Back to the Woods (Brother/Sister/Exploration)

*An Uncomfortable Introduction*

We grew up completely isolated from society.

No extended family, friends, social media, internet, television, or even a radio existed in our world.

I could tell you we simply didn’t have any signal, proper roads, or basic power lines due to our location. But it wouldn’t reveal the truth for the disconnected life my twin brother and I got to know.

Right from the start, our paranoid parents kept us hidden and off the grid. Only to raise us with their conspiracy theory about how every second person is really a being from another planet. And the mission of these beings is roughly based on inhabiting as many minds before they take over completely.

Nobody outside our small family could be trusted – ever.

So, all we had was each other for the better part of twenty years, surviving in the wilderness and keeping the lowest profile you can possibly imagine.

Looking back now, it’s quite something.

And I’m referring to the survival part.

Like, right now, I buy food from the store and choose clothes off the rack. I also have a great husband I love very much, and who doesn’t prevent me from experiencing the outside world.

But not too long ago, I only had selected fiction books for entertainment, farming as exercise, and stitching together clothes you are not going to find on any city corner as a hobby.

And it was just so different.

Simple and straightforward if you didn’t ask too many questions probably describes it better.

I still struggle to adapt to my current life sometimes, even after a substantial lapse of time since the hunters eventually found us all the way out there.

And I don’t think any type of rehabilitation can repair a life…

A life…

A life I miss?

We all had our roles in and outside the camouflaged cabin. But the chores weren’t back-breaking, and with everyone doing their bit, the days would go pretty smoothly. This meant we’d get sufficient time to relax with nothing to do but indulge our imaginations.

Josh and I had become proficient in everything we were taught. From mathematics and science to making butter and candles, we ate up every bit of information and exercise we could get.

Because what else did we have, except for the reality our parents chose to share? Everything we knew and believed was influenced by their tunnel-vision.

But somewhere inside the crazy, they loved us.

I believe.

Although, when I think back on this past life, it is not their faults that I recall first. I don’t think about how they probably scarred me for life, even though they are both certified nut-jobs.

And just like we told the social workers, there was never any abuse. We never feared for our safety, or that either parent would intentionally cause us pain. In fact, our lives were very much like typical environments.

For example, I had my own room, as did Josh and our parents. And nobody came into my space if I didn’t want them too.

There were boundaries, and respect, as hard as it may be to swallow for such controlled circumstances.

I might even say I felt safer in the woods than I do in the city. I guess that’s just the ‘damage’ talking. I’m not really sure about anything anymore.

But I was about to share the first images that comes to mind when I linger on the not-so-distant past. And like I said, it’s not a memory that involves my parents.

Instead, it’s about Josh.

Sweet and innocent…Josh.

Part One


We were finally permitted to swim at the nearby lake, which was a big deal at the time because it was always off-limits. My dad said we were only allowed to go swimming after we turned eighteen.

Now, for us, it was like getting our license to drive solo. And we took complete advantage of the situation by spending all our free time cooling off. The area was fairly secluded, with water so clean you could almost see straight to the bottom if the sun settled just right.

At the lake, we could yell and scream without annoying mom and dad. Because as much as we wanted to believe all the strange theories our parents told us, we remained skeptical.

For some reason, my brother and I knew there was something off about our situation. Call it instinct or whatever you want, but we remained aware that we were being misled. And as we got older, we realized it was just a matter of time before our parents and their perfect plan to stay safe came down like shattering glass.

But we simply didn’t have the motivation to leave.

Because there is something about waking up early in the middle of a beautiful forest, and taking a dive in a lake that feels like true magic against your skin.

Josh did the same thing, every morning, as soon as signs of spring began to show in the flowers, we’d race to the lake. And for at least an hour, we’d take in the beauty around us while dipping each other in the water.

Then came one particular morning, when we ended up wrestling instead of racing. Well, it started with a race.

In our attempts to block each other from winning, we both smashed to the ground and tumbled across the fairly long and lush green grass.

I can still remember that fresh smell like it was five minutes ago, along with the crisp morning breeze flowing through my senses. And thanks to that thick green blanket, the fall didn’t really hurt much. But being just a few feet away from the lake, the race wasn’t about to end.

It was the highlight event of our mornings.

So, we hung and clawed at each other to get ahead.

