(NSFW) A Space Vampire Love Story

“Houston, this is NA1SS, checking in.”, said astronaut Phil Flemmings, of the International Space Station. He turned to the only other person on board with him, Jeremy Jones. “They’re not answering buddy. Any idea why?”

Jeremy looked out the window, and saw the earth rotating in all its majesty. He lost himself in his thoughts, feeling a moment of wistful pangs as his missed his family….and girls. He missed girls. Phil was nice and all, but his blowjobs weren’t nearly as good as the ones he got from his girlfriend back home.

“Nope. The green giant looks the same as it always has. Must be a solar flare or something. Did you run diagnostics?”

Phil turned back to the instrument panels, and began pressing a few buttons, checking for signs of error or damage. “And that’s a nope.”, he shrugged, but the worry in his eyes was evident. They’d occasionally gone without signal from home base for an hour or two, but this had been most of a day, the longest it had ever been.

Jeremy walked up, and spun Phil around in his chair so he was facing the console again. Jeremy placed his hands on his room mates shoulders and began giving him a shoulder rub, trying to relax him. Phil closed his eyes and let himself relax.

“Thanks bud.”, Phil said as he felt the knots loosen. He breathed heavily, oxygenating his lungs. As he felt the energy flow through his body, he knew it was all going to be okay. That was when he heard the noise.

Three sharp raps on the hull of the station, not ten feet from where they were. They both looked up in unison.

“Probably just some space debris.”, said Jeremy. Phil nodded, “Surely.”

Three more raps, the unmistakable sound of a knock on the metal. They looked at each other, and then walked over to one of the portholes, and slid the window covering open. A woman looked back at them.

The two men stepped backwards, each raising a hand out as if to protect the other.

“What the fuck?”, they said simultaneously, glancing at each other before looking back to the window. The blonde woman stared back at them, her dark brown eyes brimming with intelligence. She licked her full red lips for a second, before cocking her head towards the depressurization hatch.

She drifted out of sight, and a tapping sound along the hull seemed to bounce down towards the hatch. The two men couldn’t help but follow along. As they reached the enclosure, Phil double checked the seals were still intact. He still marveled how close they actually got it right in the movies, with a two door system. A person would first enter from either side, and then with both doors closed, the person could get ready to enter, or exit, as needed. The air cycling process took longer than the movies though, it was a good ten minutes to fill the room with air.

Knowing they still had a second door in front of them, Jeremy opened the outer door, and standing before them was the blonde, one hand holding the edge of the craft to keep her balance, and otherwise floating in the emptiness of space. Her long hair billowed out behind her, revealing her body, clad only in flannel lingerie, a deep V neck diving between her breasts, the rest of the cloth tightly hugging her curvy hips and down her thighs, stopping just past her knees.

Jeremy looked at Phil, “Is that…a flannel teddy??” he asked bewildered.

Phil nodded, not keeping his eyes off her face and body, scanning up and down He was quickly falling under her spell. “I think I’m in love.”, he said.

Jeremy looked back out through the window, and the woman was all the way inside the hatch now, right on the other side of the wall from them. She reached one hand up and tapped her chest, then tapped the door. It seemed as though she was asking to be invited inside.

Phil didn’t hesitate, he reached over and tapped the button to close the exterior door. As the room began to fill with oxygen, her feet gracefully settled to the floor and she stood there, arms crossed, staring at them and waiting patiently for the inner door to open.

Jeremy looked at his friend, “Bud, are you sure this is the right thing to do? Shouldn’t we at least call this in?” Then he remembered that the comms were down. He cursed to himself, and went to go look for a weapon. He didn’t notice until the last second when the flashlight hit him from behind, and he crumpled to the ground.

Phil stood back at the door with a hypnotized smile on his face, waiting for the light to change green. When it did, he pressed the other button and with a hiss the door slid open. The woman didn’t move, but looked him up and down, and then glanced at Jeremy’s prone form on the ground.

“Now, now, handsome,” she said, her voice soft like cotton candy, “Why did you go and do that? I do hope he’s not dead, I have….need of him.”

The man stood there and simply shrugged. “So, you going to come in?” he asked.

