Rose of Two Thorn’s: Scott part 1-10 (Mm, MF, MMF, cock sucking, anal)

This is the first time that I, Dream Master actually get to post anything written by RVS. Please be gentle with your reactions…

Rose of Two Thorn’s
Part 1-10
Scott’s Story Part 1

I’m Scott Thorn and I am going back to WDU for the first time in 15 years, I went here for a year but after I came out as gay there really were no gay dudes and I am all men but yeah lesbians were all around some BI guys but no real gay dudes. I went back to the mainland and attended Preston University I majored in administration and minored in Literature. I did at one point in my life had a girlfriend and wanted to marry her, but I could not quash the gay lifestyle. That part of my life is over and now the old school offered me a counseling job, have not done this in a while but I get to help students toward there after college career.
I sit here on this boat and keeping an eye on my 75 Triumph I have some nerves but its mostly about seeing this place again, so as the boat pulls up I get my bike going and make a stop at my new on campus apartment. Its west facing because I like sunsets more than sunrise, so I did not know it needed so much work, so I have some handy skills but a little at a time. The kitchen is decent and so is the bathroom. The floors will need some polish and the deck needs to be stained, this is a duplex, so I hope the neighbors are quiet. Its furnished and done nicely so I cannot complain too much, but back on the bike to see the Dean.
I get my bike set with the kill switch and walk up the way to the Admin building, I am pretty much the only one dressed and I’m wearing my good black jeans and my dress shirt, in my favorite color Maroon. I do remember this place was obsessed with sex so I will stick out wearing clothes, as I enter the building at least more admin people are dressed. Miss Grant the secretary shows me to my new office, its spacious much bigger that my last one at Preston where I shared a cubicle with another person. I have files from past students and current ones, so I started filing them when Dean Kane walked in, in booty shorts and a tank top. “Welcome back to WDU Scott, we look forward to seeing you succeed you come very recommended.” I could hardly concentrate cause this Dean was hung but I persevered and said, “thank you sir I look forward to helping young students find there after WDU careers.”
After he left, I had to get my rise to settle then I continued filing and looking through some files. Clarissa Love that was a name that got around even all the way to Preston, I think she does the Jax in the bedroom or something like that. I started looking around and thought I need some life in this office so I asked Miss grant about decorating and she said I could do what I wanted but no painting so I went to town and checked out a flea market and found some pictures of the beaches of Canada, some old homes in the area and a few movie posters from Rocky horror Picture Show(it is my favorite). The flea market said they will deliver to the school tomorrow so I told them I will be there at 9am.
Now with my day done I get to the store to buy some groceries and realize this place uses sextons and I was down to my last few, so now I will need to exchange but thankfully a bank is near by so I can get some of my mainland money exchanged. I pull up to my new pad off load my few groceries and notice some other tenant left beer in the fridge, talk about luck. I got the beer went to the deck and watched the sunset over the sky. It was going to be new here but I needed a fresh start after getting dumped and losing the job because my ex was in upper management, never will I do that again I will find someone who does not work in the school system. After I at a roast beef and cheddar sandwich for dinner, watched some cooking shows it was time for bed. As I was brushing my teeth, I heard the neighbors having sex. Oh, goody they are not quiet, so hope they do not have super energy either. Tomorrow is my first full day and I have decorating to do, fantastic they stopped, that’s the thing with us older people we don’t fuck like bunnies anymore, and as far as I know the neighbors are lesbians so who knows.
* * *
The lesbians next door finally finished up after 10:00pm and I was able to get a decent night’s sleep, that mattress is too hard I need a softer mattress. That can be done later I need coffee but remembered I have none cause I forgot it at the store. I showered and shaved, go my good khakis and my sailboat dress shirt on and hit the road to that diner down near the docks. It is a hole in the wall, but I smelled coffee so here I sit at the counter trying no to droll over the guy making the breakfasts at the grill (open kitchen, sweet piece of ass). My waitress in her barely their uniform refilled my drink then told me grill boy was taken by a chick, “You have gaydar” I said as she wrote out my check. “yes, baby I do but your so cute you should find someone:” I say thanks and ask here where the bank in town was and she pointed me in the right direction, thankful the diner takes credit, I head to the bank and open an account so I can get Sextons.