I wasn’t going to lose my title. Not because of a cheap shot he took while in the process of losing. Even when I noticed the peculiar way he pinned down my lower body with his, I wasn’t prepared to lose.

Through the wrestling and giggling, there was a distinct pressure growing against my pelvis. And Josh kept doing this weird thing with his hips, causing whatever was poking me to get harder.

He tried to play it off by chuckling, and placing focus on my wrists, which were helplessly held down across the green and soft blades of grass.

I don’t know why, but I ignored what he was doing. I acted like I didn’t feel my enclosure getting slightly wet every time he casually thrusted on top of me.

At least, I ignored it as best I could. Seeing as I was unable to explain why it was starting to feel so good, causing a rush that almost made my heart explode.

And before it got really strange, Josh jumped up and ran for the lake while calling me a big loser.

It took me a few seconds to catch my breath and digest what I just experienced. Because, you see, our parents had a very clear rule when it came to physical contact, which Josh and I occasionally – and innocently – overstepped.

That meant I couldn’t exactly share my weird experience with my mother, like I did every other time my body changed.

There’s also the matter of my parents and their opinion of sex in general. For them, the act is as shameful as living among the aliens. And they taught us that once you open that door, all kinds of bad things happen.

It didn’t prevent the stimulation from flipping switches I was programmed to suppress. And things didn’t get any better once I joined my brother in the lake.

His manhood remained hard as the playful banter between us escalated. And he kept moving around me in ways that made it brush against several sections of my body.

Then I began to play into it.

Like it was just a new fun game mom and dad didn’t have to know about.

And the more we roughed each other up in the water, the more eager we got.

It was an eagerness to keep touching each other beneath the protective layer of water. As long as it happened underneath the surface, it could remain an innocent secret.

A secret we would share again the next morning.

And the next.

We didn’t know it at the time, but our highlight races would soon become the trigger for something more thrilling.

Something that made my nipples hard and excited, while causing my entrance to become naturally moist.

Part Two


We never spoke about the sinful development. Not even when we were alone. Because then it wouldn’t be innocent anymore. We’d be crossing a line we both know we shouldn’t.

Basically, I ignored his erection. And sometimes, I’d even create opportunities to bump or grind against it. The more accurate term, as I know now, is *teasing*. I teased my brother’s muscle to stay hard. Although it never escalated beyond teasing, and we never got naked in front of each other.

All the action happened with our clothes on.

Until we finally decided to talk about it, that is.

We were laying on the big rocks that border around the lake, enjoying the sun as our hearts calmed from the rush of sensations earlier.

“When did it start?” I nervously scraped together the courage to ask.

Josh didn’t answer immediately, of course. He blushed first and tried to act like he didn’t know what I was talking about.

“When did what start?”

I chose to let my stare towards his crotch area serve as a clear answer. And he knew it was a long shot to play dumb with something that had been blatantly obvious from the very beginning.

“A couple of months ago,” He confessed. “When I…when I saw you taking a bath. I didn’t mean to walk in on you, just so you know. But after seeing you, it just sort of…happened.”

“I’ve been feeling strange things too.” I established the inappropriate bond without realizing it yet.

And my reply got us both to sit up to make sure our parents weren’t in the nearby vicinity. Even though we were pretty confident they were busy trying to pick up signals from outer space in the darkest part of the cabin at that time of day.

Our leap into forbidden territory naturally made us more paranoid. Because it wasn’t the fear of getting caught that scared us. Nor was it the possible consequences.

It was the disappointment we’d most likely cause our parents.

“Do you feel strange all day?” I probed for more excitement.

“Pretty much. At first, it was just weird, you know? But now…” He trails off.


“It’s…it’s starting to hurt. And I mean it gets really painful, especially when it stays that way for too long.”

“You can’t make it soft again?” I tried to sound supportive. It wasn’t like we had out-dated sex-ed classes while home-schooling.

This was very, very new to us both.

“No. I don’t even know why or how it’s happening.” He started to panic. “And I can’t control it, Sam. It just gets hard, especially when…”

“Talk to me, Josh.” I encouraged him to open up in ways he never opened up to anyone before.

“When I’m close to you. That’s when it really gets out of control.”

I wasn’t sure how to reply to the situation. And I don’t think any words would’ve been powerful enough to defuse the sexual tension.

