[MF][Pandemic][Cheating] No Borders

Aleena sat in the break room, focused on her cell phone.I knew she was texting Hassan. They’d been a couple for years, but thanks to the current pandemic, she hadn’t seen him in two months.

That was a surprise to me. Aleena seemed to be an intimate woman. She was a close, passionate friend, so I could only imagine how close she’d be in a romantic relationship. I didn’t know why she stuck with a man who lived in another country. Before the borders closed, she would travel to Germany on her days off to see him.

Now, she was stuck on England’s shores. The government had shut down most of the businesses, but bankers were essential. Each day, she would come into work, smiling behind her mask, and put in her best effort. Each break, she and Hassan would text. And each break, I would try to talk to her.

I sat beside her. I admired her wavy hair and inviting features.

“How is the ‘settled down’ life treating you?” I joked.

Her cheeks raised, indicating a genuine smile. “About the same as the wild partying life, but with less headaches.”

“Your parents must be so pleased that you’re finally under control. You’re too elegant to be spending all your life in airports and economy class.”

She sighed, “Then I will break their hearts the day the travel ban is lifted.”

“Are you going to go to Germany again?”

“I want to get a job there!” She exclaimed with a mix of pride and frustration. “Either I go to Germany or Hassan comes here. No matter which country we end up in, we will start our lives together.”

I glanced at her hands. They were soft and elegant. Her nails were neatly trimmed.

She noticed. “What are you looking at?”

“Your hands look so empty, even with a phone filling them.”

“I’ve been doing less hand-holding than I would like…”

“And if your hands are lonely, the rest of you must be as well.”

“Must it be?” She raised an eyebrow.

“There are some things that all the texting in the world cannot replace.”

“I don’t think I know what you mean,” Aleena stated, enunciating every syllable. God, her accent was perfect.

I looked away. “The best curry restaurant in Europe is across the street from my flat. It’s the kind of thing you can never truly enjoy alone.”

She nodded. “Ah, so you live on 15th Street?”


“I’ve been there once, I think. You’re absolutely right.” She looked at me with a serious expression. “Say, it looks like you have a bit of something on your mask.”

I pulled a tiny bit of fluff off of my mask and dropped it on the floor. “Thank you.”

She brushed the shoulder of my coat. “Why is it that guys of your type always need help with that?”

We had been talking for months, but this was the first time she had touched me. Something stirred in my heart. I would have to choose my next words very carefully.

“Because we become too distracted by our dreams of the future. Providing a life for a beautiful wife.”

“I see. And is this practice for providing a life for a husband?”

“I hope not. You are too beautiful to be cleaning all day. You should be the type of woman who sits on the balcony drinking falooda and watching a sunset.”

“It’s too cold for falooda.”

“Maybe just a cup of tea then. My treat.”

“I would like that. A chai tea with a friend is always comforting.” She removed her mask, revealing her beautiful, soft lips. “What is your address?”

“I’ll walk you over after work. It’s easier. I don’t have any roommates, so there is nobody to ask.” I removed my own.

She kissed me on the cheek. It was for less than a half second, but it made me blush for the entire rest of my work day. I hoped it had subsided once the day was over.

She waited at the door. Her hands were placed neatly on her purse. She looked at me with those elegant eyes.

Aleena looked like a movie star. Seeing her step across the threshold to my apartment was like watching the start of a movie. I controlled my most ravenous thoughts by making her a cup of tea.

She took a couple polite sips, but put it to the side. Her gorgeous brown eyes focused on me. I stared back at her, admiring her perky breasts, trim waist, and athletic build. What I wouldn’t give to feel them.

“Nobody needs to know about this.” Her breath felt warm on my chest.

She locked lips with me. Her kiss was so bold. I opened my mouth, letting her yearning tounge taste mine. Our bodies rubbed against each other. Feeling those breasts against my chest made me instantly randy.

She noticed my growing arousal. Grabbing my waist, she teased it with her hips. I stumbled to the couch.

“No, we need to stand,” she whispered. “It’s better that way.”

I lifted her skirt and she undid the buttons of my pants. Already, a wetness glistened on her thighs. I looked nothing like her tall, muscular boyfriend. If she was attracted to me, it couldn’t just be because of my looks.

Pulling her close, I caught the scent of shampoo and nervous sweat. Our instincts took over. She pushed herself onto me. She felt warm and tight and wonderful.

It was quick. Neither of us spoke. We knew we had a goal and we knew what that goal was. I held on to her beautiful breasts, pushing her against the wall.

She orgasmed first, in a shuddering, moaning mess. She must have been saving herself for Hassan. I got it instead. So good.

I pulled out. My warm cum splashed on her hips, her legs, and my floor. Not a moment too soon.

We stared at each other. Her eyes were slightly glazed over with post-orgasmic bliss. I touched her cheek, and she smiled. Nobody would know about this. Especially not him.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/jjqp2r/mfpandemiccheating_no_borders