[M4F] blood, sex, and blowjobs

Met this girl back in the day. Super chill, great convo, no red flags — we went out a couple of times before hooking up and the sex was great, with a slight tinge of kink — she liked gentle slaps on her breasts and dirtier talk than I was used to at that point — but on the whole, after a consistent week dates things were as normal as normal gets.

It wasn’t until much later that I realized she was anything but…

So how this happened was sort of a weird domino effect. There I was one day, drifting in and out of sleep while she sat on my butt and massaged my back… from what I remembered there was music playing, something relaxing and enya-esque… and then suddenly *wham!* I was snapped back into reality by a sharp piercing pain on my back. I still remember that the haze of sleep and confusion caused me to take a second to realize that she bitten me.


Both the shock and confusion had forced me to jolt up and involuntarily sent her falling onto the ground. My face a mixture of surprise and pain.

“What the fuck Liz?!” I reached behind me and felt wetness, my fingers, on inspection, had small amounts of blood on them. She was on the floor both giggling and apologizing.

“Seriously…” I continued “what the actual fuck…”

She composed herself, got up and hugged me, the playfulness stripped from her face and replaced with a mixture of concern and mischievousness. “I’m sorry” she kissed me “lie down and I’ll make it up to you.” and pushed me in the direction of the bed.

“You’re crazy.” I sat on the edge, still upset over the bite.

“You love it” and with that she went down on her knees, pulled down my boxers and with quick “relax babe” she put me in her mouth and sucked and pumped my cock until I came.

“Are we good?” She climbed on top of me. There was a playfulness on her face that made me wonder what else she had in mind. “Don’t do that again” I warned her and grabbed her ass cheek until she gave a tiny squeal “you need to ask if you’re going to pull a stunt like that.”

She nodded her head in agreement and shifted over so I could spoon her. I pressed her close to me and we lay in silence until she asked if I could go down on her. “Of course” was my response and she turned around and looked me in the eyes. “But may I ask something special?”

“Sure”… I mean… it is the gentlemanly thing to do after a hot girl swallows your load.

“Wait here and close your eyes then.” she instructed and I obliged. I stayed on my back and listened to her walk to the bathroom, rummage around drawers, and come back and lay in bed. I felt the soft skin of her legs as she positioned herself to be eaten out. All of this in silence. Not a word was said. Not a comment was made. I just waited in silence and imagined what she had in mind.

“Keep them eyes closed” she grabbed me and guided me between her legs. I maneuvered around the bed, eyes closed, to find the best position to enjoy myself. “Follow my fingers” she put them on my lips and guided them to her thighs. “Kiss me here” she led me, blind, with only her voice and the taste of her skin as maps. “Now here.”

“I like this game” I confessed.

“Now here.” She continued. Her hand on the top of my head guided me to a new spot.

A new spot that tasted like blood.

I opened my eyes and saw a tiny cut on her thigh and from it, a small red thread, like the world’s smallest river, flowing across her pale white skin.

“You’re crazy” is the only thing I could articulate while my brain processed the last hour and the number of body fluids that were shared, and more importantly, ingested.

“Please.” She begged. Her eyes locked into mine while her fingers played with her pussy, her lips moist and painted with excitement.

I didn’t say anything. There were no words. I just let the weigh of my head dip to consent and let her hand guide me… my lips… to the cut on her thigh.

Blood. On our first date she mentioned something about being O positive. I thought it was a strange thing to bring up but whatever. First dates. She was cute.

I liked her smarts.

Liz was close to cumming, I could feel the tension building up. She grabbed my head and moved me to her pussy. I reached under her legs and pulled her closer and held her in place while I pushed my tongue against the base of her opening and licked all the way up until her body trembled as I sucked and swirled around her clit. The sweet metallic taste of her blood mixed in with her wetness and she held my head against her hips as she came in silence.

“Get on your back” were the first words out of her mouth as soon as she composed herself, positioned herself on top of me and in one swift motion straddled me and slid my cock into her.

To this day, I will not forget how she felt simultaneously both loose and tight. Maybe it was the thrill of everything that made everything hyper sensitive.

“Tell me when your close.” I was already close, the excitement of the past however long it was, was too much. “I’m close.” I confessed.

She slowed her movements to gentle circles, rubbing her clit against my skin.

“Don’t cum inside me.”

I realized this was the first time we were having unprotected sex “I’ll get a condom.” I said, leaning over to the dresser.

“No, we’re good” she continued “I want to taste you while you cum.”

I thought about the blow job less than an hour ago… and then it hit me…

“You mean my blood.” Not a question. Just a statement.

“Yes please.” She whispered, her face flush red. It was a request of lust and shame that forced me to take a moment and assess the situation: smart hot kinky girl is fucking my brains out and wants to taste my blood while cumming. She’s sucked me off; she’s fucked me dry; she’s said things to me mid fucking that I couldn’t imagine anyone saying in real life.

No was not in the cards as an answer.

“Ok” I grabbed her thighs and ground her hips against mine “you’re a good little slut” I continued “good sluts get what they want.”

“I’ll be your good fuck girl” she responded moving her hips in response to my touch. She rolled the tips of her nipples with her fingers and ground her hips against me the walls of her pussy grabbing onto my cock, her soft pink wet lips half open as she build up to her second orgasm, and as I watched her ride me lost in her own universe, grinding her hips harder and harder against me until she orgasmed for a second time… I realized that I would be bleeding soon.


Who knew?

Well Liz knew. Liz knew and I wanted to find out.

I sat up, lifted my hips off the bed and untucked her legs so we were facing each other, cupped her asscheeks and lifted her off me and let gravity drop her down. She was wet. I felt our juices and sweat build up around my balls. I lifted her and dropped her again. She had a great ass. I picked up my pace each drop met with a thrust of my hips.

“I’m close” I confessed.

Moment of truth.

“Just relax” Liz had a look of mischievous excitement in her eyes. I didn’t know what I signed up for.

Liz climbed off me and reached over to a small razor blade on top of the night table. I realized she must have placed it there when I had my eyes closed before I went down on her. “What are you going to do?” I asked nervously.

“Relax” she reassured me again “Lie back and close your eyes.”

“This is how it ends” I half muttered to the ceiling as Liz went between my legs and I felt her take my cock in her mouth for a few strokes before she pricked my testicles. Not a painful prick. just a weird sensation or being cut followed by the warmth of Liz’s mouth as she sucked my blood, our sweat, our juices, all of it… while she energetically stroked my cock.

Whatever apprehension I had before was lost in the warmth of her mouth. “You’re my favorite slut” I muttered as I came, semen smeared down the shaft, on her hands, splashed on her face; some landed on her hair.

I lay there in silence while she licked my shaft clean and then watched her as she walked to the bathroom to wash whatever else was left on her face and hair. I watched her as she walked back to me with a warm glow and friendly smile from all the excitement.

“Thank you” she said as she got in bed and pressed her body against mine. “This was special.” She whispered And she drifted of to sleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/j2zivq/m4f_blood_sex_and_blowjobs


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