Glory hole with a twist – Tyler’s secret

Note: M/F, this story contains sph and ballbusting.

Tyler was a jock. Over 6’ tall, a handsome face and the perfect body from hours at the gym, in his tight gym shorts, lifting weights. His shorts showed off a decent package, when he was working out but that was all thanks to his huge, low hanging balls and sometimes even a bit of extra stuffing when he was feeling self conscious. This was because Tyler had a secret he was terrified people would find out; he had a 4 inch dick.

Until now his sex life had been a string of one night stands, even if they were understanding at the time Tyler never bothered contacting them the next morning. Knowing their newfound knowledge of his little member was too much embarrassment for the gym stud. The lack of regular sex was starting to frustrate Tyler, he needed a release, after all he did have some of the largest balls he’d ever seen. Every time Tyler got horny he was sorely tempted to visit the nearby ‘Happy House’, but he always resisted.

The ‘Happy House’ was set up by the students in the city, a way for them to earn some extra money by offering glory holes for paying customers. The secrecy meant that it didn’t impact the student’s future employment prospects and was perfect for Tyler so no one would learn it was his tiny dick they were sucking. Swallowing his pride and accepting it was the best way to get some action Tyler decided to pay a visit after his Thursday night gym session.

The receptionist was very surprised to see such an attractive, muscular jock visit the Happy House. She was a petite brunette who would happily have taken Tyler home for free right then but, unfortunately, she knew she would lose her job for that. As with most customers they wanted to get checked in ASAP to move away from the reception without anyone seeing they had visited the House. There was a fairly simple form they had to fill out, stating they had been STI tested and they agreed to the terms and conditions. None of the horny guys ever read the terms and conditions, but Tyler really should have because right at the bottom in tiny text it read “by putting a dick less than 5 inches into the glory hole you are consenting to any ballbusting our staff deem appropriate”

Tyler stripped off the second he got into the booth, his cock was hard in seconds. He knew he had to wait til the green light turned on before putting his junk through the glory hole and while he waited he began to jerk his short, thick cock. Finally the light was green, approaching the wall he thrust his whole manhood through the hole. Having never visited the Happy House before he had no idea anything was out of the ordinary, on the other side of the wall however Amy was trying to contain her giggles. She knew this was her lucky day, all the girls prayed for a small dick to appear from an unsuspecting stud and they would get to ruin their balls instead of empty them. And there they were, a huge set of the heaviest balls she’d ever seen and proudly sticking out on top of them a 4” cock.

Amy didn’t even need to measure it, she could tell it fitted the criteria for her to do whatever she wanted…she just had to make sure he didn’t pull his junk back out before she’d had her fun. Using the lever on the wall she reduced the size of the glory hole far more than she would have if she’d been aiming to provide pleasure. Pulling his balls out now would take some serious yanking from Tyler and once Amy had caused them to swell a bit they’d be trapped in properly. For a split second she considered how she should approach the balls, was it worth building them up…nah. She’d had a long week and it was time to release some stress, pulling her first back she started Tyler’s torment with a powerful punch straight to the low hanging balls.

“AUGHHHH” on the other side of the wall Tyler cried out, expecting a soft mouth to envelop his cock he’d instead had the wind knocked out of him by the punch. Instinctively he jerked his hips back, which only added to the pain and shrunk the amount of cock that was showing the other side of the wall. This only spurred Amy on, seeing his balls pushed into less of his sack and his dick reduce to a 2” bellend encouraged her to land another killer punch. Tyler’s whole world was spinning as he struggled to stand, his balls swelling rapidly. Amy thought the rule of three normally worked well, so using all of her might she swung her fist another time into the fat red balls trapping them between the wall and her knuckles. Despite the well sound-proofed walls she heard a whimper as she dealt his cruel punishment.

While Tyler’s nuts swelled Amy ran to fetch her friend Sophie who she knew would love to see the tiny dick.
“Oh my god that is hilarious” Tyler’s dick, now soft from the pain was laying on top of his huge shiny red balls, a little maggot. Instinctively Sophie reached out and grabbed the balls “they need two hands just to hold” she said in awe.
“Hold them still for me will you” Amy asked, as Sophie held the orbs in place Amy began to square up to them like a boxer. Pretending to duck and weave she landed hit after hit on the huge pair of balls.

Tyler was in agony, unable to retrieve his precious manhood he was forced to take every hit the sadistic girl had in store for him. The only sexual pleasure he was getting was from his dick rubbing against his balls and the hole as he jerked his hips back, attempting, in vain, to free himself.

“I wonder how far round we could twist these fuckers” said Sophie grinning maliciously.
“Only one way to find out” Amy replied, the pair started twisting the balls round, until they were tight at the end of his sack. They could feel Tyler attempting to yank his balls back through the hole, if anything this only increased the pain as his balls were pulled further from his body.
“This could be a good way to get them back to him actually” said Amy thinking out loud. Having twisted the balls around, the top of the sack and dick had slipped back through the hole leaving only the two nuts tightly twisted into the bottom of his sack.
“Wait so you’re going to just open the hole up and let him pull them out?” Sophie asked forlornly.
“Not quite” smiled Amy, turning to the balls which were at least 20% too large for the hole even with Tyler’s dick safely back on his side. “I’m going to send them back with a little force” using one hand to steady the wall Amy balled up her fist and punched the twisted nuts flat into the wall. The combined force along with the resulting tug from Tyler caused his bruised and battered nuts to squeeze through. Tyler landed flat on his ass, shaking from the intense ballbusting he’d just received and wondering how on Earth he was going to get out without being seen by the staff.
