everyday erotica / Monday pt1

You spent the weekend with the guys. It’s fine, that’s normal for us now. Four years in, and I feel like the only times I *really* get you to myself are those random lunch breaks when we both come home–no planning–and the middle of the night when you’re sleeping so deeply, and my insomnia medication hasn’t kicked in yet.

But I am close to my period, and my sex drive is through the roof. I played with the vibrator I got myself two Christmases ago until it died *twice* on Saturday, and then tried to cross my legs and distract myself all Sunday. When you came home drunk Sunday night, I tried to get you naked, but it wasn’t right. You said you were tired.

But I can only go so long. I’m running out of steam. This doesn’t happen a lot for us. We’ve always had regular sex; dry spells are uncommon, and make me nervous. Are you being satisfied by someone else?

I try to put that thought out of my mind. At 10, on my coffee break, I go into the bathroom and take off all my clothes–even my socks–and take ten pictures. I send them all to you. I know you have meetings in the morning, and won’t look until lunch. But I still check my phone every five minutes, hoping to see a notification.

Lunchtime comes and goes. Nothing from you. Damn! I go back to the bathroom to look at the pictures. What was off? Bad lighting? Do my boobs look too saggy? I’m not sure. But I don’t want to press it, so I decide not to text you.

3 PM, and I’m trying to think about what I’ll make for dinner… instead I’m thinking about you. You have been a little distant lately. I know one of your friends’ sisters just moved to town, and she’s been watching the games with you guys. She has red hair, your not-so-secret favorite. Suddenly my office phone rings, and I sit up straight:

“Hi, this is M_____.”

“Hey M_____, Jillian at the front. Your husband is here… He says he needs to talk to you ASAP.”

You’re here!

“Um, OK, I’ll be down in a minute.”

I run my hands through my hair. Should I check my lipstick? Too late, I’m already walking to the elevator.

I make the two turns, and see you, backlit from the afternoon sun streaming into the reception area. “Hey! What’s going on?”

“Hey babe, I needed to talk to you, just quick…”

I look to Jillian, who is looking at her computer. I know no one will miss me for five minutes. But what could be going on? You’ve never come to my office just to “talk”…

I lean in and ask “Is something wrong?” Your hand is on the small of my back, leading me out the door. “Let’s talk in the car.”

Now I’m terrified. You’re going to tell me you fucked your friends’ sister, with the perfect red hair, and much perkier tits.

I let myself into your passenger seat, as you open your door. I look down at my lap, and then at you. You’re starting the car.

“Hey wait, I left all my stuff…”

“It’ll be quick, I’m not taking you anywhere… Far…”

“What’s going on?” I ask seriously. You’re turning out of my parking lot, and towards the undeveloped plot that faces forrest. Sometimes in the morning, I see deer emerging from the tree line. No one is here right now, though. No deer. No developers. No cars.

You stop the car. “So… Hey.” Now you’re smiling.

“What the hell?”

“I liked those pictures you sent me”

“Oh,” this surprises me. “You didn’t say anything.”

“I wanted to show you how much I liked them, so…” You motion down. I can see you’re bulging through your slacks.

“You didn’t want to send a picture back?”

“No. Listen,” you turn to me and take one of my hands, placing it on your cock. “I know it’s been a while. And I couldn’t wait.”

I’m still a little caught off guard. I was so sure you were about to tell me something else…

“I’ve been waiting for you to say something,” you say. “Like maybe you needed a break from me, or something.”

“What??” I can’t hold it back anymore. “You’ve been gone, and I thought maybe *you* needed a break…”

“Ok well I fucking don’t.” I can tell you’re serious. You’re looking me in the eyes.

I move to unbutton your pants. “We have to be… Discrete. Someone can probably see right into the car.” I’m saying this mostly to myself, so that I keep my cool. I doubt anyone can see into the car, although they’d definitely notice if it was rocking.

You put your seat back. I instinctively put my hair into a ponytail. That’s when I notice something green on the mat, by your feet. I reach down.

It was neon green, lace. A thong. I pick it up, and it’s like the moment is frozen. It’s not mine. It’s not mine. It’s not mine. Finally, I look at you.

You aren’t looking at me. Or the thong. You’ve got one hand on your forehead, and you’re looking out the window.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/j1jryi/everyday_erotica_monday_pt1