The dark Jedi (a Star wars themed fiction)

I have always had a thing for star wars, but I find it hard to find God stories. Now I decided to write one of my own. But because I don’t know a ton about star wars, this is a rough fiction. I have spent a while getting it as accurate as I can, within how I’m writing it.
This is the first part, to set it out. I hope you enjoy it, as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

The dark Jedi.

He was a Jedi knight.
A long standing member of the fraternity set to uphold the laws of the galaxy.
To ward off evil and safeguard all that is righteous and good.

Master Jin-O was his name. He was a master Jedi. He faught many dark sith.
The sith. They stood against everything the Jedi stood for.
Where the Jedi stood for the light and peace. The sith stood for the dark and power. Sith craved power. They were a dominant force.

But this is not about the sith order and their rise to power.
This is about sir Jin-O. That name sends shivers of fear through the sith, even.

Master Jin-O was on a routine scouting mission to the distant planet C9-1O. It was neither sith nor Jedi. It was a very old planet, so when Jin-O arrived he thought it would be abandoned, but it was not. At least not in a sence of being occupied by either man nor beast.
It was, as he discovered, a planet dedicated to a vast temple compound. Half the planet was temple, the other half, rock and canyons. It was a very arrid place that did not have any flesh beings on it. But as Jin-O landed his fighter, the force was so strong. It clouded his very being. He was drunk on it. And he loved it. Jin-O needed to find the source of this power so he followed it. It called to him after all. It needed to be found, and he needed to find it.

So off he went, down into the depths of the temple, through many life threatening passages and traps. All easily navigated with his command over the force. Boulders were nothing for him as he flicked them out the way. Vast spaces were easily crossed as he glided with ethereal grace to solid land again.
Then he saw it, a glowing dagger, it called to him. No, summoned him. And he was compelled to answer.

As he reached it and touched it, the force of the old ones passed onto him and he received a premonition.

*blinding light*

“Jin-O, you have made it through the trials and the challenges. You will receive the true force power”

*light fades*

Suddenly Jin-O felt this surge of power through him. He could take on any beast.
As he exited the cave, traversing all the sparse caverns and dangers, with absolute ease. As Jin-O surfaced the depths and emerged into the light to find his apprentice. She was about a head taller that Jin-O so about 5’6,she had a large E bust she help tight and on proud display below a tight fitted combat suit. Being as she was a Jedi, she wore white with light blue accents. Her Saber was also blue.

As soon as she layed her eyes on Jin-O her face lit up, she knew how dangerous the temple was. But something was off, her master had this stride to him it was the stride of power.

“Bow before your master my young slave” Jin-O commanded. And when she did not bow, her master was annoyed and commanded her subtle body with the force. She buckled beneath an invisible force of power. But being a Jedi, well a paddawan, she sensed something was off and drew her saber. But that was no match for her master, he merely crumpled it before her eyes, the power crystal that powered it, reduced to dust.

“that will not do” said Jin-O. “For that disobedience, your freedom is forfeit” and he used the very outfit she wore to fashion a slave bracer and collar for her.
She was wearing robes with leather straps, which he promptly removed using invisible hands. He fashioned a collar from the leather straps and padded it with the fibers from the robe.
Young padawan, was left nude before her master, now even only wearing a slave collar that was made from her clothing which once represented her freedom and dignity, which she had no more. Now she was a slave, made to submit to the incredibly all powerful Jin-O.
He wasn’t turned to the dark side. Yet he wasn’t light either. He was just power. It had corrupted him and turned him into something else, a true master.

Jin-O and his slave turn around and walk back up the ship’s boardwalk, on her hands and knees.
She complied, a little out of fear. But also arousal. By the time she reached the top, her cute little bum and legs was wet from her arousal. Jin-O walked up behind her and SLAP, he struck her ass and made it warm and red. “I want some release” he commanded her as he used the force to lower his pants, there hung his cock. Not completely hard as of yet, “play with me and take me in your mouth” he said, no commanded.
Slave, which now became her name, gladly sucked his penis into her mouth. He groaned as he rubbed her fingers through her hair and brought her face up to look at him, “you will make a good slave”.
