The Pleasure of Business: An Erotic Novel, Chapter 13 (MF) (Public Sex) (Anal)

The next morning Anna wakes up alone in the massive bed. It takes a moment for her to remember where she is. The aches in her body remind her.

She walks out of the bedroom and hears Wyatt and her boss out on the balcony.

“… if you’re sure, I ain’t one to argue. You wouldn’t listen anyway,” Wyatt says.

“She’s different. That’s why I brought her here to meet you,” the boss says.

Hearing the two of them makes her head spin. They can’t be thinking about her, could they? What would make her different? She mentally files her questions away to ask later.

They spy her walking onto the balcony and cut off their conversation.

“Well there’s a fine sight for some old eyes in the morning,” Wyatt says with a smile.

Her boss kisses her and wraps his arms around her from behind making her body shudder. Even as sore as she is, she desires him. The feeling of their skin together alerts her to the fact they are all nude. She is getting used to it but isn’t there completely yet.

Wyatt’s eyes drill into her and she feels herself melt a little bit. Both men have such irresistible power over her. But her body needs to recover and she finds herself preferring the familiar touch and kiss of her boss.

“How are you feeling? That was quite the performance you had last night,” Wyatt says.

Anna blushes and turns her face away from the older man. “I’m a little sore, I won’t lie, but I had quite a good time last night. I hope everyone else did too.”

Her words barely have time to land before Monique steps into the doorway, her hair wet and skin glistening with water droplets.

“Mister Wyatt, we have no towels. I should call the front office to bring some up, yes?” she says.

“Guess you better. Don’t want everyone standing around dripping wet,” he stops and looks at you, licking his lips. “Or do we?”

“Oh you are so bad, Mister Wyatt!” she says. Then she walks up to Anna and kisses her firmly on the mouth. “Did you have a wonderful time? I hope this is not the last time I see you!”

Monique’s kiss catches Anna off guard, her mind still trying to wrap around another woman desiring her so intensely. She silently hopes it won’t be her last experience with a female lover.

Without waiting for Anna’s answer Monique spins on her heel and grabs her whistle off a hook on the wall.

“Duty calls!” she says, blowing kisses and then disappearing.

“I bet you would like a shower and some breakfast,” the boss says to Anna. “Then we should probably get back to our own room and get dressed for today’s meetings.”

“A shower and breakfast sound nice. Do you want to join me, sir?” I say, a mischievous flash in her eyes.

“You truly are insatiable,” he chuckles and kisses her. “This old timer and I have some things to discuss. Go have your shower. You look like you were up all night fucking.” He winks at her.

As Anna heads back inside she hears Wyatt say, “Well if you’re not going to join her…”

“Give her a break, old man,” her boss counter. “I don’t want her too sore for our plans later.”

The sound of the shower cuts off their voices. As she washes away the night’s activities her mind races as to what other things they could possibly have planned for her. After last night she struggles to even think of a fantasy she hasn’t had fulfilled. She bites her lips thinking of possibilities but winces as she gingerly washes her rubbed raw pussy. Her brain wants more, her body tells her to slow down, and she isn’t entirely sure which she wants to listen to.

She steps out of the shower and sees that towels had indeed been dropped off. She wraps herself in one and walks into the kitchen where Wyatt has made breakfast. She sits down next to her boss and lays her head on his shoulder. She takes a sip of coffee, not saying a word.

“You sure made an impression on the old man,” he says. “I practically had to hold him back from following you into the shower.”

He takes a sip of his own coffee.

“He left. Said he was going to go check on the staff. I’m pretty sure he really meant he was going to go find someone to take care of the hard on he got looking at you.”

“So was the sex everything you’d dreamed of and more? Did you enjoy your first Carolina?”

Anna giggles and her body relaxes when she hears Wyatt has left.

“I so enjoyed last night, sir. Thank you for setting it up. I hope it was enjoyable for you too.” She kisses his cheek and looks into your eyes, “I definitely want to explore more but I can’t possibly imagine anything getting better than that.”

“You are free to explore as much as you like. Paradise is your playground. Sex, food, drink, experiences. Anything you want can be had here. And now you know the magic word. I don’t want you going back to America wondering about anything. This place is not for wondering if you can. It is for grabbing life by the neck and doing it,” he responds, stroking her thigh lightly.

Anna bites her lip and runs her fingers through his hair. “What were you and Wyatt discussing before I woke up today?”

He kisses her and chuckles. “Oh that… Well, years ago I brought Jennifer here. She hated it. Hated Paradise. Hated Wyatt. Hated the whole thing.”

“We were discussing how Wyatt likes you better,” he says, stopping his gentle strokes and tightly gripping her thigh. “Inside and out,” he whispers, nibbling her earlobe.