I remember sitting there, staring at Josh’s muscular body, and feeling overwhelmed with the urge to climb on top of him. All I could think about was extending the time we’d usually spend rubbing against each other, as well as other dark acts I couldn’t wrap my mind around.

“You’re not going to say anything now?” Josh asks with a shade of shame across his face.

“I’m not sure what to say. Other than I’m having some issues of my own, if it makes you feel any better.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I get wet down there when we…you know.”

“Really? Like, wet?”

“Yes, and I can’t explain it without talking to mom, which is not going to happen.” I made it perfectly clear our secret was safe.

“Can I see?”

There was a glint in Josh’s eyes. Like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders after getting things out in the open. Although, it did nothing for his painful problem.

“What, right now?” I answered feeling so self-conscious, I felt inclined to close my legs.

“Unless you don’t want to. I was just curios, that’s all. I don’t really want to see anything.” Josh turned somewhat defensive as the embarrassment crawled into his expression.

Before I could tell him to calm down or explain, he jumped up and headed back to the cabin.

“Sorry I asked. It won’t happen again.”

Part Three

*The First Climax*

I’m not in a position to tell you whether our parents were simply too distracted or insane to take note of our behavioral changes. But it was fairly easy to slip into Josh’s room that night.

My instincts guided me towards indulging the short interactions that made our bodies react the way they did. And without asking his permission, I climbed underneath the covers and turned to face my brother.

He still wasn’t talking to me.

Not even to get me out of his bed.

“I think I know how to make the pain go away.” I whisper. “But you have to trust me, and keep quiet. Okay?”

Without saying anything, Josh nodded lightly in agreement.

Then I gently pushed him onto his back.

I’m not going to lie about how my pulse was racing, or how I was shaking from head to toe even before I stepped into Josh’s room. But it was also exhilarating, to consciously settle on the thick muscle throbbing inside my brother’s shorts.

I wasn’t ready for more, and I could tell Josh wasn’t either.

Just maintaining the tempo and seeing where it took us was enough at that point.

But the heat quickly started building underneath the covers after I started bucking my hips. As I lovingly grated up and down, it became clear that we’ve been missing out on something that appears incredibly natural.

“Do you like it?” I ask softly as I feel his hands moving up my thighs.

“Yes. It’s not hurting anymore. But it’s not getting softer, Sam.”

“Then we need to keep going. Something needs to happen.” I continued swaying my hips and rubbing against the pulsating cock between my thighs.

And Josh didn’t mind maintaining the experiment with me.

In fact, he started pushing from underneath, as if his excitement was building and drawing his focus deeper into the moment.

But it wasn’t just his body reacting to the friction.

Mine was reacting too, in all kinds of dirty ways. Because as wrong as it was to have Josh pulsate against my swollen clit, it also felt necessary.

It probably only took a few minutes for Josh to start shaking underneath me, although it felt like much longer.

I wasn’t sure what was happening with him. All I could tell by the way he gripped my hips and hammered from beneath is that my instincts were right. Something had to give if we kept at it long enough. I could even see it in my brother’s satisfied expression as the jerking and shuddering died down.

“Did it work? Is the pain gone?” I pant close to his lips.

“I think so.” He smiles up at me. “And there’s something warm, I’m not sure.”

We both looked down to investigate what he was feeling, but the dark made it impossible. So, I stuck my hand inside to touch whatever it was.

Apart from the thumping veins underneath the smooth curves of Josh’s cock, I felt a warm and thick liquid. It was a little sticky too, and when I smelled it, another switch was flipped to go against my supposed family values.

“Can I keep going?” I asked without thinking.

I just knew I couldn’t stop.

Not at such a high point.

“Sure.” Josh encouraged with his hands still on my hips.

And so, I picked up the grinding again. Only this time, I shifted my hips to an angle where the pleasure stayed consistent. Then I increased the pace, chasing my first climax on my brother’s cock, which was still relatively hard and throbbing.

If he could experience something special, why couldn’t I?

With every twitch and thrust, the strange sensations kept building. It was getting closer and closer. I just had to keep going until…


Oh jesus, I want to cum right now when I put myself back in those woods, on Josh’s bed inside that isolated cabin, soaking my underwear in ways I didn’t know I could.

And it was just the start of unleashing so many other sensations…

End of First Half



  1. My name is also josh so these are great…….any chance you can call me big brother one time sis

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