A Night of Surprises Pt 1 [Cheating] [Reader Driven]

Hey all. Trying something a bit different here. I’m starting a story, but I’m leaving it up to readers to determine where it’s going to go! Following below is a set-up introducing the main character and a few supporting ones. Feel free to suggest new characters coming in or use some of the ones set up. I’ve also given Maddie the MC a few personality traits that can hopefully help inspire ideas.

So how’s this work? Based on reader comments, I’ll shape and write the next part of the story. Where it goes and what happens to Maddie is up to you, but it’ll definitely include cheating in some way. How much and how hard, well, that’s your call. I’m hoping to tackle this piece by piece, so try and keep suggestions toward scenes versus mapping out the whole story.

I’m really excited to see how this experiment plays out. Hopefully it doesn’t fall flat and no one comments but hey, sometimes experiments explode in your face. Here we go!

Maddie felt awkward. Not just because of the size of the party and the fact that she generally hated crowded events. Not only because it was a party thrown by a girl that did not like her and whose boyfriend always gave her lecherous glares. And not simply because she was drinking, something she very rarely did and was already starting to feel the effects of. All of those were just some of the reasons she felt awkward, not the big reason. No, the big reason Maddie felt so awkward was because of the way she was dressed and the sheer amount of attention it brought her. And it was all her boyfriend Mike’s fault.

Amber, the host of the party and one of Mike’s friends, had invited them and Mike really wanted to go. He adored parties, and even though Maddie didn’t like them — she was just far too shy and reserved for them — she agreed because she loved her boyfriend and was the type of girl that would do anything for him. In truth, though she would never admit it out loud, Maddie liked doing things for people in general. Like, really liked it. She found it odd how much pleasure she got from being helpful and placating, often times to her own detriment, but if being a pushover meant people liked her, well, that was fine by her. Doubly so when that person was her significant other.

Unfortunately, that love of pleasing had come to bite her in the butt, because one thing that happened to please her boyfriend was the knowledge that other guys were checking her out. And a “decades” costume party was the perfect opportunity for her to flaunt her body in a way she normally would never.

“I don’t know,” Maddie had said hesitantly when Mike showed her the late 90s, early 2000s clothes he picked out for her. Maddie didn’t show off her body too often, even though she had a pretty nice one, and this outfit, while nothing too crazy, was outside her usual style. “It’s a bit… revealing, don’t you think?”

“Not really. Come on, Maddie,” Mike had begged. “It’d turn me on so much seeing you dressed like this. And I’m sure it’d please a lot of the other guys at the party as well.”

The eternal pleaser, Maddie had caved, subconsciously finding a bit of pleasure in it herself. Now here they were at Amber’s party, people all around them, and eyes constantly on her.

Maddie was attractive, there was no question about it. She wasn’t a knockout with porn star proportions but there was no questioning there was something about her that made men want to ravish her. Long, dark blonde hair, light honey colored eyes, thick lips, and a silly smile made for an innocent face that you couldn’t help but imagine twisted in ecstasy, her oddly shaped but endearing nose scrunched up in pleasure. The outfit she was wearing only added to the effect. There was something about a usually shy, few notches above “girl next door” type, dressed like this that got a guy’s imagination running.

The long-sleeved croptop she wore showed off the expanse her stomach and showcased her bust, her slightly bigger than a handful sized breasts pushing out the fabric, and the loose low-rise jeans hung off her wide hips, perpetually threatening to slide lower and expose more of her panties, the tight elastic band of which had been strategically positioned at the very top of her ass and lowered in the front enough to just barely cover her mound.

Raising her cup to her lips, Maddie took a drink to try and calm her nerves.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/jawdt4/a_night_of_surprises_pt_1_cheating_reader_driven