My name is Karen. I hate that name because already you have an image of what I look like and how I act. Loudmouth bitch who thinks she’s always the one in charge with the ugly haircut and poor dye job. I am the opposite of that image, it’s something I’ve worked hard on to oppose since my son told me about the internet jokes relating to the name. I felt embarrassed despite knowing I wasn’t like that stereotype.
I am a quiet redhead married to a man who prides himself on keeping me in my place, mother to a teenager who I fear may I’m losing my relationship with as he gets older each day. If I honestly summed myself up though it’s a desperately sexually frustrated housewife untouched for 5 years…or at least that’s how I would of described myself one month ago. That’s when everything change, that’s when I changed. That’s when Rex entered the picture.
Just over a month ago I made a very innocent mistake, a genuine hand on heart accident but it’s one that set things in motion internally in myself that changed my life.
Rex and my son Jason are best friends. They have been since they were 7 years old and made to sit next to each other in primary school and since then they have been inseparable and because of this close friendship they’d regularly have sleepovers at both houses. And it was during a sleepover at our house that I made my mistake.
The boys play for the same football team and one morning I assume after a late night playing Xbox or whatever they slept through there alarms and were going to be late for their game so I decided to wake them. I knocked on the door a few times without response so I opened the door to quietly nudge Jason awake so the boys could get ready. But instead what happened was this. I opened the door and stepped towards Jason’s bed, Rex slept on the floor next to the bed and whilst looking down to make sure I didn’t step on Jason’s legs or feet I saw two inches of a lovely girthy cock peeking out of Jason’s shorts. He lay uncovered by sheets apart from one leg which was only covering his knee and below. I don’t know why but I couldn’t look away and I just stared at it. Something inside of me went of like a firework and just like that Rex was no longer my son’s best friend, he has just suddenly become a man.
My trance was broken after I saw Jason move and I remembered what I was doing in there and I shook Jason awake before rushing out of the room to the bathroom.
Locking the door behind me I turned and leaned against it, heart racing and mind wandering. I tried to shake myself out of it telling myself that I should be ashamed of myself for looking at him like that without him knowing, like what the fuck was I doing. I walked to the sink to soak and splash my face when I heard the handle of the door jitter followed by Rex’s voice
‘sorry, didn’t realise someone was in’
I felt flustered and in a panic I respond
‘just a minute!’ I cry. What is wrong with me I’m acting like I’ve just been caught doing something naughty and I’m freaking out in my own bathroom. I catch my breath and compose myself before walking out the bathroom, head down and trying to rush downstairs to the kitchen to get myself a coffee
‘Morning Mrs B’ Rex so politely reaches out, such a sweet boy
‘Morning’ I shout back without looking back as I head down the stairs to the kitchen where Jason is waiting for me. He tells me that because they are running late and dad had already left to go to whatever it is he does on a Saturday morning that I had to drive them to their game and then drive them home too. I begrudgingly agree realising that I have no choice and I don’t want to be the reason that they are giving in trouble by their coach.
The car journey their was just like any other. Apart from the fact that every time I glance into my rear view mirror and see Rex my mind asks itself how many more inches were hiding up those shorts? Was that soft? Did he do it on purpose? And because I was to take the boys home after the game too I just decided to stay and watch. Albeit from the warmth of my car but loneliness got the better of me and I decided to join the touchline with the other parents and fans after the first 15 minutes. Sports isn’t my thing at all, especially football. Football is my husbands, Trevor, first love and I have played seconds to it our entire relationship since we were 15. Trevor was my first real relationship, he took my virginity, got me knocked up, asked me to marrying him immediately after I tested positive on the pregnancy test and it seems like we have just been on autopilot since. Which my brain was also on at the moment during this game shouting out cliché lines like ‘good pass’ ‘well done’ ‘get stuck in’ because I’ll be damned if I look like the only unsupportive parent there. It wasn’t until the second half that the game got interesting for me.
For the second 45 minutes Rex was now playing on the wing of the pitch side I was standing on and for those 45 my eyes were fixed on those shorts watching every bounce, every twist, every possible motion like it was slow motion. Again my mind started to quiz itself, What would it feel like inside of me? How much bigger could it get? Is he a virgin?
The game ended a boring nil nil draw but I was provided with all the entertainment I needed watching the floppy show but admittedly afterwards I felt horribly guilty for thinking those thoughts for a multitude of reasons, I’m a married woman, I’ve known him since he was a child and he’s my son’s best friend. I sat in the car waiting for them both ashamed of myself.
When they got in I was surprised by Jason’s genuine gratefulness for staying the whole game as he told me his father hasn’t done so for year’s and suddenly I felt better about myself, truthfully my son wasn’t the reason I stayed but I made him happy and proud which isn’t something I have done a lot lately for him. My naughty thoughts were washed away until Jason followed up with
‘by the way mum the showers were broke, no hot water at all so we both need to shower when we get home so if you need the bathroom better do it quick, thanks’
Boom my mind exploded again, he was going to be naked in my house, Rex would be standing under the same shower I’ve touched myself several times fantasising about a big man saving me from my boring marriage, Rex will now be standing there rubbing his body, massaging his aching muscles and stroking his cock and again my mind wandered and I was consumed with lust filled desires.
