Is there interest out there in sexy stories that blend true past experiences, elements of current reality, fantasy, and fiction?

I ask because I’ve started a new account to explore a (modest) knack for erotic writing. One day I’ll share with my better half and want her guessing what’s what and who’s who.

Or is the preference from most that stories be exclusively true tales or fiction/fantasy?

Just curious.



  1. Oh definitely. Personally for me a story gets 10× hotter if its real and the person can verify people or events in the story via pictures.

  2. I believe the range goes from 100% factual all the way to 100% fantasy, though I’m not sure humans are capable of 100% factual, lol. My stories are based on real events, but I allow myself a certain amount of “literary license.” Sometimes a lot.

  3. I think an amazing story is an amazing story…regardless of its basis in fact. I’ve read dozens of stories here and the responses are usually “God I hope that was a true story!” to “this happen to you?” to “I hope there’s more to the story!”

    I’ve never seen an OP say “no, made it up” and then the questioner says “oh, hate the story if it’s not true”.


  4. The *true* stuff definitely trumps [oops] the fake stuff. And you can tell the fake stuff pretty easily. (If the story is chocked full of words like *cunt* or *cock* it’s prolly fake. I mean, ask yourself, who IRL says that over *pussy* or *dick* regularly?) Or if the *bull* is some sort of sexual Superman or the woman is so turned on by him that they do it ten times in one night, then start again the next morning? I’m sure there are people like that *somewhere*, but…come on.

  5. I write 100% fiction, but I aim for verisimilitude. I want my story to “feel” believable, even the ones that take place in a literal fantasy universe.

    That said, the best way to make something feel believable is to “write what you know,” so I tend to throw a lot of pussy eating into my stories.

    In any case, just write what you feel like writing. The more interested you are in telling the story, the better the story will be. Even if the end result isn’t to the crowd’s taste, a good story transcends preferences.

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