The Red Witch (Part 2) [MF] [Fantasy] [Slow Burn]

*This is Part 2 in the ongoing series about the titular Red Witch. To get caught up, check out the previous parts listed below.*

[Part 1](


Hours had passed and Alan could still not begin to understand what was happening to him. He had flipped the sign on his storefront to ‘closed’ in order to compose his thoughts. He had studied the inky black panties before him repeatedly, only to be continually more dumbfounded with each revelation.

Firstly, his initial observation was confirmed. The black lace was blacker than any black that he had known. It was almost unnatural how absolutely no light escaped the inky threads that composed the panties. He even compared it to the specially-ordered black paint in his shop and it couldn’t compare: The panties were darker still.

Secondly, the red fiber that ran along the trim of the panties appeared to be several finer strands threaded together, yet bound tighter than the work of the seamstress from the village. Whoever crafted these undergarments was a master at the craft. Further, as he observed more, he could see single fibers of the same red threading had been interlaced throughout the panties. The designs created by the thread were surely intentional, though he could not decipher their meanings. The curves and turns of the lines made some sense to him in a deep part of his subconscious, but he could not describe what it was that he was understanding.

Lastly, was the style of underwear and how peculiar it was. Alan was no historian, but his mother, when she was alive, had a little more than a casual interest in the trends and history of the Old Times. He identified these panties as cheekys. The style is synonymous with fanatics of the occult and fanatics of witches. The legend goes that this style of underwear was often used as a focus for magic. Something about the design and both the influence it had on the wearer and those around her… But those crazy wannabe sorceresses haven’t been around for centuries. At least according to the history that his mother had told him. And the witches that they aspired to be hadn’t been around for even longer than that. Some historians would say millennia or more. If they even existed at all.

All of this made no sense to Alan. ‘Surely, she can’t believe in these crazy tall tales. I know Courtney. She’s far too level-headed for that.’ Alan thought to himself.

By dinner time he had decided that he would meet Courtney at the requested time. He thought that, no matter what the case was, she deserved his respect to listen. And in return she could perhaps answer some of his questions.

This reminded Alan of the immaculate design and craftsmanship of the panties. These panties couldn’t have been sewn by some crazy fanatic. Maybe there is something here? He had to know for sure.

At 11:30, Alan left his shop in his traveling coat for Courtney’s cottage. He had put out all of his lights an hour before so that anyone who had seen his house would believe him to have gone to bed at 10. Every light in the village was out and Alan had a pleasant walk down the Long Lane to Courtney’s cottage at the edge of the Essex Wood. The crisp, cool night told him that Autumn was on the precipice. Especially fitting, as this was the eve of the Autumn equinox. He heard a bold owl on the hunt for mice in the field to his right as he walked. Soon he saw the cottage rising up to meet him.

As he approached, he could see that a light was on inside. He gave a solid knock and waited a moment. After only a few seconds the door opened. Courtney was at the door with her usual Red Hat and her black cloak that had been secured in front of her. At first her face showed concern, but as soon as she saw Alan, he saw her expression change to relief and excitement.

“Oh Hey!! I’m so glad you came!” Courtney cooed. “Come in, come in.” She beckoned with her hand.

Alan stepped up into the door and gave Courtney a kiss on the lips. She wrapped her hand around the back of his neck and pressed back.

“I was worried until I got this letter.” Alan held up this letter. “I um- I had a few questions-”

“Shh, there will be time for that later.” Courtney interrupted. “For now, come with me.”

Courtney closed her front door and led Alan to her table. She had prepared a pitcher full of cold cider for the two of them. Alan was quick to accept. As they sat for a moment drinking, Alan noticed a large book that had a ribbon marking a page on the windowsill, A clock with many hands, as well as several flowers, herbs, and other organic plant life that adorned the walls of the cottage.

“I love your place.” Alan complimented. “I never took you for a nature gal” He smiled sarcastically.

“Well then maybe I’m not the girl you thought I was.” Courtney smiled back, indicating that she took the sarcasm.

She glanced at the clock. ‘It’s time.’ She thought to herself.

“Hey, why don’t we uh… take this into the other room?” Courtney gestured to her room.

Alan had so many questions that he had intended to ask before they went any further, but his carnal body told him that none of that mattered now. “Oh, well why don’t we?” Alan smoothly replied.

“Before we begin, I have a surprise for you.” Courtney said. A smile filled her face as she opened her cloak to slide it down her shoulders. To Alan’s astonishment, She was completely nude, save for her Red Hat.

Alan had never seen a thing so beautiful as Courtney’s naked body. As she faced him, he made out her shape; decidedly pear-like. Most of her weight rested in her hips, thighs, and tummy. Namely her hips and her thighs. Alan also noted how she now appeared far more ample and full-figured than she did with clothes on.