I get to the University about 8:30am and I say hello to Miss Grant and some other students, Rose, Tila, and Jordon. I get into my office and decide to move some furniture around, my desk on the opposite wall, my filing cabinets were to hefty, so I left them in the corner. My chairs for meeting with students have seen better days so I will see if there are anymore somewhere else. Almost 9 let us see where my pictures will go, Canada pictures right in front. I am half Canadian after all from my mom’s side and I feel at home up there, maybe a retirement place one day. Boats, behind my and Rocky horror on the wall to my left, as soon as my stuff from the mainland arrives in a few days, my pride stuff can be displayed, sure hope there are pride activities here now, and hopefully more gay dudes,
When I was here as a young man, I was barley aware of my same sex desires, so not knowing many dudes I was lonely. After I went back to the mainland and trying the girl thing and failing miserably, I found some guys to hang out with and get some loving. Then I had to learn the hard lesson of not dating someone in upper management and in the same company. I will not do that this time. “Knock, knock are you Scott Thorn , I have your delivery.” MMM he brings the hard one oh boy dose he ever. “Yes, I’m Scott let’s put the stuff in the corner for now I need to locate some nails and a hammer first,” (dam I must stop staring at the sweet young ass). He put the stuff in the corner, and I was able to see the wedding ring on his finger and there went the rise in the Khakis. After he left Miss Grant told me where maintenance was and I got a hammer and some nails, the office was looking homier now. Just then Miss grant comes in with a welcome to WDU gift basket, with a coffee cup, booty shorts, a speedo, some snacks mostly pretzels and peanuts, a towel and some paper, pens, pencils and other WDU goodies. “Thank you Miss Grant this is very sweet..” she and I chatted for a good 45 minutes before she needed to get back to work and with no students till Monday I headed out for a tour around town.
Getting around on my Triumph was easy and not too many cars here because the public transportation is exceptionally good here, bus, subway and those rideshare things, I like the freedom of my bike. Later in the week my stuff arrives from the mainland and in their crate will be my electric golf cart, it gets 50 miles on a charge so when I need to get around on rainy days, I’ll have that. I get to the market and get my coffee and some of my favorite candies, chocolate mint balls (yes, the taste of balls mmm). I need to get myself a date I need to get my cock swallowed and get some sexy time. I pull into my garage and I see the neighbors, so I got introduce myself. “Hi there, I’m Scott Thorn your new neighbor.’ They both looked at each other and said, “at least he’s gay too the last guy who was here was a total player, different chicks every day.’ We all got to chatting and at least I am making new friends, Marie and Gemma, the lesbians next door.
* * *
Well I slept better last night because I guess I am getting used to the mattress but still want mine and my stuff arrives today, so I am expecting the truck to deliver by 2 they said. I miss my old soft memory cooling foam mattress. I do want my electric cart too because it does rain here and getting groceries will be easier, so I decide to jump on the bike and head to the hardware store. Marie told me they have great floor polish so I can get the floors done before my truck arrives. When I het to Hard Wood hardware I mean really this town is really sex obsessed. I get there and find the floor polish and some shelving for my ship in a bottle collection. I think in my last life I was a sailor; I do love boats.
The checkout guy was nice and recommended that I use l brackets on the shelves. I get back home and start moving furniture around and Marie and Gemma knock on the back deck sliding door and offer to help with the floors. It does go faster with 3 people. The stuff must dry and the side we did so they off to take me for a tour of the gat hot spots in town and yes, I want to see them. Marie is the main driver Gemma dose not like driving so she works at the University in the Café, so she walks, or Gemma drops her off as she goes to work at the City hall human resources department. Her car is sweet its an older Model jeep Wrangler in very cherry red, so it is a bice day we take the cover off. Driving down to the west part of town I find the gat club for both sexes called Catwalk, it was cathouse, but a straight club took that name the girls said. The club is only open Friday-Sundays right now from 7pm to 3 am and every other Saturday is a Drag show with some great performers, just remember your sextons or dollars they will take both. We drive down further, and we come to The Squeeze Box “it is a juice bar and gathering place mostly nerds but if you like that crowd, “Gemma says.
