[FM] I lost a bet and got fucked in front of a group of friends i had just met (True Story)

**[Disclaimer: At no point in this story did myself of Zoe feel like we could not stop things if we wanted to. Everything in both posts was completely consensual.]**

This is a continuation of a post I made yesterday. It was a fun tale in itself, but it was really just back-story for this post.

Picking up from my last story, Bryan, Trevor, Nick, and myself had all just watched Paul bring Zoe to orgasm right in front of us. They had run off to the bedroom and for the next 30 minutes or so we could clearly hear that they were fucking. That made things awkward for me, being with 3 guys i barely knew. I was still shirtless from the previous game, and was delaying redressing. In retrospect I know I wanted Bryan to try something with me.

Eventually Bryan reminded me that i had a beer to drink since I had lost the beer pong match. He told me to bring back some for everyone. I promptly came back, gave him his beer, and a kiss on the cheek, which i hoped wasn’t too forward. Then i handed out the other beers and Trevor slapped me hard on the ass as i walked by him.

“You’re lucky it wasn’t me that beat you” he said.

I turned on him and said he didn’t have the right considering how badly he lost.
Bryan agreed that their 0-2 record was more pathetic than our 2-3.

That got Trevor to change his tune and he started talking about how the game was bullshit anyway since Nick and Zoe barely made a shot, Paul and Bryan had the only decent team. Seriously? This guy was the worst. But he was kinda right. It was basically 2-on-1 every game. He even suggested that Bryan couldn’t beat me or Trevor 1-on-1.

I spoke up and said what was on my mind (an unusual occurrence for me). Neither of them could beat me 1-on-1. I had sunk more shots than any of them and it wasn’t even close.

That didn’t sit well with anyone, and with their eyes on me again i was hyper aware of how much skin i was showing, but i didn’t want it to stop so i kept my shirt off.

Trevor bet me that i couldn’t beat him 1-on-1, and if i did he would strip bare and do jumping jacks. He was so full of himself. I agreed, but only if he could beat Bryan first. And if he couldn’t he would have to play me in his underwear. At this point we hadn’t even discussed what i would be wagering. I thought the whole thing was bravado and didn’t take the betting seriously.

My boy Bryan mopped the floor with Trevor while i stood by and taunted Trevor with my tits as per usual. Every time Bryan made a shot i would wrap my arms around him and cheer.

Eventually he started grabbing my ass every time i embraced him. Trevor was salty about it. When he lost, he barked that i should just take Bryan to the bedroom like Zoe did with Paul.

I teased him that he was trying to get out of losing his clothes and that worked fine. He stripped down to his underwear. I couldn’t believe he actually did it!

He asked what the stakes would be and said he wasn’t going to do his nude jumping jacks if i wasn’t going to offer up something too. I explained to him that I never took his wager seriously. Nude jumping jacks was so comical that I had assumed he was joking. Then we all further made fun of him for stripping down to his underwear, which just made him even madder.

He said that now it was me who was afraid of losing clothes and that I just knew he was going to win the game so I wouldn’t wager anything.

Firstly, I knew I was much better at beer pong than Trevor. Secondly, I was no chicken. I am too competitive to back down, so I negotiated. I suggested that he could touch my boobs over the bra if he won, but he said that wasn’t nearly enough. After going back and forth we settled that the loser would just have to be nude for a moment. No jumping jacks. And everyone could put their clothes back on after.

I couldn’t believe what i had gotten into, but i knew i could beat Trevor. He wasn’t as good as he thought, and I really wanted to humiliate him further by beating him in beer pong yet again and forcing him to strip.

It was an intense game, and the alcohol really had a hold on both of us by this point. We were missing a ton of shots. Eventually i was up 5 to 2 and felt comfortable with my lead. The trash talk started and i said how stupid i was for talk him down from his jumping jacks. I could have wagered a blowjob and it wouldn’t matter because he just didn’t have the hand-eye to beat me. He hit the next shot. No biggie.

I was just hearing myself talk at this point. I didn’t even recognize the person speaking those words. I told him he’d be the one getting his ass slapped when he lost this time. He made another shot. But i was still ahead. He sunk a bonus shot. It was tied 2-2.

Still no pressure, but after a few missed in a row he finally took a 2-1 lead. Now i was panicked and the trash talk went the other way. He told me that what Paul did to Zoe was kids stuff compared to what he would do to me when he won. This made me nervous because he looked serious and i had humiliated him a few times already that night.

I guess i responded to the pressure because i sank the next two shots, thank God. The relief was short lived because Trevor won redemption and we put 3 cups each back up on the table.

Now Trevor asked me if i was still so confident about increasing the stakes, reminding me about my blowjob bravado. As he said this i sunk a shot to take the lead. He cut me off before i could shoot again and said he would wager ANYTHING if i would put the blowjob on the table.

