Fire at Night in the The Blue sky

Fire at Night in the The Blue sky

This report will not get done if I don’t focus, think about the problem later Will. Everyone knows that when you try to not think about a problem all your brain wants to do then it think about the Problem. What to do with Maddie…I just don’t know. Yes she is sexy as hell but I feel like Stacey and Kelley want to bring her into the family and I am not sure of my feelings. Yes it was only 3 days ago but.,… I let out a sigh and Christina pipes up

You know I am working here.

As she is processing last night defective items

Sorry for breathing, What is the problem?

No Problem….

Christina lowers her voice to a whisper

Will, your Ray’s friend right?


Has he mentioned anything about us?

Like what?

I…. Last week we were out and I suggest we go back to his place and make love and he said no.

You want to know why, right?

Well yes, frankly I could wait but if he isn’t interested well it would be better to know now.

Hold your thought I will be back.

I walked the 25 feet to Ray on the bike pad.

Ray we have a defective item from bikes and we need a UPC code for.

I head back with Ray following. When he gets over I turn to Christina.

Ask Ray about his apartment? How about it Ray, want to tell her before I do and you know I will.

I Will and stop being a asshole.

I go back to trying to do the report as Ray explains his apartment was condemned for faulty electrical wiring and he was at his parents house.

Good now be nice enough an rent a hotel room before she has a massive melt down from not getting her recommended daily allowance of you. No I will not stop being a asshole when someone needs it. Understand.

Back to the many survey cards were handed out? How many returned. How many….sky blue eyes. I shake my head. I look up and the problem is walking in. Our real estate agent Maddie head towards me with her briefcase.

Hey Maddie what are you doing here?

Stacey didn’t tell you? I think I found the perfect place.

“No she didn’t, let me call her.”

I pick up the phone and used the Pa system

Stacey call extension 19 Kelley call 19.

I hang up the phone with my finger but kept a hold of the handset. The phone rang and I picked up.

Will what do you need.

You, but right now Maddie is here. I will be up.

Stacey and I were looking and indeed this place seem perfect. It was a 1 floor Ranch with three bedrooms and 2 baths. A finished basement. Maddie is talking and says

If interested we need to tour it and submit a offer quickly the asking price is below the market value and there might be a bidding war on it.”

Lets call Kelley and see if we can go tour it tomorrow the three of us.

Kelley was excited and said she would take a half day. Stacey was on early tomorrow. I said if it isn’t far I will show up as quickly for it. That was the plan. The next day Kelley left work at 12 and stopped off and got some Chinese for us and we had lunch together. After wards Kelley waited around the store and her Stacey left. 5PM came and I was in my van and by 5:30 we were in the tour. The house was perfect for one thing the Master bath only had a single sink but that would have taken care of easily.

I think the three of us need to have a talk on it but I think this our best bet. It even has a walk in Armory.

Maddie looks confused. Kelley looks over and smiles.

I think you found us a winner Maddie.

Kelley walks over and hugs Maddie and Stacey and I came over and Hugged Maddie also.
We need to talk but I think you are right Kelley this might be perfect.

Said Stacey.

Indeed it does.

Long story short we offered the asking price and it was accepted. 2 Weeks later we have move in day. Kim, Ray, and Christina showed up for work for pizza and beer. The First things set up was the couch and our bed. The day after move in I am working at the store and I get a call from Maddie.

Hey will enjoying the house.

Yes we are Maddie. Enjoying your commission.

Yes I am. Which is sort of what I wanted to talk to you about.

What is up?

Well put it simply by dad’s real estate company has a little dinner each year…would you be my date.

I would have to talk to Kelley and Stacey to see if they are okay with it. When is it and what is the dress code.

It is next Friday evening and it is Business professorial, Dress Suits, ties for men and formal dress for women.”

I will call you back once I talked to both of them. I will call you tomorrow at 9 am. Sound Good?

Yes Will and thanks for not just saying no.

