Fixer-Upper [FM] [Exh] [Voy] [Teasing] [Kitchen sex]

Drip. Drip.

I tightened the cap on the kitchen faucet. Drip… Drip…


New washers are a dime a dozen, but I knew not every repair on this house would be so cheap. I straightened from the counter and turned for my toolbox, catching Vic’s eye across the hall. His gaze held steady. “Have I ever told you how hot your ass looks in those jeans?” he asked. Vic held a door against the casing, the divots already cut away for the hinges. It lined perfectly with the pencil marks he’d measured moments ago.

“Once or twice,” I grinned back. The truth was, I wore those particular jeans knowing he’d appreciate them. If not for how they framed my ass, then at least for how they clung to my long legs. Which wasn’t to say he didn’t appreciate my breasts, only that Vic was easily distracted by a well-rounded form. “Don’t spend too long staring, or that door will never get hung.”

“Jeannie, that door isn’t the only thing around there that’s gonna be hung.”

I laughed and scooped up the toolbox, sparing a long look to his broad shoulders as I passed. Vic didn’t look so bad himself.

We went back a few years. I’d first hired Victor as a contractor to patch drywall in house I was flipping and re-hired him a few times for odd jobs on other projects. When we discovered our mutual interests in craftsman homes and rental opportunities, Vic became my business partner. We bought homes together, we flipped them together, and we shared the incoming rent together. When our work slowed, he took on small contract jobs around town, but I saw him more days than not. We worked well together.

There had always been a low-lying tension between us, but it took that long, humid summer to draw out our flirtation. It was the first time since we’d met that we were both single. And it was driving me crazy.

That particular day was hotter than any other that summer. Even inside, I was baking. “You’re sure you want to work on that fence today?” I asked Vic.

He was already halfway out the back door and turned to me with a grin. “Nothing says construction work in July quite like securing posts.”

A pile of lumber lay in the yard, waiting for him. “I forgot how crazy you are, Vic.”

With an easy shrug, he bound down the steps. I watched him go. His jeans outlined of his ass and legs perfectly. Long, lean, and with just the right amount of muscle. If I wasn’t careful, I could watch him all day.

A few steps into the yard, Vic glanced over his shoulder to the window and caught me staring. His grin returned wider than ever. He turned his back to me, in a deliberate way that made it obvious he knew my eyes remained on him. Slowly, his shirt hem crept up his back. Inch after inch of glorious skin was revealed until the triangle of his shoulders broadened out. He dropped the shirt onto the grass. The way his shoulders were defined under the hot sun, he had to be flexing for me. Another step, and another, and Vic arrived at the back of the property. Slowly, agonizingly slowly, he faced me again. His smirk preceded a quick wink.

When Vic got to work, so did I. I had a kitchen to paint. The tray already held a thick pool of cherry red paint. If I didn’t get started soon, the roller was likely to dry in this heat. I rolled the paint onto the wall with a deliberate stroke. The stripe of red shone, wet and deep against the offwhite wall.

The color reminded me of lipstick. Sexy red lipstick.

With a steady hammering resounding from the backyard, I finished out a corner of the breakfast nook. When I dipped the roller back in the tray, I felt eyes on me. Vic? It had to be. I straightened from the tray. Two could play at teasing. I lifted my shirt as slowly as Vic had, incrementally exposing back. The view would be broken by the band of my bra, but I knew that last wave of fabric over my head would drive my business partner wild. Just as he’d done to me.

I had another wall corner painted when I heard a long pause in the hammering outside. I faced the window to find Vic staring at me across the lawn. I lifted my breasts in the bra, squeezed them together and rolled my thumbs over the nipples. Despite the heat, my nipples stood hard. Whether it was from my hands’ attention or from my brazen performance, I wasn’t sure. I didn’t care which. The arousal was its own reward.