Already with the lead, and the next shot, i wanted to take advantage so i suggested i would only do that if all 3 of the boys had to get naked if i won. This wasn’t a popular idea since only Trevor would be getting the blowjob. Bryan suggested i blow all 3 of them, but that was way too much. Though i would have blown Bryan for nothing if i had an excuse to. I told them i would strip and let them all touch my tits if i lost. They liked that.

I went up 3 to 1 and the guys were ragging on Trevor now. He had the balls to tell me he was still going to win and that he would wager anything i like for the bj. I guess he really wanted it. And i wanted to humiliate him further. I said if Nick and Bryan wanted to strip to their underwear now they could and the final result would be between just me and Trevor. If i won Trevor would have to get naked, on his hands and knees, and eat and drink from the dogs bowl. He said that was too much. For that he would want to fuck me. At this point i didn’t see losing as an option. I was just excited to see the boys in their underwear and to humiliate Trevor. So i said “yeah, whatever”. Then proceeded to hit the rim of his last cup.

(Watching Nick and Bryan strip down to their underwear was amazing. My head was swirling now that I could finally take in Bryan’s body. I knew I wanted him that night for sure.)

We both had trouble with shots for a while before Trevor finally sank one. He then started talking about how he would fuck me and it started to get real for me. I didn’t actually consider that it could happen. Not at all. He described bending me over the table, pulling my hair, and fucking me from behind. He said he would spank me and pinch my nipples. He even said he would cum all over my face. The worst part was that while he was saying all this he tied the game (1-1) and just continued talking while i missed another shot. He was really psyching me out.

He was about to shoot, but then he paused and offered me a deal. If i stripped down and begged him on my hands and knees he would let me off the hook and end it here. I almost agreed, but couldn’t stand the thought of being humiliated by him. Just accepting that he was better was too much humiliation for me so i told him to throw the ball.

It was a hit. He walked across the table and stood behind me. He put his hands on my hips and told me i should have taken his deal. We both knew it wasn’t over. I had a shot to keep things going… but i missed it. Before the ball even hit the table i felt his hands unclip my bra. He pushed me over the table with force. This couldn’t be happening.

He pulled the bra away from me and pulled down my pants and panties, commenting that they were already soaked through. I panicked and thought to offer double or nothing, but before I could say anything Trevor pushed himself inside me and I involuntarily let out a loud moan.

He just started fucking me hard right there on the table. I couldn’t register what was happening. It was demeaning, humiliating, frustrating, and incredible all at once. My pussy was dripping wet like never before and his cock felt so good inside me.

It must have been 2 minutes at least before i snapped into reality. He had started slapping my ass very hard while fucking me. I realized i had been staring Bryan in the face and he was just watching intently as Trevor punished me. Trevor’s cock was much bigger than my ex, and he was stretching me. It hurt, but so did his spanking. When Trevor reached around and clamped his fingers down on my nipple it sent me over the top. I got weak and couldn’t stop from moaning. “Oh God I’m cumming”, i moaned. He just kept pumping me as i had an extended orgasm. It was so intense i felt like i would black out.

At some point i had hidden my face in my hands and he exposed it again by pulling back my ponytail. He did it with enough force for me to arch my back and come up off the table. At this point i noticed that Zoe and Paul had come back to watch, standing in the doorway with Nick.

I was building to another orgasm and Trevor showed no signs of slowing. He told me to tell everyone what a slut i was and i couldn’t find words. With that he slapped my ass hard and clamped down on my nipple causing me to wimper “I’m your little slut”. Then i came again on his cock. Harder this time and i couldn’t help but moan as he just kept fucking me.

Finally he pulled out of me, put me down on my knees, pulled my head back, and came all down my face. Stream after stream of hot cum. He told me to lick it all up and i did. He could have told me anything in that moment. All he said was “clean it up” and shoved his cock in my mouth for me to lick clean.

I was entranced and wanted more, but then Zoe came over and helped me to the bathroom, and cleaned me up a little. Me and Zoe really bonded over the shared experience of that night. She told me how that had been a fantasy of hers since she started hanging around with those guys and that she had talked to Paul before about scenarios just like it. She said she was jealous that i had been exposed even more than her without even trying.

Eventually she called me a cab. I left out the back because i didn’t want to show my face after that humiliation. I didn’t want to see Trevor’s smug face. I couldn’t stand to look at him and admit that I had loved it.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/j965jy/fm_i_lost_a_bet_and_got_fucked_in_front_of_a


  1. Great story. Love the way you teased everyone and got what you wanted out of it. ?

  2. Very hot…but you should have taken Bryan’s hand and led him to his room to get what you really wanted all along….but, there’s always next time ?

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