A quickie with Millicent [Mf] [Class] [Victorian][power]

‘I’ll inspect the servants,’ I said, pushing myself away from the breakfast table with a clink of crockery and silverware.

‘Must you?’ Said Ruby, leaning back in a feline way, stretching her arms over her head. The dress she wore was cut low and I let my gaze linger. She rolled her eyes when she saw where I had been looking. She scowled but looked more than a little pleased at the same time. ‘You are dull Charles.’ She stood and wrapped a shawl around her shoulders. ‘Infinitely so.’

‘Am I dull, Percy?’

The butler, as expressionless as a doorhandle, looked at my wife, then at me. Taking sides was not something he was capable of.

‘I wouldn’t know, sir,’ he said, slowly, deeply. He nodded and a maidservant walked over to clear the plates away.

‘I’m going to Lucille’s,’ Ruby declared, pecking me on the cheek. ‘We will play cards and have a gay time. There will be no terrible me. I shan’t be back until later.’ She stood and threw her shoulders back.

‘You look marvellous darling,’ I said.

She smiled. ‘I know,’ she said and blew a kiss from her white glove. Then she swept out of the room in a rustle of silk without a backwards glance. I watched her go, the sweep of her neck, the dip at the small of her back. I glanced at Percy to see if he was tempted but he was watching the table being cleared with a steady eye.

‘Quarter of an hour, then?’ I said to him.


He had them lined up in the drawing room when I came in, in front of the mantle. It was a way to pass the time between breakfast and lunch. I smiled a little. The dumpy cook and her assistant. Edmund the gardener and his boy. The coachman and the stable boy. Ruby’s maid. Percy of course and another one.

‘Who’s this then,’ I said to Percy.

She was looking half away. She was a young thing, all blonde curls.

‘Millicent, sir,’ Percy explained. ‘New scullery maid.’

I frowned. ‘What happened to Susan?’

‘Sarah, sir,’ corrected Percy. ‘Her mother got sick up in St Albans.’

‘Shame,’ I said. ‘She did get the silver to a shine.’ I sighed. ‘Can’t he helped.’ I looked at Millicent. ‘Look up then,’ I said. ‘Can’t see you down there.’

She raised her face slowly. I swallowed. She had lovely cornflower blue eyes, soft cheeks, a pointed chin and a delicate nose.

‘Well,’ I said, unable to hide my Fox-sly smile. ‘Well.’

Percy never rolled his eyes. He was incapable of petulance, back talk or any emotion beyond that of a particularly placid tree trunk. And yet here I felt from him an exasperation. A sense of ‘here he goes again.’ And damn it I couldn’t complain. Here I was going again. I can’t help it. Beautiful things, women. You know what I mean. Honestly, what would have you done if you were in my position?

‘Very good Percy,’ I said gruffly, dismissing the staff. I waited a second. ‘Oh, and send Millicent up, I’ve got some polishing what needs sorting,’ I said in my best military.

‘Yes sir,’ said Percy with a slow graciousness that contained his sigh. He was a very Christian man, though I’ve seen him with the brandy on a Sunday evening.

She came up to my study shortly, curtsied in a clumsy but charming way.

‘Yes, yes.’ I said and swept her into my arms. She squealed a little but settled in easy enough, her little tongue flickering into my mouth.

‘Are you a dirty girl my dear?’ I asked. She nodded eagerly and kissed me again.

‘Oh yes sir.’ She had a quiet, unabrasive accent, not the usual kind found downstairs. She hitched her skirts and pressed against me. She had nothing on under them and I stroked her hairy cunt, wet and open and surprisingly ready. She giggled. ‘I saw you look at me, sir, and knew you’d want to.’

Her delicate hands had already unlaced my trousers and were fondling my cock.

‘Put your fingers up my cunt, sir?’ She looked at me in the eye and was stroking me as I pushed in. She raised her eyes to heaven as I began to thrust. She moaned and I pulled the dress off her shoulders and kissed them. Not as delicate as Ruby’s but then no one has shoulders like her.

I wanted her so I bent her over my desk and slid my cock into her ready slit. I held her skirts up and looked at her pert milky bum as I began to thrust.

She moaned delightfully. She had a tight snatch that gripped my cock as I fucked her. She cried out sweetly when I put it deep in her and looked over her shoulder with begging eyes when I pulled back. She looked deliciously innocent which made it all the better when I spat on my finger and put it up her arse.

‘Oh fuck!’ She swore in perfect Anglo Saxon. It was a delight. She was a metronome. Each stroke she swore. I rustled her around onto her back and sat her on the desk. Her chest was small but her nipples were large and deep crimson and I drew one into my mouth as I held her sweet hips and spread her cunt open with my thick cock.

I felt it coming. I wanted to keep her unspoilt so I pulled out and spattered her thighs and her bush. I stepped back and admired my handiwork. She kept her legs spread in a charmingly slatternly way, unabashed; quite the opposite in fact, proud.

I laced myself up and she straightened her hair and found the pins that had fallen out of it on the desktop. She kept looking at me as I waited for her to finish up. She slowed as she walked by me to the door.

‘Will that be all, sir?’

I almost laughed. ‘For now, girl, yes.’

She paused by the door. ‘Next time you can put more than your finger up my arse if you like,’ she said and blushing furiously went into the darkness of the hall.

I blinked, startled, and settled my face into a pleased expression. Capital. I went behind my desk, touched the spot that was still warm from her behind and took out a paper and pen. Harry would want to hear about this.

*My dear old thing,* I began. *I must tell you about this rather marvellous slut…*

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/j0byi9/a_quickie_with_millicent_mf_class_victorianpower