have her own dirty secret? Did she bring other men into bed with her and her boyfriend?

She looked over to Lee who had moved into her boyfriends arms, leaning her back into his chest. He had wrapped his arms around her and was tracing lazy lines with his fingers on both hands on her stomach One hand, slowly circling closer to her breasts, the other to her biking bottom, all while kissing her shoulders and neck. Drift lower as Lee pointed from woman to woman, not even being embarrassed, asking which he would rather have in bed.

She looked to Moon next. Shy, prude Moon who always went silent and embarrassed when talk of sex came up. Lee had loved to egg her on about it, embarrassing Moon so much that she would go silent, to shy to speak.

Moon was just sitting on her boyfriends lap, both seemingly trying not to look at the nudity around them, embarrassed, but both glancing peaks and . . . Wait.

Moon was sitting on her boyfriends lap and slowly, clearly trying to hide it, to disguise her body’s moments as simple shifting, but she was sliding her ass against his dick. And . . . Yes, Moon’s boyfriends hands, one was tucked under his back and the other, she was sort of pinning it against her thigh. Not holding it, clearly pinning it, putting pressure down.

Did Moon have secrets too? Was the girl who was so submissive in public something entirely different in bed?

Yuna had thought herself the only one of her friends hiding an embarrassing secrets sexual urge. Yuna felt her head spin and looked over to Henry’s chair. He was talking to a 20-something white couple, and they were stripping off their clothing. He glanced over towards Yuna and smiled.

None of it was strange of course. None of it felt strange. But it wasn’t the sort of thing you saw every day and the group was fascinated.

“She’s sucking his dick,” Kim said motioning with her head, her voice, Yuna thought, a bit throaty. And indeed Yuna saw that a pretty black couple had thrown a towel over the man’s waist and the woman was barely hiding under it as she clearly went down on him.

Kim was no longer being coy herself, her hand clearly stroking her boyfriends cock in his shorts. The white man with the large penis was looking over at them and Yuna saw Kim’s boyfriend deliberately catch the man’s eye before, without complaint from Kim, he undid the strings of her bikini, freeing her small breasts.

Lee giggled and said to her boyfriend, “oh what about Kim, would you want to see her in bed with me.”

Kim said, laughing, “Gross, you know I don’t like girls, but maybe if you just watch.”

Lee laughed back, spreading her legs slightly and deftly removing her bikini bottoms. Her pussy now visible through the water, and her boyfriend took the clear invitation to let his hand to teasing and slide down. Yuna watched, feeling her lust build, as she could see his hand, blurred by the rippling water, but clearly rubbing at her friends clit for a moment before going back to do lazy circles on her lower stomach.

“Ha,” Lee said, “as if I’d let my man loose with you without getting a piece myself.”

Both the girls laughed and even Moon joined in. So freely joking about sex with each other. What was happening

Moon was no longer being shy about the . . . Lap dance was the best word Yuna had. She was clearly grinding her ass into her boyfriends lap and clearly pinning his wrist.

Then, he clearly said, “Please Mistress, please let me touch you.”

Kim and Lee’s faces made huge O’s of surprise, quickly understanding what Yuna had guessed. Yuna’s own face went wide with surprise with normally shy Moon said with more confidence than Yuna imagined she had, “yes, slave.”

Moon didn’t slow her slow grind down in the slightest, but let his wrist go and he began to touch her breasts, though she still had her suit fully on.

The strangest part, though Yuna knew it wasn’t strange, his how just matter of fact it all was. They continued to tease each other. To talk like friends. To talk about plans for the night and which shows and events they wanted to see on the ship.

Yuna noticed the drinks were empty as she joked with her friends, Kim and Lee ganging up and saying she should go ask their host on a date. Yuna felt the compulsion kick in then, she had to get her friends refills.

“What would you like,” she asked and doing her best to remember the orders, walked topless around the pool to the bar. She had hoped that the embarrassment might die down, but with every set of eyes she saw dipping down to her breasts, including the man who didn’t hide rubbing his hard cock as he stared, she felt it growing. But she felt the thrill as well. An excitement that made her heart beat fast and a heat grow between her legs.

Henry was still in his chair, speaking two the two women that Yuna remembered from the first day. The ones she thought were wealthy sisters. They sat next to each other on the empty chair she had been in, talking animatedly, both nude other than their very expensive looking jewelry. She saw now that they had matching clitoris piercings.

They were saying something about introductions to their father Lord something or other. Henry’s eyes flicked up to hers and he gave her a slight bow of his head.

She passed and went to the bar, ordering her drinks from a topless bar tender and trying not to stare as people around the pool continued to become more sexual. Much more nudity than before, though everyone was, more or less, being discreet about the touching. Hiding it under the water line or blankets. They would bring the order to her friends, so she walked back and saw the two sisters were still with Henry, she felt jealousy. Had he fucked them both? Was he going to?

She would leave if he did, she decided. But . . . It was the same determination she had felt to not come to the pool. A false front. As she approached though the girls got up and were invited to join two attractive men, one white and one with darker skin that Yuna couldn’t place. Henry either didn’t notice or ignored Yuna, getting up and . . . and . . . Yuna tried not to stare, pulled off his swim trunks revealing a limp, but clearly heavily groomed cock.

She felt her mouth water, it was limp but large. Not like the man that clearly wanted to fuck Kim, but she thought it would grow to a size much larger than Yuna had seen in person. As she passed he lay onto his stomach where he could look out at the pool.

By the time she got back to her friends and sat in the cool water, things had escalated slightly. Lee’s boyfriend had both hands on her breasts, massaging them slowly and she had positioned an arm behind herself, in his lap, where she was clearly touching him. Kim and her boyfriend had lost their bottoms and she was stroking him. Yuna was impressed, Kim’s boyfriend was quite large. Even Moon was looking over at him with some hunger in her eyes.

Moon for her part was still in her suit, but her boyfriends hand was inside her suit now, the other still pinned, and it was clear to everyone that Moon was basically jacking him off with her ass.

Yuna sat and her friends were still joking. Lee was teasing Kim’s boyfriend, asking his favorite positions for when he double teamed Kim, he liked to fuck her apparently while watching her suck dick. As the waiter approached, at Kim’s prodding, Moon admitted that she had been dominating men in bed since she was a teen and was embarrassed because she felt a proper Korean woman should be so aggressive to which her boyfriend, sweetly said, “I’m so glad you are mistress.”

Yuna smiled, happy that Henry had been right. Her friends were having a good time and would probably remember this forever. They were growing close in a way, shedding their own embarrassments to be honest with people who didn’t judge, but loved them.

And then the drinks arrived. And Yuna gasped in shock as Henry’s command triggered and she could remember every interaction clearly.

Boarding the first day, being nude, being touched by him, not a day dream.

Him yelling for her, and the other wet-t-shirt girls to take their bikini tops off.

But then there was this morning. Him watching her as she masturbated like a whore on a web cam. Him telling her to not realize he was there. Watching her. Telling her to pinch her nipple. Telling her to spread herself open. Telling her to stick her finger in her ass.

She couldn’t breathe for a moment. The memories disorienting. Horrifying. Humiliating. But as she gasped the air in, some other things struck home.

He had never told her to be turned on by any of it, he hadn’t told her to fantasize about him, and he had not told her to masturbate the other times or taste her own ass. Those had come from her and her alone.

She looked up and saw him, lieing on his chair, April straddling his back nude, massaging him, the pierced woman sitting next to his chair. He was grinning at her. And she was furious and hornier than she had been in her entire life.