I knew that both Kelley and Stacey were going away. Stacey was off to set up another store and Kelley going to see her Sister. When I told them Maddie had asked, I got the feeling she text them or called and asked them first. Both said that I should, it would keep me out of trouble. So I called Maddie back the next morning and she was over joyed. Time to get my suit cleaned and pressed.

The next week was very quiet with Stacey in in Pittsburgh, Pa and Kelley out on Long Island so I planned to work 4 days 12 hours days. It never happened tho I ended up spending time with Maddie to get herself ready for Friday. Two nights we spent at different stores as she looked for a dress to wear till she found a lovely dark navy blue that with her red hair was incredible. Wednesday night she asked me to go Lingerie shopping since she wanted some new things that were pretty since she typically wore only white cotton panties and bras. Thursday she took me to a spa night which included a glorious couples massage (boy I needed that). Friday comes and Maddie picks me up. We get to the event and there is about 25 couples there. Maddie walks me up to a Older man and introduced me.

Dad this is Will, he just bought the house on Wickens.

Nice to me you Will.

He leans in

Did you take advantage of her during the tour?

No sir, just did the tour and was impressed with her ability to find a great place.

Maddie takes me by the hand and I whisper to her

Why would he think you slept with me to get me to buy the house? Wait let me guess, Tim?

I look in front of me there is Tim. To describe Tim I need to take a sewer rat and a bad used car salesman and let them reproduce. Tim’s nose was long and thin and his suits were as tacky as they were mismatched. Suits in the 70’s look better than what Tim wore.

Yea Tim started a rumor he slept with me when I was training. He is a real pig.

More like a bad sewer rat if you ask me.

After Tim hit on Kelley, she went to ask Stacey if he hit on her. It seems Tim likes big boobs so by the time he went to hit on Stacey, she had been warned by Kelley. Stacey had her cell at the ready and voice recorded him making some disgusting suggestion that Stacey and he could do and told her to bring her big boob bimbo friend along and it could be a threesome. Stacey never told him but told both Kelley and I and I will admit it I was hoping Tim will give me a chance of some nuclear level revenge.

Cocktail hour was over and we took our seats for Dinner. Maddie explained each table was a different level of sales. Main table where here parents was top tier, both Mike and Tim was there. We were at the second table and Maddie said last year she had been at the last table of the losers as Mike and Tim puts it. Yea My feelings about both were well founded it seems.
Dinner was delicious and there was award ceremony where top sales person (Mike won that) was awarded and surprise, Maddie was the most improved Agent. After dinner the table was cleared and DJ started to play. I noticed Tim was with a woman who was probably past her due date since she was evidently very pregnant.

Maddie, who is that woman with Tim. Is that his wife?

Yes she should not be here her due date was last Monday.

Maddie I want to dance, would you care to join me?

What if I said no?”

she smiled at me

Then I would go dance with myself.

Then I better save you from looking a fool.

With that she stood up and we started a semi slow dance.
After enjoyable evening I look at Maddie.

Maddie would you like to leave?


As we get to Maddie’s BMW she hands me the keys.

Well where do you want me to take you Maddie? Ice Cream of course to cool off after those slow dances.

Well no ice cream stands was open so we stopped at a mini market and pick up half gallon of Fudge Ripple ice cream and we head to the house to sit and eat. There was a note on the fridge I did not see earlier marked “Maddie.” Maddie opens it and reads it and her jaw dropped.

Oh Boy which one and what did they say?

Maddie hands me the note. As I read it I chuckle.

Dear Maddie, we are sorry we are not here to welcome you to our home. Please don’t forget what is ours is yours. Will will show which drawers we keep our satin camisoles in have good night and keep Will from being Lonely, please. Signed Kelley and Stacey. P.S. I will be home Saturday morning after 10 so please stay to I can say “Hello >;p” Kelley.

Are they suggesting we sleep together?

Mm I think so and afterwards they want you to spoon up to me and stay to Kelley gets home. You have a problem with it you can either stay in a spare room or, and this would make me sad, leave and go home. I completely understand whatever your choice is but I like to make a request can I have another kiss without the glasses, please.

