24 hours Part 1 (MF)(BDSM)

“Show me.” Those two words were the catalyst that began this whirlwind of a relationship and landed us here. I messaged you out of the blue because I found you interesting and wanted to chat you up. You made it abundantly clear that you weren’t looking for anything because you were married. I was perfectly fine with that since I was married as well. Conversation was easy going, light hearted, and not sexual in nature. Just two people with plenty of downtime and the need to conversate.

It was late one evening and we were both winding down from our respective days. Conversation gradually involved into intimate details being shared between us, our own dirty little secret to one another. You mentioned how sexually frustrated you were and that’s when it came crashing down. Whether out of reflex, habit, or because I was in a teasing mood, I sent two words: show me. And then something…clicked. A switch was flipped. Next thing I know, I receive a picture message from you: you are lying on your bed, legs spread and showing off your sexually frustrated and aroused pussy. I blinked hard wondering what just happened, my cellphone held in my hand with the image of you seared into my retinas. “I…I don’t know why I sent that,” was the next text that flashed on my screen. Minutes went by with nothing sent between the two of us as the shock of what happened continued to be processed by our lizard brains.

“Are you okay?” I asked, wondering if I had gone too far and that the next thing I would see is that I was blocked.

Another surprise in the span of mere minutes hit me between the eyes as you replied, “Yes, Sir.”

From that point forward, things accelerated and almost went off the rails. We groped blindly into the darkness of our new dynamic with one another; the mechanics and how things were to work an alien experience for the both of us. We stumbled as the adage of attempting an online D/s relationship was twice as difficult proved to be true. But through honest and clear communication, patience, and perseverance, it is what brought us together that day.

I waited in the hotel suite, the seconds ticking by loudly from the ornate clock against the far wall. Tick. Tick. Tick. The suite was immaculate, done in a modernistic design, all crisp angles and corners. The color palette suited my tastes as my dark suit and crimson red tie matched with the décor of dark steel and polished redwood. The dull hum of the air conditioning kicked on and I shifted myself more comfortably in the wide backed leather chair. The tumbler of bourbon dangled from my fingertips as I glared at the dark front doors, staring at it as if I had x-ray vision to see when you would arrive.

BEEEP! CLICK. One side of the heavy wooden doors swiveled inwards and there you were, framed in the hallway lighting against the doorway. The massive doors made you seem even smaller than you are, especially when your posture was that of a nervous child on their first day at a new school. Rising, I swallowed the last of my drink and set it on the end table, striding towards you as I drank in everything about you. Pictures and videos paled in comparison to your beauty in person. Your emerald cat shaped eyes were and are always the first feature that I get drawn into and they are also the reasoning for your namesake: kitten. Your makeup emphasized and made your eyes bolder so that there was no way not to get caught in their grasp. Your shoulder length blonde hair was damp from the rain but that didn’t detract from the way it framed your kind and soft features. Your shy smile peeked out at me and I couldn’t help but smile in return as I stopped and stood in the foyer. “Can I come in, Sir?” you inquired, still standing in the hotel hallway, rain dripping onto the garish carpet.

My smile faded a bit at the request though I was chuckling inside. You always seemed to start any interaction we had by getting into trouble. It almost made me think that you were doing it on purpose just to be punished. Before anything could escape my lips, your eyes grew wide with fear as you realized your mistake. “Sir! I’m sorry, Sir! I forgot and didn’t say may I! I’m so, so sorry, Sir! I didn’t mean to!” came your panicked voice as tears began to well up within your eyes.

“Kitten,” I admonished after raising a hand, palm out, towards you to cut your frantic cries off.

Your name escaping from my lips pulled you up short, quicker than any text that I had ever sent. Crimson notes creeped up to your cheeks as the heat of embarrassment crept upwards. “Yes Sir. Sorry Sir,” was your quiet response, your head lowered in disappointment. I knew how hard you were on yourself and that it was something that we were working on. It did make me smile because the reasoning WHY you were so hard on yourself was because you wanted to do everything that you could to please me and that you hated disappointing me in any way, shape, or form.

Lowering my arm, I shrugged slightly in my suit jacket to settle it over my frame again before commanding, “Come here, kitten.” The sharp command made you flinch before you hurriedly shuffled across the foyer floor. You came to a stop an arm’s length away from me and kept your head down, trembling beneath my curious gaze. You trembled, and I wasn’t sure if it was because of the cold rain that slithered down the back of your neck or because of the moment: our first-time meeting. I stood there watching you for what seemed like forever, before clasping my hands behind my back and slowly began circling you. My footsteps fell heavily on the tiled floor, echoing throughout the suite. My eyes roamed over you, taking in every detail that I could now that I had you in the flesh. Obediently, you kept your gaze down towards the floor as I inspected you like a unique and abstract specimen.