The top if the hill was a great view of what all the local kids and I even remember this the trail that lead up to Dick peak, ahh some good times were had there, I did have my first same sex kiss there his name was Tommy. I really should look him up sometime I hope he is doing well, the times we had here were wonderful and then he just ghosted me for no reason. Anyway, we drive around and find a coffee shop called Rooster, a café called Big Buns, a bookstore that sells all the gay porn called Good Reads. The girls said these are the friendliest places, the other places around town tolerate but it is still beginning to be introduced so not too many gay men here but give it time. We all start getting hungry so we head to the local Mexican restaurant El Serrano and it was the bomb, I an not to into spicy but the Chicken Mole was to die for and even Gemma’s Chile Relleno looked great as did Marie’s taquitos and the chips and salsa mmm.
I thank the girls for there help again as we wait out on my deck for the other half to dry, I got a text that said my truck was delayed by an hour but at least my floors look great. The girls have a dinner date with another couple, so I get in the kitchen and heat up some beef stew and fix a turkey sandwich for dinner. The truck finally arrives, and the movers get my mattress, recliner, loveseat, boxes, and I unload the cart and it runs like a champ. The rest of the furniture is easily put on and I get to check out some ass, to dam bad every man I look at has a ring on his finger. I finally have my computer and I get that set up, this place comes with access thanks to the University, so I plug in right away and check my favorite Gay social site Pride Corner. I see my ex has happily moved on so fucking what. I do look for Tommy but for the life of me I can’t remember his last name so when Monday rolls around I can look him up at the University and maybe something will jog my memory besides that great kisser, mmm I’m getting hard so for now time for some playtime.
* * *
The alarm rang at 730am Monday morning and I was not ready but got to get to the job and make a good impression. I got the shower nice and hot, washing my body I was still thinking about tommy. He was a great guy a total blonde swede looking boy, next to me about 6]4 long legs, dark brown hair on the slightly long side, god a few tats too. My last name in script on my left bicep, a pride flag on my right shoulder and my bike on my back just the outline and its not to big either. Still wish I had someone to shower with and what the hell to be taken or to take I need to get laid.
I got my breakfast and noticed it was raining so thank goodness the cart is here and that I have a garage that has a door from the house to there, its on the right and my last place had the garage on the left so that took some getting used too. I saw the girls leaving and waved to them as we all pulled out onto the street. I get to the university and still need to get my staff parking so I ask Miss Grant for that and she said I will have it later in the day. I run back to the car and get my Pride stuff and get to work getting it all hung up. Poster of the Preston University pride Celebration, my flag right across from me perfect next to the Rocky horror poster and some of my trinkets from years past. This office was looking like home a bit more so I took my files out and started to get them organized when Miss grant came in with my parking stickers one for the cart and one for the bike, so I put my sticker on the cart and moved the car to staff parking,
I had some time till an office staff meeting so I looked up Tommy and there were 20 of them in the last 15 years and with his good looks I finally found him Tommy Carr him he still brings out those old feelings but no time for that got to get to the staff meeting. The meeting went well I was introduced and met some more office staff that I did not meet last week, Mr. James the HR person, Mrs. Hannah the admissions clerk, Mr. Gregory the Dean’s secretary and from the grapevine more than that. Miss granny of course and I already met the office kids. I was back in my office when I was checking email and one of the kids walked by and then a few seconds later I heard pride stuff he’s gay, darn said some female voices(sorry ladies I like sausage not Tacos). They will live and now to see what is in the Cafeteria for lunch Marie said she was making soups and sandwiches, but you could order what you wanted. What I really wanted was a dude but Marie said she did know of one other gay person at the Mall his name was Devon and he could point me in the right direction for some ass, mmm yes I need to get laid even if it’s just a quicky. Marie said Gemma was picking her up later nut yes sometime she might need a ride home so it was great that we worked in the same place, she pulled out her phone and showed me where the mall was so I could go there and see Devon at the food court, his picture was super sexy so I could find him easily. Now I had my first student to get to so back to the office and my first student Jazmin a junior and she wants to own her own S&M club, hmmm lets see if we can steer her in the right direction of classes.
* * *
“Ahh finally Friday and its been a long week, I did get to met new students and other staff members, that dom/sub teacher is quite scary.” I did need to take Marie home but it was such a nice day that I rode the bike and she was a bit nervous about that but she did have a good time, and I had my extra helmet so we were both safe. I dropped her at the driveway, and she told me how to get to the Mall. Devon and I have been chatting on Pride Corner, so we were like old pals, I know he wants a ride on the Triumph but maybe after I know him a bit more.