Anna blushes and feels a throb between her thighs. Her body and her mind still fighting.

He stands up, the quick motion making his semi-erect member bounce like it is spring loaded. “Alright, Anna. Are you ready for your first naked walk across Paradise?”

“I guess I should get used to being naked. When in Rome, right? Seeing as Wyatt claimed my favorite bra and panty set, I’m just stuck in this,” she motions to her body, stealing her boss’s joke.

“I see no problem with being stuck in that,” he says, gently running a hand down her bare front. “I rather enjoy sticking myself in that.”

She giggles and takes his hand. He leads her out of the treehouse. As they walk down the stairs, she starts to feel nervous again. What will people think? How will he react if someone makes a pass at her?

Heads start to turn before they even reach the bottom of the stairs. The wayward prince descending from the king’s quarters with a new companion. As they walk he sees eyes quickly dart from her face to her breasts to her purple wristband. In any average situation they’d be undressing her with their eyes. Here they just fill their minds with ideas to see if the purple bracelet is accurate.

Anna feels her confidence grow with each stare she collects. She doesn’t want to hide from them anymore. She finds herself wanting to know every fantasy she may be inspiring in this moment. She secretly wishes she could indulge each and every one of them, the idea of satisfying a crowd of people making her feel powerful.

As they reach the stairs to their own room they see a man leaning against the railing. Another few steps reveal a woman on her knees in front of him. As they get closer they recognize her as the laughing woman with enormous breasts from the day before. She must have a suite near theirs.

“Couldn’t wait to get into the room?” the boss chuckles at them.

“Lost the key and needed some way to pass the time while the office brings a new one,” he chuckles back.

They leave the couple to their business. Anna is not as shocked as she would have been even just a few days ago. She is acclimating to seeing nude bodies and sex acts out in the open. She’s even a bit jealous of the woman. Her mind instantly races with thoughts of engaging in public sex acts even as her muscles scream at her.

He opens the door to their suite, lets her in, closes the door behind them, and presses her up against it, kissing her deeply.

“I hope you don’t mind me taking a few moments to have you all to myself again,” he whispers, kissing her neck and shoulders. He gets on his knees and gently pushes her legs apart. He gently kisses her pussy, seeing it is still slightly red and swollen from the night’s activities. She lets a moan of equal parts pleasure and pain escape her lips. He kisses her thighs and works his way back up her body. Kissing her hips. Her stomach. Her breasts. Her neck. Until he is back at her lips. She smiles, her body once again on fire for him, her mind racing to reign her in. She puts her arms around him.

“Even in a place where I can have any fantasy filled, I don’t have any that don’t include you any more,” he whispers.

“What fantasies might those be?” she whispers, playfully biting his lip.

“We are here for your fantasies, Miss Aubergine,” he chuckles. “I’ve been living mine since I was far younger than a boy should be indulged such things.”

He kisses her and bites her lip in return.

“Just think, six months ago you were just another average woman in an average marriage having below average sex and thinking her dirty thoughts should be kept to herself.”

Another kiss.

“And now your boss and lover has whisked you away to another content and told you to fuck, suck, bite, kiss, fondle, do whatever you desire and have whatever you desire done to you.”

“So tell me. What is your deepest, dirtiest desire that nobody knows about?”

She groans through his kisses, feeling his hands wander up her body, getting wetter with each kiss and the sound of his voice in her ear.

“Oh, sir…” she gasps, “I want to have sex with lots of people watching and not participating. I want to be tied up. I want to be fantasized about and masturbated to. I want so many things…” She kisses him deeply, taking his tongue in her mouth and moaning, her body still pinned to the door.

“Do you want to go to meetings today or do you want to stay and explore Paradise?” he asks, pressing himself against her body harder.

He sees her look slightly confused.

“Anna, I’ll be honest. We don’t need to be there. Our business is doing very well. International clients come to us. But I didn’t think you’d come halfway across the world with me if told you I wanted to take you to the nude resort I grew up at to show you off.”

A kiss.

“And to really show you off at the gala.”

A bite.

“I hope you’re not too upset with me.”

She looks into his eyes and see his seriousness about calling it ‘our’ business, wondering how different this all would be if he had told her about his desire to show her off. She’s learned recently that being shown off is a huge turn on, particularly when he tells others how good she is for him and how beautiful he thinks she is. She never experiences anything like this in her marriage. She never felt appreciated, much less like she was being shown off.

She looks away from him and bites her lip, unsure of how to answer. He lifts her chin so she meets his eyes again.

“Answer me, Anna,” he says firmly.

She takes a deep breath.