Bending over the paint tray, I was certain Vic stared at the seat of my jeans. I took longer dipping the roller than necessary, but even when rolling the red paint onto the wall I let my hips sway in exaggerated arcs. Silence reigned behind me while I filled another white rectangle with red. So Vic still watched me through the window. I set the roller into the tray and, without turning, loosened the button on my jeans. My hands caressed my ass and drifted down to my thighs in an enticing dance. Once my jeans were unzipped, my jeans rolled down to the floor, unveiling first the panties clinging to my pert ass and then the milky white of my long legs.

Silence. Where was Vic? What was he doing while he watched me? I knew he wasn’t working on the fence, but beyond that I could only guess.

After drifting my hands once more to squeeze my ass and traipse down my thighs, I brought them to the front. A quick tug on the waist and the panties moved down, then returned to my hips. I hoped the view would tempt him. I knew the next view would be even better. Two fingers hooked under the fabric to stroke my slit. Putting on this show had made me wet. Slipping the fingers into my pussy, I let out a little moan. I wanted to be as silent as Vic but I couldn’t help myself. My pussy was hot, tight, and inviting. But I didn’t want to cum just yet, only coat my fingers to the knuckle with juice. Slickened, I teased among my folds before circling my clit. The nub stood prominent, begging for attention. I gave it everything I wanted: rubbing and teasing and tugging and even a light little slap that resounded wetly in the kitchen. My head rolled back in the sensations. I was starting to lose myself in it.

Click. We’d been working in this house long enough that I knew every sound as well as my own home. That was the back screen door latching closed.

“Jeannie.” Vic’s voice was low in a serious tone I’d never heard before. I shifted towards the sound but stopped at his next words. “Keep your back turned.”

I stared at the wall, the bright red streaks reflecting the midday sun. My first goal had come true: I had Vic inside with me and every fiber of his being focused on my body. “Enjoying the show?” I asked. I didn’t need to work for a sultry tone, my voice was already tinged with the heat of desire. Truthfully, I was halfway to an orgasm and having Vic directly behind me only heightened my need.

“You are such a little tease, Jeannie,” he replied. It was obvious he wasn’t complaining. “Are you gonna cum for me now, with your hand in your panties?”

At the suggestion, I resumed circling my clit. “Is that what you want, Vic? To see me cum in front of you?”

“I want you nice and warmed up for me.” I moaned at that–at the suggestion that he was going to fuck me. “I want to hear you scream out in an orgasm while you imagine my cock filling you up.” That brought another moan. We were both serious about this.

As I slipped those two fingers back inside my slit, I couldn’t say anything more. I was too taken by the pleasure of working myself to climax in front of my business partner. I heard the metallic jingle of his belt unbuckling as I thrust my fingers as deep as I could, crying out each time I brushed the raised nub on my walls. “That it,” Vic whispered behind me. “Fuck yourself for me. Cum all over that hand.”

I did. The climax overtook me. My legs nearly gave way while my pussy clenched hard around my fingers. The result was a loud, gushing orgasm that left me trembling in its wake.

Before I had time to recover, Vic pressed himself against me. If I hadn’t propped my free hand against the wall, I would have been pushed forward into the wet paint. Instead, only my left hand imprinted into the tacky paint while Vic molded himself onto every one of my curves. His sweaty chest stuck to my back, his jeans bunched rough against my calves, and his shorts pressed hard into my ass.

“You weren’t kidding about being hung,” I jested.

For reply, Vic only tugged my hand out of my panties and slipped those two fingers into his mouth. My hips ground back while he cleaned my cum from my hand. “You taste fucking incredible,” he whispered before nipping at my ear. “And I am going to pound that pussy until you cum again for me.”

“God, Vic.” Grinding backwards only made me more aroused. Putting on the show might have turned me on more than him. “Take me. Just fucking take me.”

He spun me, whirling me easily in his strong hands and half-carried, half-pushed me to the counter. A quick tug on my panties, soaked now from my first climax, followed by a quick lift, and I was seated on the edge of the counter, naked except for the bra. I knew Vic appreciated a woman’s rack but in our hot, overwhel ming need, we’d have to wait for another opportunity to get me truly naked. After all, in our haste he still had his pants around his ankles.