I had to see that cock. I don’t know how but my mind filled with ideas, an accidental walk in during the shower, or after he steps out, I could leave my phone there with the camera recording so many thoughts but in the end I came to my senses realising what I was considering was illegal and wrong on so many levels. The rest of the day passed and eventually Rex and Jason left to stay at Rex’s house for the night. Leaving just Trevor and I home for the evening. After spending the day lusting and thinking about cock as well as the guilt I was feeling for trying to conceive a plan to see Rex naked I decided to apologize to my husband with sex, even though he had no idea I had any of these thoughts in my mind I needed to pay for my sins. So after we had our tea and the food had settled I left the room to change into something a little more risque, a cute pink baby doll set that if I’m being honest with myself was a little tight. It had been years since Trevor and I fucked. Not even a finger or handjob, it was a dead bedroom and tonight I was going to revive it.
I returned in my sexy outfit, Trevor didn’t even look my way kept his eyes on the television. I cleared my throat and assumed a pose as he finally glanced my way
‘you get cold in that, supposed to be freezing tonight’ he said with the most bored and disinterested tone of voice I’d ever heard but I wasn’t to be deterred
‘well maybe you can help keep me warm tonight Mr Bradshaw’ I purred out as I walked before him and got on my knees Infront of him and spreading his apart
‘what are you doing?’ he asks
I shush him and tell him to relax as I unbutton his jeans and pull them down just enough to flop out his cock
‘Karen please you do-‘ I interrupt him again this time with a finger on his lips as I place his dick in my mouth and let my tongue swirl around the head whilst bobbing my neck back and forth for a few moments until I realise that this tool isn’t getting any bigger or any harder, in fact it’s still his soft chubby 3 inches that is flopping against my tongue. I hear him let out a sigh, a sigh of pleasure? It must be surely maybe I’m just out of practice so I up the ante and slip my baby dolls straps over my shoulders to let my tits expose themselves and I massage and play with my own nipples a but before reaching for Trevor’s hands to replace my own with his all whilst still sucking his soft penis. A minute of this and still nothing and it’s getting awkward, I glance up to look him in the eyes and what I got back was a look of cringe and discomfort. Shocked by that image I pull back to sit on my heels and ask
‘what’s wrong, am I not doing it right?’
But Trevor just stands up and tucks his willy back into his jeans and buttons up before proclaiming
‘I’m not in the mood Karen’ and then he storms out the room leaving me looking and feeling like a complete fool.
He went to the bedroom and I decided to change into something more comfortable and made myself a cup of tea and went to sit alone in the living room channel surfing through various shows of nothingness. I stopped at one after seeing a beautiful young woman naked on screen, the show was called Spartacus and I quickly learned it was full of swords, beautiful people and sex. So much sex. I finished the episode before finding a stream of the first series and watched multiple episodes truthfully all I was interested in was the sex. Which after everything I had been through that day wasn’t surprising. I noticed it was somehow 1am and Trevor hadn’t been back since my embarrassing attempt to seduce him. I tiptoed towards our bedroom, he was sound o sleep, I quietly grabbed our tablet and snuck back downstairs and opened an incognito tab then searched for a reliable porn site. I browsed videos for about 10 minutes but nothing was grabbing me, frustrated I gave up and just opened up my Facebook page. There I saw that Jason had my a post about whatever he was doing that evening and tagged Rex. I clicked on Rex’s little blue name and browsed his profile and before I knew it I found myself in his photos going through an album titled Ibiza!!!
It was filled with usual group shots of Rex and his pals and various foam parties, clubs, beaches and bars. I was just innocently browsing until a little cluster of pictures caught my eye. They all had Rex and a female with gorgeous caramel skin, blonde hair and a body I would kill for now. They looked like a couple happy and cuddly, it seemed so sweet and loving. Something I was yearning and before I knew it I began rubbing my chest turning myself on a little just thinking of the sweet summer romance until one picture showed them posing in a pool together, Rex behind the girl reaching around and cupping her breasts and suddenly my imagination jumped on the tracks again and took off.
Suddenly my mind turned Rex into a Greek warrior fighting for freedom with nothing but his sword, shield and loin cloth. The girl in the pictures a slave of a local lord and Rex swoops into save the day and the Slave girl thanks him the only we she knows how, with her holes. I picture Rex’s long, thick hard cock slowly entering the slaves glistening inviting cunt and he fucks her just right. Perfect amount of eye contact, perfect movement of his hands, perfect thrusts and pace. This boy, this man, my Rex was fucking her like a God and he looked like one doing it too with his heavenly cock.
My hand was down my pyjama bottoms, my fingers giving my clit the attention she has throbbed for all day, tablet still in the other hand I stare deep into Rex’s eyes as my fingers pick up speed until finally ‘Yeeeess!’ I groan out louder than planned but I don’t care this is the best orgasm I have had in literal years and I don’t want it to stop, forcing my hand to remain in place despite my body crying out for mercy, this was a hard and intense rush of pleasure and finally after a couple minutes the muscles in my arm ached too much to continue.
I gasped quickly with a large grin on my face thinking to myself ‘wow, that was amazing’ but deep down knowing it wasn’t perfect and that itch hasn’t been fully scratched. If I want that perfect orgasm that leaves me completely satisfied I know what I need to do, I know who I need to do. I need Rex, I need the real thing and I’m gonna get it.
(Hello thanks for reading this if you have. I know it’s a bit messy and a bit rough but if I’m being honest I’m still quite young and looking for feedback and any tips if you have them, positive and negative. Writing is just a hobby and this is my first time putting something like this down onto words so I know it’s all over the place but I just put down ideas in my head and tried to make a story from it. I hope to take any feedback and continue this story with the constructive criticism guiding me towards something stronger and more enjoyable. Of you hated it, then thanks for reading anyway, if you liked it then please let me know. PMs open for tips or chat with advice. Again thanks)