“I’m not upset, sir. Just shocked that you want to show me off so much.” She giggles then continues, “I don’t want our business dealings to falter if we stay here. But I really want to stay here. Last night was the most incredible sex I could have ever imagined. And when you say it’s only the beginning…” Her voice trails off and she looks down, avoiding his gaze for fear of making him unsatisfied or displeased.

“Our business will be fine. If you want to go out hunting for some more Carolinas then that is what we will do,” he says easing the pressure on her body.

“Anything you want is yours. You need only say you want it.”

Suddenly her cell phone goes off in the cabinet they’ve been keeping them in. It had been so nice to not be tied to devices that they nearly forgot about them.

He goes to the cabinet and grabs Anna’s phone. Bringing it to her he can see that she has texts from her husband.

“Im drunk. I hrny. Want to fck my wife,” three separate messages read.

“What a charmer. You want to get on the jet and fly right back?” the boss chuckles.

He sees a look of annoyance come over her face. He kisses her and puts his hands on her hips.

Anna rolls her eyes and grabs her phone from him to read the messages for herself. Then she hands it back to him and gets on the bed, keeping her legs together but pushing her chest out.

“Take a picture for him. We’ll see if he can put it together that someone else took it,” she says, annoyed still. He snaps a few pictures. She grabs the phone back, chooses one and sends it with, “Hope this helps. Busy. Bye.”

She turns the phone off and puts it back in the cabinet. She will have to deal with him soon enough. She doesn’t want him ruining her fantasy vacation. He’s not part of the fantasy. “He’s such an idiot, she says. She gets up and her boss immediately pins her to the door again.

“Can’t say I blame him,” he says with another kiss. “I want to fuck his wife too.”

He pushes the door open slightly with Anna still leaning against it.

“I want to fuck his wife out there. Because she’s my fucking slut.”

She giggles as he pushes the door open. “Where do you want to fuck your slut, sir? Make me a main attraction…” She bites his lip and sighs as his hands move to her breasts.

He turns her around and gently pushes her through the door.

He presses his body against hers from behind, his cock throbbing against her thigh. He puts his lips next to her ear.

“He can only jerk off to a picture while I am going to bend his wife over this balcony and fuck her until she screams and gets everybody’s attention.”

She pushes her hips back against his cock, moaning as he grabs her body and growls into her ear. She feels herself getting wetter with every step toward the balcony. Her body and brain may still be fighting but she doesn’t care anymore. She knows which one she wants.

“Oh I think his wife is going to love that,” she moans as he kisses her neck and shoulders and wraps a hand around her neck.

He bends her forward against the railing. Runs his hands up her arms, over her shoulders, onto her breasts, squeezing them, pinching and rolling your nipples between my fingers. Then over her stomach and her hips to start slowly rubbing her clit. He kneels down and sticks his tongue between her lips, starting to lick while still rubbing her clit.

“Now don’t you dare be quiet about this,” he growls before pushing his tongue back inside of hr.

She didn’t need to be told. The moment his tongue hits her raw hole she cries out.

“Oh fuck….” her voice echoes into the sky, her hands braced against the railing, her eyes closed and her back arched. She reaches around and laces her fingers into his hair, groaning as his tongue goes in and out of her.

“God I love the way you taste,” he says before running his tongue the length of her slit. “Your pussy has been through so much. I don’t want to hurt you. I have another idea.”

He spreads her cheeks and licks her ass hole. She lets out a gasp that turns into a prolonged moan. He fucks her ass with his tongue while pressing against her clit. He’s never licked her like this before. She thinks back to the vibrating butt plug in his office. Is this what he has planned? To eat her ass on the balcony?

She opens her eyes and looks down, seeing a few people staring up at them. Her boss must have seen them to. He motions them up to watch up close.

“Look, don’t touch,” he tells them firmly as they gather around. Men and women of all shapes and sizes.

He kisses her ass hole and sticks his tongue back into her pussy.

“Are you ready, slut?” he growls, weaving his hand into her hair and tugging. He slides the swollen head of his cock up and down her slit. Teasing her. Making her beg to be fucked in front of this growing crowd. She wants it. But didn’t he just say he wasn’t going to fuck her?

She squeals in pleasure, the growing crowd turning her on more. She wants to be shown off as his slut. She wants everyone to see how good she gets it.

Then he pulls her hair making her moan and arch her back to be close to him. She moans and begs, “Please, sir. Fuck me. Fuck me so hard I can’t see straight.” She doesn’t care if it will hurt. She doesn’t even care who is watching. All she cares about is getting his cock inside of her.

He lets out a roar as he pushes inside of her and feels her tight pussy squeeze his hard shaft. He keeps one hand in her hair and uses the other to grasp her hip. Then both hands on her hips. He is pushing deep inside of her but being tender and careful about it. Not his usual savage pounding. Anna sees a few members of the crowd start to touch themselves.