The traffic here is quite easy especially on a motorcycle, so I was to the Mall in no time. Devon told me his shift was over at 4 so I walked around the Mall for a bit. Found one of those kick knacks shops so of course I found a new ship in a bottle. Since I had the time, I treated myself to one of those sticky buns and yes, they sold one in dick shape, so I was an incredibly happy gay boy. If I did not have a date or a lover at least I could eat some dick. The sportswear shop was great I got some new jogger pants and some of those cooling boxers I like.
About 4 I made my way up to the food court, he told me he works at Pink Taco, which makes me giggle because he is a gay dude but here, we are. He texted and asked if I want a coffee and I told him sure, so he comes out with two cups and man this boy is hung and I am getting a rise. He tells me he is taken and unavailable, but he shows me some pics of other guys he knows, and no one strikes my fancy. I tell him about my ex and how he was a higher up at the other University I worked at I got the side eye and a “boy you can’t do that you need a nonacademic, how about him”, well now he looked very nice and a man in uniform, well a fishing uniform but I could have fun with him. I got his pride Corner information and Devon invited me to a party next weekend. That will be fun I need to get out and socialize so on my way out of the Mall I find some new shirts and a nice kind of tight pair of jeans.
Getting back home I grill some chicken for my salad for dinner, and I look at Grant on Pride Corner, he is good looking, but he has a family in his future plans and I am not sure that is my thing. I have two brothers Brian and Joe, none of us kids because well home life was not that great, but I digress, and I will not get into it. I decide not to message Grant and I find one of my own in Frankie, he looks super sexy and lives on the North part of the island. I hit up Devon and though he dose not know Frankie personally he told me to go for it and I did now to eat my dinner, watch my sports channel and get started on the Mom side of my ancestry.
* * *
Saturday’s are great days because I can be as lazy as I want in the morning, after watching some of this Fuckee which is ok I prefer regular hocky nut this the sex obsessed land. I got my tablet out and discovered an email from Brian my older brother. The child line is Joe, Brian, and me the baby. He said he wants to visit sometime after his tour is over (he is a soldier in our Coast Guard). I tell him if he; s anywhere near Blonde island I can meet him over there sometime. I hope to hear back from him soon, he is the accepting brother Joe not so much the family is divided and that’s not my concern I still love everyone I know I just can’t please Dad cause I’m gay. Now I see a new message in pride Corner and it’s from Frankie, mmm down boy those muscles and ohm that chest and yes I see the guy is packing heat (ohm I’m at full attention now).I send him a rely and we chat instantly, he also knows Devon from the Mall so he will be at the party tonight and we have a date set.
Now I need to get my run in, so I get the shorts, tank, socks, and shoes I stretch out on the porch and say high to some other neighbors. The ladies see my pride flag and I know they are crushed. I get to find a local lake to run around and its close by, pussy lake cause of the way its shaped (hey I did not name it). I run down to this lake and see a great jogging path and I work up a great sweat and stop to pet some dogs, I do want one again one day( my other dog was a lab and he was the best, lived for 16 years, I was there when it was time, but better stop cause I might cry). After a nice hot shower, I get my ancestry book out and from what mom found we immigrated from Western Canada and some relatives were in this city, so a few Thorn’s are from the area. I work on that till about 2 then have a lunch of leftover grilled chicken and turn that into a quesadilla and I decide to break out the pipe, yes I like to smoke but mine is medical not laced with other drugs and here pot is legal. I put my record player on and throw on my favorite artist Cher and yes, I like her she was my first crush and her music makes me happy.
After and afternoon of Cher and some smoke I decide to call the local ride share program, get me off (again with the sex I must be a prude or something). I give my buxom drive Jazmin the address and she proceeds to turn on the charms and then I crush her with the gay. She is very pleasant, and I get her card just in case I need a rife again, I walk up the driveway and hear the music and see Devon, so this is the place. We shake and hug he takes me inside and mmm the man meat is making my pants tighter and my shirt is a bit unbuttoned. I see Frankie and he sees me, so we find a semi quiet spot and get to know each other. He likes running so I have running partner for when he is down here, he is in construction, so he moves from site to site. I tell him about my tats, and he shows me his eagle on his back, and we decide to have a beer and do some dancing, I am no Patrick Swayze, but I have some rhythm. Its getting a bit hot in here so we get out to the back-deck Devon has some smoke himself and offers me a Jay, Frankie dose not care for it but will not deny me the pleasure. The higher I get on the regular stuff which Devon has the goofier I get. I like dumb jokes and puns like did you hear about the duck that ran amuck in a truck. Frankie dose laugh but it’s a kind gesture, don’t know if we will hit it off but I get some kisses by the end of the night and those are so sexy, he smells good and yeah the package is as real as the picture. The night is coming to an end and Frankie has to get back up north but he offers to drive me to my place, we do end up spend a nice night together, I got to receive some head and got to give some. Neither of us had rubbers so that will be for another night. I tell him good night and we make a date for next week, at least I got to swallow some man meat and he gave that head so good, he deep throated me to my balls. I put some more Cher on and have a glass of wine, I had a good time tonight, things are looking up.