Finally, I stopped before you and reached forward, lifting your chin so that you could meet my gaze. I stared into your liquid green eyes, getting lost in them again, until I leaned forward and murmured into your ear, “Strip.” You could hear the devilish smile in the tone of my voice and that devil’s smile was on my lips as I straightened. Again, I clasped my hands behind my back, the stark image of an authoritarian waiting on his instructions to be followed. Your pale skin flushed again, heat flashing through your body like a lightning strike. “Yes Sir,” was your meek reply as you reached up and began to unfasten your jacket. One by one, the buttons of the raincoat were undone, and the heavy fabric crumpled to the floor in a wet thud.

I tried to keep the smile from my face, but I know I wasn’t successful when I saw the collar I had chosen for you and had delivered to your room. It wasn’t anything gaudy but not plain either; a stylized metal ring in the shape of a cat’s head centered on your throat while black leather encircled it. Blood red lace dribbled over the edges of the collar, adding contrast against the stark whiteness of your skin and the ebon darkness of the black leather. Dangling from the cat’s head, a sturdy gleaming chain rested over the soft line of your shoulder, terminating in a leather lead handle.

Moving downwards, the curves of your body were encased in a short, slinky black lace cocktail dress, every curve on delicious display. The delicate black lace on the shoulders framed your neck like a piece of art as it plunged down into a narrow V, baring a long swathe of vulnerable flesh. As the lace ran down your arms the pattern was almost hypnotic. The flowers seemed to twist and turn as it flowed down your body, caressing your breasts before continuing down over your hips and stopping, just low enough to keep things a mystery, but high enough to keep my curiosity. Crimson satin winked at me from underneath the delicate lace enticing me to find out what was underneath. Your legs were bare and unadorned while a simple pair of black stiletto heels rounded out your appearance.

Unclasping my hands, I reached forward and took possession of the lead, the chain slipping down your skin like the rain sliding down outside on the windows. I held it loosely in my hand, allowing you the freedom needed to peel yourself out of the skin-tight dress. “Slower,” I rumbled out as you attempted to remove the clinging fabric from yourself as quick as possible. You paused briefly and then began to roll what remained of the dress down over your hips until it gathered on the floor with the raincoat. “Turn,” I commanded, your body on display with only the tiniest of red satin covering your sex, molding itself to your mound and showing the tell-tale signs of dampness spreading over the fabric.

“Yes Sir,” was your response, a mixture of shyness, embarrassment, and a hint of huskiness as you rotated to bare your backside to me. You were aware of my fondness of your ass and you made sure that I didn’t miss the show that you put on. Hooking your thumbs into the slim waistband, you bent at the waist, the dampened cloth sliding from between the firm globes of your ass to join the other discarded remnants of clothing on the floor. You took your time returning to a standing position, arching your back and pushing your heart shaped ass in my direction for me to enjoy…and enjoy I did…

I weighed the lead in my hand, the section of leather weighing nothing but mere ounces before clenching my fist tightly around it and yanking downwards. “Wait!” I snapped, giving the command for you to kneel and wait for whatever I had planned for you. For months before we were destined to meet, I had you practice various submissive positions, always having you documenting and sending me your progress in front of your mirror. This was a test to see just how well you had managed to master those positions. You were caught slightly off guard, but you recovered your balance well enough as you quickly sank into a kneeling position with your knees wide, back ramrod straight, head upright, and your perky breasts thrust forward as if for inspection. I paused to admire the speed at which you had assumed the kneeling position and without any signs of discomfort or distress. I nodded in satisfaction before the real production began.

Securing the lead around a nearby coat hook, I slowly walked away from your kneeling form while removing my suit jacket. I folded it carefully over the back of a nearby ladder back dining chair before taking its twin and moving it towards the large foyer area where you were waiting patiently. The chair settled with a thud of wood on tile, spotlighted from the light of the chandelier overhead. With deliberate, almost exaggerated motions, I unbuttoned the cuffs of my dress shirt and slowly began rolling them neatly upwards. Again, the seconds were counted off by the wall clock, tick, tick, tick, each second seemingly an eternity as you knelt on the hard tile. I glanced in your direction and saw the look of concentration on your face, not wanting to shift or adjust because of the discomfort you were experiencing, and it made me proud. Proud of the effort that you had shown me from the very beginning of our journey together as Dominant and submissive. It was a wonder that I had ever doubted your dedication in the slightest.