I will decided after the ice cream.

then she removed the glasses and I leaned down for a kiss and she pulls back.

Ice cream first while I decide.

then she darts in for a hit and run kiss. You got a love a woman who knows the delight of Fudge ripple.

So Maddie is Maddie your nickname?

Yes. My real name is Mary Ellen.

Mary Ellen? Hmm if you ask me that is a pretty name. Why don’t you use it.

I use to get teased with the red hair and the name. I tried to dye the hair once and it all fell out. The name I had at least some control over.

Hmm it will be tough to go back but I will call you Maddie.

Thanks, Kelley was right saying you are a gentleman.

She also warned you I am naughty but you still came in. Now want to finish the ice cream, Get you something to change into, or are you heading home?

Is it true you make Kelley and Stacey wear camisoles?

No, make a fact it was a promise from Stacey. I had fell in love her in the first week we met, but she was dating someone. There was a incident which I professed my love to her. It turns out she felt the same way. During the time she was dating her ex she listen to me and figured out I like satin and the color light blue. So she bought the first set just in case we ever did go this way. She promised the first night she would always wear satin when we were in the same bed. Kelley she started on her own but yea I will not complain. Now Ask me any question you want and I will answer.

Why me?

You don’t start easy, do you. Hmm well it is hard to explain. First those eyes those incredible eyes. Kelley wasn’t joking I have a thing for women’s eyes. Kelley’s vivid green, Stacey’s gold flexed Hazel eyes. Your hair it is so soft and so beautiful in color, but if I had to choose one thing it had to be your love of life…something else you share with Kelley and Stacey, I think it is why they want you to be in our lives in some way. I know sort of vague but I have feelings about certain things and with you they are intense. Does that answer you? I can try harder to explain it.

No, for tonight I think I understand and I have decided I will stay and I will sleep in bed with you and I will wear satin but first I want you to kiss me.

I lean in and kiss her looking deeply in those eyes.

We went to the Master bedroom. I led her in and apologize since we still have boxes to unpack. Maddie turns to me and I unzip her dress till it slides down to the floor. She stepped out of the dress I pick it up and put over the back of my reading chair. I turn around and Maddie was on her knees on the bed looking at me. She is wearing the Black and red satin panties and bra I told her were my favorite she picked out and smiles shyly at me.

With the sliver a moon shining threw the window She reaches behind and pops the bra clasp open and as the bra slid down her arms her lovely boobs drop. I walk to the edge of the bed she raises her self on her knees and undue my shirt buttons. She kisses my exposed chest and I lean down and run my hand threw her hair then I tip her face up and start kissing her, our tongues darting in out then sucking the tip of each other tongue.

I slowly pull away from the kiss and I sit down. Maddie scoots closer and put her legs over my lap and wraps her arms around my neck.

Will I have a request. Stacey told me how you got her to orgasm with oral only…I never experience that. I have had a few partners and the ones I have had well only one would go down on me and he was horrible. Please make me cum with your tongue.

I can do that, but you will need to tell me what you like as I am down there if something hurts tell me if you want me to keep doing what I am doing, tell me or I will not know what you like. Can you do that?

She leans to my neck and kisses me below my ear and whispers

Yes Will.. no Yes Daddy. Lick me

Maddie climbs off the bed and walks to the side of the bed and she lays down on the pillows and she spread her legs and had her legs arched.

I take my shirt, underwear, and pants off. I crawled up to this incredible blue eyes beauty with red hair. I look at her panties and see her smooth mound which I run a finger from the bottom up to my fingers slides over the slick satin where Maddie’s clit was.
I start kissing the inside of her thighs working my way to her damp panties. A moan escapes Maddie’s throat as I push my face close and run my nose up her slit so I can inhale her sent and then my nose hit her clit she gasp and purrs

yes there

so I slide my nose back and forth listening to Maddie gasp each time my nose hits her clit. I get a little smile.