* * *
Well Son of a Bitch I have been ghosted, so much for Frankie but the blow job was sweet so moving on. I pick up my tablet and realize it needs charging so I boot up the laptop and log back in to pride Corner and see some new profiles, including Dean Kane(oh hell no not going into that again). I do see Gregg and I remember him as one of Devon’s friends so I hit interested and see if he will respond. I read the latest family email and see that Joe is now running the old family business, financial planning-yawn. I went to academics my other brother Brian is in the Coast Guard we both were the smart ones and ran when we could. Speaking of brothers here’s Brain and a video call.

Scott- “Hey loser how’s the coast guard”?
Brian- “Funny little brat very funny, still gay”?
Scott- ‘yes I am and proud, I thought Joe was the homophobe like dad, did you see the family email.”
Brian- “Yes like Dad would really just let Joe have full control you know the old man has his hands in it still, Joe has title only.”
Scott- “Yes I can’t see Dad giving up anytime soon, oh mu god is that a Chocolate lab puppy in your lap, you know I love labs.”
Brian- “Yes he is I got accepted to the dog program we will be sniffing out drugs at the ports soon, can we come snatch your weed little brother. I am kidding but yes his name is King, and he is just barely learning the commons commands so a long way to go.”
Scott- “He’s adorable and I would punch you and steal that dog but just found out we can’t have pets here besides fish, birds and small rodents. Such a bummer so if I get tenure, I want a house so I can have a dog again.”
Brian- “I hope you get it little brother, so how is the love life, I don’t have one yet but tell me so I can live through you.”
Scott- “I have nothing now I got ghosted recently but not before some action I mean……
Brian- “Ok, ok no details sorry you go ghosted it was not meant to be. Now we need to talk about Joe you do know he is sick again right,”
Scott- “Mo I guess my email was edited; I am not in the mood to donate bone marrow for that ignorant homophobe this time around.”
Brian- “I know little brother but get ready for a visit by mom and dad just a heads up, I got to get king his walk, so where is Blonde Island.”
Scott- holding up a Map of the area “Its just north of here do you see where I am pointing?”
Brian- “ok I see that I will check my schedule and let you know when I am there or in the area, love you kid take care?”
Scott- “love you too brother I want that dog but take care yourself stay safe.”
It was nice to hear from the basically only family that still speaks to me, so I hope to see him soon and I do like labs, so I hope to have one again in my life. Yes, just as I hang up with Brian Mom emails me and says Joe is sick and could I please consider bone marrow for him like I did when we were kids, guilt trip thanks mom. I will just leave that alone I am not in the mood for family drama, so I break out a joint and order some Chinese from Dong Long( really I didn’t name the restaurant) but my Pork fried rice and spare ribs are delicious, now for some Cher and a beer, this is a two joint night as well.
* * *
I just got the upcoming schedule and I am finally going to get to see my big brother Brian on Blonde island right after Thanksgiving, which I will be spending with Devon he calls it the Homo Society No Family gathering. This will be nice a judgement free holiday for once in my last few years of existence. I did go see the family a few times, but my sexuality comes up even bore the turkey is served so I have had enough of that. I get my last student taken care of at least this one wants to be an Emergency sex technician so I point her in the right direction of classes and now I am off to the cafeteria to get Marie to home, since I brought the cart this time no holding on to me for dear life.
Marie is finishing up in the kitchen, so I shoot Brian a text, telling him my schedule and joking about stealing the lab, but I did want pics of the cute puppy. He responds back with a few days that we can meet and a video of king learning the stay command, he will get there I tell Brian just be patient. Marie and I get home and she tells me about an upcoming Drag show at the club and I tell her I will check it out, we all agree to talk in the morning after my run. When I get back from my run the next morning and shower the ladies have told me all about the show, its going to feature Devon as host and Darla Hall she is super good and the one that sings as some lip sync and that’s cool but real voices are better.