After adjusting the dining chair table once more, moving it a slight inch to prolong the experience, I moved back to you and removed the lead from the coat hook. I tugged on the chain while beckoning, “Come,” and you unfolded yourself and stood, following obediently. I settled my bulk onto the chair and again made a showing of straightening my tie and adjusting the folded cuffs and lines of my pants. I looked to you and smiled like a cat toying with his food as I patted my lap and remarked, “It is time for your punishment, kitten. Take your position.”

Slowly, you lowered yourself onto my lap, gently draping your petite form and offering your inviting ass to me. I took care and adjusted you more comfortably, ensuring that I had enough distance for maximum effect. Your milky smooth skin raised in goosebumps in response to my callused palm stroking slowly over the gentle arc of your backside. I gripped and kneaded each side firmly, enjoying the firm but supple play beneath my fingers and filling my palms. A low moan slipped from your lips and I couldn’t but help to smile, the first contact of skin against skin that we have ached for. SMACK! The first stinging swat against your bare skin cracked through the air of the hotel suite, the heated handprint quickly cooled by the circulating air conditioning. Your body flinched after the quick contact, tensing and contracting your muscles before quickly relaxing. SLAP! Another handprint appears but on the other cheek, the skin turning pink against your snow-white paleness. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! came the successive strikes to your ass, each one drawing a sound of pain and discomfort from your soft lips.

“You are making a bad habit of getting into trouble first thing whenever we get together, kitten,” I murmured, leaning forward and brushing my lips against your ear. I could feel the heat radiating from your skin, running my fingertips lightly over your reddening ass. “You know to ask may I whenever you have a request,” I admonish in a light disapproving tone. “Y-yes, Sir,” you stammered out before letting out a cry of pain as my hand made solid contact again. I continued with the disciplined spanking, rarely stopping to give you respite, until your ass was a brilliant shade of scarlet. Over and over, my fingertips danced along your soft skin, reading the sensations as if I were a blind man reading from a book. Trailing down between the divide of your ass, my fingers dipped down, gliding over your slick outer lips. Your body’s response caused another Cheshire smile to creep over my features, fingers gliding and spreading your folds open and coating the lengths of my fingers.

Your soft pink lips parted and tiny mewls of pleasure slid out as I continued to toy with you; coaxing more and more until a pantleg became soaked with your arousal. While one hand played between your thighs, the other gently began to stroke through your hair, curling it back behind an ear so that I could gaze at your perfectness. I finally had you…in my lap…in my arms…my kitten…my submissive. Your eyes closed as you began to grind yourself against my thigh, using the soft material to rub against your clit while rocking back trying to get my fingers to slide into you. The wet slick sounds of my fingers mingled with your whimpers as I kept teasing you, only allowing the slightest digital penetration each time you pushed back. “Sir…please…” you begged, whimpering as I teased you mercilessly.

“Please what, kitten?” I chuckled back at you, watching the sheer wantonness of you trying to grind yourself harder and harder to reach climax. “Please…please may I…may I cum, Sir…” you gasped out, your fingers digging into my pant leg as your breathing became more ragged. Having watched you enough times during your private shows to me unbeknownst by your husband, I knew you were almost there, almost over the edge. I brushed your hair away from your face once more, exposing the raw look of wanting to cum on your innocent features. SCRAPE! SCRAPE! Your insistent and wild bucking caused the chair and ourselves to slide over the floor the words, “Fuck…unh…fuck…” escaped your lips and caused me to harden and thicken beneath you. We had attempted to work on orgasm control with you throughout the months apart and it proved to be difficult through text and calls seeing as how time and circumstances didn’t always allow privacy. I grabbed a fistful of your hair and wrenched your head to meet my gaze, growling and commanding you through gritted teeth, “Cum.”

