Office Hours (FM)

First time posting anything like this. Adapted from a friend’s story with permission. Feedback appreciated.

Last class of the day done, now to do my office hours and get home. I step into my office and hang my coat and bag on the back of my door, thinking how I should probably decorate the small vertical window my jacket covers like some of the other professors do. I’ve been teaching here for two months and haven’t done much to personalize my tiny office. It’s not much, definitely better than the cubicles they put other adjuncts in, but between the desk in the corner facing the wall, and the single chair for visitors against the wall by the door, there’s not much difference in size, just privacy. I’m exhausted as I sit at my desk, kicking off my heels and relish in the few moments to myself as I listlessly reply to a handful of emails from some colleagues and students. I love teaching and am excited to be doing something I love, but some days they take everything out of you. Only so many times you can answer the same questions on the same subject in one day. And sometimes it’s because of that one know-all-student.

I’m jolted to focus by a knock at my door.

I spin around in my chair to see who it is and must suppress a groan. Him. That one know-it-all student. Older than my other students in his mid-twenties, right out of the Marines. Arrogant, assertive, abrasively smart. He dominates the class with his commanding personality and intelligence. I’m sure it was excellent in the military, but frustrating for me as his very presence feels overwhelming to me and my attempts to command respect and authority over a room of freshly minted “adults” as a small young female professor. What did he want? In the two months of this semester he’s never come to my office hours. I only had to deal with him for one hour a morning, twice a week. It wouldn’t be so bad if he wasn’t my best student.

“Can I come in?” He asked as he casually leaned against the door frame surveying me intently with his amber and green eyes. He always moved and held himself in a way that seemed so purposefully, almost formally, yet graceful and easily. Despite my annoyance with him, I can’t help but be aware of his physical attractiveness. His unbuttoned Henley shirt and blue jeans fit well to his athletically muscular body and go well with his tousled short brown hair and beard stubble. Almost an intentionally casual look. Before I can fully answer he steps in and slides into the chair across from me. In the small space of the office I get a whiff of his scent and I feel an involuntary flutter in my abdomen. In the space of the office he’s literally only a few feet from me. I push that out of my head.

“What can I do for you today?” I say in my best professional tone as I straightened up in my seat, squaring my shoulders to his. If nothing else, I could establish control of the situation, be assertive and establish authority. Just don’t think about how handsome he is. Or how good he smells. Or how when he shifts just right, I can see the dark lines of the top of some tattoo on his chest through the slit of his Henley…

I feel that flutter again and I miss what he says. “Sorry.” I say snapping back.

He gives me an annoyingly sexy lopsided grin and repeats his question about the Punic Wars. As we start to talk the conversation takes on a life of its own, and my annoyance dissipates. He’s not only smart, but funny and personable. I can’t help but notice how pleasant it is to talk to him one on one versus in a classroom. I relax and find myself enjoying his company and his stories. It almost seems that he has a funny or interesting story from his time in the service. I can’t help but notice what an amazing storyteller he is. I’m actually disappointed when I notice the time and realize that office hours are over.

“I guess it’s time to go…” I say with disappointment and reluctantly stand to gather my bag and coat.

“Oh. I’ll walk you out.” He stands as I reach past him for my possessions hanging from the door. We’re so close, and as he slips on his brown leather jacket, I can’t help but see that tattoo on his chest as his shirt shifts and I feel a warmth gathering in my groin. I’m staring and I feel my face flush as I grab my jacket and have to turn away to put it on to hide my embarrassment. If he saw he gives no indication as he escorts me out of my office and down to the parking lot. We continue talking and I can’t help but steal glances at him, the heat between my legs growing. When we reach the curb, I don’t want to part.

“This is me over here.” I say, hoping that he’s going the same way.

“Too bad, I’m that way.” He gestures in the opposite direction, eyes locked to mine before letting them wonder my body. I become suddenly aware of how formfitting my dress is, showing off my lean runners’ body. I can tell he’s undressing me with his gaze, and I feel my panties growing damp as I struggle to maintain composure as my clit begins to throb.

“I, uh, I forgot something in my office.” I gesture back to the building.

“I’ll come with you.” His eyes locked intently on mine.

I nod and we head back in, my heart pounding in my ears. Am I really doing this?