I get to work, the ladies have the day off, so they are going out to one of the islands and having a day of it as Gemma says. I get to my off ice and I am checking my email both personal and work related, my next student is not due till 11 so I can check out Brian’s dog training videos and they are getting better. I email him on the stay command just back away do not turn your back, the dog will want to follow you and see where you are going. He promised to work on it and gave me a heads up about mom and dad emailing me, I want to slam my head into a wall but I am at work so I must be professional. I see Gino and we set up his next round of classes and he is well on his way to Bondage Model, that sounds great. He opens the door and I tell him to leave it open Henry is coming in later so I can get caught up on him, then I hear the voices from my immediate past that I don’t want to hear,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

To Be Continued

I was sitting there just finishing up with my last student when I hear that old familiar voice, “my god put some clothes on have you no decency.” Then the next voice, “where are your parents did, they do not teach you any manners, your practically naked.” I slightly bang my head on the desk when Miss Grant comes in and says, “Scott I believe those folks are your parents and they want to see you.” I look at her and state “if I get a gun will you just shoot me Miss Grant, I won’t press charges I’ll be dead and won’t have to talk to my parents.” She looks at me with a bit of pity but says, “we are a sexually free society over here in Amera but murder is still illegal, I can stall them with my charm. Don’t you find me charming Scott?” I see her point and say, “yes I do Miss Grant and thank you.” She leaves and one of the office kids Roberto comes in and said Miss Grant told him to stall for her and me so we chat for a few minutes and he says there is a book reading at the Coffee shop next week, sounds interesting but I had the bite the old bullet and in came the parents.
“Mom dad what a surprise I’m so shocked you remember you have a third son.” They take a seat and Miss grant comes in offering coffee or tea. We all agree on coffee so after the try is delivered Miss Grant offers to take any calls, so I press the button to transfer and the silence is thick until Mom speaks. “We have been wanting to see you for a while now, but our emails go unanswered, we came here to talk about Joe.” I stare at the ceiling, take a deep breath and tell both of them “Why he hates me as much as Dad here, typical homophobe if he is sick get medical treatment why is it my job to save him.” Good old Dad chimes in with his family values speech and I have nearly had enough when I get the video call from said brother and Brian, gee a family reunion I did not want (Brian excluded).
Joe and Brian did not seem to know the other was calling, Brain stated that he was doing dog training and could not warn me, Joe was trying to make amends and give me all the reasons why he needs my bone marrow. I told brain I loved him he was supportive of me so what I was about to say was nothing on him, he knew and understood. “Look Joe you have been nothing but a homophobic punk just like dad whose ass you keep kissing. I will consider the donation but unless your attitude changes and goes for the rest of you besides Brian, get out of my life.” Mom was crying oh so typical and dad went into his family speech again, them Miss Grant told me I had another visitor a Mr. Ken Young, great family, all of them besides aunts, uncles and cousins and now my brother’s oncologist here to guilt me, I am so hating my life right now I could cry.
After meeting with the doctor talking to everyone else rationally) as rationally as I could). My brother Brian had to go, Joe was getting to a meeting, Dr Young was telling me why he needed my bone marrow again, I was spent but Mom and dad wanted to see my new place and have dinner, my god what did I do piss off a gypsy nut I hear they rented a car so I re-arrange my students and they follow me on my bike, after I check with Marie to see if she needs a lift, she did not so all is good. I give them the grand tour of garage, living room kitchen bar counter where I eat. Bedroom and bathroom, not much to see but my decorating is up to snuff with them so great. Mom spots my joint box but for once does not lecture me on it I am looking for who brought these people to my job and where were my real parents who were disappointed in the gay son. Mom and dad start telling me about Joe and why he needs to stay healthy it seems that Dad is starting to show signs of Dementia and now they want to make amends, I don’t know what to say so we decide dinner is an option se we head to El Serrano, good god I need a joint but that will wait till later, my life is spinning right now.
