A Mentor [Part 1] [MMF]

I started my new job six months ago. Laying fiber for the utility company out here in Kansas. It’s tough work, I wasn’t used to this kind of labor before. Honestly I don’t know why they even hired me. But somehow I landed the job without ever even having had a face to face interview. Let me back up a little.

My wife Jayne and I lived in California. We both hated it. I worked for an insurance company and was trying my absolute hardest to make it so she didn’t have to work. But it was a struggle. We married young and had two babies right away. She was so happy being pregnant. It was a side of her I’d never seen. I know people talk about, “the pregnancy glow.” But she defined it.

She just hated that I had to go to that office everyday. I could tell for months all she wanted was a quiet little life somewhere in the Midwest. She loved her country music, cooking in her little apt kitchen and organizing all her little baby things. But I could see the light fading. I could see her unhappiness with every siren that screeched past our apt. I knew we had to leave but I was skill-less, penny less, and Jayne was 8 months pregnant.

And so we stayed. We stayed in our tiny apartment and had our first daughter. Even after the baby came we stayed. We stayed because I couldn’t give her what she so desperately wanted. Two years passed before I’d finally managed to save up $2,400 dollars. By now we had managed to have our second baby girl an my wife was an amazing mother to both. She was an amazing wife to me as well. Regardless of whether or not I could provide the life she deserved she loved me to the ends of the earth.

But now I had some money. It wasn’t much but it was enough to cover a deposit on a small house in rural Kansas and if we were careful, enough to get us there. I started looking for jobs immediately. I didn’t want the same old office type job. I wanted something that would make her proud. I found a bunch of manual labor type jobs and I applied to every one of them. Only one took a chance.

Jayne is gorgeous. Slim waisted with round hips. Large firm breasts and a bigger tight ass she screams breeding material. Dark brown hair and amber colored eyes she melts men’s concentration with a simple glance. I was used to it. By used to it of course I mean I’d seen men everywhere checking her out. It had seemed even worse when she was pregnant. She’s so nice too she never realized what they were doing. She’d smile at them laugh at their jokes and maybe it was just me but her smile and laugh just beg for male attention. Guys loved it. They’d ask if she was spoken for, ask if I was her brother. Tell her she was gorgeous. Rarely did she ever even realize they were infatuated with her.

Which brings me to the rest stop about 100 miles east of California where we stopped because the car was making a terrible squeaking sound. My wife took the girls in to the bathroom and I got out to pop the hood and stare at the engine. I had no clue what I was looking at. Frustrated I looked up to see my wife walking back with the girls when an older man probably in his 50’s stepped in her path and squatted down to say something to my youngest. I was too far to hear anything but I could see clearly the smile on my wife’s face. She stood there talking with him for a bit and then they all started walking toward me.

Great, I was about to meet some stranger at a rest stop that was probably hitting on my wife. His name was Bill, or Bob or something. Nice enough guy. My wife explained he was a mechanic… after pulling a few caps off of things and checking the little dipstick things he informed us, well me. That we were out of power steering fluid. He lectured me on why I should have checked it before we left and if we hadn’t ran into him we’d have been in real trouble. He actually had a bottle in his truck. He retrieved the bottle and showed me the line on the dipstick that it needed to be at. It was the most embarrassing moment I’d ever felt. Here was this stranger telling me how I’d messed up while my wife and daughters watch. When we’d finished up and closed the hood my wife asked me to put the girls in their car seats. As I did she was thanking the man and she opened her arms for a hug. Of course he accepted. He wrapped his fairly big arms around her one hand behind her shoulders and the… the other was on the small of her back. Not on her perfect ass. Just barely above it. And he was pulling her close to him. I’d been staring at his hand and almost didn’t realize he was staring directly at me… smiling.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/j31qrp/a_mentor_part_1_mmf