I had my first view of his naked cock. Thick and exactly the right length, it pulsed an inch from my slit. I couldn’t take my eyes from it. “Vic…” I breathed out. Licking my lips, I tried again. “Fuck, you look incredible. That cock….” I couldn’t find the words to describe it.

“You want it?” He smirked. Vic pushed his hips forward to close to gap between us. The head of his cock brushed over my slit. “You want this cock to fuck you?”

“God, yes.” Of course he knew the answer without having to ask. I had been playing with him and now it was my turn to be teased. Vic made that clear when he dipped his thick knob into my pussy only to immediately back out, spreading my wetness over my folds like he was painting my cum across my pussy. “God, Vic, just fuck me.” In the growing desperation, I clung to his shoulders. One hand gripped better than the other — the other, which spread red paint on his skin.

If anything, Vic’s smirk only widened. “You’ll need to ask nicer than that.” His tip rubbed over my clit. I could barely think, let alone form words.

“Please.” I saw Vic’s expression glaze over in lust. He needed this as much as I did, but the rules of the game had changed from my striptease. Now I was the one losing control. “Please fuck me.”

Terminally slowly, he guided the head of his cock to my entrance. “Mmm, Jeannie,” Vic whispered. “You’re such a good girl.”

Before I could reply, Vic thrust into me. My slit parted for him as my walls wrapped his cock, welcoming him in. It was a long, slow push forward that let me feel every inch of his thickness stretching me. My moan was lost in Vic’s deep groan. When he pulled back, the ridges along his shaft massaged me from within and my pussy gripped in return, trying to keep as much of his cock inside me for as long as possible.

We picked up the pace, moving into ever higher gears. Vic’s thrusts were masterful, driving into me with such a force that I could only dig my fingers into his back and ride it out, moaning every time his balls smacked my pussy lips.

Our mouths were in overdrive. First kissing deeply, tongues dancing as deep as his thrusts. Then biting and sucking at the other’s ears, neck, and shoulders. Anywhere we could reach was fair game. No amount of pressure was too much. Not when we were rutting on the counter without regard for the abandoned work around us or the neighbors who could easily spy inside the window.

“Fuck, Jeannie. You’re so wet and tight for me,” Vic grunted into my neck.

My moaning was so loud I barely heard him. “And you’re so fucking hard, Vic.”

“Can you cum again for me?” In my reply, I only nodded, breathlessly moaning while my fingers clawed into his back. “Then do it, Jeannie,” Vic said, half ordering and half imploring. “Cum for me. Cum all over my cock.”

I did. With my head arched back so far I nearly stared out the window, I shrieked my orgasm. Vic thrust through the waves of fresh cum, riding me out until my high screams quieted into throaty rumbles. The edge taken off my need, I refocused on Vic. His entire body was taut. If I’d needed that orgasm so badly, I could only imagine how desperate he felt.

“Vic,” I started, “I want you to cum. Empty your balls for me.”

His mouth found mine for the deepest kiss yet. The intensity stole my breath away. “I want to cum on you, Jeannie.” It sounded like a statement, but I knew it was really a question.

“Yes.” The conviction in my voice surprised even me. Vic’s eyes were wide, as if he couldn’t believe what he’d heard. I repeated it. “Yes. God, Vic. Cum on me. Paint my skin white.”

The thrusts resumed, slow to guide us towards another climax. Vic’s next words made me moan. “Your ass. I’m gonna cum all over your ass.”

Maybe I should have guessed. When he found me fingering myself, he told me not to turn around. He would have been ogling the curves of my ass, watching it undulate while I pleasured myself. I had wanted to drive him mad. Maybe I succeeded.

“Yes, Vic. Fuck yes.”

In a flash, he pulled out of my pussy, leaving me empty without his thickness stretching me out. His hands tugged me down from the counter, spun me half a turn, and pushed down on my shoulders. I was bent over the counter with my ass high out for his admiration.

The game may have changed but I had to goad him on just a little more. Peering at him over my shoulder, I moaned low. “Fuck me again. Make me cum on your cock before you paint my ass.”

