Down the hole and into my darkness.

Down the hole and into my darkness.

You walk in to the warehouse with the feeling that this can’t be right. You have an appointment, something you have dreamed about for a very long time. It’s taken a month to get to this point. So many questions and verifications that you’ve almost forgotten why you did this in the first place. You walk through the door and wonder if you have just become Alice!
  Falling down into the desire you have so been longing for. The warehouse looks normal enough,  a receptionist asks for your name. You have been instructed to use only your first name. Lisa. She presses a buzzer and two beautiful woman comes to either side of you. The receptionist says to please escort Miss Lisa to hanger five for her appointment. They escort you through a mase of corridors and hallways before you get to hanger 5 and enter through a very unassuming door. The room is large with seating on three sides but on the last side it has a table, a gymnast horse and shelves behind them. You are told to wait here and do not get out of your chair they sat you down in and do not look around. You are being watched every since the front door. Your handler will be with you shortly. If you break the rules, you will be escorted out and not have the opportunity to try again.
  One of the women hands you a bottle of water and said that you can have this before leaving you alone. You sit there fidgeting and sipping the water. But this has taken so long and cost so much you won’t mess it up now. In just a few minutes a tall man walks into the room and introduces himself as the handler that has been assigned to you. As you go to ask a question he stops you just shaking his finger at you back and forth to tell you that’s not acceptable. You stop knowing that you have been instructed not to speak unless you are spoken to and that you are in control of the handler.
   He pulls a small book from his pocket and reads a few pages tossing the book onto one of the seats. He finally speaks to you looking directly into your eyes. Miss Lisa? You answer, yes and nothing more. He offers you his hand to stand. And he removes the chair you were seated in. All he says is please remove your clothing. Goes behind you and started working something off of the shelf. You do as you are told. He comes back and looks warmly into your eyes as he attaches very thick leather straps onto your hands and feet.
  He reaches over you head and pulls down ropes that are hanging, you didn’t even notice them the excitement was so great inside you. He hooked your hands to one on each side of you, goes to the shelves and pulls down on the ropes lifting you to the point of just about to your tip toes. He moves the gym horse in front of you and you notice it has very little padding. As he attaches your feet to the splayed out bottom of one side of the horse. He goes back to the shelf and he asked (blindfold?) No! You answer. Gagged he asks,  yes is all you say. He smiles at you as he puts a thin rubber bit into your mouth and secures it behind your head. The terms you agreed apon stated that after this point nothing would be in your control. Without any other words he returned to the shelf and retrieves some chains. He is standing in front of you focusing his attention on your breasts as he attaches the clamps onto each of your nipples connected by the chain that is heavier than it looks. He lifts the chain in the middle and gives a little tug , to see if the are securely attached. You wince with the first pain. That makes him smile at you. 
  He again walked behind you returning with a equestrian crop. Looking you right in the eyes, he says. Down the rabbit hole. The first slap of the crop hits your left breast followed by the right. With the weight of the chain and clamps already biting in the sting seems all the more harder than it really was. He continues with five more on each breast and that with the horse between your legs, your ability to stay on your toes is faltering. You give in finally resting down only to have the horse pulled forward enough to leave you hanging between your hands and the horse. It’s much heavier than it looks as it is holding you on a slant.
   The crop comes down but this time directly on your clitoris. Not even as has as it did on your breasts but it makes you tense with the pain it has given you biting down hard onto the bit in your mouth. The pain starts the first of many osgasms off. You shutter through it never leaving eye contact. He smiles sly and continues with a second slap on your clit. Again you jump in exquisite pain and pleasure that shoots through you. Without waiting he brings the crop down again on your breasts, three each, harder than before. He pushes the horse back under you so that your now tender clit is rubbing against it. You shudder again having a  second orgasmic rush that takes your breath away. But he pulls it back out and again you are leaning away from the ropes that attach your hands up over your head. He bends down and unhooked your feet but you are still hanging. He pushes the horse out of the way and brings over the table. It sounds heavy and as he pushes it under you the lower half of your torsos is now resting on it. He again retrieves something from the shelf. Coming back with a small bar and belts. He pushed one of the belts through a hole in one end of the bar and bends your knee upper towards your chest. Placing the belt around your calf and thigh so that it stays bent. And proceeded to do the same with your other leg. He places a third belt around your neck but not before having it attached to the spreader bar between your legs keeping your knees high and pointed at your chest.
   He walked over to the door and opens it. A small crowd of about ten people walk in. All dressed smartly and take seats that face you. You feel vulnerable and exposed in your position. For the first time you close your eyes as a third orgasm hits and your body shivering as you ride it out before you open your eyes again. You have become the entertainment for this master of infliction. He holds up a thin rubber like piece of tubing. He asks you have you ever been sounded? Not that you can answer him, nor can you stop him if you wanted to. He takes some lubricant and runs it from the top to bottom of the tube but you notice it is not hollow its solid. He spends your vulva apart and pushing gently but firmly it slowly starts entering your urethra. Deeper it goes and you close your eyes again, this is a new sensation. Filling a place never before filled. Going all the way up into your bladder. The sensation is unlike anything you have ever felt. Another orgasm rocks through your body, the hardest one yet. It takes a full five minutes before your vision focuses and you see him lubricating what looks like a tuning fork. A very large tuning fork.
    He pushes some lubricant into the ring of your ass, not that you needed it, you’re soaking wet from the slaps of the crop. He lines up this device at both of your entrances and begins to push them inside of you causing a bunch of small orgasmic waves to run through you. He turns on a very small vibrator and touched it to the end of the fork.
   Shockwave crash through you, unbelievably deep. You have never felt so full, so euphoric. He grabbed the chain and tugged up pulling your nipples out hard. This only fuels the fire that is building inside of you. Now in a constant wave of orgasmic pressure he begins to pull the sounding instrument out and then back in. Your eyes are wide, you bite down hard on the bit in your mouth.  Your body goes into convulsions as the orgasm that you are riding is all consuming. Tears rolling from your eyes every muscle so tense that you don’t even know if you could straighten out if you wanted to.
   You feel like you are falling inwards to an unknown destination that you have reached for all your life but could not attain. Seconds later it becomes so intense that you have stopped breathing, holding your breath like you were under water and would die if you inhaled. At that moment he pulls everything out of you and you scream as the sensation overwhelms you. This orgasm sprays across the room with enough force that you soak the people ten feet away. You collapsed backwards, your goal reached. You can hear clapping from the people as you slip into unconsciousness. You awake in a luxurious bed with two women attending to your needs. Right besides you is the tall man, your handler. He’s holding your hand and asks you how you feel as he leans down to look deep into your eyes. All you can say is that was magical I thought I died.