Her breasts, while not small, were not exceptionally large, but they were perky. Her nipples were small and light pink and stood just the slightest degree upward. Courtney’s tummy was supple and appeared softer than the fullest cloud. Her pubic region had short red hair to match her gorgeous flowing locks, though it was cleared around her vulva. Her hips and thighs looked like they could bear an entire village of children.

As Courtney turned and went into the bedroom, Alan saw the greatest sight his eyes had seen to that point. Courtney’s butt was sublime. It was her fullest feature yet. So large and supple. Firm and yet, shook with even the slightest move Courtney made. Let alone the quakes that shook it as she took step after step toward the curtain that housed her bedroom. Alan knew there was at least one thing that he had to see before the night was over…

As she slipped behind the curtain, she gave a wink to Alan and he couldn’t leave his seat fast enough. As soon as they were both in the bedroom, Alan got undressed.

Courtney’s eyes surveyed his body just as he had done hers. He was a fit man, as all but the richest men were in that place and time, but he did have a bit of a belly. Courtney nearly licked her lips at the sight of it. Alan’s legs were muscular from all of the walking that he was used to. His body as a whole had only a little hair, aside from his very full head, and modest beard and pubic region. Courtney loved how simultaneously rugged and tender the man looked. Like a giant bear that you knew would both kill enemies without trouble and snuggle its cubs endlessly.

Finally, Courtney saw what she had been waiting for. Courtney would later describe Alan’s penis as “The kind of penis that you would commission a painting of to hang in your home.” Even being a humble man, his penis was something that he could confidently be proud of. It was very full in girth, and Courtney would later learn that the length was a hair over 7 inches in length. It had one pronounced vein running the length of his shaft, terminating at the head, and the shaft itself was mostly straight with a slight upward bend. To say the 4’11” redhead was a little intimidated by it would be a slight understatement…

When Courtney realized her mouth was agape, she made her best effort to close it without drawing attention to it. They both stood speechless looking at each other.

Courtney made the first move. She stepped forward, grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him deeply. At the same time she gripped his penis with her left hand. Her eyes shot open when her finger tips only barely met encircling his member. Immediately she surrendered and her eyes were closed, again engaged in a passionate kiss.

Courtney pushed him back onto the bed. Alan noticed the bed poles almost looked like they had been made out of saplings or some other natural structure. The mattress was softer than he had ever felt, and yet the frame seemed exceedingly sturdy. Before he could think much more, he felt a deep warmth enveloping his cock.

He looked down to see Courtney’s bright blue eyes looking up at him through strands of red hair. and her mouth surrounding his penis. Her Red Hat still adorned, she began bobbing back and forth. Slowly at first, and barely halfway down the length of Alan’s shaft. After a few rhythms though, Courtney was able to take deeper and deeper throatfulls of his cock in her mouth. Courtney began gagging in rhythm with her bobbing and eventually she was swallowing the entirety of his shaft.

Alan had never seen such a sight. Eyes that seemed so innocent and naïve just 24 hours ago, now filled with desire and passion as her red lips enveloped his dick.

Soon Courtney’s eyes began to water, but they both knew how much pleasure they both were receiving to cause it. After another minute, Courtney released the vacuum she had on his cock and gasped as if she had been underwater for 2 minutes. A long strand of saliva ran from the middle of Courtney’s bottom lip to the tip of Alan’s drenched penis and she caught her breath.

“Ghu- That should be good enough- … Ghu-” Courtney breathed as she smiled at Alan.

What happened next, Alan returned to in memory for as long as he lived. With more confidence than any creature he had ever seen, the 4’11” doll of a lady climbed on top of him and straddled his pelvis. She sat atop him as an empress sits on a throne. The power Courtney exuded in that moment felt tangible to Alan as she slid her soaking wet vagina over his throbbing penis.

The pleasure was indescribable to Alan, and to Courtney, she couldn’t think of another time that it had felt even remotely this ecstatic. For Alan, it was as if a velvet cherub had enveloped his penis with the warm blanket of the sun itself. For Courtney, she felt immediately filled to her breaking point and then filled some more. Alan had reached ancient parts of her soul that had not been touched in… Courtney could hardly recall anything outside of the bedroom at the moment…

As Alan began to come to his senses, the curious only got curiouser. Alan believed he saw a black pattern grow like a vine on Courtney’s body. It began above her vagina and in a moment had enveloped her whole body. Hips. Thighs. Breasts. Neck. All but her gorgeous face and hair. But it was ethereal. Alan could Still see Courtney as she was, but the black lines were definitely over her. He immediately recognized the pattern as the same pattern that was woven in red into the panties that Courtney had given him. And the black was the same blacker-than-black of the lace…

Soon these thoughts left him as all he could focus on was the full-bodied angel that was straddling him. He watched her breasts heave and jiggle with her now labored breathing. Her perky pale tits and belly also jiggled in time with her bouncing. Up… down, up… down, up… Red Hat still atop her red head.