I saw his eyes widen in lust. Half a second later his palm landed on my rear with a smack. “You’re so fucking selfish.” Under other circumstances his words might have sounded harsh, but his tone held only lust. My request turned us both on. Getting spanked turned us on even more.

Another smack, now on the other cheek. The sound made my pussy clench. “You’re selfish and fucking insatiable.” The words were marked with more light spanks, all aimed more for the effect of sound than any sense of pain. I wasn’t hurt by the impacts, only turned on. My moans made that obvious to both of us.

“God Jeannie, I’ll bet this makes you drip, doesn’t it?” Another spank. My hips shifted back to meet his hand. Holding his gaze over my shoulder, I nodded. “Do you know what’s going to happen to you now?” He spanked the alternate side in a tap that landed center on my cheek.

I had an idea what Vic had in mind, but to play along I shook my head. “No, Vic. What are you going to do with such a selfish tease?”

Vic landed one last spank before holding onto my hips and pushing forward. The breath left my lungs in a throaty moan. He filled me up to the hilt. I’d already climaxed twice but still his length felt huge inside my tight pussy. He leaned over my body until his face was in front of mine. “I’m going to make you cum one last time. Then as soon as I hear you scream out my name, I’m gonna cover this sexy, pink little ass with cum.”

Before I could reply, he sealed my lips in a long kiss, his tongue as hungry as his cock. Then he was standing straight. With the extra leverage, he drove his cock into me, stretching my pussy and pitching my moans higher and higher.

Held in place by his strong hold on my waist, I could only grip the hard surface underneath me and cry out. With my gaze still turned over my shoulder, I knew Vic could see the pleasure wash over my face with each thrust. Still I had to push him onward. “Yes Vic, fuck me. Pound me onto this counter. Feel how tight my pussy clenches your big, thick cock.” When Vic’s only response was a series of deepening grunts, paired with faster thrusts, I knew my words took their desired effect. “Fuck me, Vic.” It became a mantra underneath his straining muscles. I repeated it every time his balls slapped against the curve of my ass. “Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck—” I cut off into a long shriek. I was at my limit. Remembering Vic’s promise, I managed one last syllable as I gushed around his shaft. “Vic!” I screamed. His name filled the kitchen.

He managed to hold out a few more strokes while my pussy tightened around him, milking his thickness. Then his desire grew desperate. One backward tug and his cock left me empty once more. Almost uncontrolled, his hips rocked forward between my ass cheeks. His cock left a long wet trail down the middle. I wanted to push him over the edge. “Do it,” I hissed. “Cum for me. Cum on me.” Vic’s eyes were wild over mine. “Paint my pink ass white with cum.”

That was all he needed. With a long groan that made me shiver down into my core, Vic’s hips bucked, thrusting his cock forward. Long ropes shot out. The first few hit my back as Vic shuddered behind me, then he regained control over himself and aimed lower. The next jets draped over my curves, tracing down from the top of my cheeks and down to my thighs. They were hot and sticky, clinging to me like a second skin. The last squirt landed square in the center of a pink handprint.

With one last groan, Vic collapsed onto the counter next to me, panting and dripping sweat. “Goddamn I needed that.”

Holding his gaze, I dipped my finger into one of the trails of cum and licked it clean. “I did too, Vic. You have no idea.”

His eyes widened as he watched me swallow the dab of cum. “I might have an inkling,” he grinned.

After a few minutes of catching our breath, minutes that we filled with giggling kisses and whispered compliments, we cleaned ourselves up. “I guess I’d better finish that fence,” Vic breathed into another soft kiss. The flick of his tongue promised another round when we completed our day’s work.

“And I’d better finish this kitchen,” I replied, looking meaningfully at the half-complete wall, mostly cherry red save for the white hand print in the center.

Vic buckled his jeans and sauntered out into the yard, his shirtless back glistening under the afternoon sun. The matching handprint shone red on his back for all the neighbors to see. I swelled with pride. I had marked him as mine.



  1. If you loved this story or hated it, I’m open to feedback so I can better tailor my writing for this audience.

  2. Hot story- im only surprised he didnt explore more of you with his mouth. I’m orally fixated though.

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