The adventures of James and his pet-girl Maggie: The Stray [mff]

It’s a beautiful autumn day, perfect for a walk. The sun is warm and the air is filled with the scent of dry leaves. Maggie and James navigate the path through the forest, playfully grabbing at each other. James can’t help but smile as his Sweet Girl giggles and squeals in delight. He loves to see her having a good time. Maggie gradually intensifies her play, trying to provoke James into chasing her eventually pantsing him in the middle of the trail. She’s done it now. James is going to get her. When he looks around after pulling his pants up, Maggie is nowhere to be found but just ahead, James sees rustling in the bushes.

James creeps up to the location of the movement and with one swift movement, he pushes the branches aside and pounces, his hands like claws ready to capture his prey (RAWR) except it’s not Maggie he finds. A terrified pet girl cowers in fear. Battered and half starved, she cries and pees. It’s the saddest thing James has ever seen. He takes a step back and crouches down to appear less threatening. He speaks softly, trying to comfort the pitiful creature. “It’s okay, Little Girl. I’m not going to hurt you. Where are your humans?” With the new distance between them, the frightened pet girl scrambles to her feet and runs off into the trees.

“Maggie, come back. Please, this is important.” Withing a few seconds, Maggie appears from the foliage looking concerned. “Maggie, there’s a scared pet girl out there and I think she needs our help. Can you find her?”

Maggie salutes, acknowledging her charge and walks off into the trees calling out a friendly greeting. “Meep! Meep! Meep!” Eventually she finds the scared pet hiding behind a rotten log. She crouches down, emulating James and opens her arms, inviting the scared creature to approach. Apprehensively the pet girl peeks out from her hiding space. Still very afraid, she seems somewhat relieved to see another pet instead of a scary man. Maggie calls out again, more softly this time. “meep.” Reluctantly, the frightened pet girl approaches. Maggie reaches out slowly to pat her head. At first, the scared pet recoils but once she sees Maggie isn’t going to hurt her, she sobs uncontrollably as she’s comforted by Maggie crying tears of her own. Perhaps for the first time ever, the scared pet feels like she’s going to be okay.

James sits quietly on the trail trying not to look scary while he waits for Maggie to return. After a few minutes, Maggie emerges from the trees with the scared Little Girl hiding behind her. With a reassuring look, Maggie encourages the frightened pet to approach but she’s much too scared. “It’s okay Maggie. We can’t force her to trust us. Lets go home.”

Back at home, James starts dinner. The moment the chicken is taken from the fridge, the Little Girl throws herself onto the floor, grovelling and offering her rear. James is appalled and wonders what happened to make her like this. “Maggie, please show our friend how to wait patiently.” Maggie takes the Little Girl by the hand and ushers her into an adjacent chair, keeping one hand on her knee. When dinner is ready, the ravenous creature tears in like a savage animal, eating as fast as she can as Maggie looks on in horror. “It’s okay Mag. Let’s not worry about her manners. One thing at a time.”

Maggie and the Little Girl rest their full bellies as James finished up in the kitchen. “Maggie, will you help our friend get cleaned up? I’m going to see if I can find her humans.” James sits down at the computer as Maggie leads the Little Girl upstairs. Maggie draws a bath and motions for the Little Girl to climb in but the Little Girl looks confused. At first she tries to drink the bathwater but spits it out. Maggie is shocked and wonders if the Little Girl ever had a bath before. Maggie removes her collar and sweater before climbing into the warm water and inviting the Little Girl to join her. Just like James helps Maggie bathe, Maggie washes the Little Girl lovingly, careful to avoid hurting the clearly tender areas. This poor little girl has been through a lot; she’s covered in injuries both old and new. Maggie tears up as she imagines how this poor thing has suffered and the Little Girl having never known such love cries tears of joy. After drying off, Maggie finds her old sweater and collar before helping the Little Girl get dressed.

The sight of the girls coming downstairs makes James grin like a fool. “Look at you, Little Girl. You look so pretty all clean in your new outfit. Maggie, you did a great job. I’m so proud of you. This Little Girl is so lucky to have a good friend like you.” Maggie blushes as the Little Girl hides behind her, still wary of James.

It’s getting late and there are no responses yet to James’ post in the pet forum. James heads to bed as Maggie leads the reluctant pet behind her. Maggie climbs into bed with James and motions for the Little Girl to join them but it’s no use. The Little Girl curls up on the floor in the corner, much too afraid to get close. Maggie insists but James stops her. “It’s okay, Maggie. She’ll come to us when she’s ready.” James gets a spare blanket and asks Maggie to give it to the Little Girl. Maggie covers their guest with the blanket, tucking in all around just like James does for her and gently pats the Little Girl’s head as a goodnight gesture.

James awakens in the morning to find the Little Girl curled up on the foot of the bed prompting James to crack a great big smile. “Progress”, he thinks to himself. Quietly, he gets up to start on the day without disturbing the sleeping pets.