I hook my fingers into the waist band and pull down her panties to gain access to her slit. Her pussy was on display and I start licking from the bottom and stopping and sucking on her lips following her wishes of suck one place here “suck harder” moved a bit further still sucking hard she moans “to hard” and I soften the sucking. Her pussy was damp when I started but now it was dripping her juices which I start lapping at. Maddie moans and giggles

that feels good but it tickles.

I had to lick your nectar you are dropping. Now it’s time for the main event.

I stop lapping and I go up and start making circles around her clit

Harder Daddy

so I push my tongue harder into her clit as I start licking and with each lick I feel her shake

Yes Daddy yes there daddy.

Let me try this to make my little girl feel good.

Yes Daddy do it…

I start sucking on her clit and she gasp and she she just whisper

Yes Daddy please suck harder.

I keep sucking then I slide 2 fingers into her pussy and she jumps and a bit louder says

Oh god, yes

I slowly start sliding the fingers in and out as I keep sucking. Soon Maddie’s legs are trying to trap my head and I decided to see if I can slide more fingers and add two more. I am sliding the fingers in and out as I am sucking her clit and I pushed to hard and my whole fist slides into her and Maddie jumps and scream

YES DADDY!!! More daddy.

I move my hand in and out till suddenly Maddie’s pussy grips my fist so hard I can not move.
Soon she release my fist and I pull it out as it makes a sloshing noise. I climb up to her and hold her in my arms.

My you filled me up. What did you use?

I lift my right hand still glistening with her pussy juice and I bring it to my mouth and I start licking my hand. Maddie stares at my sopping wet hand.

Did I do that? And did you have all that in me

she gasp out.
Yes you did and you are so tasty.

Oh my God Will if that is what it feels to cum that way then the only guy who went down on me was dead.

Maddie then looks at my cock and she runs a finger over it and smile.

Daddy I want you so shoot your spunk on my tits so I can lick it off as you watch.

I get her to move to the edge of the bed so I can stand beside the bed and jerk off trying to cum on her luscious breast. She starts to encourage by telling me all she will do the next time we are together. How she was going to wear her sexy satin corset with her boobs pushed up so I can fuck her tits from the top of the corset as she would suck on my balls. The thought of my balls being sucked is what sent me over the edge and I spurt my hot cum on her boobs and when I stop Maddie grabs her boobs and start licking all my cum off her breast and she sucks her nipples clean and she smiles up to me as she slides over so I can sit. I give her a kiss.

I hope you enjoyed your self. I know I did.

I smile at Maddie

Thank you Will I can not believe all you did for me.

Hello, I was the lucky one for you to allow me be your date, then having ice cream with me, and then you allowed me to make love to you.

I lean down and kiss her.

I don’t know about you but I am a bit tired. Would you like to shower first…or with me.
LOL with you of course.

We shared the shower scrubbing the areas the other can not reach or areas that are sensitive enough to enjoy the sensations. We get out and dry off. As we walk into the master Maddie ask
Which drawer has Kelley’s camisoles. I walk to the dresser and turn on the light on and open a deep drawer. As Maddie walks over she see a empty drawer with the exception of a a single bag from Victoria Secret with another note from Kelley.

“Maddie Will bought you this with my help we hope you love it.”

Maddie pulls the bag out of the drawer and opened it and smiles at the contents.

For me?

Yes Maddie for you.

She pulls out a Purple satin camisole and shorts.

Do you like?

Maddie turns to me and I see several large tears falling down her absolutely stunning face.

I don’t like it I love it. Now I will keep Stacey promise to you to always always wear satin to bed with you.

I help her try them on and after we were sure it fit I clipped off the tags and we climb into bed next to each other. She snuggles up to my front and I put my hand on her stomach.

Will that is the wrong place.

She takes my hand and puts it on her breast and signs contently.

Will, thank you and good night.

Good night Mary Ellen and you are welcome and thank you.

With that we drifted to sleep.

It was comforting to have someone beside me in bed. We both were so tired after after our playtime, then the hot shower we had no choice but to sleep deeply.

I hoped you enjoyed Part one. I am working on part two right now. So watch for Part two “Spank you very much”


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