The floodgates opened, literally, when you came all over my lap. The built-up tension and pressure were audible even over your high-pitched squeal of, “FUCK!” Your pussy juices soaked the entire length of my pant and lap. I held onto your shuddering body while your orgasm rippled through you, fist tight in your hair and watching your eyes blank from the surge of endorphins rushing through you. With a final shudder, you slumped in my lap, chest heaving from the exertion that you put yourself through. My lap became uncomfortable since my cock was attempting to tear its way through the front of my dress pants and it uncomfortably jammed into your stomach. I gathered your limp form in my arms, lifting you bodily and settling you to be seated on the breakfast counter of the kitchen. The cold countertop against your burning and bruised ass surprised you and made your body jump and twitch but I made sure to hold on so that you wouldn’t fall to the hard tile floor.

“Steady there, kitten,” I remarked, running my callused hands up and down your sides, feeling the baby soft skin beneath my roughened palms. A shiver crawls up your spine, chilling you and causing goosebumps to spring to the surface. Your emerald eyes stared into the dark brown of mine, searching…hungry…wanting…My left hand gripped the chain of the leash and jerked it forward, pulling your lips to mine, pressing and searching with my tongue to taste you. A rumble grew from deep inside of my chest, mingling with the low moan that emanated from yours. Your slim hands reached up and twined in my hair, clasping and unclasping, pulling me deeper into the kiss. My hands tightened and released on your thighs before sliding along their length and cupping your welted ass. You lower lip became trapped between mine as I slowly backed away, teeth trailing over the soft plumpness and staring at your nude form on display for me.

Pulling with both hands drew another startled sound, the sudden movement causing you to slide along the counter top and making you lean backwards on your elbows. My arms hooked under and went over your hips, spreading your legs wide while I settled comfortably between your thighs. You gazed down the length of your body, eyes hooded before closing slowly in enjoyment when you felt the first swipe of my tongue along your folds. Slowly, my tongue delved in and around, flattened, lapped at you like a man dying of thirst. I drank deeply from you, drawing your lower half to me as I got lost within you. You kept yourself propped with one arm, reaching down with the other to grip my hair again, ensuring that I had nowhere to go but down. Your hips bucked upwards in short thrusts, grinding your clit and mashing my tongue down onto it, syncing in time with each rolling hip movement. Freeing an arm, two of my fingers began to explore and delve at your opening, and then gliding inside you.

Velvet warmth encircled my fingers as they slipped inside of you, curling slightly and applying consistent upwards pressure. My lips closed around your swollen clit, sucking lightly on it, fingers pistoning, rubbing, and curling in a come-hither gesture repeatedly. “Hnnng…fuck…fuck…ah…fuck…” are the words that drifted down to me and I stared upwards at you, taking in the erotic sight of you laid out and being serviced by my tongue and fingers. “Fuck…Sir…Sir…may I…” you asked, still having your wits about you to request to cum before you did. I grinned, my face slickened by your desire, and I nodded and granted you permission. “Cum” was the command again and liquid fire engulfed you once more. Your breathing became ragged as your body began to tremble, your face flushing red when pleasure swept through you. “Oh fuck…unh…fuck…oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” you cried out until your breath caught and the spray that streamed forth pushed my fingers out of you, splashing against my upturned face. Your back bowed, your legs tensed, knees drew upwards, and your hips bucked into my tongue when your feet pushed against the countertop. I gathered all I could, licking my lips hungrily, but I wasn’t finished with you quite yet. One of my favorite things about you was how multi orgasmic you were and the amount of times you could find release with no down time. Again, my fingers plunged inside of you, finding that sensitive area and slapping the palm of my hand against your pubic bone to replace my lapping tongue. Once again, my efforts were rewarded by another gush of heated liquid hitting my palm and running down the sides, a growing puddle pooling around your ass and on the countertop.

“Huh…huh…fuck…oh god…fuck…,” you gasped out, settling into a sweaty, slickened heap on the kitchen counter, fingers sliding from my hair while you attempted to catch your breath. Slowly, I straightened, bringing my fingers coated with your sweet honey to my lips and sucked them clean in front of you. I watched your chest heave as you tried to calm your jackhammering pulse, your heart feeling like it was going to leap out of your throat. Your eyes closed, and you can track my movement by the sound of the rustling of my clothing. You heard the metallic buckle sound of my belt being removed and a tiny smile crept on your lips as you imagined what was about to come: the first time we were able to be together and the feeling of my throbbing thickness filling your aching and wanting pussy. CRACK! The whip crack of something breaking the silence of the room caused your eyes to snap open and your head to lift, the sight of what to come causing an edge of fear to creep into your bones while your pussy began to become even wetter with anticipation.

Part 2 coming soon! Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/jkqf7t/24_hours_part_1_mfbdsm