“That’s right,” he growls at them. “Go ahead and touch yourselves wishing you could be touching this slut’s tight wet pussy.”

Anna feels one hand leave her skin. He puts two of his fingers into his mouth, coating them in his saliva. Anna moans as he pushes one into her ass. In and out. Slowly. Then faster. Then the second finger. Her holes filled and being pumped in alternating strokes.

She braces herself against the banister and screams out, “Fuck! Thank you, sir…”

He reaches around and pulls her up so she his nearly standing with his cock still inside of you. He squeezes her throat with one hand and rubs her clit with the other.

“Trust me,” he growls into her ear before releasing her throat and pushing her forward again.

Before she can wonder what he means he pulls out of her pussy and presses his head, slick with her cum, against her ass hole and slowly starts to work himself into you. Slowly feeding herself into her tightest hole. Being gentle as he knows this is the first time he has had his cock in her ass. They’ve played with the plugs but he has never truly fucked her ass before.

And now it is going to happen while a crowd of people watches, cheers, and touches themselves and each other. The electric eroticism driving them wild.

Anna’s eyes widen slightly as he starts to push into her. She can’t speak. She can’t make a sound as his cock slowly stretches her. It feels like minutes until she is able to gasp a breath.

“Ohhh, fuck….” she moans with a slight whimper, her knees shaking, her breath getting heavy. “Sir…. Your cock feels so good in my ass….” she moans more as she gets used to the feeling of him guiding himself into me, all of her holes now claimed by him. She fully belongs to him now.

He starts pushing deeper. Faster. The fit is so tight he fears he might cum too fast. But he has wanted this. He just needed the right moment. As he feels her ass milking every inch of him he reaches around and resumes rubbing her clit in circles. Alternating hard pressure and light touches, trying every way he can think of to heighten her pleasure.

Anna leans into the balcony more freeing up her hands to pinch her nipples. Her thighs tremble. Her orgasm is building.

“You’re going to cum for me while I fuck your tight asshole,” he grunts between moans. “Because you are my good little whore. And you love showing all these people how a good whore acts.”

She gasps and groans. The crowd. His words. The excitement of knowing he has taken her in all ways. Anna once again is slightly frightened of how big her orgasm might be.

His fingers on her clit are almost too much to handle, making her scream. His thrusts getting faster and faster. Her body shaking more and more. “Yes, sir… Oh fuck…” She grips the banister tightly pushing her ass back against him, forcing his shaft in as deep as possible and groaning, feeling her orgasm grow.

“Oh FUCK,” she screams, the words ripping themselves from her throat leaving it raw. “Oh I’m cumming…. Fuck…” She rolls her head back, her eyes watering again, my knees buckling. She falls against the banister, his hands gripping my ass the only things holding me up.

He holds her up and keeps fucking. As she comes down she realizes her orgasm seems to have set off a chain reaction in the crowd. Cries of climax are rising around them from both men and women. Others are clapping, giving her an ovation for her orgasm.

“You want me to cum in your ass?” he growls. She can tell he is right on the edge, holding her up just adding to the intensity. “Tell me where you want my cum, slut.”

She groans and takes each thrust, being a good little slut like he has taught her to be.

“Sir… Claim my ass as yours…” she whimpers and moans, knowing that when he finishes, he will have claimed her fully, every hole having been blessed by his cum, marking her as his slut.

He moans. Louder. Louder. Roaring as his body tenses and his cock explodes, emptying his balls deep inside of her ass. Anna nearly cums again as she feels his hot cum in this new location.

He waits until his cock stops spasming before removing it. He uses the last of his strength to pull her close and kissing her.

“Alright, everybody. Show’s over. Go fuck each other in your own rooms,” he says, dispersing the gathered crowd. As they stand there, hands reach out to touch them, voices praising their performance, telling them to meet in any number of rooms later.

“Yeah, maybe. Right now we need a shower and a nap,” the boss says, brushing them off. “Fuck, I could fall asleep next to you for days,” he whispers to Anna, kissing her ear. “Let’s go inside.”

Her body sore and satisfied she leans against him weakly, her energy spent. He leads her into the room and runs a bath, carrying her and lay her in it before climbing in and washing her gently, kissing her sweetly.

“You’re such a good girl” she hears him whisper before she nods off to sleep in the bath, his hands massaging her and relaxing her fully.

She wakes as he is lifting her out of the bath and gently drying her body. He kisses her forehead and whisper, “We need solid sleep. It’s the only way I know I can resist you.”

They lay down together, the sun beaming in from the window, a light breeze blowing across their bare skin as they drift off.
