The End of The World as We Know It [Freeuse] [Cuckold] [Mind Breaking] [Politics-Play] [Recording] [Nation-Domination]

**Note:** Up ahead is not a wholesome story. Read the tags, and if it’s your thing – please read on, and enjoy.


It had always only been a matter of time before we gave in to our basest impulses. Most of us don’t *really* care about much beyond “our” personal benefit – for our tribes, our communities, ourselves. We just pretend to, or force ourselves to, because at those points in time, cooperation and altruism was in everyone’s best interest. But what if it stops being that way?

Indeed, as the world continued to tend towards opposite ends of the political spectrums, a clash was bound to bound to happen – and of course the extremists won. Liberal, progressive ideals were soon forcibly substituted with practical, aggressive policies that worked their way into most nations using every trick in the book: fraud, demagoguery, or even outright violence and war. By the end of those decades, progressive liberalism had all but faded.

The city-state of Solandia held itself up to be an exception to this rule. While the rest of the world descended into autocracy and the pre-eminence of self, Solandia shone as a beacon of hope and progressive values. People from all over the world flocked to Solandia when they found that most people in their country had grown narrow-minded, selfish, and populist. As these trends spread explosively across the world, so did the population level of Solandia, and the level of diversity and progressiveness of the city-state.

Although Solandia was small, it was rich and far more technologically advanced than any other country in the world. Its government was ethnically well-represented across the board – with people of all skin colors and former citizenships – but also diversified in terms of gender. In fact, their Head of State, Tasha, was a gorgeous buxom blonde who behaved contrary to any blonde bimbo stereotype or conception one may have. This set the tone for the rest of the government, which was staffed with both attractive and well-endowed men and women. This was, of course, a result of their top tier genetic & physical modification program: everyone in Solandia was attractive by every possible standard – it was a matter of preference and not luck. The rest of the world may not have shared Solandia’s views, or may have even disliked them – but because of how much Solandia could offer them technologically and economically, they lived in peace together.

With everything going so well for Solandia, not even the most pessimistic Solandian would have been able to imagine how wrong things could get in a matter of a decade… not that they would be able to understand how wrong things were, by then.


Imagine Las Vegas – the quintessential sin city. Dial that up to a 100, and that would come close to describing the kind of city Solandia had become. Because the world could not, and wished not to destroy Solandia, they conspired together and settled for the next best thing: owning, dominating, and ravishing the country in every imaginable way.

People would travel from all around the world to satisfy any desire in Solandia: no matter how dark, how depraved, how taboo – if they had the money, they could do whatever they want to whomever they wanted. Nobody was off limits: except the foreign administrators and foreign guests, of course.

These foreign administrators prepared travel packages for tourists with all sorts of different tastes. For instance, one could choose to travel on the “Solandia Immersion Programme Package” to get a… special taste of Solandian life. You would pick a family (or more – all optional add-ons) to stay with for the duration of your visit, where they would cater to your every need and whim. You can even customise the families to your liking, sorting by skin color, political beliefs (though this was largely homogenous), and the number of different genders in the house. Of course, families with two moms and three daughters would cost substantially more than the default nuclear family: husband & wife, a son and a daughter.

Despite its steep price tag, this package was deeply popular with foreign tourists. Even the default package offered plenty to enjoy. Many tourists enjoyed seeing the men of the family fully dressed and locked up in chastity belts while the women of the family walked around with their bodies on full display. Even more tourists enjoyed exercising complete control over the family – who gets to orgasm, who doesn’t; who has to watch which of their loved ones get ravished by a stranger; who has to say what kinds of dirty things you want them to say.

After all, there’s nothing quite like the feeling you get from having a strong, muscular man watch you in silent agony while you slide your cock in and out of his beautiful busty wife’s mouth and fondle her breasts – all while the family sits around the dining table. Or the feeling you get from making *her* enthusiastically offer herself to you whenever she sees a bulge in your pants (“Sir – I see you that your cock is getting hard. Would you like to make use of my mouth, my tits, my pussy, or my ass? I’m here for your every need, Sir”). Or better still – the feeling of having the these big, formerly powerful men beg you to fuck their wives and daughters (or moms and sisters), just in the hopes of *maybe* getting permission to cum.

For those who had no desire to cuckold Solandians, there were other popular options too! The “Experience Solandian Power” package was also very popular, especially since the new Solandian Parliament was filled exclusively with attractive young women. It’s not difficult to see the appeal of an opportunity to sexually humiliate women in positions of power (or – in this case, were dressed up to have the appearance of such). Foreign package holders have found great pleasure in interrupting the womens’ fiery passionate speeches about gender equality by shoving their cocks down the speaker’s throat midway through her speech. Or in bending the Speaker of the House over her podium and taking her doggystyle midway someone else’s speech on Human Rights; or in just fondling and having your way with whatever politician caught your attention. And if you topped up just enough, you could even sit in on and participate in Tasha’s cabinet meetings, where her “fuck my face and make me know my place” videos were filmed.

And for others around the world who could not afford the wide variety of expensive packages available, they could experience Solandia vicariously too! Because every house and location in Solandia is permanently recorded by a multitude of cameras, foreigners who are unable to afford a package can instead live the package holder experience by watching it play out on camera. Some even preferred this, since they could see more than one household dominated at the same time. Additionally, the Solandian Social Harmony & Recording Act meant that Solandia now had the largest porn industry in the world, with more than enough attractive women to fill every kind of niche. Solandian women had to fulfil their Porn-Filming obligations at least once a week, in order to display their generosity and fulfil their moral obligations to the rest of the world. After all, with the sexiest women on the planet (think ScarJos, Margot Robbies, Camilla Cabellos – you name it) the Solandian Foreign Administrators had decided it would be a disservice to the world for them not to experience and marvel at the beauty and sexual prowess of Solandian women. So, once they came of age, it often took no more than a week before Solandian women would have their every hole filled (repeatedly). And even if the programme had a rough start, after a few years Solandian women didn’t just accept their roles: they relished in it.


By now, dear reader, you should know that this story is not a story for the faint hearted. It will be brutal, forlorn of hope, but (hopefully) incredibly arousing to read. Will you join me in witnessing (and getting off to) the end of the world as we know it?