* * *
In the restaurant with Mom and Dad having a nice grown up conversation and I am wondering who these people are and what alien life force has taken them away and sent these people. I had the pistachio mole and with these fresh tortillas its was delicious, even dad ordered something besides a boring bean and cheese burrito, its an actual tamale, and Mom had the sopes, yep not my parents these are from another planet. Then the conversation moved to my sexuality and I steadied myself. Instead of the big moral lecture they actually wanted to know what happened between Jay and so I had to repeat the story about how he was a department head I worked in the administration office it was an office relationship. We moved in together I came home one night, and he was in our bed with a student so there went both of our careers and I left and got the job here.
Yes, I do realize having a work relationship was a bad idea and that is why io will never do that again. “hey Scott babe nice to see you” its Devon and it is nice to see him I introduce Mom Eileen and Dad Joseph; we chat for a bit before Devon joins his party at their table. “He seems like a nice guy is he available” Mom asked. I shake my head and tell her no he is a friend that has made me feel welcome, and I tell them about they gay community out this way, after my collage days the community was not very big but in the last few years it has been. Our conversation drifted to dad and he told me how his Dementia diagnosis did seem to make things in his life like how he felt about me was not as bad as it had to be. He was disappointed that I took Mom’s maiden name but yes, he treated me bad and he came to understand why I did it. Mom was thinking that we could all start getting along in baby steps.
It was a lot to take in but I told them I would think about it, they were staying at the Amera Inn and Suites, I told them we would meet for lunch tomorrow cause I had that show to go to with Marie and Gemma, the lesbians next door. Got back home grabbed my beer and put the Cher on took my joint out and light that big boy, this nigh was a real head scratcher, my parent but mostly my Dad hated me for being gay. Mom just went along with whatever Dad said and now all this, a seep breath, let it out, swig the beer, sing to me Cher take my troubles away with Half breed. Then right into If I could Turn back Time and I had to laugh at that one, tomorrow I find out the rest of the family plan for Joe to take over and what is going to happen with Dad.
* * *
After seeing my parents off at the airport and finding out about the future of the family business. My brother Joe will take over the company full time as of January and Dad will be on the board for as long as he can. Mom has found a treatment that looks promising and I will be going home for Christmas and during then I will donate more bone marrow, it is a blessing and a curse to be a match for my brother. Now back to my job and looking forward to seeing the show Friday night with my new friends and maybe pick up a dude I need some love and affection and I am a giver too. Now work is over, and I drop Marie at home she is getting used to being on the bike, not too much death grip anymore. I head to the coffee shop and meet Ricky from school, and we grab a table. They have a great after-hours menu, so he and I split some Tapas and we get meatballs, prosciutto, and bread with a bowl of black olives, these things are huge.
The book of the night is How To be True to Yourself and the author is Barry Hill. He talks about how he came out to hid folks and they turned him away, sending him to a conversion camp before he was supposed to leave, he got on a bus and headed North instead. It was a bot like the story of my life I headed south and off to WDU for a year trying to find the real me but took a while and some family disappointment. I still care about my almost fiancé, but I could not be authentic, that was not my life. Barry told some more stories and then took audience questions. He told the story of his Mom’s forgiveness after Dad died and I lost it.
Berry, Ricky and a room full of strangers had to hear my life story and I found myself among friends, lots of us in the room had similar stories and it was cathartic to hear other people went through it too. We all had a shot of Whiskey and cheers to the gay life. Barry even married and his husband was an airline pilot they met at an airport while Barry was promoting his mystery series Dan Brown Butler detective. I will have to read those sometime but for now its time to head home and check some Pride Corner I am still on the prowl after all. I get some pictures with Barry and even but his book, it will be on my reading list. I stop at the store because I need coffee, I am getting used to using the Sextons now. After I get home I have a pride Corner message and oh boy he his sexy, his name is Tyler and he’s a chef ohh Daddy like these pics are super-hot and yes I can make out the package, mmm joint time and do a deep dive on Tyler here. He really is a chef, but he does not live around here so that may be a challenge. When you are gay and lonely sometimes a hook up is all you need to get your game back. I send him a reply and wait to see what happens, meanwhile I need to get some ancestry stuff done, got a response that was fast. He will be on the island Friday, sweet maybe he can go to the show with me, and then we can get that gay sex thing as my father puts it, yes gay people have sex for us guys yes its in the butt, mmmm I’m in need for now its chat with the cute chef time and he likes Cher so he’s already a good catch, he will be here Friday to have a job interview so that could be a great thing. We exchange messages and decide to facetime tomorrow, I think I need to shave, and I mean everywhere.
