Boating excursion (pt 1)

As we pull into the gravel parking lot of the marina, I’m in awe of the sheer size of the vessels around me. Most of the boats are in slips but some hang from massive lifts.

You excitedly gesture me over to your new prize. A 30 foot Sea Ray, built in the 80s. You explain that you saved for years to buy it. As you talk I can barely focus on your words. I’m lost in your green eyes. Your wire rimmed glasses are adorable. Your short but wavy brown hair blows in the breeze that’s coming off the water.

I’m nervous. I still don’t trust you yet. We are still new but your feelings for me seem so intense. I’ve worn my kaki capris, flat bottom yellow sandals, and white tank top. My long dark blonde hair is pulled up in a pony covered by a baseball cap. You’ve warned me about the intensity of the sun and I’ve heeded your advice. Your skin is golden brown and you have no tan lines…my mind briefly drifts into a fantasy of what you look like with your shirt off. You’re shorter than what I’m accustomed to, but this means when we talk I can look deeply into your eyes. Green on green.

You unbutton and unzip all of the boats covers. I stand nervously on the dock. You jump into the boat flashing me a smile, “ready?!” while extending your hand to help me aboard. I nervously laugh, “Yes, let’s go!”

Little do I know how this boat trip will forever alter my experience of life itself, opening my inner world of sexuality, lust, and pleasure.