She smiled. “I was waiting for permission, silly. I have manners, you know.” She lithely stepped over the threshold into the interior of the space station, and looked around. “Nice place.”, she said. “Looks awfully empty and devoid of life, though.”

She turned to look at Jeremy, “Don’t you decorate?”

He tilted his head like a lost puppy, confused by the question. “Umm, we’re only up here for six month rotations. We just bring a few personal items, and then take them with us when we go.”

She walked up to him, and pointed a finger at his chest, dragging the nail down the front of his shirt. “Personal items, hmm?”, she pulled her hand back to lick the tip as though she’d just scooped ice cream off of his body. “And when is this next rotation due in?”

Phil blinked a few times from her touch, and then shook his head a bit to clear the thoughts. “Two more weeks, ma’am.”

The woman walked over to Jeremy, and knelt down next to him, checking his head. He was breathing a little shallow, and definitely still unconscious, but he would live. She smiled and pet his hair like one would pet a child. She slid her hand down the length of his torso, feeling his muscles. She gripped his thigh with a smile, and stood up again, exploring her new surroundings.

Phil watched her with awe, how easily she dominated her space. She walked with a grace he’d never seen before, as though her feet barely touched the ground. Then he remembered he had just pulled her in from the outside. From space.

“How?”, he asked.

She turned to look at him, a knowing smile flitted across her pale lips. It was then that he noticed how pale she was. Her skin was beyond pale, her lips a faint pink, and her eyes were a basic brown. She turned and started to pace the room, still exploring as she talked.

“Do you believe in vampires?”, she paused. She knew it was a natural spot to say his name, but she didn’t know it. She turned to look at him, and her stare let him know what she expected.

“Phillip….Phil”, he stammered.

“Do you believe in vampires, Phil?”, she continued. “At least, the vampire legends of old. You see, it all started when the first albino was born, roughly around the year 742.” She stopped, and looked him for a moment. “What year is it now, anyway?”

“Two thousand and twenty.”, he replied as he sank into a chair, in shock.

She nodded as she took this in, and continued. “You see, the first albino wasn’t actually born. It was a gift from another planet, a test that they got wrong because they didn’t understand how melanin worked. These first albinos tried to integrate with regular human life. They married, had children, and discovered the amazing thing about human genetics and the idea of recessive genes.” She paused for a moment, thinking to herself and marveling for a moment at the mystery and marvels that humans possess.

She continued, “Every once in a while, the locals would fear our pale skin. The made up stories of the monsters of the night, with their pale skin. Stories grew as to why the skin was pale, stories about a need for blood and the murder in the night.” She shook her head sadly, “They didn’t understand, they didn’t want to understand. They just wanted to hate people that were different from them.”

She walked over to Phil and placed her hand on his cheek. “They didn’t understand true love. I think they still don’t, in many ways.”, she sighed and continued as she walked over to the porthole and looked out into space.

“To answer your question as to how….well, there’s no easy way to say this.”, she turned to look at him. “I’m what you would call an alien. There are many species out in the world, and I’ve been sent here to keep an eye on the human race and watch you. I have no need to breathe, as my body fully regulates all my needs.”

She tilted her head and smiled, as she walked up to him. She placed her hand between his legs, feeling his body against her touch. “Well, not all my needs.”

Her other hand wrapped up around his neck, and tilted his head down so that she could kiss his lips softly, her tongue flicked out to tap against his. Her hands started to roam his body, feeling the muscles under his clothes.

“Strip for me, Phil.”, she commanded. He did exactly as he was told, shedding the basic white government issued t-shirt and pants, and the boxer briefs as well. He stood there, naked before her, his manhood beginning to swell with the excitement. She reached down and began to fondle it, keeping her eyes locked with his the entire time. His cock quickly swelled in her grasp, growing to its full length.

She kissed him again, more hungrily this time. She placed both of her hands on his chest, and began to kiss her way down his body, hands and lips sinking lower and lower as she got to her knees. One hand cupped his balls as the other reached for his ass. She licked his shaft, gliding her tongue up and down the meaty flesh, causing them both to moan in the cabin.

“Beg for it.”, she commanded.

Phil moaned again, louder this time. “Please, take me. Please…let me feel you suck me.”