We step back into my office and I close the door and return my coat and bag to their hook over the window. I take an extra second to ensure that they cover the window completely. I’m again aware of how small the office is, how charged it is, like a lightning storm. There’s still time to stop this, but I can’t turn around and look him in the eye. I feel him step close behind me. I feel his breath slightly on the back of my neck and I feel like I’m on fire as I feel myself grow wetter. I lock the door.

I turn around and he’s inches from me. We slowly come together until his mouth is on mine, gently at firstand then we both inhale and suddenly we are pressed against each other and I am fully in his arms. I let out a soft moan as I press against his firm body and feel the growing bulge in his pants. I’ve been trying so hard to think of him as a student, but as I feel that bulge against me, I know he’s a man. And I need him inside of me. Immediately.

In a rush of movement, he sweeps me to the desk. where I sit as he pushes my dress up and spreads my legs, sliding between them while he stands pressed up against me. We grind up against each other as we continue to kiss, my panties soaked with anticipation. Together we unbuckle his belt and undo his jeans, exposing his thick throbbing cock, just inches away from me. He pulls down my lacy thong, exposing my wet and aching pussy.

I edge my ass to the edge of the desk bringing my pussy right to the tip of his cock with my legs spread, anticipating having him inside of me. To my surprise, he kneels down. I watch him as he kisses his way up my inner thighs. I feel surges of electricity with every kiss, firing up my thighs to my groin filling me with anticipation of those soft lips making their way my pussy.

He finally makes his way to his destination and lifts my bottom and starts to eat my pussy, ravenous and animalistic. He moves his tongue back and forth over my clit while he fingers me- his thick fingers moving urgently and dripping with my juices. I love to watch him work, this sexy man between my legs getting me off, but I have to put my head back and concentrate so I don’t scream. After all, there are still teachers and students all around and we don’t want to give ourselves away. He is unrelenting and soon I feel my orgasm building and I feel my clit swell against his tongue. I’m grinding into his face, bucking my hips until finally I cum hard, my pussy contracting against his fingers and mouth. I have to bite my lip to suppress a scream. Clearly, he’s really put in the work to hone this skill set.

I’m still coming when I feel the heat of his body as he stands up. My turn I think, preparing to drop to my knees and take him into my mouth to return the favor, but my brief thought is interrupted as the pushes himself into me. I stifle a moan as he presses the tip of his rock-hard cock against my dripping wet opening and pushes in with a single powerful thrust, filling me entirely. I can still feel the contractions of my orgasm as we take a moment to enjoy how perfectly we fit together. I press my mouth against his as he thrusts into me- he tastes like my cum, and it turns me on. I have to spread my legs to their limit in order to accommodate his body and I hold tight to his firm ass, pushing him even more deeply inside of me. He fucked like an animal and yet he was so in tune with my body, knowing exactly how fast, how deep and what angle was getting the best result.

I felt my orgasm building again as he drove his thick cock in and out of me, fast and hard. I begin to feel the waves pulsing through my body, causing spasms of pleasure as I tensed and released rhythmically. As if he was reading my reaction, he pushed deep, grinding his pelvis against my clit in tandem to my spams. I felt it bursting up from within me, causing involuntary gasps as the crashing waves became more intense. Then I felt his cock throb and pulse inside me and a surge of pressure and heat as he came. It was enough to send me over the edge as I cum again. Surprising me again, he keeps going, pushing deep into me, still hard. I keep cumming as I thrash my arms against his back, overwhelmed by the intensity of it, doing everything I can to not scream. My reaction spurs him on as he continues his deep firm thrusts, keeping it going.

“I can’t stop cumming!” I finally manage to gasp out, suprising myself that I didn’t scream it before burying my face into his shoulder. I can’t tell his reaction, but he maintains his exact pace and movement to keep me in an ongoing orgasm. Eventually it starts to become too much, and I start bucking to try to escape the intensity, but he holds me tight, forcing me to keep enduring it as it crashes over me again and again.

I start to whimper, almost in pain and he finally relents, pulling out of me as his cum mixed with mine spill out of me and drip warm down my thighs. We both gasp for breath looking at each other, the waves of my orgasm slowly subside. He’s going to need to come back to office hours more often.