By the time the pets come downstairs, James has breakfast ready and announces the good news. “I found your humans, Little Girl. They’re coming later to get you.” The stray pet seems oblivious to James as she fixates on the eggs and toast. James shakes his head and laughs to himself. “Go ahead and eat.”

As the pets finish, a van pulls into James’ driveway. James and the pets step out to greet the visitors. A disheveled man exits the vehicle in a huff and immediately begins shouting and brandishing a stick. “YOU STUPID SLUT! GET IN THE VAN BEFORE I BEAT YOUR STUPID WHORE ASS!”

The terrified pet clings tightly to James’ leg as a serious look comes over James’ face. “Oh HELL no”, James responds. “You are NOT taking her.”

“SHE’S MY PROPERTY. YOU CAN’T KEEP HER”, says the man with spit flying from his mouth.

“I will pay you a hundred dollars to fuck off.”


Idiot? Shit’s about to get real. James struggles to control his rage as he speaks through clenched teeth. “Either you take the money and leave or I beat the shit out of you and keep her anyway.” James put two crisp 50s in the man’s shirt pocket. “I know who you are now and if I hear that you ever acquire another pet, I’ll come for you and I’ll make you suffer in ways you can’t begin to imagine. Now I suggest you leave while you still can.”

With wide eyes, the bitch-ass motherfucker enters his vehicle and drives away.

James reaches down gently holding the Little Girl’s head as she continues to grip his leg. “You’re safe with us, Little Girl. Nobody will ever hurt you again.” For the first time in her life, the Little Girl knows a human she can trust. She reaches out to James and he scoops her up, holding her in his arms as she cries. James sheds tears of his own, happy that their new friend is safe and loved.

All this excitement has put Maggie is a playful mood and she joins the others in their embrace. Her playful hands can’t help but wander briefly before she starts pushing James back inside, the Little Girl still held in his arms. Maggie continues herding them all the way to the bedroom. James sits on the bed as Maggie joins her friend in his lap. First she kisses James then the Little Girl. Believing she knows what to do, the little girl climbs down from James’ lap and kneels on the floor. With one hand she chokes herself while slapping her face with the other. James and Maggie are horrified. Together they stop her by gently taking hold of her hands. The two look at each other sharing a silent understanding. This poor girl doesn’t know how to make love. They will show her.

Together, James and Maggie pull the Little Girl into bed, laying down on either side of her. First Maggie kisses her softly then James. Maggie gently touches the Little Girl’s face, slowly tracing across her cheek and down her neck. Goosebumps emerge on her whole body as Maggie moves across her clavicle and gently cups her small breast. James kisses more deeply as the Little Girl’s awkwardness disappears and she makes love back to James as if she’s done it a hundred times before. This genuine love fueled by pure intentions is not like anything she’s ever known but it feels right. For the first time ever, it feels right. The Little Girl’s hands make their way between her legs, massaging herself slowly while the others explore her body. James and Maggie each take an ear in their mouth, gently nibbling the tips, causing their friend to writhe in ecstasy and intensify her self-love. Maggie puts her hand on the Little Girl’s to stop her before repositioning to take over. James holds the Little Girl more closely as he continues to make love with his hands and his mouth. Maggie tests the Little Girl’s wetness to find her soaked and ready for more before covering the Little Girl’s sex with her mouth, pressing firmly her tongue against the Little Girl’s clit, drawing slow circles as she teases the Little Girl’s opening, intensifying the Little Girl’s wriggle. James holds more tightly, squeezes more firmly, and nibbles a little harder as Maggie plunges her fingers inside. First one and then two. Pressing firmly against the g spot, Maggie sucks the Little Girl into her mouth and flicks her tongue, causing the Little Girl to buck her hips and shake her legs as she cums. Now sobbing, the Little Girl buries her face into James’ chest as Maggie cuddles up against her other side. James and Maggie are empathetic enough to know that their new friend had a great time and is just emotionally exhausted so they lay with her, sharing all their love and comfort while she gets this out of her system.

After a minute the sobbing subsides and the Little Girl looks at each of them with a big smile. Now content that their friend has recovered, James pulls Maggie on top of him and she guides him inside. Pressing her forehead against James’, Maggie grinds against his abdomen, rocking back and forth a little harder and a little faster each time. The Little Girl watches intently, feeling passion and excitement between them. Now it’s time for her hands to explore. She kisses James’ face and neck while firmly gripping Maggie’s rear, sliding across her back up to her shoulders and back down again. She nibbles at James’ ear as Maggie rides harder and faster, perfectly in tune with James’ progression. They cum together as the Little Girl watches in astonishment, hoping that one day she gets to try but for now, she’s exhausted. Maggie falls to James’ other side and he wraps up each girl in one arm. It’s still morning but everyone could use a little rest after all that’s happened today.

This Little Girl needs a name but James doesn’t have the brainpower to think of anything. Perhaps inspiration will strike after a nap.