Soon Courtney began to whisper words that Alan could make no sense of. It sounded as if it were spoken in some arcane tongue that sounded nothing like the languages of men today. Her eyes were closed and she seemed deep in thought, though heavily distracted by the pleasure that she was receiving. After a short time Alan noticed that some of the same phrases were being repeated. Something about “Ruae”? He couldn’t be sure.

Courtney’s bouncing and chanting were picking up speed. Alan could tell that Courtney and he both were about to climax. He reached back and squeezed Courtney’s huge ass cheek.

‘No, I have to do the thing before we finish!’ Alan thought to himself. ‘Time to take charge.’

“I want to try a different position!” Alan blurted between heavy breathes. Before Courtney knew what had happened, Alan had taken control of the situation, which her carnal body completely approved of. In one smooth motion, he had switch positions with her and flipped her over. Now Courtney was on the bed, on her knees, and instinctively put her chin to the bed, presenting her ass to the man who stood behind her.

Alan noticed the lines on her body had begun to fade.

Alan took in the glorious sight of the fat ass that was awaiting him. He saw his target just below the cheeks; The already red and sore vagina that was just begging to be filled again.

‘Oh fuck!!’ Courtney thought to herself ‘He can’t be in the dominant position when the spell climaxes it needs to be me! Has it ever been done like thi-‘ Her thoughts were cut short by the feeling of being filled beyond her maximum again. She looked down at her breasts and saw the black leylines returning. ‘Oh, thank Ruae, it must still work…’ She could barely get the thought out before she was again consumed by the ecstasy of being rammed by this man.

Alan felt Courtney’s blissful insides around his cock yet again, but now he had a feast for his eyes as well. The fat in Courtney’s ass was so fluid and kinetic that it seemed that her entire body was dancing in ecstasy. He pounded her so thoroughly and forcefully that a loud rhythmic clapping could be heard from several meters up Long Lane, though no mortal men were around to hear it on that night.

Again, Alan heard Courtney begin the same enchantment that she had done before. This time, however it was different. It was the same arcane language that she had used before and that he had never heard, but he understood. He understood every word she said… As much as one can understand a woman when she is in such bliss.

Her chorus went as follows:

>I am Autumn, attendant of the Spirit of Ruae. Bless my body and this man’s seed as offering to the new season. May my field be bountiful and his harvest full, until he returns to your embrace.

This was repeated over and over. Each time with breath deeper than the last.

Allan saw the ripples on Courtney’s ass again. He felt her climax approaching.

He gave a solid slap on her ass cheek. Cortney yelped and he felt her climax as her insides squeezed and massaged his cock. Alan held out as long as he could, but such a divine female made him no match. After another 10 seconds, Alan climaxed, filling The woman’s insides.

This was when the most peculiar thing of all the peculiar things that night happened. The ink-black lines that enveloped Courtney started turning red. Not all at once, but starting from her vagina. It grew in pulses, exactly in time with Alan’s seed being pulsed from his testicles into Courtney’s body. The red color moved along the black lines as fluid would if it were pumped through a tube. Alan felt Courtney’s insides coaxing more and more fluid from him. More than Alan thought possible to give.

Eventually, all of the patterned lines that covered Courtney’s body had been filled with Auburn red. The same exact color of her now sweaty hair.

Alan pulled his penis out of Courtney and it was dripping semen like a spent garden hose. But neither cared about the mess.

They collapsed in a sweaty, steaming heap of ecstasy. Courtney’s pointed Red Hat remained on it’s perch on her head, although quite crooked from having been jostled quite a lot. It was in this way that Courtney and Alan fell asleep on the bed and slept the deepest sleep that either of them could remember.

Neither were awake to see it, but after about an hour, the auburn leylines on Courtney’s body faded, and the first winds of Autumn were allowed to finally blow.

But the call for these winds had been different than years before. Neither the trees, the water, nor the mountain could remember the last time that *this* ritual had been used. It had to have been at least a millennia…


*Thank you for reading, and as always I would love to hear any and all feedback on the writing. I know this one was a lot spicier than Part 1, but don’t worry, this is still a “slow burn” and they wont all be this hot and heavy. Overall, the story I have in mind will have peaks and valleys of love-making, but I plan on having a lot of worldbuilding in-between all the romping. Cheers, and Ruae bless your harvest.*