She grinned, enjoying this power over him. She would let loose soon enough, but for now she relished being in complete control. With her mouth wide open, she engulfed him, both of her hands on his ass and pulling him tighter, his entire cock swallowed whole with a skill no other human might possess. But then, she wasn’t human.

Her head started moving rhythmically, releasing him, and taking him, her eyes closed as she started to give herself over to the primal emotions. His hands grabbed her hair, letting her control the depth while he controlled the speed.

Their moans caused Jeremy to stir, slowly waking up. He sat up, and placed a hand on his head, rubbing it. He shook away the pain as he saw the scene before him, this gorgeous woman on her knees giving his ship mate a blowie.

“This has to be a dream.”, he mumbled to himself. “There’s no way this is real.”, he said as he stumbled to his feet.

The woman stopped her work for a moment, her hand slid around front to start jacking Phil as she talked. “Of course its a dream, handsome. Why don’t you come join us?”

Jeremy watched them for a moment as he thought about it. He shrugged, and started to strip his clothes off. After he was naked, he walked over and stood next to the two of them. The woman used her other hand and started to give a double handjob, her mouth moving from tip to tip as she tasted both men alternately, her tongue snaking out and licking the sweat and precum off the tips.

Phil slid his hand down her arm, feeling the fabric of her clothing. He stepped to the side, so that she could focus all her attentions on Jeremy, as Phil moved around towards her rear. He knelt on the ground behind her, and slid his hands up and down her body, feeling her breasts, her stomach, her ass, he roamed and explored her body as he watched her lips wrapped around Jeremy’s hard cock.

Phil slipped his hands around her waistband, grabbing the flannel pants and pulled them down. With no underwear in the way, the albino white skin of her ass hit his eyes and he smiled. The smell of her arousal wafted into the cabin as he knelt closer to examine her pussy. His hands gripped her ass and spread her cheeks apart, revealing herself to him. His tongue lapped out, tasted her juices and caused her to moan.

“Fuck me, Phil.”, she moaned as gave in to the moment. “I need to feel you.”

Phil stood, and grinned as he looked around the compartment. He saw what he was looking for, and quickly flipped a switch on the master control panel before quickly racing back over to the pair.

The woman and Jeremy began to lift off the ground, gravity being gone. Phil used handholds on the wall, and reached them in a few quick strides, his hard cock bouncing weightless in the air. He placed his hands on her hips, and smoothly slid inside.

The three of them, connected as one, began to float through the cabin. Jeremy held on to her head, wrapped around his cock, while Phillip held on her ass, his hips pumping as he began to fuck her. The three of them in an eiffel tower, counterbalancing each other as they pushed and pulled, grunted and moaned, the sounds of wet passions filling the cabin.

Phil caught Jeremy’s eye, and nodded in man-speak, and as one they both lifted their hands off of the alien, and the gripped each others forearms. They leaned forward, touching their foreheads as she entwined her feet around Phils’ thighs and her hands went back to Jeremy’s ass, a finger snaking between the cheeks and tingling his asshole.

Jeremy’s hands gripped Phil’s arm tight, as he came, his cock swelling and bursting into her mouth, which she hungrily swallowed every drop. This triggered her own orgasm, her pussy gripping Phillips cock and squeezing it tightly, rapidly shivering and shuddering as she moaned around the dick in her mouth.

This in turn triggered the cock inside her to cum, the rapid thrusting coming to a sudden stop as he exploded inside her, moaning loudly. She screamed as this only heightened the orgasm she was already in the middle of, her hands reaching around to grab her breasts and squeeze them through her teddy.

Now loosened by her, and only held on by his shipmate, Jeremy started to float backwards in the cabin, and he could see little bits of his semen floating through the air where she hadn’t quite swallowed every drop. He let go of Phil and reached for a side panel to watch what happened next.

Phil reached down and grabbed her hips, and thrust a few more times as he tried to push the semen deeper inside. When he withdrew, though, her own orgasm squeezed some of the cum out to also float through the air. They let go of each other, and started to drift through the cabin as they all caught their breath.

The woman grinned and looked back and forth between them. “Two weeks until someone shows up, huh? Perfect.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/jc0dcn/nsfw_a_space_vampire_love_story